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Everything posted by Zerosabers

  1. Public school just gets worse and worse with standardized testing. Also people like to beat the shit out of each other around here, we had lots of fights and this girl got jumped. Of course at the other nearby school someone picked up a metal chair leg that had broken off and beat another girl's head with it. Overall I don't mind it too much, but its boring just doing pure memorization when I don't care about the subject.
  2. Her weapon really shouldn't be gone before the main game is over anyways.
  3. Myrrh is best because she can use monster weapons after her dragon stone is gone.
  4. Pirates just seem kinda better all around. They have good HP and Strength but thats kinda worthless with bad speed and defense.
  5. Tharja actually has a lot of good ones, most of them give good character development. IkexSoren is really great. Allen and Roy's is decent, of course I give it extra points for being FirexFire
  6. Whenever Zero supports someone who isn't an adult it just seems to get really uncomfortable. Also how is Libra and Tharja awful?
  7. The S rank is uncomfortable and it really feels like Lon'qu is a pedophile. Of course lots of Nowi's end like that.
  8. Can you link Zero/Pieri please? Zero/Elise is uncomfortable too.
  9. Lon'qu with Maribelle because it has the best line in the series. Lon'qu with Tharja for backstory. I like Matthew and Jaffar's a lot too. And bestest isn't a word
  10. I'll just show you. The C support isn't too bad and I really like Lon'qu's last line. I think its the A/S that kills it. [spoiler=NowixLon'qu]C Support Nowi: Lon'qu! Play with me! Lon'qu: No. Nowi: Oh, come on, please? It's boring playing by myself. Aren't you soooo boooored? Lon'qu: I like being alone. Go ask someone else. Nowi: I was going to, but they all look super busy. Lon'qu: Are you saying I don't? Because I am busy. Very busy indeed. Nowi: *Sniff* *sniffle* Lon'qu: Your tears have no effect on me! Besides...everyone knows I have a crippling fear of women. ...And yet, why do I not feel that fear around her? I must learn why! Nowi: *Sniffle* Wh-what did you say? I can't hear because I'm CRYING! Lon'qu: Nothing of importance. However... I have decided that I will play with you—but only for a short time. Nowi: Yippee! You're the best! Lon'qu: Yes, yes. Stop hopping around. Now what game do you wish to play? Nowi: Erm...er...thinking hard...er... Oh, I know! Let's play house! Lon'qu: I do not know that game. But it does not sound like something I'd enjoy. Nowi: It'll be fun! You get to play Dad! Lon'qu: *Sigh* If you insist. But only for a short while! Nowi: Great! And I'll be Mummy! Lon'qu: Is that it for the rules, then? ...I was hoping dice were involved. B Support Nowi: Lon'qu, let's play! Lon'qu: I've already played with you once. Surely it is someone else's turn. Nowi: Yeah, but that game is still going! Plus no one can play Dad but you. And if you don't play with me, well, I guess I'll just have to— Lon'qu: Put that dragonstone away, you little extortionist. You don't scare me. However, I will play one more time. ...But only because I happen to feel like it! Nowi: Works for me! Lon'qu: It is not entirely unpleasant, after all. With you I do not feel that icy grip of fear... Nowi: Hee hee! Well, duh! Who'd ever be afraid of me when I'm not in dragon form? Lon'qu: Enough talk! Begin the playing of house! But know that this is my last time. Nowi: Sure, whatever. Lon'qu: Now, where were we? I was just about to leave and go work in the fields... Nowi: Here's your breakfast, dear! Eat it all! You need to keep your strength up! Lon'qu: Munch, munch. Ah. That was delicious. Now, I am off to work. Fare thee well. Nowi: See you tonight! Lon'qu: Now I shall pretend to engage in agriculture. Chop, chop, shovel! Nowi: ...... Lon'qu: Nowi? Why are you just standing there? Nowi: Well, er, I'm at home, right? So when Dad goes off to work, what does Mummy do? *Sniff* Oh, how sad! I don't know! I don't know anything about families! Lon'qu: ...... Nowi, come here. Nowi: Why? Lon'qu: You cannot simply stand there all day. Let's work the fields together. Nowi: Oh, yay! I like working in the fields! Chop, chop, chop! A Support Nowi: Here you are, dear husband! I've made your supper. Lon'qu: Munch, munch, munch. Chew. Swallow. Blech! This food is terrible! Nowi: Eek! Dad's angry! Lon'qu: Of course I am! How do you expect me to eat this pig swill?! Nowi: It's all we can afford on your pathetic salary! Maybe you should pull your thumb out and start providing for this family! That's it! You're sleeping in the stables tonight! Lon'qu: Very well. I shall attempt to earn more. ...... Nowi: ...... Lon'qu! You're doing it wrong! You're supposed to argue back! Lon'qu: Are you sure this is the correct way to play house? It seems to me we should be doing things other than arguing all the time. Nowi: Nope! This is totally the right way to play. Remember when I told you I didn't know what families actually do at home? Well, I went into town and spied on one of the families who live there. Lon'qu: And this is how they acted? Nowi: Yep! All the time! This game is totally based on reality! Lon'qu: Do you think it's possible that the family you observed was not...typical? Nowi: I dunno. Maybe. So what should a typical family do then? Lon'qu: How should I know? Nowi: Well if you don't know, then why can't we just play it my way? I'm going back to the game now. So, er, where was I? Oh, right... You're a lousy provider, husband! Oh, why didn't I marry the blacksmith?! Lon'qu: *Sigh* Nowi: Come on, put some effort into it! It's a boring argument if you just sit and sigh. Lon'qu: I don't like this family you invented! Here, I have an idea. Why don't you go to town and spy on a few more families? Then we can compare them all and choose our favorite family to copy. Nowi: I guess I could do that... But only if you come with me! Lon'qu: If it stops you from berating me, I shall do as you ask. Nowi: Yay! I bet no one's better at sneaking around people's houses than you! Lon'qu: ...What is that supposed to mean? S Support Lon'qu: Good-bye, sweet wife. I'm off to work in the fields. Nowi: Have a good day, dear husband! Now, what do I do first again? Cleaning, right? Then lunch, then chop firewood. Hee hee! I'm so busy! Lon'qu: Don't forget to draw water from the well. Nowi: Oh, right. Thanks for the reminder! I never realized just how many things a typical mother has to do in a day. It's hard to keep track of everything. Lon'qu: Don't worry. The more we play, the better you'll get at it. Nowi: You mean we're going to keep playing? So you finally admit you like playing house? Lon'qu: I do. As a matter of fact... Here. Nowi: Gosh, what a beautiful ring! But, wait—this is real! Isn't this terribly extravagant for a game? Lon'qu: This is a game no longer, Nowi. I want us to be a real family. And so I must offer you a real ring. Nowi: What kind of family? Like brother and sister or something? Lon'qu: No, silly. I want to be your husband. Nowi: Gosh! You mean we wouldn't have to pretend anymore? We could have our own real-life family? Oh, Lon'qu—tell me I'm not dreaming! Lon'qu: Like you, I have been alone for a very long time. I find this new life agreeable, and I wouldn't want to share it with anyone but you. Nowi: This is going to be MUCH more exciting than that stupid pretend game!
  11. Ross because he gets to go to Pirate > Berserker and I love crits.
  12. I won't play in a FE9 tournament since I haven't played the game. I might be able to host though, is it similar to GBA games where other units don't affect the battle?
  13. I fucking knew it. Also I never got to fight Quint Q~Q.
  14. Nowi x Lon'qu is another one that's absolute trash, its almost terrifying how bad it is. Lyn x Florina is better and has faster support growth too, check mate confirmed canon.
  15. Kent is now my second most hated FE character thanks to KentxFiora, why must I see these things. 80% of Awakening's supports are better than that. Also apparently ChromxSumia in Japan had good character development for both of them. That's just what I've heard though so take it for a grain of salt.
  16. GG to everyone who played and thank you to the hosts! This has proved FE13 to be pure haxs.
  17. Florina and Hector, its like Lon'qu only nothing ever happens. Kellam, does he even have supports not talking about his stupid ass gimmick? Olivia and Henry's supports needed to be rewritten, the mage school shouldn't exist.
  18. I'm voting Roy since he's not an idiot. My most recent FE being 6 might have something to do with it. I also started it after reading the first few chapters of Fates and I'm probably just happy with any lord not named Kamui. Seriously fuck their bullshit naive personality to the point of stupidity. Of course the game can't call you out on this so [spoiler=Fates spoilers] He wins a battle without killing anyone. By magic I guess. Roy>Lyn>Hector=Ephraim=Eliwood>Erika Edit: I see people saying Roy doesn't have flaws. Yea he's a great tactician, but he's physically weak and kinda sucks at fighting himself. Or you can get a blessed Roy and pile on stat boosters.
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