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Everything posted by Zerosabers

  1. Consider this, maybe an enemies in range will be the ones who go after the NPC's.
  2. Maybe they isn't defined because the game excepts you to actually think.Who else would go to kill the NPC's?
  3. Baldrick can we hang that image in an art museum? Your complaints sound way to similar to people accusing Dark Souls of artificial difficulty when they're the ones who just charged into a room and got killed for it. Maybe he will move to kill the NPC's that the game TOLD YOU they will try and kill. They game gives you the tools to deal with the situation, it isn't the game's fault for not telling you exactly what to do.
  4. ^It doesn't, but in Link Arena someone tried to use a hammer in FE6. 45 Hit op.
  5. I only really forge for +Might. FE6: I forge hammers with +hit so I can use them in Link Arena reliably. FE9: I'll randomly forge things, like for Ike with 8 strength at level 14 will get his very own "Ike I will Kill You." FE11: I forge every map since I usually get a special weapon like Killing Edge, Wing Spear, or Levin Sword. FE13: Early game I forge things for units with E weapon ranks, mid game I forget about it, and late game I but braves for everyone and forge them.
  6. I really want them to just remake TWEWY on 3ds with rebalanced mechanics and less stupid looking handguns. Any sequel to it would suck unless they had entirely different characters.
  7. No, they're for the most part worthless to the player and way too strong for the enemies. Unless they put in some good counter to them, like making pure water prevent status effects for its entire duration. They also have obnoxious range usually making it impossible to get to the enemy with one without a warp staff.
  8. ssbm: I 'mained' Marth I guess but I really only played it when I was too young to actually know how to play. ssbb: I main the floor. ssb4: I'm maining Marth again since he got buffed and Jiggly because of aerial down b is hilarious to pull off. I'm also trying to learn ZZS.
  9. Guy is just one letter away from gay. Think about it.Also crazy rng on Gay's attack.
  10. I've edited in another choice on the poll since I've seen multiple people saying they'd like it as an unlockable.
  11. Darrman is running the ambiguously gay duo. Good luck guys!
  12. FE7: I don't use pent, I usually train Lucius and get a sort of support triangle with Raven/Pricilla. FE8: My only full playthrough where I beat the game I didn't use seth and trained up Ford. I regret this. FE11: I kill everyone I'm not using, including gaiden chapter units. So one or two good units end up getting killed because of this. FE13: Donnel I never used Miriel or her son.
  13. People would still use characters that they like even if they can see how bad their growths are. Favoritism can make almost anybody good in Fire Emblem. And I don't count getting screwed over by something you couldn't possibly know about challenging. It'd be one thing if they told you when somebody might not have very good growths, but outside of Jagens they never mention someone's growths at all.
  14. I really don't get how hiding something that important and screwing over somebody who uses the wrong unit is challenging.
  15. Dark Souls needed a better 2nd half. Majora's Mask needed better dungeons. I don't really mind only having four of them, except only Stone Tower was fun or interesting. FE7 needs more deployment slots. Bravely Default needed to cut the last 2 chapters. Also [spoiler=Don't look unless you've beat Bravely Default] Airy should have been the final boss, the real final boss was a joke. I never found chapter 2 that hard. Just spam stuns and nothing can attack you. Maybe I just got lucky though.
  16. I never really understood why they kept this hidden. Its very useful information that we'll end up getting anyways.
  17. I'd really like to change some of the kid's hair color. I don't use some good pairings because it causes ugly hair, and ugly hair=benched.
  18. I use them early on like Jagens until they can't tank anymore. Other than that I usually bench them.
  19. Helps people with quoted inspirational quotes.
  20. I'm going to have to /out of this one. Classes are starting soon and I don't think I can handle mafia and and the start of school at the same time.
  21. Myyrh is cuter than Shadow Dragon!Tiki and adult Tiki is more sexy than cute.
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