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Everything posted by Zerosabers

  1. Banned because I can't read that yellow text!
  2. Alright, my team is in. I hope one incredibly specific scenario happens so my plan works.
  3. I'd like play you General, unless I somehow don't lose this round.
  4. Hell, I can meet all the lesbians on the way down. Hell or Purgatory?
  5. That would actually be better than her current intro cutscene.
  6. Cancel that, Walhart goes for MLG one shot on Ms. Thwomp with a hammer
  7. The image isn't loading btw. I don't know why they censored it, maybe an executive walked by and said it was too lewd and had them censor it. It could have been worse though, they could have censor something for being black. Also, if I buy a fanservice dlc I expect to see some lady ass.
  8. I don't trust them to censor anything after censoring Tharja. Original *Gasp* "What do you mean women have butts? We can't let the children see this!" NA "Wait its rated T? Well we can't let teenagers know about women's bodies either! They're too young to see something that they've probably seen 100 times in real life." I would prefer if we got less stupid designs on all the characters and less fanservice all around. I really don't think they'll remove any of the CGs from the game though.
  9. Gaming opinion, I hate rpgs that make you move your characters like in FF7 and Chrono Trigger(Snes).
  10. The red eyes black dragon. Who is the first pokemon?
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