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Everything posted by Azz

  1. A literally can not cope.I am just sitting here so happy and excited and uhhhhhh, why are our siblings so good looking!?
  2. Thanks. Just to clarify, are they limited or are they infinite like the other seals?
  3. How do you get the Dread Scroll and Falcon Feather?
  4. Yes you can. Just asking this again, do shops restock?
  5. Kagerou's hair color is black.Mozume's is brown.
  6. I believe that is Mozume's hair color.
  7. If I remember correctly, there is a youtuber currently doing the Invisible kingdom campaign and has his MU as a Dark Flier.I know Omegaevolution has his Kaze as a Dread Fighter.
  8. Or we could simply say skills that character can learn naturally only.(Basically only skills that the unit has access to without Marriage sealing, Buddy sealing, Dread Scrolls, Falcon Feathers etc...)
  9. God dammit that always happens! Anyways, my graph was basically what nuclearmuffins did so you are not missing much.
  10. While I don't have the ability to make one right now, here is a basic summary of what the family tree looks like. I believe that should cover most of it.If I get the time I will try to make some form of graph. EDIT:Made the graph.Also thanks for the info.Keep in mind, it is not the best.I would use photoshop, but I don't have it. https://drive.draw.io/#G0B99FbGzjtskyWnFOeUJXakV1MGs
  11. They definitely want it to be the Golden Route.I personally like it but that is just me.
  12. coughLynxRathcough I always shipped Eliwood with Ninian cause I like shipping the Main Lord with a dancer or Peg Knight.Since Eliwood gets the dancer, Hector normally gets Florina.
  13. I was looking her up.She appears to be mainly a singer, not really a voice actress. It annoys me that she seems to not know Azura's name.
  14. That Aqua x Elise tho. ;____________________________;
  15. Vincent breaking da rules by double posting Thanks for the info Vincent.
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