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Everything posted by Azz

  1. Nearly,just need to get Henry then I am done. I havan't had much time to play the game cause of school and also I have been grinding to get skills I want to pass down.
  2. So she could prentend to be male,cause at the time a famele Marth would not have made much sense.
  3. I just want to be able to beat Apo(both nornal and secrect). Also they reason I quoted my parents so you would have a reference for the kids,I will use any units that I should use(I have all DLC too btw)
  4. Based on these pairings what skills and classes sholud my units be for Apo?Also any weapon recommendations are welcome.(Will be doing Apo at final chapter before endgame)(Sorry if this should not go here)
  5. Oh,I think it was an axe user but instead of an axe they used a mace.(Possibly its replacement.) Also may I add that the character that did that was FEMALE!!!!Female axe user that is not associated with Wyvern Riders is awesome and a sign that all classes are gonna be gender neutral.(I want my Valkyrie Man now!)
  6. Okay I think the killer edge and killer lance are supposed to be katanas and naginatas since they are going for a more traditional Japanese theme.Same thing with Kazahana's machete,I think it is a katana and someone I think said it translated to iron katana so katanas and naginatas make be the generic sword and lance in this game.Don't know about axes though. As for the effectiveness of the katana on the bow,it may be something like bows are effective against opponents who can't attack back but when they are attacked and can't counter then have a disadvantage. I think a lot of people noticed similarities between FE:7 and this game. As for the monkey ice spell,possibly new magic I really don't know. Same with the cleric I never saw that a and I think the lord character is called Hunai or smething like that and I can't remeber seeing his/her weapon.
  7. Well just from reading all over the internet and I mean everywhere(here when I was lurking,Gamefaqs(I don't like them because they tend to be a cluster fuck),Reddit,other forums dedicated to FE etc.) and they all say Stahl!Severa is best because she gets everything she will ever need from Stahl. While there probarbly is better I just never bothered experimenting because it was so well recommened and all else was forbidden but MU.Keep in mind I was an a big nub(which is really no excuse,I don't nknow why I am using it as one) and belived Gamefaqs was the God of suggestions.Also they were always the first results. That is why really(Probarbly a really stupid reason but yeah.) Als another question,based on my pairs,what should I pass down? I was thinking: Chrom x Sumia=Aether cause it is fixed and Galeforce cause I don't want to have to bring the girls down a class that isn't their final class. Ricken x Lissa=Well GF from Lissa but what from Ricken?I was thinking Aegis so Owain dosen't have to delve into Paladin(Also I know this is stupid cause Owain isn't defensive but I am going to be doing a lot of grinding a.ka getting all possible skills for each character -DLC so tis will make it easier) MU x Olivia=GF from Olivia and I was also thinking Rally Strenght for Morgan so she can be a Rally Bot in Apo if needs be and possiblySwordfaire for Inigo just to make things easier for him in his paralouge. Henry x Maribelle=GF and maybe counter for the hell of it. Donnel x Sully=I was thinking Aptitude but I am grinding so that may be pointless and Aegis from Sully cause I don't plan on using a Paladin!Kjelle Stahl x Cordelia=GF and SF,other suggestions? Gregor x Cherche=Bowbreaker so he does not die in his paralouge and DS+ cause it is really the only good thing Cherche can pass down he can't get himself. Freddy x Yarne=At first I was gunna give him something from GR but then again he has that from Freddy so I was thing Aegis or Pavise from Fred and Acrobat from Panne or something else that is a Lv.15 skill. Libra x Miriel=Renewal and DS+ Gaius x Tharja=Sol(Male exclusive) and Pavise or Lifetaker. Vaike x Nowi=Axefaire so I can possibly use a Hero Nah for Apo and Lifetaker or something else from Nowi. Any suggestions?
  8. Olivia should go with Freddy which would grant Inigo Luna which is great for him. Gaius!Noire is great and my second fav Noire(After MU!Noire),Ricken!Owain is also very good and makes a great Dread Fighter Owain and Stahl is probarbly the best dad for Severa and she makes a great Hero anyways. Vaike makes a great dad for a Manakete Nah and so does Kellam but I prefer Vaike.Nah really dosen't need GF. I don't have much experience with Laurent so I can't comment. As for Panne Lon'qu is good but many just use this pairing as M Morgan fodder,I like Kellam!Yarne but I don't think many others do like me.Freddy!Yarne is also pretty good. I may not be best when it comes to this as I recently ust started pairing up units to make good kids intentionally,so take my comments with a grain of salt.
  9. Thanks and yes I know some are better in other classes but I am that person that likes 'canonical' stuff.And plus I won't be using them as their 'canonicla' classes for DLC since well that won't be very good.
  10. Okay I know I have been posting here a lot and I promise this will be the lsat time. So anyways,I don't plan on making the ultra,super,killer street pass team but a team that can beat Apothesis(I don't think I spelled that right).As for final classes,well I already have base final classes but I will change their classed depending on the situation. Okay I also am using Ricken cause I used the complete max stat calculator to see what Owain would look like as a Swordmaster/Dread Fighter and they were pretty good(Don't judge me).Anyways here they are(Mostly unchanged): Chrom x Sumia=For Lucina(Final Class Great Lord) and Cynthia(Final Class Falcon Knight but will change in case I need her to be magically offensive to Dark Flier) Ricken(Don't judge me) x Lissa=For Owain(Final Class Dread Fighter but he will always be a Swordmaster at heart) Azz(MU +Str/-Lck) x Olivia=Adorable Morgan(Final class Grandmaster but could be sage for staffbotting in Apothesis) and Godly Inigo(A hero) Henry x Maribelle=For a Brady (with access to Sorc and Axefaire I could make a pretty good War Monk w/Bolt axe) Donnel x Sully=For my usual Kjelle(She will,like Owain,be a General at heart but I could make her a FK for staffbotting or something else like Paladin for Apothesis) Stahl x Cordelia=The cookie cutter Severa(Hero) Gregor x Cherche=My norm Gerome(Wyvern Lord) Freddy x Panne=For good supportive Yarne(Taguel normally,but Griffon Rider for Apothesis or the challenge pack DLC) Libra x Miriel=Cause I want preist on Laurent for both DS+(from Miriel) and Renewal.(Sage final class) Gaius x Tharja=For Noire with access to GF(Sniper) Vaike x Nowi=For the death lord Nah(Manakete) Critique.(Also again don judged me from suddenly hating Ricken to decideing to use him)
  11. Okay thinking about swapping some of my pairings: Lissa x Stahl=Big ifference from Henry but I decided that Brady should have him. Miriel x Libra=Basically just gives him peist but better Mag mods then Kellam.This may also make me want to use Laurent. Maribelle x Henry=I wanted Sorc for Brady anyways and it gives him more such as axefaire in case I want him as a War Monk.(Which I probarbly won't do but it is still an opton) Cordelia x Freddy=I guess for a more tanky Hero Severa and while she loses speed and myrmidon she still is awesome. Critique and also tell me if I should stick with my original pairings.
  12. I could care less about the story so long as it is not affliated with the other stories of the other games and is it's own thing. But yes I also see it as a West vs. East and then add a bit of Romeo and Juliet.
  13. When I hear more info(Which I hope will be soon since the game is coming out in the summer for Japan) I will be more hyped.As of now I am moderately hyped.
  14. Thanks for your help.I just have to get to chapter 3 so I can access the wireless menu.(Just started a new game)
  15. I tried that but my computer is old and sucks and could not handle it.
  16. I like this idea. Like very view characters get any characterisation outside of the main 4 or 5.I mean even the Paralouges focused on certain characters(e.g. Donny) had little characterisation for them.So I would love to see this.
  17. So I plan on buying the game off of ebay but I know the online shop is gone. So because I rather have a Falcon Knight over a Dracoknight,I was wondering are there any AR codes available to just put them in my game.
  18. Wait is he a perma unit that does not die? Cause I know there was no casual in 6/7.
  19. So recently I have seen many videos showing people with two avatars.I know some are from streetpass but how would you say transfer one of your avatars from one of your saves to another without a seond DS. I have recently made a female version of myself and was wondering how I could add her to my main file.
  20. But people never compalined about this until Awakening.Really we don't need reclassing if we could handle it before reclassing and where we never had an option bewteen Casual or Classic.
  21. As Ownagepuffs said there isn't a 'best' per say but some pairings are more optimal then others. Instead of double posting I decided to edit. Anyways is Freddy good for Brady?
  22. I think now that they included an infinite convey they will have to keep so they don't annoy those who started with FE:A. Also as I never played FE:6/7 I don't know what it was like to have Merlinus around but he seems awesome.
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