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Everything posted by Azz

  1. I may be the only one, but I think the Lancers second promotion will be to Weaoin Master and not Basara(The spellcaster promotion with Naginatas).
  2. The only thing I don't like is how all the siblings on the Nohr side but Elise are all promoted.I guess they did that cause of the harder difficulty.
  3. What are the thoughts on Gaius!Cynthia? I have been wanting to do something like this but I never heard anyone talk about it.
  4. I would like to see what classes we have.I have a feeling that each side will have classes to combat each other per say.Like we have Lancer so I can see us getting a Soldier for Nohr.Same with Oni and Fighter.Now just something to combat Samurai. I also would like to know more about the blue haired maid and maybe a third Peg Warrior(Triangle attack?)
  5. I advise you to look at Chrom, Lissa and Emmeryn.Chrom had blue hair while the others were blonde.
  6. I will be playing all three but I will play Hoshido first since I want to get used to the new mechanics and I like story focus. I intend to play as follows: 1-Hoshido w/M!Kamui('casue boxart) 2-Nohr w/F!Kamui('cause boxart) 3-Neutral w/a personalised Avatar to represent myself(Most likely will be my main file for SP and such)
  7. Maybe Kamui is the Fire Emblem.Why else would Garen want to kidnap Kamui?(I guess if he wanted to instate a war but he could have easily just killed him/her).And maybe Aqua's necklace has something to do with it like keeping Kamui's Fire Emblem powers at bay because a certain time may be coming in which the Emblem activates.
  8. Really they don't need to change or censor anything considering what it is based on(being skin shipping)is an actual thing Skinship In Korea, the term "skinship" is used to describe the act of intimate, non-sexual touching between very close (Usually same-sex, but can include both genders.) platonic friends. It involves acts such as holding hands/arms, hugging, and kissing on the cheeks. Sometimes it goes even deeper than that and can even involve bathing together, as Koreans (And the Japanese) believe that group nudity helps break down the barriers and helps establish a closer relationship.
  9. While I do like she is not your average fan-service character, being that she is protective and not a seductress(*cough*Charlotte*cough*)I am not a fan of her accentuated *ahem* chest region, it just seems like they wanted one of the siblings to have sex appeal, so they decided to choose the sibling who I happen to like the most personality wise.
  10. If you can keep their after capture, I will just capture units with good equipment then release them.
  11. Really, I hoped that they wouldn't have reclassing in this game 'cause of all the grinding needed for good skills, but I just hope that we get less reclasses, like maybe 2, and for Kamui you pick another class or 2 rather then having access to all classes.(I really just want Kami to be a Peg Warrior(So weird not being knight))
  12. I choose moe over sexiness anyday. Takumi is bae too. But seriously, Hoshido just seems more fun.
  13. So I have been wondering this for a while but since we now have parallel seals rather then second seals to reclass and because of this our level doesn't reset, will we miss out on skills? Like say I am a Lancer and class change to Samurai at level 20, will I miss the skills from levels 1 and 10? Just wondering since I consider myself a completionist when it comes to maxing characters and I am slightly worried I will not get to max out my characters. Sorry if this has been asked before.
  14. While I did like the bonus chapters and characters I really disliked the Einherjar.They were broken as hell and their models were not like their actual designs at all(Save for Marth).I mean I get the generic Spotpass ones that have no DLC connected to them but they could have a t least made unique models for the ones from the actual DLC like they did with Marth. Much like many other people,while I loved the Spotpass chapters and also having the ability to recruit Emmeryn(Whom is my wife in 98% of my playthroughs)I don't like the massive plotholes regarding the characters.(Like Gangrel said he would basicly crucify Emmeryn's dead body but nope.)
  15. I am officially gonna try Lunatic and I was wondering what the strategy is for prologue->chapter 3(When you get outrealms)?I will be grinding and I will be playing casual for now. Advice?
  16. Lobster-sama cause that hair tho.(I also have a thing for samurai)
  17. Thanks for the help guys.Anyways here are my new pairings.I was just wondering if I could use these kids in Apo:(Just assume everyone has LB) Olivia!Lucina@Great Lord GF DSt+ Luna Aether Ricken!Owain@Sage GF TF Luna Agg Chrom!Inigo@Sniper or Assassin GF BF Luna Agg Lon'qu!Brady@Sage GF TF Luna Agg Donnel!Kjelle@Paladin GF LF Luna Astra Henry!Cynthia@Dark Flier GF TF Vengeance All +2 Stahl!Severa@Hero GF SF Luna Astra Freddy!Gerome@Wyvern Lord Agg All +2 Luna (I don't know what else since Gerome has no good faires bt I was thinking DSp+) Lucina!Morgan@Sage(MU is +Mag/-Luk) GF TF Luna Aether Kellam!Yarne@Berserker Agg All +2 AF Luna? Gregor!Laurent@Sorc Agg All+2 TF Luna? Gaius!Noire@Sniper or Assassin GF BF Luna Astra Vaike!Nah@Hero or Wyvern Lord ? AF Luna ? Some help with skills would be nice as well as pairing the children.Also if switching Olivia and Sumia is needed I can do Henry!Inigo so yep. Thanks in advance.
  18. So I was wondering,what does Severa get from having access to Myrmidon?I normally pair Cordelia up with Stahl or Lon'qu but I have recently started with pairing her with Vaike. (I understand that she gets Vantage to pair with her Vengeance and SF if you go Hero but I honestly prefer AF and she still gets Luna and Pavise for possible defensive set-up(Also Pavise is better then Aegis IMO),I was just wonderng if I was missing out on a lot.)
  19. So I was just wondering,who is the best father for Kjelle to get GF?Gaius or Donnel? I nor mainly go Donnel or I just don't bother with GF and go Vaike but I want to try something different and maybe go Gaius. Advice?
  20. So I recently downloaded an emulator to play Shadow Dragon and I have been going well till now.I was ready how to recruit certain units and it said I h.ad to pick between two units,being Arran,a Paladin,or Samson,a Hero.While i already have more Cavs/Pals then I could ask for is Arran better in particular?Or should I just go Samson?
  21. Okay so I recently was reading that the so called 'canon' pairings were hinted at.(Based on how fast one builds up a support with another,yes I also know it is a bit of old news) and decided hey I like these parings personality wise so lets try a playthrough and see what they are like.I want to do Apo(Doing normal since I know these pairings are far from the most optimal minus a few) so I came here asking for what I could do with then children.I wont use them all *coyghFreddy!Bradycough* but I was still wondering. so here they are: Sumia!Lucina(most likely I will do a GL set-up since I see this one everywhere and I used it myself) Vaike!Owain Henry!Inigo Freddy!Brady Kellam!Kjelle Chrom!Cynthia Libra!Severa Virion!Gerome Ricken!Yarne Stahl!Laurent Gaius!Noire Gregor!Nah Also apparently the kids so called 'canon' pairings are: Lucina x Laurent Owain x Kjelle Inigo x Cynthia Brady x Severa Gerome x Nah Yarne x Noire Also as for Morgan I really don't know.I was going with Aversa for SG but poor Morgan will be on her lonesome unless pair her with her Aversa or MU(Who is +HP/-Luk cause he is a basic bitch)but I may just import an onther avatar for MU to pair with so Morgan will have her Aversa. Anyways I know I am sounding either completely dumb or something but I want to see these work since I read all their supports and found they were the most enjoyable(Especially Olivia and Henry and Ricken and Panne.)But yeah.I am waiting t be called stupid.
  22. Just an odd question here but who is the best 1st gen wife for MaMU that produces only Morgan and no one else?I assume it will be Aversa but what about Say'ri or Flavia etc.?
  23. Just gonna quote myself a bit but what are god Apo or just ingame set-ups for Kellam!Laurent and Lon'qu!Yarne.I know Kellam!Laurent is not the best but Laurent gets Preist(So Renewal) and Luna and now I know some are gonna say what about Libra,well Maribelle has him. I was thinking along the lines of: Ingame: Laurent-Sage Renewal/DS+/Luna/Tomefaire/Lifetaker(Yes I don't use LB for in-game) Yarne-Taguel Astra/Mov +1/Deliverer/Acrobat?/Counter (Yes I use base classes in ingame and I know that Yarne's ingame set-up is shit) As for Apo and if I decide to use them I was thinking: Laurent-Sage DS+/Luna/LB/TF/Healtouch(He will most likely carry some Physic staves around) or Laurent-Sorc DS+/TF/Luna/Vengeance/LB/Hex or Anathema Yarne-Griffon Rider Deliverer/LB/SB/Lance Breaker/AF Probably stupid but then again I may not use them.Thoughts.(Yes these pairings are set in stone by the way)
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