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Everything posted by Azz

  1. I know it is optional but the completionist in me requires me to do everything(And yes I understand that is also based on my descison). Also I honestly think the game never needed reclassing as units were good enough without maxed stats.
  2. I have many reasons from just me being awkward to me hating Ricken's guts but yeah.
  3. Personally I never really like any game that has reclassing but I never liked it in Awakening because It allows you to break the game by maxing your characters and while I may sound hypocritical 'cause I do max my characters I still would prefer it if we had no reclassing.
  4. While I could care less(I never hated nor liked the class) I can see them making it a shared promotion between Wyvern Riders and Pegasus Knights if they have barnching promotions and if they are made one like in FE:SS?
  5. While many are things I don't want I will still have them here: In no particular order: 10)LIGHT MAGIC!!!!! 9)No more reclassing and if there is nor branching promotions 8)Dismounting indoors pls 7)More then just 'kill the bad guy',give us survial,escape and capture again 6)Factions which give you differing stories/outcomes 5)Avatar is the Lord.So I don't have to worry about two units all the time since that always screwed me in FE:A 4)Keep marriages but no kids unless the story takes place like one gen then twenty years later the kids are the main guys and the marriages in the first part of the game matter(Basically no time travelling kids) 3)Also gay marriages.Being gay myself I was disgusted my M MU could not marry Gaius. 2)Personality for the MU so the text is not always the same. 1)SOLDIERS and 3rd tier promotions.
  6. Okay stating a new playthrough after completeing my previous one with my horrible pairings. My pairings: Chrom x Sumia-For an awesome Lucina and Cynthia Lissa x Henry-For a both physical and magical Owain Olivia x Azz(MU +Str/-Luk)-For a godly Inigo and adorable Morgan Maribelle x Libra-For a Brady with access to Sorc in case I want to Nosfertank Sully x Donnel-My usual Kjelle,I also like Sully and Donnel's ending Cordelia x Stahl-The awesome Sevear as per usual and Cordelia x Stahl is adorable Cherche x Gregor-My usual Panne x Lon'qu-It was suggested Miriel x Kellam-I want Laurent to have access to priest so I don't have to pass Renewal and can pass DS+ from Miriel(Stupid reason but eh,I am not gonna use him anyways) Tharja x Gaius-My favourite pairing for Tharja and this makes my second favourite Noire(After MU) Nowi x Vaike-For Nah,destroyer of worlds Any critique?(Also sorry if this is consindered a bump but the topic is just two days old)
  7. Yes but they need to improve. I would prefer if there were no second seals since I never liked the system. Also make Peg. Knight and Wyvenr Rider one like in FE:8. EDIT:I would like branching paths but no second seals and if there is reclassing then yeah bring back second seals.
  8. Personally I don't really want branching classes or the ability to reclass. While I did enjoy FE:A and it's class mechanic with the second seals,I prefered it when the class promoted to said class and that was that.I know many will disagree but hey. Or they could do it like in FE:SS where they did have branching promotions but no reclassing.I really hate reclassing,I think it takes away what the character is meant to be.I know that sounds stupid but it makes sense to me.
  9. Title says it all. Would you like a world map like in 2,8 and 13 or not? Personally I would. Whoops,edited the first post,thanks Tryhard.
  10. Azz

    Hi,I guess.

    Why thank you.A friend made it for me.
  11. While I would love for them to return,I don't see it happening.
  12. I know this is unrelated from classes but bring back knives.I thought they way thieves/assassins/tricksters and Olivia when she is a dancer carried swords was really weird considering the swords they were carrying were probably really heavy.
  13. The reason I do that is because my OCD takes control.As of now I have maxed every character,gotten every child and gotten every every skill they can get with their specific classes(with the exception of dread fighter and bride) and I have yet to move onto chapter 14.
  14. I would love to see monks and soldiers return.Also 3rd tier classes but I doubt this will happen.
  15. So I recently got the DLC that gives you access to bride and was wondering who is the best user of said class? I have Owain set on Dread Fighter to make use of his all mighty sword hand and his magic he gets from Lissa and his father(Henry in my case), I was thinking Sumia but I will be re-classing every female character into a bride to get the skills(like I have been doing).Just need to know cause I do want use the class.
  16. So this is my first time playing a gba fire emblem game and I heard there were supports but they do not work like in later instalments.I know they change some endings but what else do they do?
  17. Thanks so then my pairings are: Chrom x Sumia=Lucina and Cynthia Henry x Lissa=Owain(Dread Fighter for final class) Frederick x Olivia=Inigo Libra x Maribelle=Brady(It would give him Sorc so the Henry swap does not matter) Donnel x Sully=Kjelle w/Galeforce Stahl x Cordelia=For super awesome,oddly hair coloured Severa Gregor x Cherche=My faithful Gerome Yarne x F MU=Male Morgan w/Taguel Lon'qu x Panne=Yarne Ricken x Miriel=Laurent w/Luna and awesome mag modifier Gaius x Tharja=Noire w/Galeforce Vaike x Nowi=Armageddon Nah Correct? Also if I were to use a M MU what 2nd gen would be good for 3rd gen Female Morgan?
  18. Thanks for the help again.:) Okay now for that physical Owain.I heard that Ricken can have some form of physical capability with Luna but he would have a lack luster strength stat. I on my next run plan on sing completely(kind of) different pairings and I will have a 3rd gen male Morgan.I was thinking: Olivia!Lucina(Cause I prefer this over Sumia!Lucina,my first was meh) ?!Owain Chrom!Inigo(My favourite prince ever plus him and Lucina are awesome siblings) Henry!Brady(I would imagine this is how Brady gets his emo like personality and that white hair tho.Sorc is a bonus) Donnel!Kjelle(From your recommendations) Frederick!Cynthia(I want pavgis and everyone else is gone) Sathl or Lon'qu!Severa(I want her to have Swordmaster so I guess I will see who is left) Gregor!Gerome(I always use this pairing and it never fails me) 2nd Gen!M Morgan(When I say this I mean I will have a 3rd gen Morgan,my asset is Strength and flaw is luck) Lon'qu!Yarne(If I don't go Lon'qu!Sevear this will happen,if I do I will go with Kellam) Kellam!Laurent(I was eh at this point.Kellam is there for Luna) Gaius!Noire(My second favourite pairing for Noire plus she gets Galeforce and some other good stuff) Vaike!Nah(Cause why not,I also heard this is good) So how is it looking?I will more then likely pair MU with Yarne like you suggested.I am open to changes however if any f you have suggestions.
  19. Question(Don't know if it should be here but): Who is most deserving of galeforce? I am doing a third run but instead of using a male MU I am sing a female MU.From what I heard Nah and Kjelle don't need it that much but I would like to know. I was thinking along the lines of: Gaius!Noire Donnel!Kjelle Vaike!Nah or Gaius!Noire Vaike!Kjelle Donnel!Nah Opinions? Also I was wondering is there any way one can make a good physically offensive Owain rather then a magical Owain?
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