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Everything posted by Azz

  1. What is the typical Virion!Ingo set-up? I wanted to know since I always do Freddy!Inigo and wanted to do something different.Also I may go Stahl!Inigo to try get something similar to Chrom!Inigo since Chrom!inigo is my favourite Inigo but I now use Chrom for Cynthia since I really like the pairing compared to Chrom!Inigo. Also doing some new pairings: Sumia!Lucina* Ricken!Lissa* Stahl!Inigo(I never did this before and wanted to try something similar to Chrom!Inigo,my favourite Inigo like I said above) Libra!Brady(I have tried this once but I never got to use it for Apo and I wanted to try Brady as a Sorc) Donnel!Kjelle* Chrom !Cynthia* Vaike!Severa(I have yet to try this also even though on my previous list I did put this down I never got to it so I am going to try it out now) Grogor!Gerome* Lucina!Morgan* Lon'qu!Yarne(I know this is typically use as fodder for a MaMorgan but I honestly just like the paring and was wondering what would be an optimal set-up) Kellam!Laurent(Pretty much what I said with Yarne,I am a fan of the pairing and I like how he gets Preist and Luna and I was wondering about an optimal set-up) Gaius!Noire* Henry!Nah* *-Means I have tried the pairing and am going to use it. So I know I got off topic from Virion!Inigo to my pairings for a potential run but yeah.By the way these are pretty much set in stone by the way so I might not be making any changes.
  2. I am all for Avatars but as for Waifus I am meh... I found the system dumb in Awakening and while I would not be offended by its return I hope they either have no kids or kids are via a second part like in Genealogy(I think I spelled that right). But even if there is no Waifus there will be shippings regardless.
  3. Okay so my pairings for Apo are looking like this: Sumia!Lucina Ricken!Owain Freddy!Inigo Virion!Brady Donny!Kjelle Chrom!Cynthia Lon'qu!Severa Stahl!Gerome Aversa or Lucina!Morgan(A toss up between Shadowgift or Aether) Henry!Yarne(I surprisingly liked Henry and Panne's supports) Gregor!Laurent Gaius!Noire Vaike!Nah There was some different stuff on my previous file which were: MU!Inigo Vaike!Severa Olivia!Morgan Lon'qu!Yarne Kellam!Laurent Gregor!Nah Hope my changes are not to bad.
  4. Okay thanks.Is there anything pacefic I should pass down to Yarne from Panne's Wyvern Rider line?
  5. What is the norm set-up for Gregor!Laurent? Also what would a Henry!Yarne be like?
  6. Avatar should pass something that is Male exclusive and decent.Possibly Counter or Rally Strength.Both from Warrior. Stahl should pass Bowbreaker or even Aegis to make Gerome's chapter easier since there are many snipers and archers from what I remember.
  7. I was wondering what would a Ricken!Nah be like. I was thinking of going this way so I could shift around some pairings and I stumbled on this. If not advised I will not switch.
  8. Definitely go Stahl!Gerome.I recently used said pairing and he is a awesome.Pair him with Severa and you got one hell of an offensive team. Really I think you should switch around Kjelle and Nah and Yarne.It could go something like this: Donnel!Kjelle(Has access to GF and is a great Paladin and gets AT and can be tanky but GF goes to waste so Vaike can also be an option here too) Freddy!Yarne(I think this pairing is good cause Yarne gets the Wyvern set and from what I have used is a great support unit) Vaike!Nah(Amazing offense and defense.Nah does not need GF for realy anything.She also gets Luna and AT from Vaike cause of what he passes down.) Now this is just my opinion,go with what yo want in the end.
  9. Everyone is saying FE is a strategy game when there are many other strategy games that do not have perma-death and are amazing and have extremely big fan bases. I actually am really disappointed that this is the reaction.How does casual's inclusion affect you anyways?You don't have to play the mode.You are all basically saying newcomers should go find a new game cause FE is to good for you.That is just...uhhh....Honestly if a game has a mode to help newcomers to the franchise then so be it.Also as The Protagonist pointed out,people treating the with disrespect for not playing classic,that just,wow.Sorry for playing the way I want to. Also locking people out of certain scenes/gameplay aspects is just wrong.A game's story and gameplay should be experienced fully on all difficulties IMO.That includes possible choices. Now that is just me so yep.I don't want a fight or argument so I am just gonna stop posting and leave.
  10. I agree with FierceRanger you should not be able to up the difficulty but lower it.Upping the difficulty is cheap for stuff like Respite&Nephenthe said. It's the same with casual and classic.Here is a scenario: >Plays game Lunatic+ on Cas >Gets to final boss >Switches to Clas >Beats final boss >Updates streetpass >Shows that he/she beat game on Luna+/Cla when he/she did not
  11. So Czar should I change to +Str or +Mag?I wll be staying -Luk cause I find Luck useless but if Sumia!Lucina is her mother which should I go?I was planning on going DF and Morgan was marrying Laurent for a Mag duo or would marrying say a more offensive partner be better and go Wyvern Lord?If I go the Mag duo what should I replace for Tomefaire?
  12. What is a good set-up for Sumia!Lucina!Morgan +HP/-Luk for Apo and is my asset/flaw good for Apo?
  13. How does one preform the water trick I hear about?
  14. Thanks Czar.I really was not trying to go for all GF really but it is an option if I ever feel like doing a lax playthrough.Anyways these are my pairings I am planinng for a Hard run which will lead to Apo and I was wondering about set ups: Sumia!Lucina(I was thinking a Sniper or GL set up but I still don't know) Ricken!Lissa(The usual,possibly will go Sage or Dread Fighter) Frederick!Inigo(I was going to use Sahl since I never used him with Olivia but then I realised Stahl is needed for Gerome so I went with this) Virion!Brady(I like this pairing though I have not used it much to see its full potential) Donnel!Kjelle(My usual pair but I want to try something new from my Paladin set up) Chrom!Cynthia(The usual and I will probarbly go Falcon Knight so she can help with Rescue) Vaike!Severa(I know it is not cookie cutter or anything but I like the pairing personality wise and Severa is not too shabby) Stahl!Gerome(Same reason with Brady,I have not used this pair a lot and I want to) Lucina!Morgan(At first was gonna go Olivia!Morgan cause of how much I like the pair but the I thought I am not really going with pairs I like personality wise and am going for optimal pairings for Apo.(normally I like 2nd Gen Morgan)) Lon'qu!Yarne(I know many say that this is really only fodder for M Morgan but I happen to like the pair as it has done its job for me to earn on spot on my fav pairing list) Gregor!Laurent(I have never used it but apparently it is amazing also I like the idea of a dimwit paired with a genius) Gaius!Noire(Same as Kjelle but not with Paladin but Sniper,I always use that set but I want to try new things) Henry!Nah(This will be a first timer and I hope you don't mind put I will be stealing your Valkyrie set up Czar) As for Child Pairings: MU x Lucina Owain x Kjelle Brady x Nah Gerome x Severa Yarne x Noire Laurent x Morgan They are my final pairings and I will no be changing them I just need Apo set ups.
  15. Okay I know it is not optimal since you don't get stuff like good procs and what not but what is a good/decent set-up for Donnel!Nah(Non-Apo)?As I said I know it is not optimal but I have seen many use it recently and really well but they never showed their skill set or class.(Actually they only used Donnel and Nowi,they did not even use Nah).Just wondering cause I want to go for an all GF on all kids(possible obviously). Another thing,what is a good set up for a Ricken!Nah or Henry!Nah?
  16. Bold.I don't get this,why punish those for playing a game how they want?I mean it may sound bias cause I tend to play casual but I play games to relax not stress myself.At least on casual I get to take my time and not worry to much about my units.It really makes no sense if a creator of a game said 'I am gonna punish you for not playing my game the 'proper' way' while there is no 'proper' way to play a game.
  17. If they don't have re-classing available I don't see the point of any promotion items since you aren't not gonna level up your units to 20 or 21.If they do have re-classing however I think Master Seals are just more convenient.
  18. What I would like to see for the avatar: The avatar needs to be a Lord The avatar must not be OP.If there is re-classing,in avatar creation it should make you pick two classes that you can re-class to and they would be your class options along side Lord.e.g you pick Mercenary and Mage in a.c your classes are:Lord->Great Lord,Mercenary->Hero/Bow Knight and Mage->Sage/Dark Knight Please let him/her have a decent personality and back story.(And not be the incarnation of a demon dragon) Please let us pick his/her backstory like in FE12 and then that would affect stat growths and modifiers.
  19. Thank you for the assistance. EDIT:My friend was wondering what his pairs were like.He recently got really into the game and is now understanding the pairing and inheritance part of the game,I also helped him a bit.His parings: Chrom x Sumia Lissa x Ricken Olivia x Stahl Maribelle x Virion Sully x Gaius Cordelia x Vaike Cherche x Frederick Robin x Tharja Panne x Lon'qu Miriel x Gregor Nowi x Donnel
  20. Is Stahl!Gerome sufficent in Apo Hard?I was thinking about switching my pairings around: Vaike!Severa Gregor!Nah Kellam!Laurent(I read Miriel's and Kellam's supports okay,I know it is not as good as other pairings) So then after this switch Stahl was lef and I don't want to waste a good father and then Gerome has no dad so I thought 'what would these to be like?'.If they are not optimal I will go back to my original Stahl!Severa Gregor!Gerome Vaike!Nah set-up.
  21. Doing a Lunatic run for the first time and have been planning and was wondering how are my pairings: Chrom x Sumia=Lucina and Cynthia Ricken x Lissa=Owain MU x Olivia=Inigo and Morgan(I am really bias when it comes to this) Virion x Maribelle=Brady Donnel x Sully=Kjelle Stahl x Cordelia=Severa Gregor/Vaike x Cherche=Gerome(Sill deciding) Lon'qu x Panne=Yarne(Once again bias af) Libra/Henry x Miriel=Laurent(Still contemplating) Gaius x Tharja=Noire Gregor/Vaike x Nowi=Nah(Much like with Cherche and Miriel still choosing) Then for child pairings: Owain(Dread Fighter) x Severa(Hero) Inigo(Hero) x Cynthia(Falcon Knight) or Lucina(GL) Brday(Sage(Staffbot) or Wyvern Lord/Griffon Rider support) x Kjelle(Paladin) Gerome(Wyvern Lord) x Lucina(GL) or Cynthia(Falcon Knight) Yarne(Griffon Rider) x Noire(Sniper or Assassin) Laurent(Sage) x Morgan(Sorcerer) Thoughts?
  22. I have gotten in to competitive battling with my friend via street pass and we tend to make challenges every week for when we fight and this week is Kids only(Also no DLC skills,they are banned since my friend has no DLC).Was wondering what setups I should have for the following: Chrom x Sumia=Lucina and Cynthia Ricken x Lissa=Owain Frederick x Olivia=Inigo Virion x Maribelle=Brady Donnel x Sully=Kjelle Lon'qu x Cordelia=Severa Vaike x Cherche=Gerome (M)MU x Aversa=Morgan Stahl x Panne=Yarne Gregor x Miriel=Laurent Gaius x Tharja=Noire Henry x Nowi=Nah
  23. So going to start a Lunatic/Casual run soon and was wondering the best way to survive for a bit.I will be grinding vis EXPonential Growth DLC(Like I always do) and was wondering how do I survive till then. Also MU is gonna be +Mag/-Luk or -Skill and I am marrying Aversa.If you need couples I will post.
  24. Thank you. Also when you say use Vengeance right do you mean Vengeance/Vantage combo? Also Avatar is a he and is marrying Olivia or Aversa depending on how I play the game.
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