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Everything posted by Azz

  1. I think so cause everyone wants their avatars to tap Takumi or Leo
  2. Why can't we all just except incest as what it is If only our brothers and sister were not so sexy and moe.
  3. I can smell the waifu and husbando war comencing Might as well join in.
  4. Only two builds for each character. I am dissapoint.
  5. NO WE HAVE NOT!!!! Sorry but I am just....brrrrr so much hype.
  6. I wanna see who we can bang marry.
  7. Kamui tho. I really hope that there is at least some form of gay relationship or at least a hint like Ike and Soren
  8. EDIT:Please, if you have seen my previous pairing, disregard them So I am going for a 'canon' run and I will be doing Apo SP.So I was just wondering what kind of set-ups I could get out of these. Keep in mind, all these pairings are based on how fast supports are built up: Sumia!Lucina Vaike!Owain Henry!Inigo Frederick!Brady Kellam!Kjelle Chrom!Cynthia Libra!Severa Virion!Gerome Ricken!Yarne Stahl!Laurent Gaius!Noire Gregor!Nah Owain x Kjelle Inigo x Cynthia Brady x Severa Gerome x Nah Yarne x Noire Laurent x Lucina
  9. I highly doubt that Dark Mages can also become Revenant Knights considering, from the images we have seen of reclassing, people seem to only have two choices for each base class.Also in Awakening each class only had one or two promotions never three.
  10. So I was looking at all the classes we have, and every class we have has some promotion except villager(Which we know since Donnel).However do you think they may do villagers like they did in Gaiden?I can't remember how exactly they did it but I know that as a villager you could promote into several different things but I believe there was some form of randomness involved. Basically Villager promotions: Samurai if SKL is highest stat Lancer if STR is highest stat Spellcaster if MAG is highest stat etc... It would be cool considering the new limitations on reclassing.
  11. I hope people realize that the kids could be tied to mothers as well. I mean, while yes, most likely Nishiki and Wolf man will have a kid I also am assuming that all the female siblings will also get kids cause it would not make sense otherwise. I hope this is the case cause I want to see Sakura's child.
  12. Hoshido: Ryoma x Setsuna Hinoka x Hinata Takumi x Oboro Sakura x Tsukoyomi Nohr: Xander x Effie Camilla x Lazward Leo x Luna Elise x Odin(May change if we get someone younger looking)
  13. Yes I can fulfill my completion urge! Thanks :)
  14. So I am going to be starting a new playthrough of SS and I want to do the creature campaign.I was looking at the secret shops in CC and I saw that you could buy stat increasing items.So I was wondering are the infinitely buyable or is there only a certain amount that you can buy?
  15. I will be completely spoiling myself like I did with Awakening.
  16. Since Butler/Maid is most likely a Rod Knight promotion, that would be weird for Elise considering she is royalty and everything.
  17. I hope this does not happen(I really dislike the Einherjar system)but if it did, I would like to see Lon'qu, Freddy, Lissa, Olivia and Cordelia.
  18. I believe, based on the class video, they count dark prince and dark princess as different classes.
  19. Since when is Cordelia an archetype?
  20. I am gonna be playing back to back with both versions so I can get my heart ripped out.However, I would go Hoshido first.
  21. So I made this on Google Drive: https://drive.draw.io/#G0B99FbGzjtskyZUdhclBmVktXN2s It just shows the known class tree. EDIT:Sorry Othin, I only saw now that you were also dong something similar.
  22. Well, for my playthroughs of both Nohr and Hoshido I will play with the deaults and call them Corrin(Since I think it makes more sense then Kamui since you were raised in the West so I doubt you would have your Hoshidan name.Also male for Hoshido and female for Nohr.(Cause boxart) For the third path(which I will likely play twice cause I sense many choices)I will play with a custom Avatar that represents me.First playthrough male and second female.
  23. I would like to see Nishiki father a Gaius esc clone and Subaki father a Cordelia esc clone. As for their classes: Gaius clone:Kitsune Cordelia clone:Lancer, Peg Warrior or maybe Priestess(I want more War Mikos!)
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