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Everything posted by Azz

  1. Know what I want, Gaius, Cordelia and Tharja expies like we got Owain, Inigo and Severa expies. I wold expect Cordelia expie to be Subaki's child and Tharja expie to be Tsukoyomi's child(However I think it may be Orichi's) As for Gaius, hmm,!Kitsune Gaius.I MUST HAVE NOW!!!!
  2. Honestly, I don't think children will be very functional or even OP like in FE:A. I mean with the limitations to class changing, and if they are in Nohr, the lack of grinding, will make them not very useful.
  3. I like all the changes with the exception of the stupid adding or removing a letter so people know how to pronounce them.Uhhh...
  4. I really hope this is the case, cause if it is not I shall not be getting any kids.
  5. I am still hopeful considering after the Tomodachi Life incident(Which I believe was already brought up), Nintendo said they would try to be more open minded and consider there older audience which, relatively speaking, Fire Emblem is more geared towards.
  6. I was really disappointed.I really wanted to see Hana and Subaki in action.(Also Rinkah)
  7. Hoshido Male:Kazahanna because she is my type of girl.Also, she is a Myrmidon(Well Samurai) and I always have a thing for Myrmidons. Hoshido Female:Nishiki cause foxes are my second favorite animal and he is kinda hot. Nohr Male:Luna cause I married Severa one time in Awakening. Nohr Female:It is between Odin and Zero but most likely Odin cause Owain is my fav Awakening character.
  8. Really, I don't know what to expect anymore from characters. I am predicting that we may get Tharja(Tsukuyomi's child?), Cordelia(Tsubaki's child?)and Gaius(I dunno)copycat 2nd gen kids much like we got Severa, Owain and Inigo copycat 1st gen characters. I am also hoping for unique kids to certain pairings. I also hope it is a side thing and dose not become the plot of the game like in Awakening.(To be honest I did not minc Luncna in Awakening, but when we got the other children, it just went kabloom)
  9. I know, but more for ingame rather then endgame.
  10. I am hoping that rather then children being tied to a certain parent, that instead certain characters produce children while others do not regardless of gender. EDIT:Also, maybe certain pairs of characters make certain children like Tsukuyomi and Orochi make Sara? and Kamui and Felicia make Kinna?.
  11. Maybe that is what all that floating land is in many trailers we have seen. The future
  12. As long as you cannot marry children unless they are to other children and that time travel is not in the game(Unless it is a time skip)or, unless the kids are from the future but you visit said place in the outrealms.(If that is a thing in Fates)
  13. So um, what would be a good set up for Virion!Gerome who would marry Gregor!Nah?
  14. Since he is part of the Samurai/Myrmidon class tree, I already like him.For some reason male Samurai's seem to be really bad ass and hot. He was bae from day 1.
  15. Question, when did they say, or insinuate, that Mikoto was dead?
  16. I really hope Joker/Jacob and Felicia are not gender exclusive.I mean Felicia did mention Jacob and Flora(BLUE MAID YASSSS), so I am assuming that we will get him.Also wasn't he not in the My Castile FE Amie with M!Kamui?
  17. At first I was like 'Wow, she is pretty good' Then a certain someone died.
  18. Blue maid Flora confirmed!
  19. The ery last one.It seems as if the Yatagomi is darker or is a different sword alltogether.
  20. I only noticed this now but if you look at the advert, you can see both the Kamui's have different swords!
  21. Mybe it is just me, but it looks like Mikoto and Garen join regardless of campaign
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