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Sniper Knight

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Everything posted by Sniper Knight

  1. What. tfw you realize that you don't have an earlygame healer either so you're just as fucked
  2. Loser~ FK!Echidna and WK!Cecilia, I'm just going to go for a flying army. Oh right I forgot about the dancer/bard rule I'm good then
  3. I have to wait nine picks before it bounces back to me, so I'm the one getting sniped here. And how dare you steal my Bard!Ellen. Granted, I do have a lot of dancers/bards, so first mounted unit and A staves in C11, take precedence, but meh. Cav!Geese, Mage!Rutger I have Archer!Roy, by the way. Earlygame will kill me.
  4. Fuck that Marcus. WK!Oujay, Druid!Klein who starts with A staves, bless the randomizer. Last pick sucks.
  5. It would be kind of interesting to post our changelogs, since we could alter our strategies somewhat to take some of our oppenents' better units. Do soldiers promote?
  6. Warp kind of seems like a bad idea, since some people might not have good healers? That being said, I'd say yes to warp since I do.
  7. I'll try this out. We could share changelogs through Google Drive or something, if you want us to.
  8. What about Mamkutes? Are they banned or is each player allowed to have one?
  9. Everyone who's mentioning or supporting the razing Syria/Iraq: you do realize that ISIL consists of 20,000, as the CIA claims, out of the ~60 million people who live the two countries, right? 60 million is 60,000,000, with seven zeroes, by the way. 20,000 out of 60,000,000 is 0.0003% of the people that live there. Even going by the largest estimates, 200,000, as Kurdistan claims, ISIL makes up 0.003% of Syrians and Iraqis. Not all of the members of ISIL are located in Syria or Iraq either. I doubt you understand even the implications of what you're suggesting. Genocide is by no means a word to be tossed around lightly. Would you really be willing to kill millions of completely innocent people, people just like us, for the sake of eradicating a relatively small radical group that many of them don't support? In my opinion, declaring war on terrorism is a terrible idea, but if it becomes an absolute necessity, yes, eliminating ISIL is justifiable. But to take millions of innocent people with them? To murder all of them, people who have done nothing wrong, just to get rid of not even 1% of them? Committing genocide can never be justified.
  10. b-beautiful FE6 next! Because Roy is actually in the game! Then FE4 and 5 because watching Incest Emblem being ripped apart would make my day. Also chronology reasons.
  11. Is it impossible to reset Erk's AI in vanilla HHM, like you would in LM? IIRC, he doesn't spawn until the chapters begins, but if he spawns before the chapter begins, you could theoretically reset it. Or does he have to be considered a playable unit first?
  12. Tethys probably doesn't require two entries, dancer with less availability is still dancer, and she'd probably only move by one place. She's free on drafts anyways, so I doubt it matters much. The only units that are affected enough to warrant two entries are Innes, Saleh, Cormag, Gerik, and Duessel.
  13. Franz > Tethys > Cormag Knoll < Marisa < L'Arachel I agree with factoring in route splits, I'm hesitating to choose units like Cormag and Saleh who are wildly successful in Eir but too late to contribute much in Eph.
  14. Vanessa > Tethys > Franz Torn between Franz and Cormag, went with Franz because availability. If someone is convincing enough, I'll change my vote. Ewan < Knoll < Marisa I still don't think Phantoms are that useful, baiting with another is better since they won't die in one hit. Even Marisa is good for baiting hordes of axe users. Rescuing is cool, but not as cool as +crit.
  15. Seth > Tethys > Vanessa Amelia < Ewan < Knoll Neimi can get a horse and hit walls, Marisa can get at least have +15 crit, Knoll can... summon weak Phantoms and never access the stronger ones because he won't get enough levels, assuming efficiency.
  16. His avoid is a lot worse, and personally I prefer dodgetanks, so by my criterion Heath doesn't surpass the sisters until lategame. He'll also be a lot worse at handling magic users.
  17. I was actually listing by preference, rather than tier listing. Typically, my fliers have to do a bit of rescuing, and Heath's health and defense are better for that purpose. Heath has better utility, but as combat units the Pegasus sisters have a better statspread. They also typically do better growth-wise. I wasn't really considering context, but for someone's first time playing HHM, Farina may be the best choice. Florina requires extensive babying. If you get 19x, there are quite a few harmless mages for Fiora to prey on, but C20 can be pretty bad for her if she's still at base. Farina starts late, but she catches up quickly enough.
  18. She also doesn't exist for the first 15 chapters of the game. There a limited number of Elyisan Whips, and Heath is probably going to be used, so you'll probably only be able to use one PK, so you're left with no fliers for 12 chapters. There a limited number of Elyisan Whips, and Heath is probably going to be used, so you'll probably only be able to use one PK. Personally, I'd go Heath > LM!Florina > Fiora > Farina > Non LM!Florina. Nevermind HHM gives you three Elysian Whips by C25 HAHA IGNORE ME FARINA IS MORE VIABLE THAN I THOUGHT In this scenario, it could potentially come down to Fiora vs Farina. I'd still say Fiora > Farina, but a pretty convincing case can be made for Farina, so it's probably just left to personal preference.
  19. She comes at level 12 on chapter 25, where, Fiora/Florina will almost definitely have promoted already. Her base stats are good for her base level, but her base level is just too low. By the time you get her, Florina may very well be at 17/9. Pegasus Knights are usually more avoid based units anyways, so defense isn't too large of an issue.
  20. *archer prayer circle* I'd recommend Fiora and LM!Florina over Farina, who comes a bit too late. When you get her, your other units should outpace her by quite a bit. If you played LM and Florina hit a respectable level there (~6 is enough if she had good growths) I'd stick with her, if you didn't play LM or Flor isn't doing well, Fiora comes earlier with fair bases and good growths. Farina actually has the best growths of the three, but her bases just don't make up for it. She does level up fairly quickly, esp if you go Kenneth, since mages there won't scratch her, but if you were using Flor or Fiora, at that point they'd be ready for promotion. tl;dr Farina has best growths but bad bases, Flor has best availability but takes effort, Fiora is balanced (but not mediocre).
  21. Playing FE6 and not realizing that reinforcements could move on the turn that they spawn until C12 or so.
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