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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. Hey guys, I'm thinking of running an Onmyoji Kinu and Dark Flier Caeldori but I'm wondering about how viable they can be. I did some number crunching and with the most magical of mothers, Orochi (65% growth), they come out to 40% magic growth. This is....low for any class that hopes to be a mage (beating out only Odin who everyone seems to agree is terrible). Not only that but their base magic stat is pretty underwhelming. Is a magical Kinu or Caeldori a pipe dream? Are they just bad children in general?
  2. As I'm making this for single player only, most of my characters won't be hitting 20/15 until end game at best, so I'm not as concerned about how level 15 skills factor into the build.
  3. This 'option' was not something the players exclusively decided to focus on. If I recall correctly, the developers even said that Takumi and Leon were specifically designed to be attractive to female players, and Camilla's intended sex appeal is pretty straightforward. Even if there isn't dialogue in game that says "You should totally tap that", the sibling characters are designed to be attractive to YOU. I say "encouraged to" as a hyperbole of "it's not in any way discouraged to shack up with your siblings, and the story warps to accommodate this choice if you make it".
  4. Well, you said it all yourself. Kamui isn't a perfect power fantasy but it has many things that qualify. I'll add on that Kamui goes against orders that would supposedly lead to his execution but he's just let off the hook. "Offensive" probably isn't the right word, unless it means "them trying to tell me Marx and Nohrrin are heroes is an insult to my intelligence". But I do think Fates deserves a special term for the lengths it goes to undermine everything it does.
  5. I like a lot of units with balanced stats or mixed usage so Hero, Holy Lancer, Revenant Knight and War Priestess. Overall, most classes look SO GOOD that it's easier to list the classes I don't like.
  6. Of the games listed above, only Other M is as offensively bad as Fates is. There are plenty of games where the writers just didn't try, or there are games that are mostly on point but fail in a few critical areas. But few games are like Fates and Other M that are both heavily invested in their story and self-defeating in their execution. Other M; a game that baits you with telling the back story of one of the largest feminist icons in video games, that makes Samus a whiny, monotone, co-dependent womb-on-legs in love with an abusive male figure. Fates; a game about family where you are encouraged to fuck your siblings, lied about the premise of BOTH of its stories, and forces every character to be retarded in order to hide the real canon story behind a 3rd DLC only route. While the Avatar/MU (note, both terms imply this is YOU) isn't a perfect self-insert because they have something of a defined personality and make choices independent of the player, they do want you to feel this is your character. You can choose the name (many people will either choose their own name or a nickname they associate with) and their spouse (something that people get super invested in, not because they care about Kamui as a character but because they care about the spouse). There are plenty of reasons why Fates has embarrassing amounts of player worship. Several characters personalities revolve around worshiping you (Camilla), some to the point that they do ridiculous things like betraying their country for you (Kaze). No matter how much shit your character does (Conquest) the game paints you as a tragic hero who is eventually forgiven by even the people who should hate you the most. Even if you don't personally project yourself onto Kamui, the game is definitely heavy on worshiping that character. I think you are giving them too much credit, thinking hardware limitations are relevant to what they tried to accomplish. Much of both routes is filler-like and you don't need THAT much dialogue for better world building and proper story elements. Other games pulled it off and they didn't have 3 games worth of content to do it.
  7. I liked the idea of Dread Fighter to Blacksmith because she can practice both swords and axes and continue to use after class changing again. Hopefully I won't be gimping her Defense too much.
  8. What is the next best class for Rinka after Berserker? I was thinking of doing a 4-10 Oni, 10-25 Dread Fighter and then switch to Blacksmith for the rest.
  9. I'm pretty sure those are the totals at each level, assuming you don't buy anything. If you bought 3 javelins at level two, then you should have 7 left in stock at level three.
  10. The S support was the deal breaker? Not her being your sister? Rinka has the 'tankier' pair up boosts, getting +2 speed and +2 defense boosts, but you can't go wrong with Oboro or Scarlet who have more rounded bonuses.
  11. I was pissed off at first too but you can still get it in Hoshido through Battle Points so it's something.
  12. -Retaliation against Nohr who also murdered their king -A conflict set up by Nohr that the Hoshidans wanted to avoid -One individual who had both of his parents murdered by Nohrians. (I'll give you hating Aqua though) I'm not seeing Hoshido being portrayed as very negative here. Muse is a neutral country, although Garon seems to do what he pleases there.
  13. To be fair, the weapon triangle should have protected him but Anna wanted him dead. Anna, the truer big bad of the 4th canoner route.
  14. I think they could show the crystal ball to Leo, Camilla and Elise and get them to believe there is something wrong with Garon. The real question is, would they DO anything about it, even if they knew the truth? Even after seeing and being ATTACKED by Gooron, they still didn't fight back. I'm not saying that this proves that telling the siblings wouldn't help, just that the story problems run deeper than Kamui and Azura's helplessness. ALL of the siblings are incredibly passive and don't turn on Garon until Marx (the biggest blockhead in the story) gives his stamp of approval. Chapter 15 is definitely a shark jumping moment but it's not the real root of the problem of Conquest. The real problem is the characterization of the siblings (Kamui included) believing that they can't and shouldn't stand up to Garon, who is at best a brutal and insane tyrant and at worst a literal monster.
  15. I enjoyed Robin the most. As players, we've always been the tactician of the army and Awakening made that into an actual character (Mark would be first if Mark had a character). I liked the dual protagonists in the story and felt Robin's importance in the plot proportionate. Kamui is terrible in Conquest and only decent in Birthright. There is WAY too much player worship in that game.
  16. The way it works is you can buy any skill from a class they can change to. Because Kamui can share his secondary class with his spouse (which can be anyone), they can technically be any (standard) class and get every skill that belongs to them. The only skills with limited distribution are from the Nohrian Noble, Songstress, Villager, Wolfskin and Kitsune lines.
  17. I could get behind minimum chapter requirements for supports. The game already has a limit on Midoriko's recruitment because of a certain story event.
  18. I think we should stop talking to ckc22. He's dedicated to his mindset and isn't interested in hearing what we have to say. Plus the topic is bothering the mods. Also, I agree with your second point. If FE was "crumbling", we wouldn't have gotten so many gameplay improvements and innovations in Fates. The other controversial elements of the series direction are worth discussing but let's give credit where it's due.
  19. I'll agree with your conclusion when you write out your premise like this. Getting overpowered characters via MyCastle is NOT a core function of the game. You need to download those characters in order to break the game. Conquest is made harder and more like classical Fire Emblem by removing gold and exp grinding, but if I choose I can use the DLC to circumvent those limitations. If I used a console command to give myself an overpowered character, you'd call that cheating but if I download that character from another player it's not cheating? Who's making the arbitrary distinction of legitimate play now? You're making a pointless argument because no one really disagrees that it is indeed possible to break the game's difficulty with a certain feature. What we disagree with is whether that feature is and ever was considered the normal way to approach the game's difficulty. Letting (key word) the gameplay remain challenging in Conquest is as simple as saying "I will not download additional content that will make the make easier". Awakening was a lot more complicated, necessitating that you don't overuse CORE mechanics.
  20. You've been given numerous counterarguments and ignored them all because they don't suit your conclusion. The irony is palpable. All you can do is plug your ears, close your eyes and keep screaming that it must be everyone else who is wrong.
  21. Don't get me wrong, I like Robin and Morgan better too but wasn't Morgan an amnesiac tactician just like her dad in the same way Kana takes after her dad? Present your liked characters and be judged.
  22. Why shouldn't they get married? She's rich, she's beautiful, she's got huge...tracts of land.
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