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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. Lutz' wyvern is named Michalis. Camilla's wyvern is named Marzia.
  2. While I wouldn't describe it as 'hard' per se, Kinu's paralogue is nothing but trees and no way to cut them down. Probably the most tedious paralogue in the game.
  3. Can anyone confirm if it's required to protect the village in Mitama's chapter to get her? And if it's optional, do you get anything extra for doing it? I know it's not a game over if the village gets destroyed.
  4. It may have just been the timing then. When I did the mission, my units were (iirc) just barely promoted but they were fighting all promoted enemies with Silver weapons. The Elite Ninja needed at least two characters to kill in one turn and could severely wound and lower the stats of anyone who engaged them. Basically, my units could survive 1-2 hits but would be at risk of taking 3-4 if they entered the center of the map. Shinonome's mission had similarly difficult enemies with the added difficulty of getting to Shinonome in two turns. The potential threat of Foleo's mission isn't to Foleo himself, just that the battle at the center of the building could be tricky. A lot of enemies, both physical and magical. Do you get something special for preventing the villagers in Sophie's paralogue from dying? I (with great care and many retries) managed to save their suicidal butts but I don't know if it mattered.
  5. I'm going to have to disagree on a number of these. Soleil can get killed before you reach her unless you get there ASAP. I recall her getting killed before even a mounted unit could reach her. Mitama was the hardest one to beat in later game (next to Shinonome's) because the center village you need to protect (I think it's required to recruit her) is in an area where a lot of hard hitting enemies have overlapping attack ranges. I didn't do it super late but Foleo's might be dangerous to do as well.
  6. I want to lesbian marry Oboro, and I'm a man. You're alright in my book.
  7. Whoa... this makes everything better. Wat...?
  8. I doubt I'll get any of them but this is what I want and I've been a good boy. -Give the female classes pants (you know the ones) -Make unique color pallets for all natural promotions -Story DLC for Kamui's kidnapping. -More class DLC -remove incest pairings -Improve Nohr's story -make better explanation for children This. All the Kamui-sexuals deserve at least a few more supports. No Yuugiri x Yukimura? No Flora x Joker? Isn't that the essence of Zero's character?
  9. If it works be a team player and give us Robin too (please?)
  10. What's to confess about having excellent tastes?
  11. Fair enough. Maybe I'd like her more as a person if I read more her supports (I did enjoy some of them, tbh) but her forced mysteriousness/expositionbotting in the main game is really frustrating and her role in the plot even more so.
  12. More Authors [spoiler=Blade_of_Light] Chapter 1 1. What routes are you working on? Is it an amalgamation of all three? Is it an alternate universe style retelling? I am focusing on Birthright for now, but I am going to do Conquest if I do well with the former (under the names "Blood" and "Bond" respectively. 2. What notable changes would you make to the plot? Well it sort of started with searching around on the official website. I found that the site said that you will have to work to earn your siblings trust in the birthright route. I found it quite amusing, since the siblings (save Takumi) trusted you from the start. But then I thought, "What if you were actually doing that?” Similarly, the birthright choice in the "Branching Point of Fate" said "Defend Hoshido". Since it sounds way better than "Play Hide and Seek with Hoshido," Why don't we just do that? Basically, In Fire Emblem Fates: Blood, Corrin is trying to rebuild his trust and relationship with his forgotten Hoshidan Kin, and at the same time, assisting them as they repel various attacks from the invading Nohr Kingdom on important locations in Hoshido. I am still thinking about what will happen with Fates: Bond though, I need some ideas. · Are problematic elements (the curse, the magic throne, the crystal ball, operation tears, Nohr and Hoshido being too black and white, everything Aqua does) going to be addressed? I will be throwing most of those out the window, except the curse. I need to know more about its problems before I decide whether or not I can fix it. Edit: Yeah, it’s out. · Are there any themes to be communicated over each route? Blood covers the dangers of mistrust and doubt. · What is the overall direction and "point" of each route? I think I need to know what exactly you mean by this. 3. What notable changes would you make to the characters? Most of the characters are the same as their canon counterparts, but I will be trying to tweak their major problems without creating an entirely new person. I am however considering having Kagero and Hinoka switch places. What is Kamui all about (background, personality, abilities)? Corrin is a prince (princess if I do bond) in the same situation as the original story. He, however, is not "worshiped" by everyone like in the game. Corrin's personality is similar to his canon one, but much smarter, but also not quite as honest. Corrin also still has his dragon fang abilities but they are more important here than in the original (where Corrin turns to a dragon, and this ability is never addressed again). · What is Aqua all about (personality, role in the plot)? Azura is a songstress who was originally a Nohr princess, but she ran to Hoshido as a young child due to Garon’s oppression on Nohr. She is still reserved, though somewhat arrogant. She is still the dueteragonist of story, but this will be more apparent. · What are the Hoshidan and Nohrian siblings all about (personalities, roles in the plot)? Nohr · Xander: The crown prince of the Nohrian family. The most powerful man in Nohr (besides Garon) Xander is mostly calm and level headed, and protective of his family. He does, however, fails to understand the façade that Garon has hid himself under to his children, who is not quite the same towards others outside the castle. Wields the legendary Siegfried. · Camilla: The eldest princess of the Nohr family. In this story, I introduced her to the world of pants (sorry fanboys). She is a very motherly figure, and quite doting to all her younger siblings. She is, however, merciless too her foes. · Leo: The youngest prince of the Nohrian royal family. The head of magic in Nohr, Leo is a magical prodigy, and has quite a reputation of coldness among the Nohrian citizens. Despite this, he is very absent minded, and not only does it leave him with his clothes inside out and backwards (I can totally relate) it also interferes with his magic. Wields the legendary Brynhilder. · Elise: The youngest princess of the Nohrian family. Seen by her older siblings as “the only light of Nohr” she is very cheerful and adoring of all her siblings (especially Corrin, who she spent the most time with) wishing to be like them some day. Hoshido · Ryoma: The crown prince of the Hoshidan royal family. The most powerful man in Hoshido, and a follower of Bushido, Ryoma is kind, but somewhat hotheaded and short tempered. He is very aware of this, and hard on himself for it. · Hinoka/Kagero*: The eldest princess of the Hoshidan royal family. (short and bland like the canon XD) · Takumi: The youngest prince of Hoshidan family. Dealing with inferiority complex, Takumi is somewhat envious of the attention his other siblings get, and wants to improve himself to get himself to stand out. He is very distrusting, and quite paranoid about Nohrian activity. Wields the legendary Fujjin (I forgot how its spelled). · Sakura: The youngest princess of the Hoshidan family. She is pretty shy and reserved, except around Azura. She is not very fond of this however, and she wants this reversed. *I am considering switching HInoka’s role with Kagero’s. I will add more info once I made my decision. · What is Hydra all about (role in the plot)? · What is Garon, Mikoto, Lilith or any other important character all about? · What changes will be made to minor characters 4. What notable changes would you make to the setting? Details coming soon. · What ideas do you have for world building? · What kind of history does this continent have? · What is the balance of natural and supernatural elements? · Are the Faceless and invisible enemies in your story? 5. Do any characters die? Oh yeah..... 6. Do you introduce any new characters? No, all the characters are canon. 7. Are any characters going to be cut? I really want to avoid this, but we will see what the future holds. Anyway, that's all I have for now. Will update more in the future (if someone else already had a similar idea though, forget I was here.) [spoiler=NightStar] 1. What routes are you working on? Is it an amalgamation of all three? Is it an alternate universe style retelling? Revelations. I was kind of disappointed that they didn't combine Birthright and Conquest stories. So here's me trying to rewrite that and fill in the missing lore while I'm at it, along with a bunch of stuff. Basically the entire "canon" story. You can take a look at my fic here. 2. What notable changes would you make to the plot? Are problematic elements (the curse, the magic throne, the crystal ball, operation tears, Nohr and Hoshido being too black and white, everything Aqua does) going to be addressed? Are there any themes to be communicated over each route? What is the overall direction and "point" of each route? Yes. All (if I can squeeze all - though I'll do my damndest to try) of them are going to be addressed. There will be hints of both Birthright and Conquest routes. Other elements include: time travel, a lot of old magic, reworking of the children + Deep Realms thing as well as miscellaneous issues. 3. What notable changes would you make to the characters? What is Kamui all about (background, personality, abilities)? What is Aqua all about (personality, role in the plot)? What are the Hoshidan and Nohrian siblings all about (personalities, roles in the plot)? What is Garon, Mikoto, Lilith or any other important character all about? What is Hydra all about (role in the plot)? What changes will be made to minor characters? Kamui is definitely more proactive and head-strong in the story as she has the knowledge from both routes. Hence, a lot of changes have been and will be made. She'll fight, but on her own terms this time. Aqua and the royals will also have more proactive roles, to say the least. Can't say more as I'd spoil later chapters. If you've seen my headcanon about Anankos in the Alternate Story Ideas thread, you may or may not know where I'll go with it. Though, it's subject to change. 4. What notable changes would you make to the setting? What ideas do you have for world building? What kind of history does this continent have? What is the balance of natural and supernatural elements? Are the Faceless and invisible enemies in your story? I am toying with bringing Awakening characters/verse into Fates, though it is currently unlikely as there's a huge cast of characters already. Again, subject to change. It'd be tricky, but doable. For history, please click this link. It'll refer you to my post in the Alternate Story Ideas thread. Subject to change. Elements... Secret, sorry. Still mulling over this, but probably not. 5. Do any characters die? Leaning towards the "Yes". Don't kill me, please. 6. Do you introduce any new characters? Maybe a few. Not too many, of course. 50-50. 7. Are any characters going to be cut? I'll probably cut out the children. Not sure about this yet. =========================== If you just want the link to my fic, click here.
  13. Support Conversations @NekoKnight [spoiler=Eponine x Foleo C-S] C-rank Eponine: Ah, Foleo. I thought I'd find you here. Foleo: Eponine? I didn't see you come in. Eponine: Working on your fancy dresses again, huh? I recall you were making something like that when we first met, too. Foleo: I remember that day well. I was so shocked to see you standing there at the frame of my window on the second floor. Eponine: Well, I do have a habit of making surprise visits to people. It wouldn't do for a thief to be expected. At first I thought I'd sneak in and see what jewelry I could make off with but when I saw you there in your beautiful clothes, I couldn't take my eyes off you. I thought you were a girl, at first. Foleo: A lot of people do. That's probably the reason why my parents kept me so sheltered. They found my dressing habits an embarrassment and I rarely left that room full of sewing supplies and books. Eponine: I was curious about those as well. I had seen books before but I couldn't make any sense of the scribbles on them until you taught me to read. Thanks to you, I acquired a taste for literature. Foleo: And thanks to you, I finally had a friend. You paid me many secret visits to my room. I taught you how to read and you always brought me new and interesting stories. It made me happy to have someone to talk to. Eponine: We made an odd pair, I think. A street urchin and a noble. Of course all of that came to an end when your parents caught me and I was thrown into prison. I guess your luck only lasts so long in my line of work. Foleo: Yes... Eponine: Ah, that reminds me, I've brought you a gift. Ta-dah! It's a book I found! The Adventures of Roland! Foleo: By "found" do you mean "stolen"? Eponine: What? No! I mean, maybe. I'm sure the guy I got it from had a spare copy somewhere. He won't miss it. Foleo: I want you to return it. Eponine: Eh? But it's a really good book! Full of brave heroes and dragons and- Foleo: Please return this book at once! Eponine: Fine! I'll take it back... That Foleo... has he become more picky about the books I bring? Maybe he'd like a book on fashion instead. B-rank Eponine: Here you go, Foleo. I acquired another book for you! Masterwork Sewing, by the esteemed Archibald Lancaster. I think this one is quite rare. Foleo: Where did you get this book? Eponine: It fell off a wagon. Foleo: Really? Eponine: No... This one is also stolen. Foleo: And what will you do when the people you robbed come looking for what's theirs? Are you ready to face the consequences? Eponine: Eh, don't be so uptight. It will be just like when we were children. I always brought you good books, right? Foleo: That's enough! I told you I don't approve of your lifestyle but you never listen to me! Eponine: Hey! Isn't that a little harsh? I went through a lot of trouble to get you this book. Foleo: If you want to bring me a book, then go buy one like a normal person! Eponine: ... It's easy for someone like you to say that... Foleo: Eponine? Eponine: I didn't choose to be born poor! I didn't have the luxury to have servants bring me everything I could ask for! If I could get by without being a thief, I would have... You were locked into that room your entire life. What do you know about what it's like to live on the outside!? I brought you those books because I thought they would make you happy! Foleo: No...I didn't mean... Eponine: ...I'm going now. You don't have to read the book... Foleo: Wait, Eponine! Please come back! A-rank Foleo: I finally found you! Eponine: Foleo... Usually I'm the one seeking out you, huh? I want to apologize for my outburst earlier. I... just felt so angry. I let my envy show and I'm sorry. Foleo: I'm the one who should apologize. I didn't realize it at first but my words were thoughtless. I was trying to give you advice but I only came off as condescending and entitled. Eponine: It's okay... Foleo: But I want you to know that I didn't say those things because I think you're a bad person. I said them because I was worried about you. The last time you were caught for a crime, we were separated for 5 years. I didn't know if you were alive or dead. You were the most important person in my life and... I thought I would never see you again. Eponine: Foleo... I'm so happy that you were thinking about me. I thought about you a lot during those years as well. Foleo: Eponine, after the war is over, I want you to tell me a story I've never heard before, but I don't want it to be from a stolen book. Eponine: What!? But those are the only kind of books I have! Foleo: I don't want to hear their stories, I want to hear yours. I want to know everything that happened to you since we were separated and from the time before we met as well. Eponine: You might not always like the main character. She's a bit of a rouge and a scoundrel. Foleo: That's fine by me. I find those types a little...exciting. Eponine: The Eponine Odyssey won't come cheap you know. I'm making my way up in the world and I need to charge higher prices for my works. Foleo: It's not finished yet but I've been working on a set of matching outfits. I used the finest silk and velvet I could find. It might be a little gaudy for your tastes but I'd like you to have it. Eponine: In that case, I'll accept! I'm looking forward to seeing your craftsmanship. Foleo: I won't disappoint you! S rank Eponine: Outside again, are you? You're going to ruin that porcelain skin if you spend too much time in the sun. Foleo: Don't worry, I'm well covered up. Eponine: You are indeed. What a marvelous outfit today. Are you meeting someone important? Foleo: You could say that. ...Eponine? I have a particular request but it might be too much for you. Eponine: Oh? If it's a riveting yarn, I got you covered. What sort of story would you like to hear? Foleo: It's a story about something that hasn't happened yet. Eponine: That is a difficult request! Foleo: I want to hear about where our story will go. How does the story of Eponine and Foleo end? Eponine: Such a thing is... Foleo: Every day I see you run off into dangerous situations and I worry about you. The heaviness in my heart gets worse each time. Eponine... I think I'm in love with you. Eponine: What!? But I'm just a lowborn thief. How could you have feelings for someone like me? Foleo: You're so much more than that! You're kind, funny, smart and... beautiful! Eponine: To be praised like that by someone so elegant as you... I'm truly flattered. Truth be told, lately I've found my solo adventures a little less enjoyable because I end up missing you. Foleo: Then do you accept my feelings? Eponine: I do. I don't want to think of a world where you aren't waiting for me when I come home. I'm in your care, Foleo. Foleo: With you by my side, I'll never be lonely again. I hope I can make you as happy as you make me. [spoiler=Kamui x Camilla C-S] Note: Camilla is bisexual in my headcanon (which is also hinted at in actual canon) so the Mamui and Femui support are the same outside of some pronoun changes. I wrote Kamui as a girl here just because I had a female Avatar for my Conquest playthrough. C-rank Camilla: Kamui, dear? Are you in your room? I'm coming in~ Kamui: Ah, you startled me sister! Camilla: Hm? What's with all these papers? Kamui: Oh, I'm just taking an inventory of our supplies. If we ran out of healing staves in the next battle, we'd be in a real bind. Camilla: All that stuffy paperwork can wait until later. Right now we should go outside and enjoy the sunshine. Kamui: I don't know... this really is a matter of- Camilla: Kamui, you're going to be an old woman at 30 if you overexert yourself. Besides, it's been a long time since we've gotten to relax together as siblings. Kamui: *Sigh* You know, you're right. Sometimes we need a bit of levity to keep our spirits up. So, what did you have in mind today. Camilla: I'm glad you asked! I've written down a few ideas of things we could do together today. Kamui: Huh? There must be over 20 things written on this paper! Surely we can't do all of them in a day! Camilla: Really? Well, in that case we have a lot of activities for future outings. First I was thinking of taking a stroll through the meadow. Then we'll find a nice tree to sit under and you can lay your head in my lap as I brush your hair with my fingers. Kamui: That could be relaxing...but I'd feel a little embarrassed if anyone saw us. Camilla: There's no need to be bashful. It will be just like when we were younger. Kamui: And after the meadow? Camilla: Later we could visit the marketplace at night and pick up some of those meat skewers you like so much. We'll drink some sweet wine, take a bath together and then go to bed. Kamui: W-wait, what was that last one? Camilla: Going to bed? Kamui: No, the one before that! Did you say 'take a bath together'? Camilla: Of course. Bathing is important and we'll be doing things all day so we need to wash away the sweat and grime. Kamui: But why together!? It would be too embarrassing! Camilla: But you used to love taking baths with Big Sis... Kamui: I was 6 years old! Camilla: Come on, it will be fun. I'll scrub your back for you and you can do mine. It will be a sibling bonding experience. Kamui: No, it's absolutely out of the question! Even as siblings, that would be unusual. Camilla: Fine, we'll bathe separately. But I don't want you leaving my side for a moment until then. Kamui: Okay, I'll go get ready then. Camilla: Ah, Kamui. You're already so grown up. I feel a little wistful watching you leave your childhood behind. But then again, there are certain things only adults can experience. B-rank Camilla: Yoohoo, Kamui~ Come give your big sister a hug! Kamui: Eh, what's this all of the sudden? And...why does your breath smell like wine? Camilla: After you left early last night, I had to finish all of the wine myself. I may have had a little this morning too... Kamui: Sister, you're going to fall down if you don't steady yourself. Camilla: Don't worry about me, I can take care of myself. The truth is, I wanted to talk to you about something. I realized that yesterday I was too forward with the whole bathing together thing so I want to apologize to you. Kamui: There's really no need. Camilla: And to make up for it, I'm going to give you a massage! Kamui: What...? Camilla: Lately you look so pensive and I can see the stress building up in your shoulders. Just take off your shirt, lay on your stomach and Big Sister Camilla will rub away all the tension! Kamui: Camilla, there's actually something I want to talk to you about. Camilla: Oh? What is it? Kamui: I really enjoy spending time with you but... lately a lot of the things we do together are more intimate than I think is normal. The bath and now this massage thing... people are going to think we have a special relationship. Camilla: We DO have a special relationship! How many are so privileged that they can call you a sister? Kamui: It goes beyond that! You aren't nearly as close with Elise, Leon or Marx. I just want to know why you focus so much of your attention on me. Camilla: ...Isn't it enough to tell you that I love you as my sister? Kamui: There must be more than that. Camilla: ... Kamui: Camilla? Camilla: I'm sorry, Kamui. That's something I can't tell anyone, not even you. Kamui: Hey, Camilla! Where are you going? ...What was that about? A-rank Kamui: Camilla, can we talk? You're barely speaking to anyone and every night you seclude yourself in your room to drink. Camilla: I'm fine. You don't need to worry about me.... Kamui: I AM worried! Ever since the day before when you said that there was something you couldn't tell me, you had such a deep sadness in your eyes. I couldn't stop thinking about it. Camilla: I'm sorry... Kamui: Please tell me what it is. There are no secrets between sisters, right? Camilla: ...If I tell you, will you promise you won't come to hate your sister? Kamui: I could never come to hate you! No matter what happens, nothing will ever break our bond. Camilla: Very well... You’re probably aware that Marx, Leon, Elise and I are born to different mothers. Kamui: I heard, but you guys never really talked about it. Camilla: And there is a reason for that. While Marx was born to the late Queen Katerina, the rest of us were mothered by mistresses. Though they shared a bed with Father for a time, they and their children were not guaranteed a high position in court. Nohrian society has no place for weaklings, so those who want to advance in the world have to be the strongest, the smartest and the most ruthless. Kamui: I see… Camilla: The main conflict started about 10 years ago. Competition among the mistresses for King Garon’s favor was fierce and nothing was off the table. Slander, poisonings, assassinations… even using their children as weapons against each other was common-place. For all the turmoil boiling throughout the country, a second secret war was being fought inside the castle walls. Kamui: But why would Garon allow such madness? Camilla: I told you, didn’t I? Nohr only values the strong and Garon wanted only the best of his children to succeed him. Kamui: … Camilla: I was 13 when the eldest daughter of Lady Reinwald, visited me at our family villa. She came under the pretense of friendship but she was really there to kill me. She nearly succeeded and I still have a scar over my left eye to show for it. I did eventually cut her down with an axe but… I wasn’t the same after that. Even as I watched my mother’s wyvern eat that girl’s body, I felt nothing. That was the first. A year later I killed one of my half-brothers, and then a half-sister and then… I just stopped thinking about who they were or why they wanted me dead. The killing became easier but I could feel my soul becoming hollow. Kamui: Gods… it’s too horrible to even think about. Camilla: But that all changed when I met you. When you came to us, you were an outsider, born to nothing. You’d never be allowed to advance in Nohrian society so I knew you would be left out of our power struggle. You were the one sibling I could trust and love unconditionally. Just as I was about to give into despair, you became my light. Kamui: Camilla, why didn’t you tell me before!? Had I known you were suffering, maybe I could have… Camilla: I wanted to tell you… but I didn’t want to scare you away. If you knew your gentle older sister was actually a cold-blooded killer, you’d never approach me again. Kamui: I never thought that of you and I still don’t! I love you, sister. Camilla: Kamui…for you to say that… *sobs* Kamui: It's okay. I'm right here. Camilla: I don't know what I did to deserve you but I don't want this moment to end. Kamui: Dear sister, you’ve looked after me as long as I can remember, but now it’s time I look after you. Cry as long as you need to. I’ll always be there to help carry your burden. S-rank Kamui: Camilla, you look better since we last spoke. Camilla: All thanks to you, Kamui. After telling you my story and being accepted...I feel so much lighter. Had you rejected me... surely my mind would be torn apart. Kamui: I'm glad that we could connect on a deeper level. Camilla: Still, I feel a little sad. I need you so much more than you need me and I'm afraid of being a burden on you. Kamui: I need you just as much. This war has been draining on me... the things I've seen and done. If you weren't there to support me, I'd be lost. Camilla: Then we're the same. When I look at you, my body feels hot and I can hardly contain myself. Does...that make you feel uncomfortable? Kamui: I... don't know. Growing up, I always thought you were beautiful and gentle. It's embarrassing but I like the way you look at me. I want to be close to you and feel that warmth. But we're sisters so something like that is forbidden. Camilla: Then why don't we stop being sisters? Kamui: Camilla, you can't mean-!? Camilla: I do. I love you Kamui, more than anyone in this world. If being sisters is the last barrier between us, I'll gladly cast it away. Kamui: Camilla stop, this is... someone could see us! Camilla: Then we'll just have to go somewhere where no one is watching. Kamui: Camilla! Camilla: I was only joking. We still have a lot to talk about, and certain precautions will need to be made but... there is one thing I will tell you now. I am yours, now and always. Kamui: You always say the most embarrassing things... but I am yours as well. Take good care of me, Camilla. [spoiler=Oboro x Selkie C-A] C-rank Selkie: Four, five, six gold pieces. Kya ha ha. This city is full of such gullible people. I feel like a fox left alone in the hen-house. They almost make this too easy. Oboro: Stop right there, criminal scum! Selkie: Tsk, someone was eavesdropping? No matter, there isn't a man alive that can resist my charms... Hello Miss! Oboro: Hmph, I heard there was a thieving fox around here but I didn't know they meant it literally. Selkie: Dear me, are you sure this isn't a case of mistaken identity? Oboro: Blonde hair, red kimono top with fur trim and a white, silk under-robe. Just like what was reported. Selkie: Well, you have done your homework, but I still feel you are mistaken. Everything on my person was acquired lawfully. Oboro: I don't believe you. An army stipend isn't nearly enough to purchase such high quality fabrics. Which means you must have stolen them! Selkie: Nonsense, I happen to be a major patron of fashion. I'd never resort to stealing. (What's with that glowering face? Even when I'm telling the truth, she makes me feel guilty...) Oboro: Oh, then how about we talk to those merchants and ask if they've seen you before. Selkie: T-there's no need to make a scene. Look, I'll show you my receipts to prove my innocence. Oboro: ...You did purchase these! But where did you get the money? Selkie: Gifted to me by generous men with heavy purses. Now, are we settled? Oboro: No, we're not. I misjudged you and I should apologize. Selkie: Y'know what speaks louder than words is actions. If you buy me that scarf over there, I think I'll be able to forgive you for making false accusations. Oboro: (Tsk, 60 silver pieces for one item. But I do need to make amends...) Alright, here you are. Selkie: Wow, you really bought it! Thank you for your generosity, Miss...Oboro, was it? I'd love to stick around and chat some more but I have another appointment. Tata~ Oboro: She's gone...I shouldn't be so quick to judge people. Wait, just because she purchased them legally, doesn't mean she acquired the money legally. Drat, getting that scarf must have been part of her plan too. Where did that fox get off to!? B-rank Selkie: Kya ha ha, another big haul! With this money I'll be able to feast on turkey tonight. Maybe two! Oboro: There you are, Selkie. Selkie: WAAAAAH! How...how do you keep sneaking up on me!? Why don't you greet people normally? Oboro: I did greet you normally. You're the one off in your own world. Selkie: I see... well, how can I help you? Oboro: Last time we spoke you mentioned getting "gifts" from men with heavy purses. Something about that seems suspect. Selkie: I thought we settled that matter. I already told you, they just give me the money. Oboro: And why would they just give it to you? Selkie: It's all very simple. I find people in fancy clothes who look like they could spare a few coins and I invite myself into their party. I win them over with my looks and conversation and then I get them to buy me the things I like. If they start to get grabby, I lose myself in the crowd and look for a new patron. I even made a game out of it. Oboro: Don't you think that is cheating people out of their gold? Selkie: Not at all. They get the pleasure of my company for an evening and I get to go shopping to my heart's content. I'd say both parties are well compensated. Oboro: How vain... Look, I think you need to stop your 'business' and find more wholesome ways of making money. You could get some real negative attention. Selkie: It's not easy for me... When I first came down from my village to the human cities I was dazzled by all the goods I saw. The thing is, we foxes don't have a use for currency in our village so I didn't have a copper piece to my name. I don't have trade skills nor anything to market so I'm as poor as a pauper without people's...donations. Oboro: I understand your feelings. When I was a child, I helped out in my parents fabric shop. There was a certain kimono that I wanted but it was far above what my parents could afford to just give me. I worked hard for several weeks, scouting work for my parents and selling things on the side. Eventually I earned enough to purchase it with my own money and made my parents proud of my determination. You'd be able to appreciate your things more too if you put in some honest work. Selkie: Hmm, I wonder. Thug: There she is, that two-timing bitch! Selkie: W-who are you? Thug: Ha! Did you really forget about me? I'll be taking back the money you took from me and then some. Oboro: Whatever she owes you, I'll pay it. There's no need for violence. Thug: It's far past that point now. She'll need to pay in blood! Selkie: Eep! Oboro: Not while I'm standing here! <battle sounds> Oboro: Phew. That low-life will think twice before attacking us again. Selkie: Because of me, you got your robes cut up... Oboro: It's nothing that I can't fix with some stitching. More importantly, neither of us were injured. Selkie: Still, I need to repay you for helping me. Oboro: If you want to repay me, Selkie, you can stay out of trouble from now on. I'll see you around camp, okay? Selkie: This won't do... Father always told me that debts need to be paid back completely and in a timely matter. But what can give her? A-rank Selkie: Hey, Oboro, you there? Oboro: Ah, Selkie. This is probably the first time you sought me out. You haven't been getting into mischief again, have you? Selkie: No, I've played around for enough. Lately I've been working hard like you told me to and I made this for you. Oboro: Wow! What is this cloth made of? It reflects the light so beautifully and it's incredibly soft! Selkie: Of course it's soft, I made it with my own fur. I'm going to look like a fashion disaster until it grows back but I do feel a little proud of my work. Oboro: Thank you for your gift, but isn't it a little much? Selkie: It's the best gift I could think of and worth exactly what you gave me. I understand now that my actions affect more people than just me and I can't act selfishly to get all the things I want. Oboro: I'm glad that you took the advice to heart. I used to think you were quite devious but I know now that you are someone I can trust. Selkie: Oh stop it, you'll make me blush. Oboro: Say, Selkie. Have you ever considered selling your fur? Selkie: Eh? People buy this sort of thing? Oboro: Of course! Spirit fox fur is incredibly rare! People would pay a fortune to have bits of it sewn into their collars and cufflinks. Selkie: Well, you would be the expert of this sort of thing. I'm not too good with numbers so maybe I can just donate some to your business and you can sell it for me. Oboro: It would be OUR business, but yes, let's do it. I'm confident that you'll be well fed and dressed after we make a few sales. Selkie: Sounds like a plan. Just don't ask for too much. I need to keep my fur perfectly groomed if I'm to go outside where people will see me. [spoiler=Kamui x Kanna C-A] C Rank Kanna: It must be around here somewhere... Maybe this pocket? Where- Kamui: Ah, there you are, Kanna. Kanna: F-father!? Kamui: Kanna, why are you going through my bag? Kana: I wasn't! I was just... Kamui: Kanna... Kanna: I wanted to look at your dragon stone. I'm sorry...I should have asked you first. Kamui: Why did you want to see it so badly? Kanna: Because I was curious. I grew up thinking I was like other children but then suddenly I changed into that...creature. Why didn't you tell me sooner that I wasn't human? Kamui: I never knew my real parents, so I didn't know you'd inherit my draconic power. Everything came as a shock to me too. I guess I hoped you wouldn't be like me so you could live a normal life. Perhaps that was a naive wish... Kanna: Father... Kamui: I asked Azura about the dragon stone. She told me that dragons of the past age would contain a portion of their souls in the stone in order to change form at will. But even Azura seemed uncertain. It seems there are more legends about dragonkind than there is scholarship. Kanna: So no one knows what we are? Am I really alone in the world? Kamui: As long as I'm here, you will never be alone. Come and talk to me if something is bothering you. Kanna: Thank you father. I will. B Rank Kamui: Where has that daughter of mine run off to now? She must get her willfulness from her mother... Kanna: Father! Look at this! Kamui: Kanna! Where have you been! I've been searching for you for hours. What's that book you're carrying? Kanna: I heard there was a caravan with a renown scholar passing through town. He loaned me this book. I just had to know! Kamui: "The Dragon Wars and the Ascension of Humanity." I didn't know you had such a passion for history. Kanna: Not just 'history', dragons! Haven't you ever wanted to know more about where we came from? Kamui: I've pondered it from time to time but with things so busy- Kanna: It says in the book that when the dragons waged war on each other, they began to succumb to a sickness. The more they used their powers, the faster their minds degenerated. Eventually they became nothing more than beasts blinded by rage. Kamui: Dragon sickness... I see. Kanna: Is this going to be our fate too!? Kamui: Calm down, Kanna. There is no proof that dragons and humans imbued with dragon blood are exactly the same. Kanna: But the sickness was said to affect all of the dragons. Every single one! It could happen to us any day! Kamui: I realize now that I was selfish to ask you to fight alongside us. Kanna, stop using your dragon stone. Kanna: But if you had to use your dragon stone twice as much just because I was afraid... I could never forgive myself. Kamui: You're my daughter. Your happiness is more important to me than anything you could provide on the battlefield. I won't force you to do something that compromises that. Kanna: No, I can't watch my friends and family go off to war and sit idly by. I'll support you in any way I can. Kamui: I see. Don't overdo it Kanna. A Rank Kanna: Father... Kamui: Are you still thinking about the dragon sickness? Kanna: Father, if I ever lose my mind to the sickness and become a threat to you or Mother, please kill me. Kamui: Kanna! How could you say such a horrible thing!? Kanna: Before my first transformation, I had dreams of changing into a dragon. The real thing was just like the dreams. I could see and feel everything that was happening but I wasn't in control of my body. The rage clouded my mind and I was powerless to resist. Even now I can feel the rage burning inside me like a small ember waiting to become an inferno. I...don't want to hurt anyone. You can't let that happen! Kamui: Get a hold of yourself Kanna! You've changed into a dragon many times now and you come back every time. I don't believe for a second you would ever hurt your family or your friends. Kanna: But I'm afraid! Kamui: My child, often are we born into cruel circumstances. We face many trials and hardships but we find strength and courage in each other. Rather than worry about the unknown, let's look for the truth ourselves. After this war is over, you and I will search for every text on dragons we can find. If there really is a risk of dragon sickness, we'll find the cure. I'm sure of it. Kanna: R-really? Kamui: Absolutely. You don't need to be afraid. No matter what our fate is, we'll face it together. Kanna: *sobs* Thank you, Father... If you're with me, I think I can be brave. @Pretty_Handsome [spoiler= Crimson x Ryoma C-S] Crimson x Ryoma C Ryoma: Crimson. Crimson: To the point as always, aren't you? Ryoma: I simply see no need to waste words. Crimson: Right, right... If you say so. Ryoma: ... Crimson: Relax, I'm just making fun of you. No need to make such a face. Ryoma: I don't know what you're talking about, Crimson. This is how I always look. Crimson: .... Crimson: .... Crimson: Alright, you have me there. Ryoma: Regardless, I was wondering if you were willing to spare some time offering your valued advice in the upcoming War Council. Crimson: Oh? Why me? Ryoma: We've fought side by side for awhile now so it should be obvious. Besides, I already trust you with my life so your opinion matters a great deal to me. Crimson: Geez, if you put it that way... Alright, c'mon. Ryoma: You have my sincerest gratitude. Crimson: Shame, was hoping that you would say that you would owe me one. Ryoma: ? B Ryoma: ... Crimson: Hmhmhmhm... Hmmmm? Ryoma: ... Crimson: Is that Ryoma? Why is he sleeping? Did he get tired out from that War Council from the other day? Ryoma: ... Crimson: Well, guess I gotta go wake him up because he'll catch a cold if he stays like that for the rest of the day. I'm so considerate. Crimson: .... Crimson: Hey, Ryoma! Why are you sitting there in silence? Are you asleep? You'll catch a cold, you know! Ryoma: .... Crimson: Ryoma? Ryoma: ....I'm meditating. Crimson: Well, you looked like you were sleeping... Or just really "really" bored. Ryoma: I do this as a part of my training, it isn't for entertainment. Crimson: Oh. Crimson: ... Crimson: Would you mind if I joined you? Ryoma: Are you sure? Wouldn't you be more satisfied decorating something? Crimson: I have plenty of time to decorate stuff later. Ryoma: Than I would have your reason. Crimson: Is it so wrong for me to simply wish to spend some time with a fellow warrior? Ryoma: ....No. Crimson: Great, now scoot over! Ryoma: !? A Crimson: Whoa, my head has never been so clear! Ryoma: Now do you see why I do this every day? Crimson; Everyday?! Ryoma: Is there a problem? Crimson: N-no... Ryoma: Hmmmm... Crimson. Crimson: Yes? Ryoma: I believe that it is only proper that since you partook in Mediation that I shall join you in decorating something today. Crimson: Really?! Are you serious? I have so many ideas! So many things that I want to try! Just think of all the sparkles, glitter and shiny! SHINY!!! Ryoma: ...What is this foreboding sense of dread that I'm feeling? Crimson: C'mon!!! Let's go, nooooow! Ryoma: Gaaaaah! -Later- Ryoma: Huff... Huff... Crimson: Tired already? C'mon, just hold still a bit longer. Ryoma: Why must I pose for this? Crimson: It's the easiest way to get a visual before I add the final touches to your armor! Ryoma: ... Crimson: What's the matter? Ryoma: ...Did you really write out "Lobster Lord" with gems on my chest piece? Crimson: Maaaaaybe.... Nope! Ryoma: ... Crimson: ... Ryoma: ... Crimson: H-hey... Ryoma: ? Crimson: Y-you're staring at me awfully hard, you know. Others may get the wrong idea. Ryoma: I thought that I was supposed to maintain this pose. Crimson: Ehehehe... Right. Well, we're done! Now go show off your newly decorated armor to the rest of the army! They'll be most impressed! Ryoma: Are you sure? Crimson: Yes, yes! Now go! Ryoma: Very well. Crimson: ... S Rank Crimson: H-hey, Ryoma. Do you have a moment? Ryoma: What is the matter, Crimson? You know that I always have time for you. Crimson: ...Ummmm... Errrr... Ryoma: ? Crimson: I-I-I was wondering h-how you see me. Ryoma: See you? Well, your armor could use a bit more polish I suppose. Crimson: No. I mean, as a person. Ryoma: Oh. Well, in that regard I view you as a fellow warrior who holds my highest level of respect and admiration above all others. Crimson: ... Ryoma: Did I say something wrong? Crimson: ...That's... Sweet... But I was wondering how you see me... As a woman. Ryoma: ....As a woman? Crimson: Y-yes, as a woman! After all, we've spent so much time together discussing war, mediating, decorating and saving each others lives countless times already. S-so I was wondering if you saw me as anything more than just being a trusted and fellow warrior. You know, as just a woman! Ryoma: I must apologize but you're not making any sense. Crimson: Ryoma! Are you really gonna make me have to say it? Ryoma: Well, if you have something to say than go ahead. I eagerly await to hear what's on your mind. Crimson: You jerk.... Ryoma: Did you say something? Crimson: I said that you're a jerk! Making a girl like me confess that she's in love with you! Ryoma: In love with me? Crimson: Will you stop repeating me? This is hugely embarrassing! Ryoma: I'm not understanding the situation at all. Crimson: That's clear as day. Look, it's okay if you don't share the same feelings as I, I just wanted to get this off my chest already as it's been driving me crazy! Ryoma: ... Crimson: ? ...R-Ryoma?! Ryoma: I couldn't resist. Crimson: W-what are you saying? Ryoma: I've been in love with you since the day you saved my life. Crimson: You were? ....Than what was all this?! Ryoma: A counter-attack. Crimson: A counter-attack? Ryoma: Now who's repeating who? Crimson: Rrrrgh... Ryoma: As I said, I couldn't resist. All those times you teased me and what you did to my armor... This was unavoidable. Crimson: Have you always been like this? Ryoma: Yes, though I must confess that my other intent was to trick you into revealing whether you shared the same feelings as I or not. Crimson: ... Ryoma: Crimson? Crimson: In that case... I forgive you. Ryoma: Just like that? Crimson: On one condition. Ryoma: Name it. Crimson: You better make me as happy as I plan to make you happy, got it?! Ryoma: Hahahahahaha... That's just like you. Crimson: I'm serious! Ryoma: As am I. Crimson, I apologize for teasing you but I must say that a life together with you? It was worth everything.... Even being branded the "Lobster Lord". Crimson: V-very well... I look forward to our future together not as just fellow warriors but as lovers as well - equal in all things. Ryoma: I would have it no other way. Crimson: With that settled... Now it's your turn to decorate me! Ryoma: ... Ryoma: ...Why not? Alright, come here first. Crimson: What for? -Ryoma kisses Crimson- Crimson: Oh, Ryoma... Okay, maybe decorating can wait.. @Etern@lDawn [spoiler=Crimson x Ryouma C-S] Ryouma x Crimson C Rank: Crimson: Ah Ryouma, I need to ask you something! Ryouma: Crimson, is there something that you needed? Crimson: Yes! I just realized that we’ve never really sparred before. And since you’re the crown prince of Hoshido, I wanted to test your strength! Ryouma: Hm…I guess you’re right. Very well then, I’ll accept your challenge. Crimson: Yes! C’mon *wyvern name*, let’s do our best! -Fight ensues- Ryouma: Take this!! Crimson: AUGH! -Crimson gets knocked off of her wyvern- Crimson: Damn…you’re pretty strong aren’t you Ryouma?! Ryouma: You fought pretty well yourself Crimson, it was a close match. Crimson: Nah, you’re just saying that. You kicked the crap outta me Ryouma! I barely managed to get any hits in! Crimson:… Ryouma: Crimson? Crimson: Oh…it’s nothing. Anyway, thanks for the battle Ryouma. I hope that we can spar again sometime! Ryouma: Of course. Ryouma x Crimson B Rank: Crimson: EEK! -Falls off wyvern- Crimson: Shit! I just can’t beat you! How am I ever going to live up to my parent’s legacy if I can’t get any stronger than this?! How can I lead the rebellion like this?! Ryouma: Crimson… Crimson: O-oh…I’m sorry for the outburst Ryouma, it won’t happen again. As always, thanks for sparring with me Ryouma, it means a lot to me! Ryouma: Crimson, there’s something that I want you to hear. Crimson: Y-yeah? What is it? Ryouma: I admire you. Crimson: WHAT?! Don’t just randomly say things like that Ryouma! Ryouma: Heh…but it’s true. You’ve singlehandedly spearheaded the rebellion against Nohr. You’ve been the movement’s figurehead, and have managed to rally the people behind you with your courage and bravery. Crimson: Ryouma… Ryouma: You have nothing to be ashamed of. As far as I’m concerned, you’ve surely lived up to and surpassed your parent’s expectations. And I consider you an equal. Crimson: *S-sniff* Ryouma…you don’t know how much that means to me…to hear those words from you…someone that I respect and admire…makes me happier than anything in the world. So thank you. Ryouma: You’re welcome. Ryouma x Crimson A Rank: Crimson: Hiyah! Ryouma: AGH! -Ryouma’s defeated by Crimson- Ryouma: Tch! Looks like it’s my loss… Crimson: Yes, I did it Ryouma, I won!! Ryouma: Congratulations. I’m proud of you Crimson. Crimson: Oh! And here. Ryouma: ? A lionstone? Crimson: Yeah…I wanted to thank you for the words that you said to me the other day. About you seeing us as equals. To honor the bond that has grown between us, and to hopefully strengthen the bonds between Hoshido and Nohr…I want to offer this gem to you… Ryouma:… Crimson: Ryouma…what are you thinking? Ryouma: Ah…the fiery blaze of the gem…it reminds me of myself when I was younger. Back in those days, when father was still alive, I’d train with him in the palace courtyard… Crimson:… Ryouma: He’d always tell me that I was to forceful with my strokes…too proud, too wild, too arrogant…thinking back on the decisions that I’ve made recently, I’m starting to realize that I’m still too proud, too wild, too arrogant…Crimson, I want to apologize… Crimson: For what?! You’ve done nothing wrong Ryouma. Ryouma: No...as the war between our two countries raged on, I began to despise “you people”, I began to listen to the same racist and xenophobic talk that started the war in the first place. Father and mother’s deaths at the hands of that Nohrian scum, King Garon made it worse, and when I met you, I didn’t think much of you to be honest… Crimson: Ryouma… Ryouma: I’ve been a fool. You made me realize that Crimson, with your bravery and valour. Being able to work with you to overthrow King Garon has convinced me that not all Nohrians are bad, and so I thank you for that. But I’m sorry Crimson, I’m not worthy of this gift, and I won’t be until I clear these prejudices completely from my mind. Crimson: Heh heh…you really are something aren’t you Ryouma? But for now at least, I want you to hold on to this. Because I admire and respect you even more for having the humility to admit that. Ryouma:…Alright. This lionstone will always be precious to me Crimson. Thank you. Crimson: You’re welcome. Ryouma X Crimson S Rank: Ryouma: Crimson, you wanted to meet me? Crimson: Yes. I wanted to show you something, on my wyvern’s back. Ryouma: W-wyvern’s back? Do you mean you want me to ride with you? Crimson: What’s wrong Prince Ryouma? You almost look scared, hehe. Ryouma: Hmph. I’m fine. Very well then, lead the way Crimson. Crimson: Alright! Let’s go. -Both are riding on wyvern’s back- Ryouma: Crimson…what is this? Crimson: Have you never seen the Chevalierian countryside from above Ryouma? Even amongst the desolation and despair, it seems almost peaceful from up here…doesn’t it? When things get rough, I always fly up here to calm my nerves…. Seeing my homeland from another perspective, it reminds me of what I’m fighting for. Ryouma: I can hardly imagine the burden that you carry. I was lucky to be born into the Hoshidan royal family, away from the hardships of a dictatorship. It makes you all the more beautiful for blossoming into the lovely flower that you are. Crimson: Hah…Hahahahaha!! Ryouma:… Crimson: I’m sorry, but you’re horrible at flirting Ryouma! Although, I guess I’m dense for not realizing where this was going until now. I’ve always been bad at reading people’s feelings…my own…feelings. Ryouma: Crimson, does that mean that you might feel the same way? Crimson: Yes! It does, when we first met, you were someone that I admired, but as we’ve fought together and grown closer, you’ve become someone that I love! That lionstone that I gave you, do you still have it with you?! Ryouma: Y-yes… Crimson: Look…I know this is sudden, but if our relationship grows into something more, I want you to marry me using that lionstone as a ring… Ryouma: Crimson…very well. If things between us work out, then I’ll do just that. From now on, my heart is in your hands. -Both hold hands- Crimson: And mine in yours! [spoiler=Kamui x Camilla C-S] Camilla x Kamui (Avatar) C Rank: Camilla: Kamui, there you are. Kamui: Hey sister, did you need something? Camilla: Need something? No, nothing of the sort. I just wanted to spend time with my cute little brother. With you finally allowed out of the castle, it makes me excited to think about you, me, Leon, and Marx spending time together like a normal family. Kamui: C-cute? Stop Camilla, you’re embarrassing me. Camilla: Fufu…Sorry brother, but it’s fun teasing you. I remember when we were younger and you’d come crying onto my lap, it was embarrassing for the both of us. Kamui: You’re not even trying to be subtle anymore are you? Well what do you want to do sister? We could train together, or discuss things over lunch, or go for a ride on your wyvern. Camilla: Actually…I wanted to apologize to you… Kamui: ? If this is about not telling me about my “real” family, then forget it. I’d already forgiven you long ago. Camilla: … Kamui: I won’t lie to you. When I discovered who my “real” siblings were, I was upset. It felt like my whole life had fallen apart. I even began to question your feelings towards me. Were they a lie as well? Did you all even love me?! Camilla: … Kamui: Then I realized something. Family isn’t always determined by blood relations, it’s determined by the bonds we forge with each other. They’re invisible bonds that tie us together. We craft them, and we break them. The love that you, Elise, Leon, and Marx gave me wasn’t fake. It was real, and you all are my family. Nothing will ever change that. Camilla: Ah…Kamui. Thank you. *sniff* Kamui: Please don’t cry sister, it’d ruin the mood on such a lovely day. Instead, let’s head out to the café and grab a bite to eat, yeah? Camilla: …Yeah. Camilla x Kamui (Avatar) B Rank: Camilla: Hey Kamui, what’re you doing? Kamui: Filling out the army logbook. Before I actually plan anything out, I want to focus on you and your retainer’s strengths and weaknesses. Camilla: Fufu…let’s see… “Luna: Fast and vicious in her attacks…Can take a hit…Overall, quite versatile a fighter, although her skill with a blade is mediocre at best…”, “Belka: Very skilled with an axe and a calm, calculating mentality makes her a terrifying opponent. But her speed suffers from this style of fighting…” Kamui: … Camilla: I see that you’ve also filled out each person’s personality traits as you’ve gotten to know them. Why Felicia’s (or Joker’s depending on gender) is filled out completely! My my, you’re a perceptive child aren’t you? Kamui: U-um. I…wouldn’t say that! But thank you for the praise sister! Camilla: Tsk…you’ve always been too hard on yourself brother…You should learn to accept compliments when compliments are due. Anyway, I see that you were about to fill my chart out…Well brother, what do you think about me? Kamui: Hmm…How do I put this Camilla…Watching you on the battlefield…is like watching a demon at work. It’s quite scary how powerful you are sister. You and your wyvern tear enemies to shreds in a whirlwind of axes, teeth, and malice. The aura that you emit towards your opponents is terrifying. You just give this bewitching smile as you rip the enemy apart…That combined with your magic potential makes you one of our most powerful members. I’m glad that you’re on my side sister. Camilla: Oh? And what about me…as a person? Kamui: You’re beautiful sister. You’re kind, empathetic, charming…you’re the best big sister that anyone could ever ask for! Camilla: Why brother, how sweet of you! I’m delighted that you think of me in that light! Camilla: … Kamui: What…is it sister? Camilla: Nothing much! I just remembered that I promised Luna that I’d go shopping with her. Anyway, good luck brother. I’ll see you later! Kamui: Oh! Bye…sister. Camilla x Kamui (Avatar) A Rank: Kamui: …Camilla. Camilla: Hey Kamui, is there something that you needed? Kamui: Earlier today, when you thanked me for what I said about you, you paused, and left in a hurry. Sister, it was almost like you realized something. D-did I say something to offend you, or are you keeping something else from me? Camilla: …The truth is, I was really happy with what you said about me brother. But it hurt when I remembered that I’m not the sister you want me to be. I’m not…the person you want me to be… Kamui: Sister? Camilla: Years after you arrived in Nohr, I killed my mother. That was after I had killed a countless number of my half-siblings… Kamui: What?! Camilla: It’s true. Have you heard of “The Game” Kamui? The wars waged between the Concubines of father? You see, Concubines are pitiful. After father’s done having “fun” with them, he casts them aside like they’re trash. And so, in efforts to raise their status, these Concubines bicker and fight amongst each other. The children that are caught in-between are often used as tools in an effort to hurt and sometimes kill other Concubines, the violence often extends to these children as well… Kamui: That’s…that’s horrible. Camilla: My mother…she used me in this “Game”. Under her instructions, I poisoned and murdered a countless number of my half-siblings. Do you know when I stopped? Kamui: No… Camilla: When she ordered me to kill a newborn baby girl…named Elise. Kamui: Oh gods!! Camilla: I was about to do it…The job was simple, poison Elise’s baby food and have her mother watch as her baby slowly choked to death. The plan failed when I actually stopped to look into Elise’s eyes…When our eyes met…I knew right then and there that what I was doing was wrong. And when I told my mother that I couldn’t kill my little sister, she slapped me, grabbed my hair, and dragged me out of the house. Kamui: … Camilla: As I laid in the grass, sobbing in the pouring rain, something inside of me snapped. And so I snuck back inside of the house, grabbed an axe gifted to my mom from father, and drove it deep into her skull while she was sleeping. Kamui: … Camilla: When father found out, he visited my house personally. And do you know what happened? He was impressed. He received me into the Nohrian royal family in a special crowning ceremony, and started to use me just like my mother had used me… Kamui: … Camilla: So there you have it. I’m not kind. I’m not empathetic. I’m not charming. I’m not…beautiful. I’m damaged. I’m broken. I’m…the woman that father and mother made me into. I’m manipulative. I’m spiteful. I’m ugly. I’m not who I think you am. Kamui: I…don’t believe you. Camilla: ? Kamui: You’re kind. You’re empathetic. You’re charming. You’re beautiful. Even after everything that’s happened, after everything that you’ve been through, you’ve become this wonderful woman. When you came to visit me at the end of the day EVERY DAY, I saw how much you were hurting. There were some days that you’d come, when you’d have bruises on your face and you’re body. I know because you would try and cover them up with makeup and your clothes. Something would always look…off. The pain extended to your eyes. Even if you were smiling and laughing with me, your eyes would always look sorrowful, like you were holding something back. Camilla: The time I spent with you away from father kept me grounded in reality… Kamui: And the time I spent with you reminded me that I wasn’t alone…*Hugs Camilla* You may be damaged, but you’re not broken. Camilla: *sobs* Brother!! Kamui: I love you Camilla. Didn’t I tell you that you were my sister no matter what?! I love you…now, unconditionally, and forever. And even after all that you said, I still think that you’re beautiful. Even more so than before. Camilla: Brother! Thank you…! Thank you…Thank you… Kamui: You’re welcome Camilla, my beautiful sister… Camilla x Kamui (Avatar) S Rank: Camilla: Kamui. Kamui: Camilla. Camilla: I wanted to thank you for what you said to me, about being beautiful even after I revealed my past to you. It really made me happy. But…that wasn’t the reason why I left so suddenly after you said it earlier that day. Kamui: It wasn’t? Camilla: The reason why I left…was because I realized that I was pushing the boundaries of our relationship. We are merely brother and sister, nothing more. When I asked you “what do you think of me as a person?”, I asked you that not as your sister, but as a woman. Kamui: Ha… Camilla: Kamui?! Kamui: Hahahaha! I’m sorry…I’m sorry…it’s just…Camilla, hold out your hands. Camilla: A purple…Camellia? Kamui: The truth is…when you called me out here, I had the intention of professing my love to you as well…I’ve always had feelings for you as well Camilla, you revealing your past brought them to the surface by cementing what a truly beautiful and lovely flower you are… Camilla: Fufu…the flower is a little on the nose don’t you think? And I’m truly happy that you feel the same way about me, but we’re siblings Kamui! These feelings are considered taboo! Kamui: Well it’s a good thing that we’re not really family then are we? Camilla: …And here I thought you said that that we were… Kamui: Well I’m willing to make an exception…only this once… Camilla: *sigh* You really cannot be helped…from now on, don’t trouble your sister-no, I mean your lover okay? @wvype [spoiler=Saizou x Felicia] C-support B-support A-support (bonus S) @Thane [spoiler=Tsubaki x Setsuna C-S] C Tsubaki: Well well~ I didn’t expect to see you training this early in the morning, Setsuna! Setsuna: Oh, Tsubaki… Tsubaki: What a cold greeting~, you should be careful with that frown; we wouldn’t want that pretty face to be the victim of premature wrinkles, hm~? Setsuna: Sorry, I’m just a bit distracted… Tsubaki: Well, that training dummy is starting to look like a pin cushion, so I’d wager you’ve been here for quite some time~, what’s on your mind? Setsuna: I just...do you ever wonder why and how you ended up here? Tsubaki: My my~ I knew you were scatterbrained but I never thought you’d forget an entire war! Setsuna: No that’s not it…I thought you’d understand since you’re also from a noble family… Tsubaki: Which is precisely why my duty is always foremost on my mind~. I don’t have time to play around in holes, you know~? Setsuna: … Tsubaki: Setsuna? Setsuna: I’m leaving. Tsubaki: Ah, no wait, I’m sorry! Drat, maybe I took the teasing a bit too far… B Tsubaki: At it again, are we? Setsuna: Oh, Tsubaki… Tsubaki: Well, I can’t say I don’t deserve that greeting this time around~. Setsuna: What do you want? Tsubaki: To apologize, of course~! I acted like an awful comrade and even worse friend, so I’m sorry, and I wanted to bring you this! Setsuna: This is…green tea? Tsubaki: With some honey in it, just like Hinoka told me you liked it~. Setsuna: …Thanks, Tsubaki. Tsubaki: Think nothing of it~. Now, please tell me what ails you. Setsuna: …You come from a noble family too, don’t you? Tsubaki: That I do~. Setsuna: Did you have a…good childhood? Tsubaki: No. Setsuna: ! Tsubaki: My mother was a very strict woman and impossible to please. My entire childhood was dedicated to one day making me bring honor to the family name. If I didn’t perform well during some of my private lectures or training sessions, I was locked up in my room without any food. Setsuna: Tsubaki… Tsubaki: The worst part was the children playing outside. I always wanted to join them, but I was either busy, locked up or I didn’t have the guts to talk to them; how could I connect to people my age if we had nothing in common? Setsuna: … Tsubaki: Oh, my, sorry about that~, I don’t know what came over me! I just remembered I have to take care of a task Lady Sakura gave me yesterday, but we can talk later~! Setsuna: …You idiot, don’t think I didn’t see the tears in your eyes. A Setsuna: Ah, good morning, Tsubaki. Tsubaki: *Pant* *pant* why hello there~, you seem to be coming here often these days. Setsuna: Here. Tsubaki: Hm? Ah, blackberry tea! It has been too long! Setsuna: Lady Sakura told me it was your favorite. Tsubaki: Haha~, well, I know I should be a good nobleman and drink Hoshidan tea, but truth be told I’ve always preferred Nohrian. Don’t tell Oboro I said that~. Setsuna: Heh… Tsubaki: You know, you never told me what has been bothering you; care to share? I can’t help you if I don’t know what your problem is~. Setsuna: Oh, that…I think you’ve already helped. Tsubaki: Hm~? Setsuna: When I was young, I was given everything a girl could ask for…but my life was never my own. I love my parents, but they never saw me as an individual... Tsubaki: Ah, I can relate to that. Please, go on. Setsuna: My life was planned for me: the people I could meet, the things I could do and say, the man I was supposed to marry…It was easier to just…daydream. To pretend I could fly high up in the air without a care in the world… Tsubaki: Hm…but how did I help? Setsuna: Because like you, I had nothing in common with the people around me. But now I’ve found you; you reminded me that I’m not only here because of my duties, but because I want to be. Tsubaki: S-Setsuna, you’re making me blush~! That’s high praise indeed~. Setsuna: Heh… Tsubaki: Alright, I’ve decided! We are going to make your daydream come true~! Setsuna: What do you mean? Tsubaki: We’re going to soar through the skies on the back of my pegasus, of course~; if we hurry, we can watch the sun rise~. Setsuna: That…that sounds lovely. Thank you, Tsubaki… S Tsubaki: *Pant* *pant* the lovely Setsuna returns~. I don’t understand why you keep visiting me this early instead of sleeping like everyone else. Setsuna: I like the vie…the quiet. Tsubaki: What was that first part~? Setsuna: Nothing~. Tsubaki: If you say so~. Did you have fun the other day? I told you the sunrise was best seen from high above~. Setsuna: It was wonderful, I can’t remember the last time I’ve been that happy… Tsubaki: I’m glad~! Setsuna: But…the ride only played a small part in that feeling. Tsubaki: Oh? Setsuna: I was happy because I was alone with you. Tsubaki: ! Setsuna: I love you. Do you love me? Tsubaki: Y-You really don’t mince words, do you~? Setsuna: I don’t see why I should. Tsubaki: Hah…you’re braver than me; as expected of my future wife~! Setsuna: Then…? Tsubaki: Yes, I love you, Setsuna. If my life from now on will be anything like all the mornings we’ve spent together, then I know I’ll be the happiest man in the world~. Setsuna: Heh…I feel the same. Let’s go and make some breakfast. [spoiler=Fuuga x Midoriko C-A] C Midoriko: Hm hm hm~ I can’t rhyme but it’s herb gathering time~ hm hm hm~ - Eh? Who’s that? Fuuga: Hue hue hue hue… Midoriko: L-Lord Fuuga? You seem to be in a…creepily good mood. Fuuga: Oh, uh…is that you M-Midoriko? Wow…when did you grow two feet? Midoriko: W-What are you talking about?! I’m the same as always…I think? Fuuga: No I’m…I’m pretty sure there’s something off with you… Midoriko: Lord Fuuga, you’re acting really weird! Wait, what’s that sticking out of your pocket? Fuuga: Oh…I found…my favorite kind of mushroom! I didn’t think they…they…they…grew so far away from home. Midoriko: You ATE them?! Those mushrooms are poisonous and eating them can have a whole bunch of strange effects, mild hallucinations being one of the least dangerous! Fuuga: …That would explain…the talking rock...hue hue… Midoriko: Geez, I can’t believe the chieftain of the Wind Clan would go off into the forest alone and eat random mushrooms! Fuuga: …Please don’t tell my mom… Midoriko: *Sigh* Alright Buster, come on, we’re going back to camp! Fuuga: Sure but…how? We don’t have any feet…oh no wait, that was the other guys… B Midoriko: Well, it seems the worst has passed. I’m amazed, Lord Fuuga, I’ve never heard of anyone recovering so quickly from Blackwood Mushroom poisoning before! Fuuga: I’m sure it’s all thanks to your medicine, little lady. Thank you for your hard work. Midoriko: I’ll have you know I’m just as much of a grown up as you! Maybe even more, since I don’t put whatever’s on the ground into my mouth! Fuuga: Oh, of course, of course. Then I’ll have to ask you to drop the “lord” nonsense and talk to me as an equal, lit- Midoriko. Midoriko: Sure thing! Now, this is usually the part where my patients start asking me not to tell all of their friends how they ended up here… Fuuga: Hah! Why in the blazes would I do that? This is a hilarious story! I can’t wait to tell everyone back home about it over a few ice cold beers! Midoriko: Eh? But all that rambling and puking, isn’t that embarrassing, especially for someone of your standing? Fuuga: Bah, sure, but those stories are usually the ones that get the loudest laugh, and as a fellow grownup, surely you know that we all need to laugh at ourselves every once in a while. Midoriko: O-Of course I knew that! In fact, I knew it more than you! I-I was just making sure that mushroom wasn’t still clouding your judgement! Fuuga: Ah, I see. I thank you again for your dedication, Midoriko. What would this army do without you? Midoriko: Ehehehe~… Fuuga: But, purely hypothetically, if you were still a kid, what would you want to do today? It’s a beautiful day outside, and the army isn’t going anywhere for a while; even Ryouma seems to be relaxing more than usual. Midoriko: W-Well, if I didn’t have so much work to do, I’d love to go out for a walk…or go to town and buy some new clothes… Fuuga: … Midoriko: Oh, and I’d probably want to buy a few sweets while in town as well…or maybe play some shogi with Father, as he promised we’d do today… Fuuga: I see… Midoriko: B-But that’s only hypothetically, obviously! A-And Father promised we’d play exactly one week from now! So I’ll just have to wait a little! Fuuga: A we-?! I-I see, Suzukaze is indeed a busy man. Just…don’t forget that he works hard for your sake, alright? Don’t start thinking otherwise in case it doesn’t seem like he has time for you. Midoriko: ! …I’ve never thought that, that’d be silly…Anyway, you need to get some rest, and I need to start preparing your last round of medicine! Fuuga: Well, that was depressing. A week, huh…? A Midoriko: *Sniffle* Waaah…*hic* Fuuga: Midoriko? Are you in here? Midoriko: F-Fuuga? W-Wait, give me a moment, I’m in the middle of *hic* making some very delicate medicine…yes…medicine… Fuuga: Take your time. Midoriko: … Fuuga: … Midoriko: Okay, you can come in now! Fuuga: Hello there! Oh, slow day today, huh? Midoriko: Yes, but I don’t mind, it gives me time to work on some other things! And if no one is here, then that means no one is hurt! Fuuga: Oh, sure but…doesn’t it get a bit lonely? Midoriko: O-Of course not, I-I don’t mind being alone in a dark tent w-while it’s raining and…and F-Father d-didn’t…d-didn’t… Fuuga: When I was a kid, I was terrified of thunder. Midoriko: … Fuuga: In fact, I still get a bit nervous whenever it starts raining like this. Midoriko: Y-You do? Fuuga: Sure, we’re all afraid of something; there’s no shame in admitting that. Midoriko: … Fuuga: There’s also no shame in crying if you feel down. Midoriko: *Sniff*…Waaaaaaaaaaah! F-Father! He promised! Fuuga: There there…I’m sure he got a very important mission to take care of. Midoriko: He always h-has to do something that’s more important than me! Fuuga: I’m sure he feels terrible over having to cancel your plans. Remember what I said: he fights for you; nothing is more important to him than you are. Midoriko: H-How can you know? Fuuga: Because I’m a father too, you know. All fathers have a sixth sense when it comes to things like these. Midoriko: *Hic* Fuuga: He will definitely make it up to you when he gets back, and then you’ll forget all about this. However, until that time, I was wondering if you could help me out with these. Midoriko: Woah! Those sweets look delicious! Fuuga: I thought so too. Can you keep another little secret? I’ve got a bit of a sweet tooth. Midoriko: Hehehe…a big guy like you? Fuuga: A big guy like me. My favorites also happen to be these pink, fluffy things that look like bunnies. Midoriko: Hahaha! Fuuga: Oh, suddenly I feel a bit lightheaded. It would probably be for the best if I spent a few hours here while you keep an eye on me, just to make sure I don’t get worse. As a thank you, I could teach you a few shogi strategies so you can really kick your father’s rear when he gets back. Midoriko: Oh! Okay! Hang on, I’ll go get the board! Fuuga: Heh, look at her go… Notes: Fuuga's roster tidbit says he's the most loved by kids in the army, so I imagine him being less of a warrior and more of a teddy bear around them, which is also why he says "rear" instead of "ass" at the end there. I'm so proud of my jab at Awakening's lack of feet
  14. I'm actually quite surprised Aqua ranked so high (better than the last poll iirc). Yes yes, she's a main character and eternally devoted to the self-insert but she doesn't have the overwhelming sex appeal of Camilla and she only sporadically shows up in the first two routes to be an exposition-bot. Then again, Sir-not-appearing-in-this-story Hinoka ranked right behind her so maybe game utility > writing.
  15. These confessions make it sound like I never want a character to die but that isn't actually the case. -Any character character from FE7 that isn't confirmed dead is still alive in FE6. Raven and Lucias are just hiding somewhere, goddamit! -Related to the above, Ninian went back through the Dragon's Gate and lived a long and happy life together with Nils. -Erika and Ephraim managed to save Lyon. (I cried little bitch tears when I couldn't find a way to do it) -The Outrealms are not canon and no worlds are connected to each other. -All the Awakening characters who came back in paralogues didn't and stayed dead. -Ike stayed in Tellius instead of leaving behind virtually everyone he cared about. -Femui x Camilla is my Nohr canon. -The plots and characters associated with Fate's third route don't exist. This. Coming from someone who lives in Japan, that game looks so thoroughly "otaku culture" targeted, I cringe to look at it.
  16. I generally don't like to accuse others of "shit taste" because that would be conceited, but ugh... some of these results. They're both predictable and surprising in some areas. The royals getting the top slots was the biggest "duh" factor, and I wish they'd just exclude them and give the other characters a chance to shine. Femui getting the top slot... I don't know how Foleo and Eponine got so high. And the only 1st gen, non Kamui-sexual that Flannel and Nishiki beat was... f***ing Tsukuyomi!? asjasdhfjksadasdns But Oboro ranked in the top 3 (even accounting for not being a main character) so I am pleased. I wonder if the royals would have ranked so high if they weren't marriageable. I think favorites are more influenced by shippers than anything else. So the top 3 non-royal (non Awakening) characters from each side: 1. Joker 2. Zero 3. Suzukaze 1. Oboro 2. Flora 3. Charlotte Not bad I suppose. Hopefully future content will give them a chance.
  17. What's the calculation for stat growth for the children characters?
  18. For extra fun stuff you can even buy the accessories of the relevant characters to perfect your doppelgangers. Shame you can't go full buttered lobster tho.
  19. She is occasionally snarky and she enjoys scaring Sakura in their support.
  20. More Authors [spoiler=Nintendoentersoft] 1. What routes are you working on? Is it an amalgamation of all three? Is it an alternate universe style retelling? I intend to rewrite all three routes to edit flaws with the general story and characters, but my main focus is the Revelations route (Invisible kingdom sounds a bit better). It might be a bit iffy, but I wanna include the events of the other two routes as a non canon event one of the key characters witness somehow. 2. What notable changes would you make to the plot? I'd probably let the war drag on for a bit longer before Hoshido and Nohr team up and I'll have Touma be a much more proactive antagonistic force. Specific parts of Birthrights plot would change if needed and for Conquest, I intend to have Garon strictly place Kamui under Marx/Camilla's command, but they use this authority to grant Kamui some leeway to explain why Kamui is essentially a glorified freelancer in Conquest rather than little more than a pawn as he should have been. In addition, I plan on having more antecedent actions to gray out the general situation of the plot and the Dragon's Vein be an ability that the Hoshidan and Nohr royal family can use with great difficulty (Hoshido uses it defensively and Nohr is more offensive), but those related to or controlled by Hydra can use it easily and with greater power. -Are problematic elements (the curse, the magic throne, the crystal ball, operation tears, Nohr and Hoshido being too black and white, everything Aqua does (lol) going to be addressed? I could probably inject a boatload of skepticism into characters and have the same effect as the curse, so the curse would be removed entirely. I could probably replace the magic throne with a rite of ascension ritual both kingdoms practice which involve something akin to the magic mirror wielded by Li Jing in Journey to the West (It's hard to explain in short words). I originally wanted the crystal ball to be the thing a key character uses to glimpse what happens if Kamui takes the Nohr/Hoshido path, but I think a dream/vision/hallucination would work better here, I'm not sure. IDK what OP means by operation tears. Nohr and Hoshido would basically be different sides of the same coin, so they will have equally shady parts of their country, just not in the same way. As for Aqua, I'll see if I can have her keep her plot relevance and not be stupid at the same time. -Are there to be any themes communicated through each route? Appearance vs Reality, isolation, family are some I'm toying around with right now -What is the overall direction and "point" of each route? Like I stated previously, the "point" is to iron out flaws in the official narrative, even if it means rewriting general plot direction. The overall direction is going to be bittersweet based on what I've got in my mind so far. 3. What notable changes would you make to the characters? I'd either take the edge off of some extreme character traits or sharpen others on top of giving some characters different ones as well as giving everyone a bit more in the realm of other interests. -What is Kamui all about (Background, personality, abilities) Aside from having it so that Kamui isn't related to any of the characters by blood (except maybe Lilith) and Nohr having a forceful memory block spell put on him, I'm not changing much about his background. Kamui is properly trained in court etiquette, but he only uses that in court. His real personality is to be very cold and aloof with those not close to him (curt responses, forceful way of speaking etc.) due to a built up resent towards other people being free to travel as they please while he couldn't and this has resulted in him developing a sense of humor that is formed on being sadistic and expressed in a sarcastic manner along with being naturally distrustful of others. However, he greatly appreciates those who would spend time with him in his solitary confinement in Krakenburg and thus has a close bond with his siblings and his main servants (Jakob, Gunther, Felicia, Lilith and Flora). His solitary confinement combined with being very rarely let out of Krakenburg leads him to be extremely explorative and his relative lack of contacts with those his age leads him to further have a lack of social skills in conjunction with his personality (which would explain why he thinks Fire Emblem amie is a good idea). After spending time in Hoshido, his resent is gradually dulled and his distrust changes to healthy skepticism. He is trained in sword fighting by Marx and in strategy by Leon and is a fast learner which helps him quickly master his dragon transformation when he acquires them, however while he is methodical in combat while human, his attacks are more vicious in dragon form due to regressed brain functions. -What is Aqua about (personality, role in plot) Background is unchanged. Personality: She is not related to Kamui and she has a healthier personality than Kamui as even though she isn't free to leave the palace as she pleases, she can travel through the entirety of the Hoshido palace while Kamui is stuck in a specific area of Krakenburg and does not resent Hoshido as a result and sees the good in both countries. She is an idealist and an optimist who dreams of peaceful coexistence, not only between Hoshido and Nohr, but between all people and as such while she isn't indiscriminately friendly, she does remain approachable. She has a natural talent for memorizing songs and singing as she remembered songs used to control dragons in Touma ever since she was a child, she developed her dancing abilities as a method to cope with the feeling of uselessness she gains as a result of knowing the threat Touma poses and the lack of a response from either Mikoto or other officials as it allows her to escape into the music. She prefers to solve matters diplomatically, having learned skills from Yukimura, however she understands that force may be required and as a result she has taught herself how to fight combining dancing and fighting with a lance under guidance from Hinoka. She lacks a strategic and tactical mindset. Likes being close to nature and water. Role in plot: She had a brief encounter with Kamui on the outset of the story and shortly after officially meeting him in Hoshido, she begins having a dream/hallucination about the Birthright and Conquest paths and convinces Kamui not to take sides in the upcoming war and unite both countries against Touma after gaining his trust (I'm also going to be extending the time Kamui spends in Hoshido prior to the assassination). To that end she leads Kamui into Touma to gain information. What are the Hoshidan and Nohrian siblings like (personalities, role in plot) Not much will change except Marx secretly sends Pieri and Lazwald to keep an eye on his siblings and begins to suffer an existential crisis, Camilla copes with negativity by drinking and treating Kamui with unconventional affections (even more so than in the game), but never let's the drinking dull her combat skills, Leon has a healthy rivalry with Kamui and Elise's cheer is at times artificial to keep the mood up and hide her worries. Ryoma is strongly anti-Nohr and his Honor Code can work against him,Hinoka has next to no sense of humor or diplomatic skill and is the strongest warrior of the Hoshidan siblings, Takumi has a dangerous jealousy streak and ego and initially is manipulated by Hydra due to this and Sakura's personality can turn on a dime. What is Garon, Mikoto, Lilith and other major characters about? Garon is resurrected and controlled by Hydra rather than being a slime thing, Mikoto stays the same, Lilith I'm not too sure how to giver her additional content yet, but she will remain Kamui's half sister. What is Hydra all about (role in plot)? This version is much more proactive about destroying Hoshido and Nohr, forcing those he controls on both sides to engage in highly destructive strategies and is a much more powerful necromancer since he can grant his resurrected puppets control over the Dragon's Vein as well as making them stronger than they were alive. However he cannot grant all of his resurrected puppets control over the Dragon's Vein, so he only grants it to the strongest ones he resurrects. He can also manipulate extremely strong negative emotions (hate, greed etc.) to bend those people to his will when they are alive. In a nutshell, he is a cross between Darkseid and Nekron, prefers to let others do the dirty work, but is extremely powerful himself. What significant change will you make to the setting? The tensions will be more similar to the Cold War where both countries are ready for war, both countries have some strained diplomatic ties and both went through a nearly catastrophic crisis (Kamui and Aqua's capture) and both had a war that didn't go well (Chevalier for Nohr, Kouga for Hoshido) Do any characters die? Yes Will you be adding new characters? Most likely not Are any characters going to be cut Heavily edited, but not outright removed if I can help it. [spoiler=Metal Flash] 1: All three 2: Aqua is not a child of Garon, Kamui is not as naive, Camilla`s doting is on her younger siblings in general, the Hoshidan throne will be a normal throne, Garon is the real one 3: Kamui is the third born child in the Hoshidan royal familly, raised in Nohr. Idealistic, he would prefer to not have any pointless deaths happen and simply wishes the war will end. He doesn`t wish to hurt his siblings on either side, but ends up doing so regardless. Regardless of the path chosen, he learns more of the ways of the world. Main character in all routes Aqua is the daughter of the leader of the water tribe in Nohr. She is kind and knows a lot about Nohr, but also tends to shoulder everything herself. She finds Kamui`s kindness odd for a Nohrian royal, though doesn`t complain. Aqua can also be quite blunt, regardless of who she`s talking to. Appears from time to time. Ruyoma is more aware of Kamui being raised by the enemy. He also refuses to believe that good people exist in Nohr, untill he meets Crimson. Hinoka feels distant from Sakura and Takumi, despite spending a lot of time with them. Camilla dotes on her younger siblings, but can also be overprotective. She doesn`t teach Elise how to use tomes, always finding an excuse not to. She is ruthless towards her enemies, so Elise, Kamui and Leon can be spared of taking a life. Elise feels useless compared to her siblings, as she can`t fight. She also sees the retainers more than anyone else, as they are usually asked to check on her. They all make frequent appearnces. Garon is strict, but still treats his children, even Kamui, like family. He wants to win the war so Nohr can get the suplies they need. No plans for Hydra yet. Lilith is a maid that works in the Nohrain royal family. Hoshidan retainers suspect Kamui more. 4: Nothing here for the moment. 5: Characters do die, though not sure which yet. 6: One, maybe two, though I will mostly expand on existing characters. 7: Most of the children, some Touma exclusive characters. [spoiler=Skywolfe] 1. What routes are you working on? Is it an amalgamation of all three? Is it an alternate universe style retelling? Solely Invisible Kingdom at the moment for a start-to-finish fanfiction. It's going to be incredibly difficult, especially since I tried my hand at an Awakening re-telling, and that froze out on me before I even reached the timeskip. But, in my defence, Fates is going to be different since I'm the sole author involved in the project... So, in full, I'm doing all three routes, but only Invisible Kingdom is going to see a full overhaul. Conquest and Birthright will see a few tweaks here and there for oneshot or two-shot purposes, nothing substantial, since I prefer to focus all my creative power on one thing rather than a huge assortment of things at a time. 2. What notable changes would you make to the plot? Are problematic elements (the curse, the magic throne, the crystal ball, operation tears, Nohr and Hoshido being too black and white, everything Aqua does) going to be addressed? The curse is going to stay the same, but there will be loopholes I plan to exploit, and I plan to take the curse to it's logical extreme rather than gloss over the fact that it cannot be spoken about. Trust issues abound. The crystal ball I may just write out. Operation tears, perhaps... Nohr and Hoshido are both going into straight gray territory, and all of the dirty laundry is going to be hung out for everyone to see, and it's not about to be a pretty experience. Are there any themes to be communicated over each route? The problem with incestuous implications and the detrimental effect that can have on a person's psyche is definitely about to be thrown repeatedly into everybody's face. Particularly with my Kamuis, who both were in love with their future spouses long before the reveal was made. There was no sudden, "By the way, we're not siblings, so I love you!" thing going on. It was well-established, it was emotionally breaking, and there was much angst abound for all four parties. Loyalty is another theme to be explored, but probably not in the way that's meant to be thought of. It's less "loyalty to all" and more "loyalty to one" that's going to be a driving point of some parts of Conquest, especially with my male Kamui, who only would return to Nohr for Camilla rather than for any other reason. My female Kamui might have similar problems concerning Marx. Conflicting loyalties and guilt is another theme that will reach over all three routes, as well as a lack of closure for Birthright and Conquest. What is the overall direction and "point" of each route? Birthright is essentially a trainwreck from start to finish, and is meant to be the "worst of the three routes" that can be taken. The theory of recurring worlds (not entirely a Goundhog Day Loop, but more of a vague, repeating trial) is something I intend to use to its fullest effect, with Birthright always having the worst conclusion and emotional impact on the characters. (Including the Hoshidan siblings.) Conquest is a little bit better, but the complete and utter emptiness of the "victory" makes it not too better than Birthright despite the "happy ending" the Kamuis are granted by being able to live with their spouses and children at the end of the war. Invisible Kingdom is a happy ending outright, but it's not an ending that didn't come without sacrifice, a lot of hard work, and setbacks atop of setbacks. 3. What notable changes would you make to the characters? What is Kamui all about (background, personality, abilities)? Eve and Aidan are fraternal twins who were once quite close (default appearances, as I like the look, and they're meant to be twins anyhow), but Eve suffers from asthma and a weak constitution that left her frequently holed up alone in the sickbed, where she was subjected to archaic and frequently damaging healing methods by the Nohrian stave-wielders. Leeching, cupping, and smoke was used to "cure" her, and she was told that she would die young, likely in bed, gasping for breath rather than finding a glorious end on the battlefield. The closeness of mortality with her left her completely and utterly fearless and reckless on the battlefield, but her good heart and her desire for peace made more of a pacifist out of her than what her combat abilities could allow her to reach if she went all-out. Eve admired Marx from the very outset, and this brotherly worship turned into genuine love during puberty, something that scared her senseless and left her closing herself off from Marx in an attempt to stunt her growing feelings for him. She's a maternal sort who loves very easily, and she desires to see peace between Nohr and Hoshido more than anything, and is willing to pay any personal price she must to see it done. In terms of physical abilities, she's frailer than she should be as a soldier, but she's incredibly fast, and very strong when she allows herself to fight at her maximum potential, but she rarely does due to her dislike of violence, even in self-defence. She also has a strong dislike for her dragon form at the outset due to hurting Aqua, but her familiarity with herself and her desire to protect leaves her with an almost artistic control of her draconic traits at the endgame. Due to her empathetic nature, she's quite good at inspiring her comrades or talking down an enemy, but she's also extremely skilled at breaking apart a person emotionally because of her ability to read them well. It's an ability she uses very infrequently, but she's not afraid to use it at need. She adored pegasi, had a strong affinity for Hoshidan culture when she was introduced to it, but she views herself as a Nohrian through and through, even though her true heritage defies her belief. Aidan, by contrast, seems to be a cold, mechanical, unreachable man. Iago began beating him via whippings as a young boy when he accidentally made it seem like he had done something bad in Leon's place, and the beatings continued well into his adulthood. He became a patsy for his siblings' mistakes and transgressions, and while he held no blame for them and took pride in being a "protector", the beatings left him extremely emotionally broken and withdrawn. He suffers from severe PTSD and self-worth issues, as well as an extreme aversion to physical contact of any form. He's plagued with nightmares that leave him almost feral upon awakening, and takes great pains to separate himself from friends and family and strangers alike to keep them from harm in case he lashes out unintentionally. His facade of being cold and mechanical is difficult to penetrate, and he reasons that if he's disliked, then no one will feel guilt or pain if they discover about his beatings. This led to him withdrawing from Eve, as well as many others in his teenage and adulthood years, and he has a very bleak outlook on both the world and himself due to it. He has no love for Nohr whatsoever, though he is extremely fond and caring, in his own way, for his siblings. His love for Camilla defines him, though, like Eve, he spent many years purposefully isolating himself from Camilla in a desperate attempt to keep his feelings hidden and un-acted upon. He's a very peceptive, if very literal man who rarely smiles or shows emotion, and he's extremely tough in terms of physicality and combat prowess. He has a fondness for wyverns, an academic interest in culture and the outside world as a whole, and has a fierce wanderlust that he hopes to satisfy when peace comes. What is Aqua all about (personality, role in the plot)?Aqua is more of a side-character than a main character in this plot, but her friendship with the twins remains something substantial. Eve comes to view her as another sister, and she suffers from much guilt for "robbing" her of her birthright in Nohr. Aidan is far more ambivalent, but, in his own way, he begins to view Aqua as a true companion once he begins to trust her. Unlike Eve, he has no guilt for replacing her in Nohr, and believes that their kidnapping left him able to suffer in her place, and she was safe and mostly content in Mikoto's care in Hoshido, something that does make him happy underneath it all. Aqua, in turn, comes to bond fiercely with both twins, and in particular has a very strong relationship with Eve. Her role in the plot remains mostly unchanged, though her blunt nature, especially in Birthright, causes a bit of tension between her and Aidan in particular when she brings up his betrayal of Camilla to him. Aidan becomes rather antagonistic in Birthright due to her challenging of his inner desires versus his decision to remain with Hoshido, and the two do not mend fences for almost the entirety of the route. What are the Hoshidan and Nohrian siblings all about (personalities, roles in the plot)?Overall, all the siblings are given larger roles and more focus, though the Nohrian cast will see more focus over the Hoshidan ones. The concubine wars and their psychological toll on the siblings as a whole is a very important facet that I intend to explore at length, especially in terms of the elder siblings. However, Camilla and Marx are admittedly the main focus of character development and importance, especially due to their relationship with the twins. Camilla, in particular shares an equal weight for both Eve and Aidan's character development, due to her maternal surrogacy with Eve, and her romantic relationship with Aidan. Camilla discovered Aidan's beatings in their teens, and took it upon herself to become his healer as he did not wish for any of their other siblings to know, and there was an extreme amount of sexual and romantic tension between the two due to the secrecy of their meetings and the rather intimate affair of her treating his wounds. She, like Aidan, was aware quite early of the nature of her feelings, and, like Marx, had a suspicion that the twins were not truly related to her by blood, but her fear of being wrong, as well as breaking the fragile trust Aidan had in her, led her to remaining silent on her thoughts. This causes her much guilt after the reveal, though she is admittedly just as relieved to know that her love for Aidan was not as "wrong" as she had tried to convince herself it was, and she and Aidan make the transition far more seamlessly from "siblings" to "lovers". Marx, in contrast, both by plot and personality, has more difficulty overall, and his relationship with Eve is tumultuous in many respects, especially in Birthright and Invisible Kingdom. Like Camilla, he was aware of his attraction to Eve, but her withdrawal from him was confusing and difficult for him to stomach when he watched her being so close and openly demonstrative with the rest of his siblings. His belief of Eve and Aidan's betrayal (especially in Invisible Kingdom) is extremely damaging to Eve's psyche, and she suffers an emotional breakdown due to his dismissal of her. It is a difficult hurdle for the two to overcome when Marx joins up with their forces, and Marx is overwhelmed with guilt for hurting Eve so deeply, but she holds no blame against him, and rationalizes his love and loyalty to Garon was right of him, and she was hurting him just as deeply as he was hurting her with her decision to turn her back on him. The confrontation between Eve and Marx in Birhright that leads to the death of him and Elise leaves Eve completely shattered, and her only goal from then on is to put a stop to Garon and end the war. She never recovers from Marx's death (and she is the one to kill him, as she views it as her personal responsibility due to her love for him), and while Aidan is allowed a bittersweet ending in terms of reconciling with Camilla and living out the rest of his days with her, Eve leaves the world outright for the Outrealms, travelling from world to world in penace for her sins. What is Garon, Mikoto, Lilith or any other important character all about?Garon is an imbodiment of fear for Eve, and one of loathing and mixed emotions for Aidan. Mikoto is a maternal figure that Aidan never had and one that he immediately wishes to keep, and Eve struggles with her conflicting feelings for Mikoto as her true mother, and Camilla, who was a mixture of sibling and mother to her all throughout her youth. Garon, in general however, is viewed through many different eyes, and especially with the Nohrian siblings, it will be explored how his hold on their loyalty is built on far more than fear. I am of the belief that the Nohrian siblings, (barring Elise due to her age), all display eerily accurate traits of victims of extreme psychological familial abuse, and their emotionally breaking experiences in the concubine wars have made their loyalty to Garon far more multi-faceted than it initially appears, and I am hoping to delve deeply into that. What is Hydra all about (role in the plot)? His role will remain mostly the same. What changes will be made to minor characters? Iago is far more of an antagonist than he was initially, especially in concern with the twins. 4. What notable changes would you make to the setting? What ideas do you have for world building? As mentoned before, Nohr's history is going to be analyzed intensely. Hoshido and Nohr's contrast in terms of appearance, history, culture is also going to be rather important. What kind of history does this continent have? Mostly sticking to whatever canon is given, with a few additions here and there, but nothing too extensive. What is the balance of natural and supernatural elements? It's fantasy/ancient history, so both elements are going to be of equal weight... But, in terms of things like healing, I like a good mixture of staff use and other archaic methods that were used in the treatment of asthma. Are the Faceless and invisible enemies in your story? Yes. 5. Do any characters die? Not beyond canon's need. 6. Do you introduce any new characters? There will be mention of the half-siblings that were killed in the concubine wars, and the mothers of Leon, Elise, and Camilla may or may not make appearances, but they will most certainly have a role in fleshing out characterization. 7. Are any characters going to be cut? Not outright cut, but their roles may be lessened or lengthened depending on need. [spoiler=Yari] FE Fates Fan Fiction Survey 1. What routes are you working on? Is it an amalgamation of all three? Is it an alternate universe style retelling? I originally planned on doing an amalgation of all three together but now I'm doing an amalgation of Hoshido and Nohr and later I'll write a second separate fic based on the third path. 2. What notable changes would you make to the plot? The basic ideas of the plot are very similar but there will be many changes on how it plays out and how the characters react to different events. Are problematic elements (the curse, the magic throne, the crystal ball, operation tears, Nohr and Hoshido being too black and white, everything Aqua does) going to be addressed? Yes. The curse is no longer a thing, the crystal ball is a thing but it has been changed to better fit the story, operation tears has been drastically changed, the whole black and white thing is addressed throughout the story and Aqua's ideas and plans will also be addressed. Are there any themes to be communicated over each route? Hoshido is about morality and justice while Nohr is about loyalty to your duty and the ones you grew up with. The Invisible Kingdom is about idealism, trying to fix everything and it's the hardest path. What is the overall direction and "point" of each route? This is hard to answer but I like thinking that the "point" of the story itself is about growing as a person and that each path shows it differently. 3. What notable changes would you make to the characters? It's mostly tiny things more centrered around the interactions between characters than anything and some headcanons showing up here and there. But certain character like Camilla had very big changes on certain aspects of their personality. What is Kamui all about (background, personality, abilities)? My story has two Kamuis. The female one is called Izumi and the male one is Tatsuo, they're fraternal twins who both share the ability to turn into dragons, have poor eyesight so both wear glasses and by wearing I mean Marx and Camilla try to make them wear the glasses but the glasses always end up abandoned in some random place, they mostly use their sense of smell and touch to understand the world around them, they have an affinity with water and animals, they also have some strange habits due to their dragon powers and they also have overly long tongues.​ Izumi is a serious looking young girl that doesn't like showing emotions but has dreams of becoming a heroine, she's a bit of a kuudere who's, most of the time, in control of her emotions she knows how wield swords and axes in the begining of the story. Tatsuo is a kind boy who is a bit of a doormat and has a huge crush on Zero but learns how to become more assertive in the begining of the story he knows how to wield lances and swords. What is Aqua all about (personality, role in the plot)?What are the Hoshidan and Nohrian siblings all about (personalities, roles in the plot)? Aqua didn't change a lot in personality but she is a lot less misterious for the sake of being misterious, neither did most of the siblings I just made their personalities more "deep" in a way by adding some headcanons I have to their overall personality I suck at explaning things. The exception is Camilla she is a lot less "Kamui" obssessed and more very protective of her family, especially her younger siblings, due to trauma caused by the concubine wars. The sisters get their own holy weapons and a bigger part in the story. What is Garon, Mikoto, Lilith or any other important character all about? Garon is the real deal not a fake blob monster, he's a good father to his children and he became more desperate and ruthless because of how Nohr began to decline to a worst state than before and the death ofhis children and women he loved. Mikoto doesn't change a lot in personality in her living apperances but more is found out about her after her death. Lilith is a young (by her species standarts) dragon who ended up with the group by "accident". Shenmei was a close friend of Mikoto instead of her sister and was Garon's second wife. What is Hydra all about (role in the plot)? He's not a evil mad dragon but he lost most of the hope he had in humanity. Izumi and Tatsuo have draconic powers because of a blessing given by him to Mikoto. What changes will be made to minor characters? The Awakening trio has different hair colors based on the fathers I had for them in Awakening. Pieri changed in a way that she isn't a crazy servant killer she's still crazy but she isn't always killing servants even if she doesn't like them at all. Eponine is the adopted child of Zero and Tatsou, she was a street rat orphan who lost her parents in the war. Felicia is less clumsy and her sister Flora has more supports. 4. What notable changes would you make to the setting? Not much really. Besides some world building here and there the environments of the countries haven't changed too much. What ideas do you have for world building? Hoshido is an almost heavenly place. Almost being a key word. They have a very strick norms in their society and the people can be flat out racist towards Nohrians, they also have some dirt buried under their heavenly façade. Nohr has a large army and while the nobility and other wealthier classes have a good live the great part of the population that is made of peasants lives in misery. What kind of history does this continent have? Hoshido is a place where there have been bloody war and is overall a very isolated country but they've always had excelent crops. Nohr has a story of wealthy nobility but is place where there are barely any places for crops to grow. What is the balance of natural and supernaturual elements? A bit of both. I like supernatural elements in stories so I had to add them to it. Are the Faceless and invisible enemies in your story? Yup. 5. Do any characters die? Besides Mikoto and the ones who are dead already? No. No one dies, I mean someone might die if I feel like it fits the story but for now no one dies. 6. Do you introduce any new characters? No as of right now. 7. Are any characters going to be cut? Nope. [spoiler=dtmahanen101] 1. What routes are you working on? Is it an amalgamation of all three? Is it an alternate universe style retelling? I'm going to mainly focus on the Revelations storyline. However, to make Corrin not seem like a total spoiled brat when turning her siblings down, I'll most likely put some sort of "flash-forward" scene, potentially involving dreams, as that's kind of a big part of Corrin's MO, to give her hints about what happens on both routes. 2. What notable changes would you make to the plot? Are problematic elements (the curse, the magic throne, the crystal ball, operation tears, Nohr and Hoshido being too black and white, everything Aqua does) going to be addressed? The curse is stupid, and I don't like it, so it's gone. The magic throne is a little iffy, so I don't think I'm gonna deal with it. The crystal ball and Operation Tears don't apply to Revelations, so they're not relevant to my story, at least as of now. AND AZURA IS NOT GONNA BE AN EXPOSITION MACHINE! THAT'S STUPID! The stuff that happened to her in Nohr won't go away, but she won't be all-knowing about Valla. Also, the children. I've got an interesting idea for how to incorporate them into the story that can only happen because I'm doing Revelations only. But I don't want to spoil it here. Oh, and of course Hoshido and Nohr aren't gonna be as black and white. More details to come in further questions. Are there any themes to be communicated over each route? Taking responsibility for your actions, learning how to compromise and work with others, and acceptance. This is stuff that doesn't just apply to Corrin, but every. Single. Royal. It's so incredibly important to these characters and their growth as people that I just found it impossible to ignore. What is the overall direction and "point" of each route? The group's gonna come together, they'll quarrel, but they'll be able to work together by the end. Pretty similar to the game itself, but I'm gonna take some more time to get there. I feel it goes too fast in the game, so I'm gonna take my sweet time. 3. What notable changes would you make to the characters? What is Kamui all about (background, personality, abilities)?Corrin was captured when she was five. Macbeth attempted to wipe her memories, but some remain, and come to her in periodic dreams/nightmares. Because she is subconsciously aware that she isn't actually here of her own free will, she can't take everything her "father" says to her in absolute faith, and is thus a little bit unstable, as she doesn't fully trust anyone except her siblings. However, she still loves Garon, even if she doesn't fully trust him, as he's the only father figure she really remembers, other than maybe Gunter and Xander. She has an incredible sense of smell, and can partially transform in a similar fashion to her fighting style in Smash. Personality-wise, she's very naive and a bit mischievous (if you can earn her trust). She finds it incredibly hard to trust people. What is Aqua all about (personality, role in the plot)?Azura may be one the most cynical people on the planet. Due to her incredibly traumatic experiences while living in Nohr (not to mention the fact that she remembers being kidnapped - twice), she's grown jaded, and maybe even a little hateful. Sure, the Hoshidan royal family treats her with respect, but she doesn't feel truly accepted. The rest of Hoshido treats her with scorn. She's incredibly lonely most of the time. The only happy memory she has since she and her family were taken from Valla was when she tried to run away from Hoshido, and encountered a group of Youko kits, including a boy named Kaden. She serves as a reluctant ally to Corrin throughout the journey, but doesn't know anything about Anakos or the first dragons. The Sages tell the two that stuff. What are the Hoshidan and Nohrian siblings all about (personalities, roles in the plot)? I'm only going to list the ones who will undergo massive changes. As such, I'm not going to mention Takumi, Sakura, or Elise (she'll be a bit more mature, but overall I'm okay with her character. ​​​​​​​- Ryoma is relatively similar to his in-game counterpart, but maybe a bit more hateful toward Nohr due to anti-Nohr propaganda that had been bashed into his skull his entire life. Bushido is his entire life, so he can't comprehend why anyone would back down from a fight, as it's dishonorable in his eyes. - Hinoka was very, very close to Corrin when they were younger. In fact, she was there when Corrin got her scar across her nose. She was enraged when Corrin was taken from Hoshido, but is not necessarily as anti-Nohr as her older brother. She just wants her sister back. Because of this, she's actually going to join the party much earlier than she does in-game. - Xander can make his own decisions. He's not blindly loyal to Garon like he is in-game, and grows suspicious of sketchy stuff going on in Nohr much more quickly. - Camilla isn't creepy. Yeah, she dotes on Corrin, but she dotes on everyone. She also HATES her armor, as it's inconvenient as hell, but she can't change it, as it was issued to her by Macbeth, and she couldn't refuse. (This attitude toward Nohrian armor is shared by Elise, who hates fighting in high-heels and a dress.) - Leo is Corrin's best friend in Nohr. Even though he's still really cocky and can be very blunt, and even rude, Corrin appreciates this, as at least he's honest. He's the only one who knows the content of Corrin's dreams, and wants to figure out what they mean along with her. He sleeps in the room next to her, and has taught Corrin Morse Code so he can calm her down after a nightmare without having to leave his bed. By the way, I'm not setting these two up to get married. They're just really good friends. What is Garon, Mikoto, Lilith or any other important character all about?- Mikoto is largely the same. She ISN'T, however, the sister of Arete. Rather, Valla's power system actually functions similarly to the Roman Republic: there are two rulers, like the Roman consuls, and both Arete's and Mikoto's families held power. When Anakos attacked Valla, Arete's family stood their ground, while Mikoto's fled (at the behest of Arete so that at least one family of Vallian royalty would survive). She still dies early on. - Garon is almost entirely different. He was never replaced by a doppelganger sludge-being, but was rather manipulated by Macbeth (he's gonna be my main baddie). He's a brutal man who's hard on his kids, but he is still a very loving father. He HATED the fact that the Concubine Wars occurred because he loved all of his women equally (as weird as that is to hear). When Elise was born, and the concubines were ready to tear each other to shreds, he put his foot down, banished them all, and tried to raise his kids on his own. His kidnapping of Corrin was not malicious in nature, but rather because he couldn't bear to see anyone orphaned, even his enemy's child. In essence, he's not actually evil. He tries to maintain a good relationship with his children, which includes Corrin, who he views as his own child. (The decision to memory-wipe Corrin was Macbeth's idea, but he readily agreed.) He doesn't like Macbeth, but acknowledges his tactical genius. He wants the best for his country, and is willing to go to absurd lengths to make sure it endures, but he is not beyond reason. What is Hydra all about (role in the plot)? As soon as Corrin gains full access to her draconic abilities, Anakos senses her, and realizes that this is the only person who has the strength to kill him. As such, he uses any means he can, including manipulating Macbeth, summoning shadow-troops, and even sending Corrin some nasty nightmares, to make sure she either never finds him or dies. What changes will be made to minor characters? The one thing I know for sure is that the Awakening Trio is not only there, but still refer to themselves, at least in private, by their real names. Since the curse doesn't exist, the only reason that they don't tell anyone where they're from is because they're worried people will call them crazy. Odin/Owain and Selena/Severa are in an intimate relationship by now. 4. What notable changes would you make to the setting? What ideas do you have for world building?I gotta think about this one. What kind of history does this continent have? Similar to the games. What is the balance of natural and supernaturual elements? Similar to the games. Shadow troops are a thing, the sages are still there, but many of the enchanted objects, such as the magic throne, are gone. Yatogami (THE FULL NAME IS NOT HARD TO PRONOUNCE, IS!!!) is still a thing, though, and the chainsaw aspect of it is accessible from the beginning. However, Corrin is gonna fight more with her draconic abilities rather than using her sword. Are the Faceless and invisible enemies in your story?Yes, and the Faceless are still mutated from Macbeth's subjects. Since Macbeth is now the main antagonist, they're gonna be more common. 5. Do any characters die? Well, Mikoto dies. Duh. But someone else will also kick the bucket when the whole party goes to Valla. Other than that...not really. 6. Do you introduce any new characters? No. 7. Are any characters going to be cut? No characters were cut in the making of this fic. [spoiler=MCProductions] All three routes are one massive narrative, starting with Conquest, then Birthright, Finally Revelations. Hoshido's and Nohr's backstories are also changed to where they used to be one country, the country my male Awakening Avatar was born in. He's literally Solid Snake in my headcanon world. The pseudo US, but not the US, just a stand in with similar values and backstory, invaded Ylisse sometime after Awakening and was defeated and split into two countries, Hoshido and Nohr. Nohr is led by the Exalted bloodline, and descends from my female Awakening Avatar and Chrom thanks to Morgan. Hoshido is led by my male Awakening Avatar's daughter Tiki!Morgan, and the Hoshidan royals are all her descendants. Valla is basically Outer Heaven from MGS, but without Big Boss, and the added goal of reuniting Hoshido and Nohr. Valla intends to achieve both the original goal of Outer Heaven, and reunite Hoshido and Nohr into one by manipulating them into war. They succeed, obviously, in starting the war thru basically making a cold war happen in Hoshido and Nohr thru creating a rift between my Awakening avatar's which inadvertently causes a conflict between Ylisse and Chorn Sin,How do you spell Say Ri's home country, which results in the death of my male Awakening avatar, the kidnapping of both Nohr!Corrins thanks to an opportunistic Nohr, Ylisse roflstomping Chorn Sin, and finally Hoshido cutting all ties with Nohr. Nohr starving for resources, moves to war in the events you see in Fates. Corrin is being handled in an odd way imo, as his role is being filled by six different characters. I'll list their bios below Conquest M!Corrin Name: Gabriel Bio: Descendant of Tiki and my male Awakening MU and Hoshidan royalty, he was kidnapped by Nohr at an early age. He chooses to side with Nohr during the war, as he doesn't trust the Hoshidans despite feeling they are in the right in this war, and he could never abandon his adoptive siblings. Lost his eye protecting Camilla from a stampeding horse when he was young, and because of this, she dotes on him endlessly. Born on February 19th, and the only Corrin here to actually be Corrin. Conquest F!Corrin Name: Adrian Bio: Descendant of Tiki and my male Awakening MU, but not Hoshidan royalty as she descends from their second daughter, she was taken by Nohr after said second daughter's death, as she possessed both Exalted blood as well as Naga's blood thanks to said second daughter marrying the son of Lucina and Yarne. While she didn't inherit enough Taguel blood to change into a bunny, she can change into a dragon. Unknowingly committing matricide when she was four, when her birth mother came to rescue her from Nohr, she is COMPLETELY INSANE, and completely agrees with Garon's ambitions and seeks his approval. Despite this, she still winds up helping overthrow him in the end. Born on April 1, and loves bad puns. Hoshido M!Corrin Name: Genome, Gene for short Bio: Son of Tiki and my Awakening male MU, who really took after his father. Wearing a headband and proficient in stealth missions, Gene enters the front lines when Hoshido is invaded to help his sister Morgan protect the country. Gene rarely speaks, preferring to let his actions speak for him. Gene hates the Nohrians with a burning passion, as he feels that they are not only responsible for his father's death, but also two of his loves, who died during various missions either against the Exalted Bloodline, or in one scenario, actually for them. Born on May 1st, and the fondest of swordplay Hoshidan F!Corrin Name: Morgan Bio: First daughter of Tiki and my Awakening M!MU, and ruler in secret of Hoshido. Possessing her same personality from Awakening, but with the addition of a want of revenge for her father's death at the hands of the Exalted bloodline, Morgan is QUICK to go to war when Nohr invades. Still optimistic as ever, she truthfully believes in her cause, even if she doesn't realize she's partially to blame for the war, thanks to her trade embargos against Nohr. Born on May 5th, and the most shamelessly self driven. Revelations M!Corrin Name: Ki Bio: 2nd son of Tiki and my Awakening M!MU, and the only one who never knew his father. Antisocial and a total mama's boy, he follows Tiki on her quest thruout the war, and eventually becomes his own man leading an army against Valla after Tiki stops the fighting between Hoshido and Nohr. Very naive, and he can't stomach the thought of using weapons, but he may for a comrades sake. Born on December 31st, and the earliest riser. Revelations F!Corrin Name Tiki Bio: Widowed wife of my male Awakening MU, and the overall hero of this flustercluck plot. At the onset of the war, she senses something wrong and investigates along with Ki, she eventually discovers Valla, and exposes them as the masterminds of this war. While she never forgave the Exalted Bloodline for their actions against her family, she's willing to let bygone's be bygone's to hopefully mend both family's wounds. Born on February 28th, and the most likely to sleep in [spoiler=RedRob] 1. What routes are you working on? Is it an amalgamation of all three? Is it an alternate universe style retelling? I'm working on a Nohr route. It really got the short end of the stick. 2.What notable changes would you make to the plot? 1.The singing used by people in the past to calm Hydra down is now an invention made to end the dragon wars, which destroyed Touma. It now affects anything with dragon blood, such as the royal families. While it calms dragons down, the process is painful for the dragon. 2. No barrier surrounding Hoshido. 3.What notable changes would you make to the characters? 1.Corrin was raised as a member of the royal family, but ignored due to the dire state of Nohr. As a result, he wishes to become a soldier to help his family with their duties and be recognized by them. He is also sexually confused, and not sure where his preferences lie. Much to his shame, he harbors mild crushes on his siblings, further complicating his relationship with them. His name comes from a god from a story favored by Garon's first wife. He suffers from social anxiety due to feeling like an outsider to his own family, and is uncomfortable about his origins, believing he's a son of a whore favored by his father 2. Azura was kidnapped by Hoshido in hopes of trading her for Corrin, but Garon fearing they would not keep their word, declined. She became a prisoner, and sang to comfort herself as she grew older. But her song, causing pain to the Hoshido royal family, led to her tongue being cut out, and severe abuse from them for the next several years, with the trauma leaving her mute. Lately she's been having nightmares involving a voice telling her to destroy Hoshido. 3. Elise, Corrin's sister who's the same age, is the only sibling not to ignore him, due to being ignored herself. As a result, she is quite close to her brother, and is frequently seen with him. Kind to all, she wishes to find a way to improve Nohr's harvest, and studies agriculture to that end. 4. Camilla, Corrin's older sister, tries to act as a mother to her siblings and is highly protective of them. Having been traumatized by the infighting among Garon's concubines, which she ended herself by killing them to prevent her and her siblings from being used as tools by them, she now dresses the part of a Courtesan to seduce and kill nobles who she believes plots against her father for their own end, and is quick to resort to violence if her family is threatened. 5. Leon, one of Corrin's older brothers, he acts as the tactician for the kingdom and occasionally can be seen teaching healing magic to Elise. His prowess with magic and tactics come from his abusively strict mother, who sought to use him as a tool to prove she was more suited to be Garon's queen than his other lovers. He was often forced to kill his siblings by her to get ahead, and suffers nightmares about to this day. He is devoted to Camila, who was enraged by how he was treated by his mother, inspiring her to finally end the infighting, with Leon' mother as her first victim. Freed from his mother, Leon now works with Camilla to root out dissidents amongst the nobles. 4. Xander, is Corrin's other older brother, and the least seen due to constantly commanding the army. A father to his men, he is well known for personally helping them with their problems, and strives to be a capable leader that can keep them safe, and bring a swift end to the Invasion of Hoshido to reunite with his family and his men with their's. 5. Garon, the king of Nohr. Grief-stricken by the deaths of his lovers, and the state of his kingdom, he is a broken man who strives to care for what's left of his family. He keeps his youngest, Elise and Corrin out of political affairs, hoping to keep their innocence safe. He regrets not being able to spend time with his family, and is often seen drinking his sorrows away. His biggest regret is the abduction of Corrin, which was a accident. He had invited King Sumeragi to a meeting to discuss the possibility of trading for crops from Hoshido. Having been promised help from Sumeragi, his joy turned to sorrow, as that was a pretext for Sumeragi to mock him and his kingdom as "Bloodthirsty barbarians" in person. He then hears a voice telling to murder Sumeragi. Overcome with grief at the thoughtof his people starving to death,and anger at being cruelly lied to, he obeys, and kills Sumeragi and his guards with the help of magic blessed upon him by the voice. The voice then identified himself as Nohr's guardian deity, the Dark Dragon, who was worshipped due to his power to bring rain to Nohr. The deity explains that the current drought Nohr is experiencing is due to the deity of Hoshido nullfiying his power, and that to stop it, Hoshido must be razed to the ground. Before Garon can take this in, he hears a cry of a newborn, and finds Sumeragi's son. Horrified Sumeragi brought his own child away from the safety of home, and feeling guilt for killing the child's father, he decides to adopt the child, ignoring the deity's warning that the child would bring ruin to Nohr. He names the child Corrin, and keeps his origins a secret from him, not wishing to for Corrin to grow up with the painful knowledge he is a Hoshidian, not a Nohrian. Since then, Garon had obeyed the deity, believing it's guidance will be Nohr's salvation. [spoiler=Dangerus] 1. What routes are you working on? Is it an amalgamation of all three? Is it an alternate universe style retelling? It is an alternate universe retelling with Awakening. Keywords are 'polygamy', 'siblings', and 'reunion' 2. What notable changes would you make to the plot? Each child grows normally with the parent in question. Also, the routes I am thinking about for Shigure and Dwyer is the ones where their mother, Azura, dies. More on that soon. The Deeprealms are only mention to introduce Odin, Lazlow, and Selena as well as bring in Justine and Gilbert and their families. Are problematic elements (the curse, the magic throne, the crystal ball, operation tears, Nohr and Hoshido being too black and white, everything Aqua does) going to be addressed? The War between Nohr and Hoshido will indeed be addressed as the children of the two Corrins in this story will probably even out the 'Pick me!' That each of the siblings did. Having two Corrins would either make this solved or will make it worse. Rioci/Ryoki and Miaco/Miyako are also reincarnations of the Awakening tacticians, Gilbert and Justine. Are there any themes to be communicated over each route? 'Conquest' would communicate the love Rioci/Ryoki has for Niles, Peri, and Scarlet, and how he is conflicted about Scarlet's choice to fight for Hoshido. He would hopefully be more assertive on his mercifulness and King Garon himself would only listen because Rioci/Ryoki is a chip off his adoptive father with the amount of mistresses he has. Hans only spares her life the same way Clopin spares Pierre the poet's life in the Hunchback of Notre Dame - so Esmeralda (or in this case, Rioci/Ryoki) marries Pierre(Scarlet). This could also actually communicate how Garon was before he was goop-man (something that won't happen in this one because that plot-point was pretty disappointing). Miaco/Miyako meanwhile is on the side of Hoshido. As Ryoma pushes her to forgive herself for abandoning her family in Nohr (including her actual twin brother, Rioci/Ryoki), Miaco/Miyako seeked asylum by her affairs with Izana and Yukimura, who both have mixed feelings on 'sharing' the princess of Hoshido's attention. Ryoma would be a concerned older brother but in the sanctimonious way that nobody liked Hoshido for in the first place. He would hate that Miaco/Miyako chose this path. The choices that Rioci/Ryoki and Miaco/Miyako make in their decision to marry results in the siblings following suit as well as Siegbert (marrying Sophie) Forrest (marrying Soleil and Rhajat), Shiro (Caeldori) and Kiragi (Percy[?]) have a polygamous relationship despite some of them marrying Hoshidans for it. Percy himself is also struggling as his sense of justice that he grew up sharing with his father could shatter because his love for Soleil, Ophelia, Kiragi, and Velouria. Ophelia is scared for her life as she is hiding her own relationship with Shigure and Dwyer. Xander is marrying Nyx but is having an affair with Hinoka. Ryoma marries Orochi but holds feelings for Camilla that conflict with his view on how relationships SHOULD work. Elise loves Odin but at the same time, she wants to get to know Takumi (who is married to Oboro) more. Leo and Sakura's relationship gets added in with Mozu (who married Hayato) in the mix. And finally, Camilla herself is conflicted because she wants to practice what she preaches to Lazlow but everytime she sees Ryoma, her heart begins to flutter (and she loves Rioci/Ryoki as well but that relationship won't go anywhere). What is the overall direction and "point" of each route? Conquest focuses on how Nohr can be a better place if Corrin opens his mouth more to object his father more and make Garon known for what he was as a father to the other siblings. Birthright focuses on that as well, changing Ryoma's execution of his ideology in the process. Add a thing revealing Gilbert and Justine and you have a long story about how come Nohr and Hoshido can come to an understanding with love. Wait... 3. What notable changes would you make to the characters? Once again - No goop Monster What is Kamui all about (background, personality, abilities)? Rioci/Ryoki and Miaco/Miyako are twins born under Mikoto. They are the descendants of Anankos, much like how their reincarnations were vessels to Grima. What is Aqua all about (personality, role in the plot)? Azura helps for a short amount of time maintain both parties, even marrying the siblings off to their loved ones (and blessing their children). However, she dies off to make room for Jakob's part in the story (a hurt butler that could not persuade Miaco/Miyako to stay in Nohr). What are the Hoshidan and Nohrian siblings all about (personalities, roles in the plot)? Ryoma would have the most screen time, being the main conflict that Miaco/Miyako has. He would frown upon Miaco/Miyako for stooping to a Nohrian level. Camilla is Ryoma's Nohrian female counterpart but only in a small level. She would want to be a part of Rioci/Ryoki's life but she would ultimately push herself away because of her marriage to Lazlow. What is Garon, Mikoto, Lilith or any other important character all about? Garon is the antagonist in Rioci/Ryoki's story, not being a goop monster but becoming more and more corrupt with Iago's influence. Mikoto is a mother of twin dragons, which scares many people in Hoshido. Her relationship with Anankos and Sumeragi also comes into play for Miaco/Miyako's relationship between Yukimura (who loved her) and Izana. Lilith is going to be cut out. What is Hydra all about (role in the plot)? Anankos and Sumeragi actually met and while conflicted by Mikoto's decision to marry them both also influence Anankos to eventually become Hydra, angry by Mikoto's choice. Arrete is one of Garon's mistresses further pointing to Garon approving of Rioci/Ryoki marrying Niles, Kaze's wife, Peri, and Scarlet. What changes will be made to minor characters? Kaze shares Peri with Rioci/Ryoki for a while, Peri bringing Midori into the story. However, he will die because he failed to communicate with Miaco/Miyako. Jakob marries Azura and brings Shigure and Dwyer into the world, Ophelia marrying the two. When Azura dies, Jakob attempts suicide with a similar thought process but Rioci/Ryoki stopping him. 4. What notable changes would you make to the setting? Polygamy plays a strong role in this as power players struggle with this. While it is the downfall to Mikoto and Garon's character, it starts a revolution with their children. What ideas do you have for world building? The religion of Hoshido. Why are they sanctimonious? What kind of history does this continent have? I am still thinking on this. What is the balance of natural and supernaturual elements? Deeprealms don't age people and therefore there is no reason for abandonment. So the children all grow at the same age. Are the Faceless and invisible enemies in your story? They are a minor role. Mainly because they would invade Rioci/Ryoki and Miaco/Miyako's meeting place - Their small haildom of Rim Elm. They would come with Gilbert and Justine out of the Deeprealms. 5. Do any characters die? Azura and Kaze do indeed die. This leaves Midori with Rioci/Ryoki as a father and Shigure and Dwyer are motherless. 6. Do you introduce any new characters? Awakening characters - Justine's suitors (Virion, Yen'fay, and Priam) and Gilbert's brides (Tiki and Say'ri.) Also, both Corrins and Robins will have children. Luckily they won't come up unless asked, 7. Are any characters going to be cut? Lilith. There is probably going to be more but that depends on their role in the story. [spoiler=Sire] Notes: - This retelling tries to keep most of the Birthright and Conquest vanilla storyline intact, but tries to be more logical with its actions, as well as some creative liberties thrown in. Revelations has some shared points with the original, but will be rewritten. - As for format, the retelling will take the form of an actual game. So, instead of normal fanfiction and words of text, the format will be more of a game script with music cues, backgrounds, and character actions. There are also planned to be Base Conversations (like FE 9 & 10) that expand on various things, such as world building and character development. - Deep Realms still exist, but are more used more as a justification for challenge maps instead of harboring children. - The “S” Rank support now just means a paired ending, opening up more options. These paired endings can still end in marriage. - Child characters have been changed or revised as the Children mechanic has been scrapped. 3 Children have been turned into NPCs while 2 have been cut completely. The two cut characters have OC replacements. Main Characters - Changes Playable Corrin – Still remains the customizable Avatar character. His personality has been streamlined and remains constant in all three routes. Azura – Azura practically stays the same as before, guiding Corrin. Gunter – Now has supports in Revelations. Kaze – He no longer had a death condition on Birthright, as he will always survive. As for Conquest, it is more difficult to recruit and keep Kaze, but otherwise no changes. Silas – He is now more difficult to keep in Birthright, but otherwise no changes. Laslow, Selena, and Odin – They have a slightly larger role in the overall plot, as per Hidden Truths. Otherwise, mostly the same. Lilith – Now a playable character and has a slightly larger role in the overall plot. Flora – Can be persuaded to survive in Birthright (instead of sacrificing Kaze). Has a support with Jakob. Scarlet – Can be recruited in Conquest under specific conditions, no longer dies in Revelations. Has a support with Ryoma. Yukimra – Joins the party normally on Birthright instead of using a My Castle gimmick. He now joins in Revelations at endgame. True!Garon – The Rightful King of Nohr, he is locked up away in Valla. He is a broken man, having lost his wives, children, and kingdom to Anakos. He can be recruited under specific conditions in both Conquest and Revelations, requiring a paralogue to unlock. Characters not listed here remain practically the same as their vanilla counterparts. However, they may have expanded (and revised) support options. NPC Slime!Garon – Still presents as himself as the King of Nohr. True!Anakos – The true enemy of the entire game, his role is still fairly similar from before. Heart!Anakos – The “human” part of Anakos. He helps from behind the scenes, but is never really seen in the main story. * * * * * Children Characters - Changes Playable Kana – A “true blood” sibling of Corrin, he/she is the youngest out of all of the family members. Hair color is shared with Corrin. Usually cheerful, but often feels lonely and cries. Shigure – Lost brother of Azura. He too can sing with special powers, but he needs to use the Pendant that Azura has. Recruitable only in Revelations. Sophie – A Cavalier in training under Gunter’s watch. She is distantly related to Silas. Follows Corrin on all routes, available from the start. Midori – A war orphan saved by Kaze, she has skills with herbs and medicine. Kaze put her in a Deeprealm for her safety, and he must be present to recruit her when her paralogue opens. Should Kaze leave in Conquest, Midori will also leave if she is present. Siegbert – An inexperienced ruler in a Deeprealm that resembles Nohr. He is found assaulting a rebellious fortress. Otherwise, mostly the same as his vanilla counterpart, even sharing some form of connection with Xander. Forrest – A cousin of Siegbert, providing both counsel and support for his rule. Otherwise, mostly the same as his vanilla counterpart, sharing some form of connection with Leo. Velouria – Keaton’s niece, and she is zealously devoted to him ever since her father died. Otherwise, the same as the vanilla. Percy – He remains as Arthur’s son, but is now in the real world instead of being shipped off to the Deeprealms. Has a paralogue to unlock, requires Arthur to be present. Ophelia & Soleil – The daughters of Odin and Laslow respectively. After Anakos took the Awakening trio to Fates, Naga (from Awakening) found it suitable that they would receive aid from their children from the future, much like how they helped their parents defeat Grima. - Soleil may have some revisions to dialogue, but her overall character remains the same. - Selena comments on why she doesn’t have a child to help her out, which the other two respond rather humorously. (If there is Awakening save data and Severa has an “S” support with either Inigo or Owain, the dialogue will change to reflect this.) - As for hair color, the default is blonde for Ophelia and pink for Soleil. However, if there is Awakening save data, the hair color will change to reflect that of the “S” rank partner of Owain and Inigo respectively. - The author knows this is “Fates BS”, but what is a FE game without some nonsense? andauthorbias Nina – A young thief from the slums and thoroughly acquainted with Niles. She dislikes Niles for attempting to be a father-figure to her. Otherwise, the same as vanilla. Shiro – A ruler of a Deep Realm that resembles Hoshido, he does not give off any sense of royalty. He is found defending a village from bandits, and has some connection to Ryoma. Kiragi – A cousin to Shiro, he enjoys hunting and life in general. He has a connection to Takumi. Selkie – A friend of Kaden’s. Otherwise unchanged from her vanilla self. Mitama – A shrine maiden who enjoys poetry. Otherwise unchanged from her vanilla self. Caledori – A freelance Sky Knight, she bears a resemblance to Awakening’s Cordelia and is rather competitive with Subaki. Caledori also has some form of bond with Selena. She is the same as her Fates variant. Chiyo (OC: Diviner -> Basara) – A member of the Wind Tribe, she is quite a tall woman with a master of scrolls. Isamu (OC: Oni Savage -> Blacksmith) – A wandering Oni in search for rare materials. He dreams of opening up his own weapon shop someday. Note: Not a ninja because there are already 3 ninjas, and we don’t have a male Oni Savage. NPC Dwyer – A Butler in training at the Northern Fortress. He is lazy and dislikes work, but does the best job out of all of the staff present, even senior staff, much to Jakob’s chagrin. Ignatius – The son of Benny, he is a border guard much like his father. Hisame – A brother of Hinata. Otherwise, he is like his vanilla self when he appears. Cut Characters Asugi & Rharjat – Awakening reincarnations. The only reason Caledori makes it in is that she has connections to Selena. andauthorbias [spoiler=Developer Notes, Spoilers Ahead!] Azura - Azura has become an unwilling pawn of Anakos. If the player follows the Conquest or Birthright path, she accomplishes her duty and fades away. The world is thereafter conquered and destroyed by True!Anakos, but the player is sent back to the “Branch of Fate” by Heart!Anakos in an attempt to break the cycle (Revelations). - If the player does the Revelations route, Azura will eventually betray the party. Her “role” will be replaced by Shigure, her lost brother. When Azura is finally defeated, she will thank the party for freeing her before she dies. Kaze - On Birthright, Kaze will always survive. This moment has been changed over to Flora to persuade her to join the party instead of sacrificing herself. - Conquest specifics are currently unknown. Kaze will switch sides, but may not remain in your party without certain conditions. (Perhaps if the player executes Shura, Kaze leaves?) Silas - To serve as a foil for Kaze being difficult to maintain, Silas will be more difficult to keep in Birthright than Conquest. - Silas will be blackmailed and turn against Corrin (out of concern for his friend’s safety, “for the greater good”). However, having an A support with Silas will prevent this as Silas sees through the ruse. Laslow, Selena, and Odin - They are now more aware of their mission to find Corrin and bring peace to the world of Fates, referencing this in the main story. - In Birthright, they lament that they could not persuade Corrin and that they were on opposing sides. In Conquest, Corrin does not listen to the trio, not believing what they have to say. In Revelations, they back up what Shigure has to say, further damning Azura’s plight. Lilith - Lilith still serves as a “True Blood” sibling to Corrin. - She will still sacrifice herself on Birthright and Conquest, but this is (hopefully) done in a more meaningful manner. When she does fade away, she leave behind items called “Lilith’s Tears” which are gained per every level Lilith has. This item will grant a level to any unit that uses it, so essentially the player can transfer the EXP of Lilith to other characters to make up for her loss. Normal level up rules apply. - As for My Castle interactions, whenever Lilith appears in human form (whether she is fielded in battle, working in a shop, or just walking about), an ethereal variant of her Dragon form will appear at the shrine. When Lilith passes, the interaction is the same as vanilla. Flora - She can be spared in Birthright if Corrin has an A rank with the “late servant” to the party. So, if the avatar is female, Corrin must have an A rank with Felicia, but if male, an A rank with Jakob. This will require grinding supports as there is only one main story chapter between their join time and Flora’s event. - The character who has the A rank will successfully convince Flora to stand down and join the party. Scarlet - In Conquest, Scarlet can be spared if the player finishes her map quickly enough. She will sneak out alongside a few loyal soldiers, and will come back to help the player during the later chapters (which has a revised arc). If the player is too slow, Corrin will still attempt to free Scarlet, but she gets caught and is made an example out of by Hans and company. - In Revelations, Scarlet no longer dies, but is knocked out of commission for a chapter (to mimic Elise and Takumi’s roles in Conquest and Birthright). Yukimra - In Birthright, he will successfully defend Hoshido and then launch a counteroffensive on Nohr. The player meets him after Chapter 24. - In Revelations, he will hold the fort down as long as possible, but the Vallites overpower his forces. He will then make his way to Valla and join up with Corrin to finish the fight as quickly as possible. Kana - Kana is kept locked away in the Deep Realms by Lilith. When she sacrifices herself in Birthright or Conquest, she tells the Avatar about Kana, opening a paralogue to recruit Kana into the party. - In Revelations, when Azura betrays the party, she will go after Kana. This will open up a special paralogue, if not completed before a certain chapter, disappears and has consequences. (Kana will fall under Azura’s influence and become an enemy unit. Kana will not be able to be recruited after this point.) Shigure - Shigure is stuck in Valla and has to handle his own. - When Corrin goes to Valla during Conquest, Shigure meets him, but Azura commands Corrin to strike Shigure down. Corrin, being manipulated by Azura’s song, kills him in Conquest, preventing the truth from being known. - However, in Revelations, Shigure meets Corrin alongside the rest of Corrin’s army. Azura is powerless in this situation and she is exposed by Shigure, and she is replaced by Shigure as a playable character. True!Garon - During Conquest, True!Garon’s paralogue opens at Chapter 27 after the main campaign has been completed (You must complete Conquest before True!Garon’s paralogue opens). In addition, Selena, Laslow, and Odin must be alive to attempt this chapter, if they are all dead, the chapter is inaccessible. -- The Awakening Trio (or the survivors) are found in Valla as they discuss how to handle their mission. They find Garon stuck in his cell and in despair. The trio defend Garon and escape with him, and upon reaching the surface, the Nohr Royals are in disbelief seeing Garon again after he was defeated in Chapter 26. However, they quickly learn that this Garon is the real one, and there’s a happy reunion as Garon finds himself again and promptly kicks ***. - During Revelations, the paralogue opens up after the main campaign is completed at Chapter 27. The player can choose their units for the paralogue, and it plays differently than the one with the trio. However, it has the same effect of True!Garon finding himself, reuniting with his kids, and then kicking *** as any endgame character does. Chapter Dev Notes Conquest - The Hoshidian Invasion arc has been rewritten. After the massacre at Fort Jinya, Corrin becomes disillusioned with Azura’s plan and makes his own path to rebel against Garon (and try to gain Hoshidian support). He tries to convince Takumi, but as he is possessed, he does not care. Corrin does manage to successfully convince Hinoka, and Chapter 25 is when Corrin rebels instead of fighting Ryoma. During this time, if Scarlet is still alive, will she come and join up with the party. - Chapter 25 has Corrin fight Hans and Iago. Chapter 26 is when Corrin fights King!Garon. - The battle is thought won, so the party goes to the Throne Room during Chapter 27 where they see Slime!Garon sitting on the throne. Filled with anger, Ryoma charges at Slime!Garon only to be effortlessly dispatched alongside his retainers. Ryoma dies due to this blow. - The Endgame with Takumi remains mostly the same, but Takumi’s anger is amplified on seeing the corpse of Ryoma. Revelations - One of the Revelations chapters have Corrin face off with Ryoma, like in Conquest Chapter 25, due to that chapter being rewritten. - Chapter 27 is when the player faces off against Azura. During this chapter, the game will read if you have any cleared Birthright and Conquest saves. Using data from the latest clear file from both paths, that Avatar will appear as an opponent in this chapter with the same stats, skills, and items in their inventory. -- Of course, should the player try to cheat the system (having no skills or items, and low stats), the game will compensate by giving the player the appropriate equipment. (Endgame Yato, Dragonstone +, all default skills, scaled stats, etc.) -- If there is no cleared data, a “default” Avatar will be used with the appropriate equipment. -- When fighting Azura, “End of All – Below” plays. The entire party is debuffed due to her song, and Azura breaks the limits of her Songstress stat caps. - As for Endgame, the party fights against Anakos properly. The music that is played is Shigure’s variant of “End of All”, as he now has the pendant and can properly weaken Anakos. [spoiler=SaiSymbolic] 1. What routes are you working on? Is it an amalgamation of all three? Is it an alternate universe style retelling? For all intents and purposes, it is an alternate universe retelling based heavily around a change of personality and genetic inheritance in the Avatar character. Elements from each route is present, however, the overall story and structure is different from of canon. The story (or rather, drabbles that will likely not see the light of day) focuses on the Avatar character, the psychological effects of his captivity and how he affects the cast of characters and the story as a whole. 2. What notable changes would you make to the plot? · Are problematic elements (the curse, the magic throne, the crystal ball, operation tears, Nohr and Hoshido being too black and white, everything Aqua does) going to be addressed? All of the above have been changed. Except perhaps the crystal ball, which would have a completely different function than in canon—if I don’t decide to scrap it completely. · Are there any themes to be communicated over each route? None, in particular. · What is the overall direction or “point” of each route? There are no particular directions, other than writing a main character with a different mindset than the canon!Corrinmui. I suppose you could consider the story/drabbles a psychological thriller-type with inspirations from various real-life historic subjects and lots of headcanon. World-building is included. 3. What notable changes would you make to the characters? · What is Kamui all about (background, personality, abilities)? For the set of drabbles, Corrinmui is known by two names: his true name is Kagutsuchi and his Nohrian name is Canicus, as I find it completely idiotic that Garon kidnapped the boy but did not bother to change his name to something more fitting to his culture. He is still the child of Mikoto and Anankos, however, he does not retain the ability to turn into a dragon. Instead, he inherits the ability for necromancy, which is a play on Phoenix Mode available in-game. All living beings killed by Kagutsuchi only can be revived from the dead and under his complete control. Beings revived by Kagutsuchi are essentially undead—they lack sentience, memories or personality from their time as human—and, unless cremated, they retain all injuries sustained from their death. Like canon, he is kidnapped at a young age and taken by Garon and actually raised as his own child, meaning his views are biased by what Garon has fed to him and tarnished by the fact that he is a hostage that was abandoned by his own kingdom. He is a deliberate being with an intelligence earned from years of reading, observing and studying—as well as his draconic heritage amplifying that. Throughout the story, Kagutsuchi’s mental state will gradually degrade due to a combination of the death of loved ones, personality disorders, a Messiah/God-complex, all of which can be somewhat attributed to the degeneration found in his paternal side of the family. · What is Azura all about (personality, role in the story)? Aqua is similar to how she is canonically but there may or may not be something else about her… I haven’t completely decided her role in the story. · What are the Hoshidan and Nohrian siblings all about (personalities, roles in plot)? The siblings will resemble how they are canonically but not completely. · What is Garon, Mikoto, Lilith or any other important character all about? Garon is not Slime!Daddy but he is a strict, unscrupulous ruler of Nohr that is not above chopping off a few heads or stringing up a few bodies to make a point. Sumeragi is not dead—he is just as strict as his counterpart and, while his way are not as gruesome as Garon’s, he is still seen as the opposite extreme. Think of them as the Law and Chaos factions from the SMT series. Mikoto is alive and her portrayal is influenced by the loss of her home, her only child and her husband’s overzealous ways. Lilith is present but not for long. · What is the Hydra all about (role in plot)? His presence is not as blatant as canon but he can be felt in various ways, mainly through his child. · What changes will be made to minor characters? A lot. Some will most likely be cut due to a combination of not fitting into the story or my own oversights. 4. What notable changes would you make to the setting? · What ideas do you have for world building? A lot. · What kind of history does this continent have? Something similar to the Warring States Era, in which there were many tribes and families fighting for their own stake of land/ruling. Garon and Sumeragi are the two Big Bosses that have many territories under their belts through conquest, diplomacy and inheritance. Living in one kingdom has its pro and cons over the other—neither is the perfect place on the Earth. · What is the balance of natural and supernatural elements? All that is normal for a Fire Emblem game. · Are the Faceless and invisible enemies in your story? Faceless will be scaled down and not as prominent. Invisible enemies are more or less absent. 5. Do any characters die? Many, many people will die. No one is protected by plot armor. 6. Will you introduce any new characters? Probably just some Randies here and there. It depends on the context and if they are needed. 7. Are any characters going to be cut? Felicia, most definitely. Flora does not have a sister. Likely most of the children, if I don't implement them in a different manner. [spoiler=Abvora] 1. What routes are you working on? Is it an amalgamation of all three? Is it an alternate universe style retelling? None, the fic is set pre-game, detailing how Mikoto went from Vallite princess to queen of Hoshido. It's a short story, set shortly before Corrin's birth to shortly after his kidnapping, with a potential epilogue taking place during his return to Hoshido in Chapters 4/5. 2. What notable changes would you make to the plot? See above. 3. What notable changes would you make to the characters? Lots of alternate character interpretation to Mikoto; instead of being a morally pure saint, she's now a politically-savvy royal who, while ultimately good-intentioned, does some morally questionable things. Some unseen characters, like Queen Ikona, will be given personalities, and some like Sumeragi and Arete will have their characterizations expanded on. 4. What notable changes would you make to the setting? Lots of world-building, notably expanding on the history of Valla and draconic lore; expanding on the history of Hoshido and Nohr; some expansion on minor settings like the Fire Tribe and Izumo; and adding in moral greyness. 5. Do any characters die? Yes, but everyone who is alive when the original game starts will survive the fic. 6. Do you introduce any new characters? Yes, several original characters. 7. Are any characters going to be cut? No.
  21. They suddenly feel really bad for him and want to make him happy.
  22. More Authors [spoiler=Mox] 1. What routes are you working on? Is it an amalgamation of all three? Is it an alternate universe style retelling? My fan fiction, at this point, mostly takes place before the events of Fates. However, when it does begin to follow the events of Fates it will take the Revelations path. This first part of the fan fiction, before Fates, will be very heavily centred in Nohr and will for the most part be set in Windham. 2. What notable changes would you make to the plot? Are problematic elements (the curse, the magic throne, the crystal ball, operation tears, Nohr and Hoshido being too black and white, everything Aqua does) going to be addressed?These elements still need to be tackled and looked at on my part, however, I know a few elements of the story that I am removing or reworking: The Curse: This is being removed, it's highly impractical. Staunch Black and White Morality: This is definitely being removed. Very few people in the fan fic will be either 'good' or 'evil'. Bad guys such as Iago and Ganz will be given more humanity and solid motivations to explain their actions and personalities. Very good characters such as Mikoto or Yukimura might be given more questionable motives that are well hidden but detectable. The main character, (my unit) Teresa, will not be exempted from this rule either. If all goes well, she'll be more questionable and less naïve than the Kamui in the story, perhaps more corrupt and less moral as well. I hated this aspect of Fates, I don't plan on writing it into my story. Plot Elements: Some plot elements are going to be changed so that they better flow with the story and don't create difficult situations. An example would be when Ganz tries to send Kamui over the bridge in chapter 3, this is being re-written. To me it did not make sense that Garon wanted to send Kamui to Hoshido to assassinate Mikoto against his will and then Ganz, seemingly in the know about this, tried to send Kamui over the bride into the chasm. There was no way he would have known Lilith could save them (so apart from an impulsive urge to kill), so why do that??? (No) Children: For the most part, children will NOT be featured in the story. I think that it's highly impractical and even with the use of Secluded Realms the women would still have to be pregnant for nine months. Only two children will be born before the events of Fates, however, I won't reveal who they are at this time. Not confined to the Citadel: Teresa will live in the Northern Citadel, however she will often travel and sleep in Castle Krakenburg in Windham. She will not be strictly confined there. Iago's Death: Iago won't die in this adaption. Draconic Transformations: Teresa will not transform for the first time in Hoshido. She will transform several times with little or no control before the that point in the story, however, her Hoshidan transformation will be the first time her draconic form is not 'deformed' (her wings will form properly during this event where before they were either membrane-less or (partially) fused into her sides). Her partial transformations will also occur and they will be refined to the point that she can control them. Siblings and Knowledge of Teresa's Origins: Xander, Camilla and Leo will have knowledge that Teresa comes from Hoshido but will maintain the premise that she is their half blood sister from Makaras. Elise is the only sibling not to be told about this, she will think that Teresa actually is her half blood sibling. The Hoshidan siblings are all aware that she is not their blood sibling, however they have fully accepted her and love her fully as their sister. Naming: All Nohrian names in the NA/PAL version of Fates will be used, however, all Hoshidan names will retain their original Japanese spelling. Long names such as Suzukaze will eventually be shortened to 'Kaze' as a nickname. King Ryoma: Ryoma will be the King of Hoshido once the events of Fates have started, finally old enough and experienced enough to take his Father's place. Are there any themes to be communicated over each route?Hmm ... Honestly, at this time I can't think of a central theme. I'll come back to this one. Right now I've been more focused on planning it all through and sorting out any loopholes. As this story is supposed to talk about Teresa growing up, learning about the world/herself and forming her own ideals about it I guess the central theme would be 'Growing Up'. A little lame, I know, but I wanted to focus on her life and experiences. What is the overall direction and "point" of each route?Before Fates: Developing her character and the characters around her, setting up for Fates. Fates: Progression along the adapted storyline. Character development of units we would not have met in the first section (i.e. Hoshidan Royals). 3. What notable changes would you make to the characters? What is Kamui all about (background, personality, abilities)Name: Teresa (formerly Tomoe) Birthday: 15th October Age: Will vary throughout the story but will be between ~17 - 22yrs.Background: This story is slated to cover a lot of her background, at least the Nohrian part of it. So I'll only talk briefly about her Hoshidan background. Background (Hoshido): Tomoe was born to Anankos and raised by her mother Mikoto in the Hoshidan capital Shirasagi as a young child. Mikoto's services as an exceptional healer came to the attention of the royal family, leading to her employment and residence in the Castle. After the death of Sumeragi's first wife, Sumeragi quickly married Mikoto and Teresa was adopted into their family. Despite some initial tension, the Royal children were very accepting of her, it took them a longer time to warm to Mikoto. Eventually, Sumeragi hears rumours that Nohr is planning to invade and is later approached by Chevalier's King. He suggests a meeting with Sumeragi and asks that he bring Tomoe for inspection so that he can assess her as a potential marriage partner for his son of the same age. When Sumeragi arrives to a port town to talk about the prospect of barring Nohr's sea fairing trade with neutral nations such as Izumo, Sumeragi is double crossed and killed by Garon. Tomoe is kidnapped by Garon, her memories completely erased by his current advisor Horus Rever, and then told that her name is Teresa. The only thing that she remembers from her previous life is how to speak Hoshidan, as this was the only way she could communicate until she learnt Nohrian. Personality: (+) Teresa is a confident, almost tomboyish personality. She strives to better herself and prove herself Xander's equal as both a Commander in battle and a Royal. Being the 'black-sheep' of the siblings, she also constantly tries to prove her worth to her father, King Garon, in order to earn his approval and affection in any (positive) way possible. She is kind to those she loves and will do everything in her power to protect them, including sacrificing her life. Despite difficulties impressing her father, she is charismatic and is well loved by soldiers and slum peoples alike, sometimes taking the time to drink with them or entrench herself with 'common' activities to earn their support, if only for the war efforts. She is a highly convincing speaker when she needs to be and her firm authority is largely recognised by all Nohrian peoples alike. However, she isn't the most noble of character. (-) Because of Nohr's political environment she can be two-faced, a trait that she picks up from Iago (to 'survive' when she begins going to court), and may lie to those around her to protect herself (and her relationship) as well as better herself. She is willing to sacrifice people below her to advance Nohr's war effort, even though her intentions are for the greater good of Nohr's population. Her biggest flaw is her unruly impulsiveness and rebelliousness that, throughout the story, will get her into trouble. She also lacks regard for authority figures that 'act as authority figures' and will often disregard their instructions or rules. This problem can be resolved if figures of authority (such as tutors, politicians or commanders of guard/soldiers) treat her as a friend, giving her an incentive to heed their advice or orders. Some people have noticed that her preference for foul play when it can guarantee results is similar to the acceptance Garon has for similar tactics. Although she hesitates issuing execution, her views on corporal punishment (provided it's not flogging) of those that disobey or act out against her are very similar but not as harsh as the punishment Garon issues. Abilities (Draconic): Teresa's draconic abilities are largely the same as they are in Fates. However, her draconic self will be bigger (maybe double the size) than in Fates to better reflect her direct blood ancestry to Anankos. Faceless: I think that this is important to mention here. Teresa will develop the abilities to summon Faceless eventually. However she will have the ability to communicate and influence the Faceless that come from her own blood. In my fic, the Faceless that Iago and Garon spawn are summoned from her own blood and will possess some similar features to her (pointed ears, very sharp teeth, red eyes and green/teal colouring). These Faceless will have difficulty fighting against her and will interact with her gently if outside of combat. Abilities: Foresight: Teresa will express some notion of Foresight before the events of Fates. However it will be a rare and unpredictable occurrence that will not be too heavily relied upon. Fast Healing: When in her dragon form she will display faster healing capabilities. Sensory: Her normal senses will be slightly more sensitive than normal humans. These sense are far stronger when in dragon form. Likes: Sweet foods, training, tepid tea, the sun Dislikes: Sour foods, blisteringly hot tea, whips Hobbies: Writing, performing and reading poetry, play and prose. Training with swords. Acting. Notable Characteristic: Has the sharpest teeth out of the entire army. What is Azura all about (personality, role in the plot)?I haven't gotten to Azura yet, especially because I have been planning the story before Fates more than the actual Fates section. I suspect that her role and personality will be largely the same. What are the Hoshidan and Nohrian siblings all about (personalities, roles in the plot)? Note: All of the Nohrian siblings can and will be referred to intermittently as "Brother" or "Sister". Teresa will not refer to her Hoshidan siblings with such titles, instead they will be addressed by their names. The family name for the Nohrian siblings is Krakenburg. Xander: Teresa and Xander have a rocky relationship that will fluctuate and change throughout the pre-Fates story for various reasons. For the most part, Teresa looks up to him as her older brother and pinnacle of everything she wants to be/achieve. Despite her unyielding love for her elder brother, she does have a chip on her shoulder because he needed to 'abandon her' in order to take up his duties as Prince, a notion she did not properly understand when she was younger. His personality is the same as it is in Fates. His role in the story is the help develop Teresa and drive her to better both her leadership skills and combat skills. He will create some tension between herself and Iago in order to drive them apart, thinking entirely about protecting his younger sister from her lover without taking into account their own situation. Camilla: Teresa and Camilla have a good, sisterly relationship. Teresa often goes to Camilla in order to refine her appearance and make it more feminine. Camilla is always the person to approach Teresa in emergency situations and will always mediate between Teresa and Xander/Leo when they argue. Teresa will always approach Camilla when she is feeling insecure or unsure of herself or her course of action. Camilla grossly spoils Teresa. Before the events of Fates she is married to Hans Rever, the head of the Rever house located in the west of Nohr, she has troubles conceiving, perhaps explaining why she mothers and dotes so heavily on Teresa, Leo and Elise. Her personality will remain the same as it is in Fates. Her role in the story will be to nurture Teresa and act as her one of her confidants for almost everything Teresa is doing, thinking or feeling. Leo: Leo and Teresa are constantly competing on intellectual grounds, however, Leo almost always comes out on top. Teresa and Leo both have sympathy for each other as they both feel out of place amongst the other siblings. They have a more typical brother sister relationship and will often tease the each other. Leo will tease Teresa about how tomboyish or masculine she can be whilst Teresa will tease Leo about his awkwardness and dorky nature, these fights can often get quite heated and are usually stopped by Camilla before they get physical. Teresa teaches Leo how to speak Hoshidan. His personality will remain the same as it is in Fates. Leo will act as a point of competition for Teresa as well as a point of sympathy since they both feel like the odd sibling out. Elise: Teresa tries to inspire Elise and nurtures her younger sister the same way Xander and Camilla nurture her. Teresa is extremely protective of Elise and will do anything in her ability to nurture her and help her learn. After her sibling relationship with Xander seemed to fade, Teresa began to spend more time with Elise, this lead to her spoiling and rearing Elise in the same way Xander had raised her, leading to a strong sibling bond between the two. Teresa spends the most time with Elise out of any other sibling. Neither of them discuss the 'Krakenburg Massacre' in which they were the only survivors. Elise's personality will be largely the same as it is in Fates. The only real difference being that she will be more open to Iago and will try to foster a friendship with him in order to support her older sister. Elise will be one of the only characters with a white morality, however she will have to lie a few times to protect Teresa's relationship with Iago. The family name for the Hoshidan siblings is Shirasagi. Ryoma: Previously, Ryoma had a similar relationship to the one she currently has with Xander. He encouraged her to take up the sword and even taught her how to handle a katana as a samurai. When he hears that she is alive and well in Nohr, despite his love for his younger sister Tomoe and how much he misses her, he decides against Mikoto's decision to try and recapture her again, claiming that Tomoe would be too entrenched in Nohrian culture and too brainwashed by Garon and his peers to believe them and would at least try to see Mikoto dead if taken into Hoshido. His decision is heeded due to his status as King of Hoshido. When she is brought back to Hoshido on an opportunistic whim he is forced to address her as Teresa and treats her as he did before, but keeps his distance because of his suspicions. He keeps her heavily guarded. When Mikoto is killed he is not quick to blame her, however he is disheartened that his suspicions came true. During the events of Fates he will try to support her and reform his bond with her, especially when things are tough between Teresa and Xander. His personality will remain the same as it is in Fates. Hinoka: Previously, Hinoka often sparred, trained and play-fought with Tomoe and excited and maintained her innate tomboyish personality. Out of all the Hoshidan siblings, it was noted that Hinoka and Tomoe were the most similar and held the most shared interests. Hinoka also encouraged Tomoe to act rebelliously. When Tomoe was taken away she begins to train more in order to take Tomoe back, aware that her chance would eventually come as Nohr is wanting to invade and push for war. Hinoka was one of the siblings that wanted the second operation to reclaim Tomoe commence, however this was denied by Ryoma who had the most heavily weighted vote. When she returns she is forced to address Tomoe as Teresa. She tries to get some of Teresa's old memories back by re-enacting past events or taking her to similar places to play-fight or train, however Teresa is not keen, which disheartens Hinoka. Despite this she still treats Teresa kindly and tries not to give up hope that Teresa might begin to remember. Her personality will remain the same as it is in Fates Takumi (~17 - 22 yrs): Previously, Takumi was jealous of the attention Tomoe received after being adopted into her family and after a rocky start to their sibling relationship he soon became inseparable from her. Tomoe's abduction hit Takumi the hardest out of all the siblings and like Hinoka, he took to his specialty, the bow, in hopes of bringing her back. Because of her abduction he developed a dislike for Nohrian's and never trusted Azura when she fell into Hoshidan hands. Eventually, this trust along with words of Nohrian atrocities and foul tactics lead to his distrust of Tomoe and after a brief period of mourning he accepted that Tomoe would never be the same and would likely be a fully fledged Nohrian, never to return to his side as his sister. Takumi was one of the people who voted against recapturing Tomoe as part of the second operation to reclaim her. When she returns he is the first to catch hold of calling her Teresa and keeps her at a distance from his person, knowing that she is likely spying on them or planning to kill them. A small part of him hoped that she would remember them and would be like the sister he remembered, however it was quickly squashed by Teresa's passive hostility and her active distancing herself from the siblings He has his retainers and castle staff watch her constantly. When Mikoto is killed he is quick to blame her and accuse her of assassinating their mother, he doesn't hold back his verbal assault on her and the two get into a fight and continue to bicker for most of the events of Fates. During Revelations Teresa will confront him and Takumi will eventually break down and cry about how much he misses his old sister from when they were children. His personality will remain the same as it was in Fates. Sakura: Sakura was very young when Tomoe was around and did not get to know her too well. However, as she grew up she heard stories from Hinoka and Ryoma about her sister and formed a good opinion of her, even when Takumi tried to bluntly tell her that Tomoe would be too much of a Nohrian to be the same. When she returns she is forced to address Tomoe as Teresa. She is the sibling to approach her the most, even despite her shy personality, as Sakura wants to form bonds and memories she feel have been denied due to her young age when Tomoe was taken. However, she is quick to realise how uncomfortable Teresa feels around her and decides to give her some space, her young wisdom identifying that she is probably finding this reality confronting and even frightening. Despite their Mikoto's death, she does not blame Teresa, instead she blames Nohrian foul play. Her personality will remain largely the same as it is in Fates. However, like Elise, she will have more of a white morality. What is Garon, Mikoto, Lilith or any other important character all about? This is where things begin to get interesting as we see more pronounced character development in characters that received either very little beyond one trope or characters that express either black or white morality just because that was what was required of them in the story. My goal is to make them more grey, self driven and more human instead of generic evil bad guys or generic pure and innocent good guys. Iago: Iago is probably the second most important character in this entire fic. He acts as Teresa's lover and helps develop her prowess in the magic arts, politics, leadership and strategy and acts as one of the characters that shapes her own ideas (morality?) and world view. The only other character to impact her views in such a profound manner is Izana. Background: He was supposed to become the head of his house, Cawdor, due to his inheritance of their distinct family trait. However his jealous brother threw him out, assumed this position and sent him to Windham to maintain Cawdorian supremacy over metal resources, hoping to build their power some more. Whilst at court, Iago manages to gain significant influence and murders Garon's (then) current advisor, Horus Rever, without a trace. He's successful at court and sleeps around with court women to gain inside knowledge to blackmail other houses into falling in line with Garon. Whilst climbing the ladder, he begins to plot with his younger sister Imogen how he'll overthrow his brothers and how Cawdor will secure more power. Relationship with Teresa: This is something Iago had not exactly planned on. After noticing that Teresa performs/learns better when she can relate to her tutors on a personal level he decides to invest very cautiously in befriending her, if only to get results at first. After finding out that they actually have quite a few personal interests in common and then being further drawn in by her keen interest to learn, open body language and charisma, ends up falling for her. Personality: Iago will retain a lot of his manipulative, snide, cocky and somewhat troll like personality from Fates, however in this fic we'll see less of it and it will (hopefully) be balanced out by a more human side. When he's around others such as Xander, he will still have his wise advisor front presented, hoping to remain somewhat neutral amongst other house Lords so that they don't know exactly what he's planning until it's too late. In Garon's presence he'll keep his 'yes man' mentality and won't hold back doing anything for Garon. I'd imagine that he'd still despise naivety and would continue to conduct a lot of foul play (in effect this would corrupt some of Teresa's naivety and bring her more into the vicious political environment Nohr boasts), as well as setting up difficult scenarios, so that others houses might turn against each other and provide his with more power. As for his time around Teresa I can imagine him being a lot gentler and slow to open up about feelings, problems or stress and even going so far as to hide anything wrong so that she doesn't become worried. I can also see him as being fiercely protective of her from the shadows and seeing that no harm comes to her through means of hex, intimidation or violence. ** Despite the soft prospects of love and everything it usually entails in stories, I think that it's very important to remember that even if he does like Teresa, Iago would also see this as an immense opportunity for himself and the future of his house and would be fierce in protecting the assets Teresa represents. This is an colossal chance to advance himself, he would try very, very hard to keep this chance to himself. This will become important later on. ** I also think that these two aspect are very important to address as well: Nobility: The reason I made Iago an Noble is because, for what I saw spread amongst the campaigns, he seems very knowledgable and well groomed. Considering Nohr's environment, only those with money would have access to in depth education and grooming - not only that but those with prior status and wealth are more likely to achieve higher status at court, hence Iago's position as Nohr's tactician and Garon's chief advisor. I'm not saying that coming from nothing is impossible, I'm just saying the chances would be better in your favour if you're rich and well educated, at least for Iago's position. Dominance: Despite Iago's open cowardice and pleas to live upon defeat as well as his more feminine appearance I think that it may be worth considering Iago as a somewhat dominant personality, albeit a very sneaky and on the down low one. There's a reason why such a high position has been achieved and maintained, and it's likely that he acquired it and maintained it because he can manage his competitors and eliminate them when necessary. It's very likely that other competitors would want his spot (i.e. I'm pretty sure Zoura states something about achieving a status on par or above Iago and Ganz at some point) alongside King Garon, meaning that he'd have to actively defend it through any means necessary. The dialogue (in my opinion) seemed to suggest that he has held this spot for a while, meaning his ruthless defences or intimidation proved effective. There's a reason passive personalities don't tend to lead, I have no reason to believe that Iago is anything but dominant, even if this dominance isn't as stark or apparent as depicted in characters like Garon, Xander or Ganz (but i'll get to that later). I'll probably end up adding more about Iago here later on, for now I'll keep him summed up as this. Ganz (~38 - 43 yrs): Ganz was that character where I didn't plan on doing all too much with and then suddenly he became kind of central to some of the events in the story as well as some of Teresa's most important character building, some of which I won't spoil. And to be honest, their 'frenemy' relationship whilst rocky, competitive and impulsive, is the most fun to consider. Ganz's motives of gaining immense power (apparently to the point where he hungers to be a King) will keep him on his toes around Teresa. If I had to give Ganz one title in relation to Teresa, I would have to say that he would be her 'bane'. Background: Unlike Iago, Ganz was born into the slums of Windham and had to work his way up the ranks through various methods to earn power amongst the varying slum gangs. His impressive stature, ruthless lusts for power and vicious fighting style kept and expanded his powers over time and established him as a good yet recklessly impulsive leader. His leadership and control eventually beckoned Garon's attention, where he pulled in Ganz to his side with promises of Noble titles and lands should his services continue to prove fruitful. Garon orders him to expand his influence over other capitals in Nohr so that the stewing anarchy in the slums will fall quiet, earning more unity and recruitment for Nohr's war efforts. Despite Ganz's high promotion, he is not given the title of Commander of the Imperial Guard until much, much, much later. Relationship with Teresa: Ganz and Teresa's relationship can be seen as mostly bickering. Ganz is quick to identify the value in allying himself with both Iago and Teresa whilst Teresa is slower on the uptake and rewards of taking Ganz for an ally. Despite some friendly behaviour, most of which requires one or both of them to be drunk early on, Ganz and Teresa have abrasive personalities that can sometimes ignite physical fights, most of which Teresa loses due to her small stature and favourable response to endurance rather than speed. Their conflicts arise because they are both similar, both want the powers of leadership and both are dominating and controlling with their lead, not only that but their natural impulsiveness can clash and allow fights and verbal bouts to occur when they otherwise never would. Despite how bad some of the fights are, Ganz is always careful to keep himself restrained within bounds (which is a struggle for him), seeing that he has much more to gain from her than she does from him. It's eventually identified that when they find a balance in partnership in battle, they can roll anyone in their way and prove a lethal pairing. Personality: I think that it's obvious from his stature (he's quite literally a tall wall of flesh), command, impulsiveness and lusts for power that Ganz is an alpha male personality, and like Iago I think that this would be necessary (even more so for him) to come from nothing into a position by Garon's side. Despite everything I think that amongst his own men Ganz would be well liked or well feared with no middle ground and to be honest I think that his leadership would be effective. Even with his brute strength and impulsive nature, I think that Ganz would likely have at least half a brain in his head, contrary to the boorish character we've been given. Like Iago, he would need to manage and preempt strikes from his competitors or gangs that would want to strike him down, I also believe that he would have at least enough intellect (and more so experience I suppose) to act politically and hold his ground. When his 'frenemy' relationship with Teresa finally settles into something stable he'll begin to express more human values, using the tactic of befriending and getting Teresa to identify with him on a personal value to try and convince her to give him authority and powers over areas he would not usually have control of. An important think to note is that Ganz's alpha personality and ruthless lust for what he wants may drive him to take whatever he wants in opportunistic situations, regardless of if it's wealth, resources or women (I mean, does Ganz seem like a person that would accept 'no' as an answer from anyone beneath him?). Garon: Izana: Lilith: Lazward: Luna: Odin: Felicia: Gunter: Zoura: Mikoto: Yukimura: What is Hydra all about (role in the plot)?Pretty much the same. I haven't looked too much into Hydra yet. The only thing of note is that he will have the localised name Anankos, rather than Hydra. He will also have an extended role in the Nohrian religion I am currently developing and possibly in some of Garon's control over his unruly draconic daughter ... ​ What changes will be made to minor charactersPlease see the above section where I outlined changes to characters such as Iago, Ganz and Zoura. 4. What notable changes would you make to the setting? What ideas do you have for world building?Nohr will be widely expanded upon. Noble Houses around Nohr will be included as well as their politics, blood (physical, magical) and their roles in resource control. The Cawdor, Iago's house, will be the house most expanded upon and will include some genetics, heritage, cultural customs, sibling relationships, previous family history, blood magic affinities and the strange phenomenon know as 'Night Madness'.(Map) - Nohrian Noble Houses with their locations. Family members and house sigils will eventually be added on as well.Because the story primarily takes place in Nohr, not many houses will be touched upon in Hoshido. (Map) - Expanded Map of locations used in the story, will be added to as the story advances. More Capital's for Noble Houses will also be added at a later times. Nohrian Houses: Cawdor (click here for sigil): Sub House(s): Hyde, Fowler, Slade Location: North, North-west. Capital: Nairnshire - Castle Cawdor Current Sigil: Stag and sun to express the complete unity between house Cawdor (stag) and house Stein (sun). House Colours: Red, Gold, Black Heritage: Of magical blood with a prominent affinity for the dark and black magic. The current generation is known as 'rich blooded', meaning that they have a nice balance between the abilities of the other magically blooded houses in Nohr. However, with this recent generation this has acted against them, meaning that only one member of the current generation possesses the Heterochromia indicative of inheritance for strong blood magic. Physical traits: Pale skin, onyx, dark purple or dark brown hair, heterochromia, grey eyes, tall Classes: Sorcerer, Dark Knight, Dark Flier, Witch Cawdorian Blood Magic: This is an inherited trait passed down from generations past. Those whom possess a very strong affinity for the dark arts will possess heterochromia (mostly complete but sometimes partial) and subsequently they will be the only members of the family allowed to continue the Cawdor name. If more than one sibling possesses the heterochromia then typically it is the oldest sibling that will become the head of the house, however, siblings will usually fight to the death or murder their siblings in order to become the leader. Children that are born without heterochromia are usually married into the sub houses to keep their alliances and magical blood strong. The blood magic gives them an affinity for difficult rituals as well as some immunity towards hexes. Costs of blood rituals are typically lower for those possessing this ability, meaning that for some highly dangerous rituals they may not suffer many repercussions. Another interesting side affect to the Heterochromia is that it prevents those that have it from developing the phenomenon of 'Night Madness', a psychological condition developed only by members of the Cawdor (and sometimes Dane) house that drives them to maddened, euphoric and irrational behaviour. Some cultural customs: Cawdorian's are usually very punctual due to their obsessions with clocks and time. As Cawdor is situated in a place where it is constantly night time with only a minute of sun per year they are very dependent on clocks to tell them the time, the noble family more so than it's citizens as their Castle is carved into and extends inside of the mountain and cliffs nearby. Cawdorian's also favour hot foods and teas and due to their very poor crop yields must eat a lot of vegetables, especially 'night grass', one of the only forms of vegetation to grow in Cawdorian land. The noble house will not eat the unique venison that live in their lands as they believe that eating ones own sigil is bad luck. Resources: The Cawdorian's have a lot of metal and gem stone resources, most of which is used to build the weapons that are going to be used to invade Hoshido. However, they are highly dependent on importing crop resources and foodstuffs from the Stein, hence the marriage between the two houses. This gives both houses a monopoly over the predominant resources Nohr has. Due to their poor food resources the Cawdorian's have massive food storages within their main castle so that they can wait out a siege if they need to. Geography: Their land is very mountainous and their capital is located within a 'dead end' of sorts. This makes their capital hard to siege, however, if the invaders can outlast their food stocks and control the only choke point into the capital then the Cawdorian forces would be forced to surrender or otherwise cannibalise each other. Religion: The religion of Nohr actually views the Cawdorian's as immoral monsters due to some of their previous family history and the affects of 'Night Madness' meaning that anyone of Noble Cawdorian blood can not enter a holy building or step on holy land. As a result of this the Cawdorian's are largely God-less. Current Head: Demetrius Current Noble Members: Iago (chair at court), Chiron, Imogen, Nyx (from a very long time ago). Rever: Sub House(s): Evison, Ismay, Volkhart Location: West Capital: Dormir - Castle Rever Current Sigil: Crescent moon facing down on an open tome. House Colours: Red, Gold, Beige Heritage: Of magical blood, have a strong affinity for illusion. Physical traits: Wheaten hair, grey or brown eyes, creamy skin, gangly figures, medium height Common Classes: Sorcerer, Dark Knight, Witch Cultural Customs: N/A at this time. Resources: Produces lots of wheat and foodstuff (but not as much as the houses to the south), fish from the caldera their lands are situated on, produce the second larges quantity of horses. Geography: Situated on a very large natural caldera, most of their land is very flat and very open with lots of wild grass and wheat. There is a constant slight incline until the crater is reached. Their daylight hours are short however they do have a day/night cycle. Their lands toward the north are tundra-like. Current Head: Hans Rever (married to Camilla Krakenburg) Current Members: Zoura, Mark Stein: Sub House(s): Yorren, Munn Location: South, South-East Capital: Unnamed - Castle Stein Current Sigil: Sun above a stalk of wheat. House Colours: Orange, Red, Gold Heritage: Have a strong affinity for Hexes and cursing. Physical Traits: Brown, curly hair OR blond(e), straight hair, brown eyes, tan skin from the sun, medium height and build Common Classes: Dark Knight, Sorcerer, Strategist Cultural Customs: The Stein's present themselves as a generous house to guests that visit, however they are secretly very greedy when it comes to gemstones and money. Resources: Produce ~60% of Nohr's food resources, controls some of Nohr's international trade with nations such as Chevalier and Izumo. Geography: The land is hilly and fertile, they experience normal day/night cycles. Towards the south there are some verdant forests and mountains. Current Head: Beckett Current Members: Iago's currently un-named cousins, Leo's deceased mother, Leo. Krakenburg (sometimes referred to just as Nohr) - The Royal House: Sub House(s): None Location: Central Nohr Capital: Windham - Castle Krakenburg Current Sigil: The sigil of Nohr House Colours: Black, Maroon, Purple, Blue, Gold Heritage: Mixed physical and magical. Physical Traits: Blonde, straight or curly hair, russet eyes, tall to very tall in height, typically medium in build. Common Classes: Varies. Cultural Customs: N/A at this time. Resources: Produces ~10% of Nohr's food but used to produce more. Produces a lot of gold, more than even Cawdor. The richest and most powerful house. Control's most of Nohr's water alongside the Rever. Geography: Mountainous towards Windham's north and flat and somewhat swampy towards the south. To the east there is volcanic activity and a river passes inside of this territory. Experience longer nights than days. Current Head: Garon Current Members: Xander, Camilla, Leo, Elise, Teresa (Adopted), Rickard (I'd talk about Rickard but I don't want to spoil some stuff later on down the line. All I can think to say right now is 'trust me', ok?). Pyke: Sub House(s): Steed, Poole Location: South-West Capital: Unnamed - Castle Pyke Current Sigil: Bear and Lance House Colours: Dark Green, Light Green, Silver Heritage: Physical blood. Physical trait: Medium to small in height and medium to large in stature, grey or silvery hair and green eyes. Common Classes: General, Great knight, Brave Hero, Berserker Cultural Customs: They are voracious eaters. Resources: They provide a little bit of metals, horses and crops. However they provide the most soldiers of any territory or house. Geography: A little bit verdant but with some tundra approaching the caldera. Experience slightly longer nights than days. Current Head: Unnamed Current Members: Effie *Effie is one of the only established characters I'm removing from slum life and making noble. Cutler: Sub House(s): Rix Location: Central Capital: Unnamed - Castle Cutler Current Sigil: A dagger emerging from the top of a pomegranate House Colours: Lilac, Black, Silver Heritage: Physically blooded. Physical traits: Medium to short stature, slim of build, light brown hair Common Classes: Butler, Strategist, Adventurer, Brave Hero, Bow Knight, Berserker Cultural Customs: N/A right now Resources: They provide small yields of food - primarily fruits - and control a substantial amount of water. They provide the most domestic staff for to the noble lords and ladies as well as the third largest force of soldiers. Geography: Flat and swampy, fertile to the east near the caldera. Experience longer nights than days. Current Head: Unnamed Current Members: Unnamed court seats. Lovelock: Sub House(s): Fuller Location: South-east Capital: Unnamed - Castle Lovelock Current Sigil: Fish flying over a spear House Colours: Maroon, Silver, Slate Heritage: Physically blooded Physical Traits: Tall and athletic, blond(e) hair, brown eyes. Common Classes: Paladin, Great Knight, Wyvern Lord, Revenant Rider Cultural Customs: N/A Resources: Controls most of Nohr's seafaring trade, controls the second largest amount of crop and meat resources after the Stein's Geography: Hilly and fertile, similar to the Stein lands Experience normal night and day cycles. Current Head: Unnamed Previous Queen: Ecatarina Current Members: Unnamed Seat, Xander Glover: Sub House(s): Yeoman (almost extinct house, previously belonged to Cutler), Coxon Location: East Capital: Unnamed - Castle Glover Current Sigil: Crossed Battle Axe and Sword across a Lance in the centre House: Blue, Silver and White Heritage: Physically blooded. Physical Traits: Blue (cascading to pink) hair, Brown eyes, small in height and stature Common Classes: Great Knight, Paladin, Brave Hero, Bow Knight, Butler, Strategist Cultural Customs: N/A right now Resources: Some food and metal resources, produce the second largest number of soldiers. Control the Borders at the Infinite Chasm. Geography: Very mountainous, planes toward the eastern sections of their land. Experience slightly longer night cycles than day cycles. Current Head: Unnamed, Pieri's father. Current Members: Pieri (seat of her House at court), Jakob (Yeoman) Nunn: Sub House(s): Mire Location: East Capital: Unnamed - Castle Nunn Current Sigil: Healing Rod House Colours: White, Light Grey and Gold Heritage: Magically blooded, excel at compulsion and healing Physical Trait: Small in stature and build, blonde or pale hair, purple eyes. Common Classes: Strategist, Maid, Sorcerer, Dark Knight Cultural Customs: Typically healers, the most devout to religion in Nohr. Resources: Most of the healing units for the army, healing herbs and salves. Geography: Experience very long nights and short days. Have no light in winter. Towards the east there are fields of lava. Current Head: Unnamed Current members: Elise's mother (deceased), Elise Danes: Sub House(s): Gozzard Location: North-East Capital: Unnamed - Castle Dane Current Sigil: A Wyvern House Colours: Black, Dark Purple, Silver Heritage: Physically blooded Physical Traits: Tall and a little chubby which can come as luscious curves on the women, Black haired toward the west, purple haired toward the east and red haired toward the south, purple or grey eyes. Common Classes: Wyvern Lords, Revenant Knights, Berserkers, Brave Heros Cultural Customs: Time obsessed like the Cawdor. Resources: Mostly metal and gems like the Cawdor. Geography: Mountains and tundra like the Cawdor. Almost constantly night. Current Head: Unnamed Current Members: Camilla's Mother (deceased), Camilla, Emily (a concubine of Garon). I will add more to the houses later once I get a better chance to begin developing them. What kind of history does this continent have?Nohr and Hoshido would have gone to war many times before, mostly because of the dying, infertile land on Nohr's side of the continent. Their relationship would have mostly been antagonistic in the past and still is by the start of Fates. Religion. Both countries have very different religions based upon their ancestry, geographical, cultural and ideologies. For example, Nohr's religion is more pervasive and aggressive than Hoshido's religion. The Izumian religion is the most gentle of all. The Izumian Dukes/Duchesses originally had dragon veins and descended from a branch of the Hoshidan Royalty. Over time their abilities to use dragon veins thinned and died, leaving Izana with a dying line, their only draconic ability remaining being foresight. What is the balance of natural and supernatural elements?Honestly, it's about the same as in the story. I think that there may be more of a focus on using rituals and magic during pre-Fates section. Are the Faceless and invisible enemies in your story?Yes, the Faceless and Invisible enemies will be in this story. Faceless will be summoned by characters such as Teresa, Garon, Iago and Leo whilst Invisible Enemies are strictly unique to Anankos. 5. Do any characters die? Yes. Plenty of characters will die. Some characters I have already decided upon, the others will be determined by a classic run-through of Revelations. Very few characters will have immunity and if Royal siblings die - unless they have a role further on in the story - they will remain dead.Character's that are unique to my own Fates world will also die... 6. Do you introduce any new characters? Absolutely. Once again, most of these characters will be Nohrian in origin. Here's a list of some of the more prominent unique characters involved in my story.Dahlia Viz - Teresa's adoptive mother from Noltradia. Having similar features to Teresa, Garon promised her a comfortable life as his concubine should she pretend to be Teresa's mother and convince everyone of this, she agreed but did eventually adopt Teresa in as her daughter, even giving her life for her during the Krakenburg Massacre. Demetrius Cawdor - Iago's oldest brother and first born. Lacking his father's distinct heterochromia and affinities for blood magic, he despises Iago (whom was the only one of the four siblings to inherit these qualities) and takes leadership of the house by force, sending Iago to Windham to take his seat at Court, opening up Iago's ascent to become Garon's top advisor and tactician. He has a ruthless lust to maintain his own power as well as the house and is naturally very antagonistic. Chiron Cawdor - Iago's elder brother and second born. Due to his Demetirus's incredibly dominating personality, he was repressed by his brother as a child and has become highly obedient to him as an adult. By himself he can be dominating, however he is quick to do anything Demetrius asks of him without fail. He also has a very distinct affinity for mind control, more so than his other siblings, although his abilities are not affective on them he can convince anyone outside of his family to do what he wants. Because of this he seems to be naturally charismatic. Although he did not have a distinct dislike for Iago as a child, Demetrius and his persistent convincing has (ironically) brainwashed Chiron into disliking his younger brother. Imogen Cawdor - Iago's younger sister and (before Teresa) the only person he has ever had unyielding faith in. Because of the fighting between her brothers she has developed a very shy personality and will often do what her brothers tell her to do ... or so she'll have them believe. As Iago was the only sibling to treat her kindly as a child she has an unyielding alliance to him and will do anything to advance his lust to claim his rightful Lordship (Marquess) or Cawdor. She has two young children and is married to a Rever. Her real personality is calm, manipulative and calculating, although she is highly caring, protective and devoted to the people she truly loves. Egeon Cawdor - Iago's father. Loving of all his children but expressed distinct favouritism for Iago which made Demetrius bitter. Died in a tragic accident. Amelia Cawdor (ne. Stein) - Married from her Southern home into the Cawdor family. A very loving mother that tried to treat her children equally. Died in a tragic accident. Iago blames her loving nature for her death. Lord Beckett Stein - The jovial older brother of Aemelia and the Lord in control of 60% of Nohrian crop yields. He likes money and his difficult to navigate castle is very lavish. He has not been very badly impacted by the crop burning in the south. Alicia - A servant of Teresa that hailed from Port Verbinden in Chevalier. Not much more can be said about her without spoilers for later events. Tadao - A butler given to Teresa by Izana so that they might write letters to each other. Jakob dislikes him with great intensity. Lord Cromwell of Verbinden - The Lord of Port Verbinden, located on the costal border between Nohr and Chevalier. He is a perfectionist and control freak with a charming smile and an exotic accent. Lord Hans Rever - The head of house Rever located in the West of Nohr. He has a distinct ability to produce powerful illusions due to his namesake and is kind Lord, highly considerate of his people. However, he is stubborn and proud and is constantly bickering and fighting with Demetrius Cawdor, unyielding to his opinions and views. His conflict with Demetrius is preventing Nohr from unifying and encouraging unsettlement amongst the other houses suffering from poor crop yields. The husband of Camilla and first cousin of Zoura. 7. Are any characters going to be cut? Yes, most of the children characters will be. [spoiler=Phillius] 1. What routes are you working on? Is it an amalgamation of all three? Is it an alternate universe style retelling? There are two parts to the story; one is an amalgamation of all three routes, and the other is about dealing with the aftermath if the events and facing new enemies, although the second part doesn’t have much to do with the events of the game, so it isn’t worth discussing here. 2. What notable changes would you make to the plot? [spoiler=Plot Changes] -Are problematic elements (the curse, the magic throne, the crystal ball, operation tears, Nohr and Hoshido being too black and white, everything Aqua does) going to be addressed? The magic throne, crystal ball and many of Azura’s more questionable actions are cut. The rest are being reworked. -Are there any themes to be communicated over each route? Not sure if this is relevant to mine, since I’m doing all of them. -What is the overall direction and "point" of each route? There are three main plot-points to the game story; the first is trying to figure out how to end the war peacefully, the second is actually trying to do it and the third is confronting Anankos. 3. What notable changes would you make to the characters? · What is Kamui all about (background, personality, abilities)? WIP. Will come latter. · What is Aqua all about (personality, role in the plot)? WIP. Will come latter. · What are the Hoshidan and Nohrian siblings all about (personalities, roles in the plot)? [spoiler=Siblings] [spoiler=Xander] -Xander's driving purpose in life is the continued prosperity of Nohr and to do what is best for his country. Garon and Ecatarina's marriage was a political one as they never liked each other due to having nothing in common and disagreeing on almost everything that came up in conversation. However, Ecatarina's family was second in power only to the Royal Family at the time and as such, her parents were jockeying for a marriage between the two as doing so would make them virtually untouchable to the lesser Noble Houses as well as powerful. Garon eventually agreed as every other available woman at the time was very clearly going to abuse the power they would've gotten for personal gain (both Ecatarina and her house were at the very least sensible) and Ecatarina was very attractive if nothing else, so he reluctantly agreed. -The two birthed Xander very quickly and Garon made it clear that he had no intention on being faithful to her, but that she was free to do the same if she so desired. - As you can imagine, this led to a...less than pleasant home life for Xander, especially when Garon's concubines started getting knocked up. Family dinners started with his parents swapping passive-aggressive insults and quickly descended into all-out fights that resulted in Xander excusing himself and eating in his room, both Garon and Ecatarina would compete with each other for his affection and try to manipulate him into despising the other parent and it seemed like everything he did would result in a fight (i.e. if he was practicing fighting then Ecatarina would pitch a fit and complain that he needs to learn about Nohrian etiquette and court-behaviour for example). This is what resulted in him being weak and introverted as he tried to do as little as possible in order to minimise his chances of starting a fight (which, of course, started fights). -But then Garon got sick of Ecatarina making his life miserable and decided that the King can do as he likes, damn the consequences and annulled his marriage with her before marrying Shenmei (but not really, there was no romance between them and it was just so that she and Azura could stay in Nohr without being harmed by Court Politics. Well, that was the plan anyway...). However, even without the immunity that their marriage gave them, Ecatarina's family had a massive powerbase and Ecatarina was able to maintain a significant presence at court. -While the initial consequences weren't bad, the concubines were incredibly upset when he 'married' Shenmei and started more openly competing for his affections. It wasn't too bad at first (although Azura suffered for it, despite Garon's attempts to prevent it), but Garon nevertheless told Xander that as long as he didn't try to influence their machinations (even for the sake of preventing it), that his status as Garon's First-Born Son would make him untouchable. -Unsurprisingly, it worked. Even when the concubines and the children were murdering each other ruthlessly, nobody would dare to go after him. Xander felt incredibly guilty over this as his physical weakness and shy personality made him feel as if he were a failure to Garon and that if anybody should be killed, it should be him. Countless times he considered trying to convince the other children to stop the fighting, but he never went through with it because he was scared of the consequences. By the time the Waifu Wars came to a close, Xander was left with massive Survivors Guilt as he felt that if any of the children were to die, it should've been him since he was useless at the time. -It was this that motivated Xander to get his shit together and become the heir that he was expected to be, swearing to himself that nothing like the Waifu Wars would happen ever again. Xander spent every waking moment improving his skills in the Art of War and the politics of Nohr and he improved rapidly, achieving a level of skill in two years that would take others a decade to reach, with his dedication to improving only becoming stronger after Azura was kidnapped and taken to Hoshido. -The present conflict comes from his struggle to justify the more recent actions of the Nohrian Military. While conquering nations and taking their resources actually is in Nohr's best interest, recent actions under newer military leaders(*cough cough* Ganz *cough cough*) have been needlessly aggressive and bordering on War-Crimes, which Gooron has made no effort to prevent and his even chastised him for reprimanding the offending parties. [spoiler=Camilla] -Camilla is casually flirty with strangers and friends, very affectionate and doting in a motherly way to her family and completely merciless to her enemies. Her mother was one of the greatest Nohrian Generals ever and Captain of the Royal Guard at the time and her relationship with Garon was a physical one; she was the best 'performer' in bed and was one of the two people at the time (the other being Gunther) who could last more than ten seconds against Garon in a sparring match when he went all out. She was also the least bothered by Garon's womanising, because their relationship had very little to do with emotions despite the pregnancy. -Camilla was free to socialise with other willing children which, sadly, was restricted to Xander and Azura before the Waifu War started. However, her mother was a big believer in the policy of 'do unto others before they do unto you', so Camilla was taught to fight and assassinate others before being told to kill the other children. -Camilla was one of the most frequent killers during the Waifu Wars and has the second-highest body count amongst all the siblings and was egged on by the gentle and loving reassurances of her mother, who would target the children's parents. This went on until only the main five were left, upon which Camilla was told to finish the job by killing Leo and Elise. When Camilla rather understandable expressed hesitation at the thought of killing a three and two year old respectively (most of the younger children had been killed off by people other than her), her mother made it clear that if Camilla didn’t do it, then she would do it herself. Finally realising that her mother was making her do unforgivable things, Camilla decided that enough was enough and poisoned her own mother before explaining everything that she'd done to Garon and asked for a quick death, but Garon forgave her, since it was blatantly clear that she was being manipulated by her mother and he was amazed by the fact that an eleven year old girl had managed to kill a Royal Guard and believed she had a bright future ahead of her.. -The whole incident left her with rather significant self-esteem/guilt issues (despite Garon's forgiveness, she considers herself to be nothing more than a killer) as well as PTSD, which manifests itself through intense emotional distress when reminded of the Waifu Wars, Hyper-vigilance (she swore to always protect her surviving siblings and is always on red-alert for potential danger to them, dotes on the younger ones to an obsessive degree and has rather intense over-reactions when they suffer even the most minor injuries) and trouble sleeping. -Camilla is also the most adept at managing the Deadly Decadent Court of Hoshido and is actually the best at 'playing the game' as it were amongst the latest generation of Nobles, putting even seasoned veterans to shame. However, this has taken its toll on her as being that good at politics as well as her other duties as a Royal child is an absolutely insane juggling act; she has to live up to the rather rigid standards of beauty for Nohrian Nobles while still staying in good fighting condition, make friends with basically every regular attendee of the courts while also having contingency plans in place in the event that they move against her or she needs to move against them, fulfil every deceitful goal required to improve the power of the Royal Household while ensuring that nothing can be traced back to said household and ensure that everyone would want to deal with her while also maintaining a reputation that she is not to be crossed. But she also has to keep up with modern military tactics and troop movements and maintain a healthy relationship with her family on top of all that. -Fortunately, she actually deals with all that pretty well from an outsiders perspective and has been lauded by Garon himself as an example of an ideal Nohrian. Unfortunately, this means that she cannot consult safely with anyone about her issues (Xander has enough issues of his own without having to worry about her and she really doesn't want her younger siblings to find out on principle alone), so she started resorting to drinking to deal with her issues and by the time of the story is an alcoholic. For what it's worth though, Camilla has the most emotional baggage out of all the Royals (with Kamui and Takumi being the runner-ups) [spoiler=Leo] -Leo is the smart one of the group; processing extensive talent with magic, strategy and the scientific method. His mother was a very famous and respected scientist/scholar and her relationship with Garon was a primarily intellectual one. Garon was a very well-read man and processed a significant interest in philosophy and other scholarly pursuits and the two would often debate such things at length (Garon lost more often than not, but he enjoyed them nevertheless). Garon's relationship with her was much less sexual than the one with Camilla's mother and she was initially very upset when she got pregnant, but she eventually came around (somewhat; she still wasn't pleased but she was determined to make the most of it) when she saw one of her colleagues having her daughter help around the lab/study/whatever they would use in those times. Garon was determined to provide for her and his child, but their relationship was much less friendly. -When the Waifu Wars broke out, Leo's mother had the opposite strategy to Camilla's mother; while Camilla's mother chose the 'kill them before others can kill us', Leo's mother strategy was to never initiate an attack and defend themself until the feuding ended. Working closely with her scientist and mage colleagues, she developed a way to detect even the smallest amounts of poison in both food and drink as well as a means to purify them, magic alarms that were hooked up to automated magic turrets that would vaporise any unauthorised guests (with the sensors being given blood samples in order to differentiate between authorised and unauthorised) and other such magical devices that were years ahead of their time, required every favour she had gathered in order to develop and have variations that are very commonly used by the Nohrian Military. -This didn't prevent her from dying in the end though, although her does was more 'natural' than the others; she agreed to take part in an experiment involving Dark Magic "for science", as she was considered an expert on the subject. Things went badly, everyone wound up dead (even with all the safety measures in place, Dark Magic ain't nothing to f*ck with) and the mother's assistant took the motherly duties. However, lacking experience with how serious the feuds between the concubines were, she was quickly killed off and became the last casualty of the Waifu Wars. -Leo's mother raised him to be overly cautious and not prone to trusting others as the court politics of Nohr can be very deadly at times and unless you have more experience with such things (like Camilla or Ecatarina), then it's safer to just write everyone off as treacherous. However, this spilled over into his personal life and resulted in him becoming very antisocial; preferring solitary activities and generally not enjoying spending long periods of time with others (which doesn't mix well with Camilla's doting). General rule of thumb; he's more antisocial than Azura, but she has the bigger trust issues. -Leo however, does legitimately want a deeper and more meaningful relationship with his siblings and subordinates, but he becomes very irritable and snarky when he has to spend long periods of time in their proximity, so he essentially has to force himself to be in their presence sometimes. -Leo inherited his mothers intellect, but not her love for science. Leo's talents lie more in the area of governing countries and strategy. But, realistically speaking, he could be a genius in any area that he wants, he just chooses to focus on those areas because those are the ones he enjoys the most. His preferred weapon (tomes) was chosen because he likes to be recognised for his talents. Xander and Camilla were already very talented physical fighters (Kamui doesn't count because he wasn't that good at fighting until shortly before the game-events start. I'll talk about that latter though), so he specialised in magic because he believed that he wouldn't be able to equal either of them as physical fighters. -As a last note, Leo (just like Kamui) isn't considered attractive by Nohrian standards because Nohrian men are expected to be very ruggedly handsome and muscular, while Leo has a lot of feminine features and is rather waifish in physique. I mostly mentioned this because I mentioned standards of beauty in Camilla's bio and Leo is mentioned to be very feminine looking, so this is for the sake of attention-to-detail more than anything else. [spoiler=Elise] -Elise is the heart of the family and is more than capable of cheering up the others when they're having a bad day (yes, even Leo, although he'd rather bite hos own tongue off than admit it). The relationship Garon had with her mother was a primarily emotional one; when Garon was worn down from a long day or stressed/frustrated, she was the one who would greet him with a warm smile, a cup of his favourite tea and let him rest his head in her lap and rant about what a horrible day he had. She's also the one he can be said to have 'loved' in the most in the traditional sense of the word. -However, her family is one that is highly prone to hereditary mental instability (it's a very well-kept secret however, so nobody outside of the house knows about it) so, in as few words as possible, she became the Tharja to Garon's Robin; she was very obsessively devoted to him and despised the other concubines for 'tainting' their relationship, although she was very good at hiding it (usually). -As a result, she flipped out when Garon 'married' Shenmei and made it openly clear that she despised her (she got a bit more leeway than others would have because she was his favourite). While she openly didn't like Shenmei, she was merely passive-aggressive when it came to antagonising her personally because Shenmei would easily win in a fight. She was however, a ring-leader in making Azura's life miserable. She was the second to last casualties of the Waifu Wars and was slain by Camilla. -However, while her love for Garon was very apparent, she has significantly less affection for Elise. The only time she ever displayed any motherly affection for Elise was when Garon was there to see it and was very negligent otherwise, with her personal maid becoming a surrogate mother figure for Elise. -Anyway, Elise was the least affected by the Waifu Wars and recognises that her siblings have a lot emotional issues resulting from it. She helps them by trying to come across as endlessly energetic and cheerful (which she is, she just exaggerates it whenever they're around), as he sheer joyful energy and optimism can cheer them up when they're in melancholic moods. However, this has led to all of them being very, very, very protective of her, to the point where "Go check on Elise for me" is one of the most commonly orders given to their retainers. This annoys her a lot, with one of the most frequent causes of sibling spats being on whether or not Elise can look after herself. -One example of this was Elise wanting Camilla to teach her how to use tomes. Camilla obviously didn't want that, so she said that she'd teach her how once she bonded with Svanhilde (Elise's prf weapon), but has continued to make excuses for why she can't for almost an entire year after she had. Hoshidan siblings will be added at a later date. · What is Garon, Mikoto, Lilith or any other important character all about? -Mikoto survives, everything else is too much of a spoiler to discuss. -Gooron is a thing, but the real Garon is still alive. Everything else is too much of a spoiler to discuss. -Lilith is the adopted daughter of Anankos. Everything else is too much of a spoiler to discuss. -The Awakening Trio are much more active about trying to deal with Anankos. Everything else is too much of a spoiler to discuss. · What is Hydra all about (role in the plot)? -Hydra is the overall antagonist of the game-events story and has been reworked. Talking about his role in the story is too much of a spoiler to discuss however, as he’s tied to a lot of events in the game’s history. · What changes will be made to minor characters -Felicia secretly hates domestic duties, doesn’t bother to try and only pretends to be upset about such things so that she won’t be fired. -Jakob is Tsundere. He legitimately does like a lot of people, he just acts harshly because he doesn’t express himself well and grumpy is his default state of mind. -Everyone else is pretty good as they are, so no changes here. [spoiler=Character Ages] Humans (in no particular order) Xander: 28/21 Ryoma: 25/20 Camilla: 23/19 Hinoka: 23/19 Azura: 20/19 Kamui: 18/18 Takumi: 17/17 Leo: 17/17 Elise/Sakura: 15/15 Felicia/Flora: 19 Jakob: 18 Silas: 17 Kaze/Saizou- 25 Mozume- 15 Asyura- 36 Izana- 32 Kagerou- 24 Asama- 30 Setsuna- 21 Hinata- 19 Oboro- 16 Hana- 16 Tsubaki- 22 Tsukoyomi- 14 Nishiki- 27 Orochi- 24 Rinka- 23 Yukimura- 42 Yuugiri- 44 Crimson- 20 Lazward- 21 Pieri- 23 Luna- 20 Belka- 16 Odin- 22 Zero- 22 Effie- 18 Arthur- 20 Nyx- 122/12 Charlotte- 22 Benoit- 24 Flannel- 19 Gunther- 54 Garon- 200/832 Dragons (approximate ages) Anankos- 3,800,000,000 Seiryū/Suzaku/Genbu/Byakko- 1,000,000,000 (Byakko is deceased) Rainbow Sage- 300,000 Ergo (Byakko’s son)- 70,000 Lilith- 50,000 4. What notable changes would you make to the setting? Generally speaking, I’d like to keep as much of the original elements in as possible while tweaking them to not be as out-of-place and not disrupt the plot · What ideas do you have for world building? Loads. I have written details/histories/cultures for every nation and how they interact with each other. · What kind of history does this continent have? A very violent and war-filled one; from the Age of the Dragons to the earliest conflicts between the two nations to Nohr’s conquering and even Hoshido’s own violent past, the history of the continent is a very bleak and violent one. · What is the balance of natural and supernatural elements? Considering that this is a setting that incorporates magic, there are definitely supernatural elements. However, they’re more integrated into the plot and are balanced out by natural elements. · Are the Faceless and invisible enemies in your story? Yes. Faceless are creatures created by Dark Magic and controlled by Sorcerers to supplement the human elements of Nohr’s military while the Invisible Demons are a unique form of Einherjar that were used extensively by Touma before its collapse and have been appropriated by Anankos (although they’re very rare nowadays). 5. Do any characters die? Kamui dies, but that’s the main framing device for the entire story. Gunther dies as well (the Infinite Chasm isn’t a portal to Touma, so he dies falling into the chasm), but other than that, only characters that I’ll be adding will die, everyone else lives (including Crimson for that Ryoma x Crimson OTP) 6. Do you introduce any new characters? Some, but not many of importance. The only ones that really matter are: -A retired Ninja/Holy Bowman who’s grandchildren die when Ghost!Sumeragi blows up the town who is manipulated into believing Kamui was responsible and wants revenge (antagonist) -Two villainous High Priests of Hoshido who serve as the main antagonists for the events in Hoshido for various reasons, one is sympathetic and the other is…significantly less so (antagonists) -An excommunicated Priest of Hoshido who Kamui starts seeing as a father figure after the death of Gunther. Is tricked/forced into being corrupted by a mixture of Dark Magic by ghost Shenmei so that he can have the power to ‘cleanse the corruption’ from Hoshidan society (good guy turned antagonist) -And three Primeval Dragons (and the son of one) who are the oldest living beings aside from Anankos and exist to shed light on the continent’s ancient history, although only the son knows everything as the surviving Dragons have forgotten many of the details in their old age. 7. Are any characters going to be cut? Nope.
  23. New thread is up. I'm appreciate if anyone who is interested in discussing their works migrate over there.
  24. More Authors [spoiler=Party Moth] What routes are you working on? Is it an amalgamation of all three? Is it an alternate universe style retelling? My interpretation of Fates is a work that branches into three paths so that the reader has the choice on which path to pick. The work is divided up as such: Pre-Split: Of Fates and Threads Hoshido: Without Beginning or End Nohr: The Wisdom by Their Wit to Lose Invisible Kingdom: The Flames of Conflict Shall Once More Scorch the Land The collective work is intended to be, shall I say, "malicious" toward the game and its fanbase, and as such each route takes its concepts to their logical extreme. This is the player's choice on the matter. What notable changes would you make to the plot? -Are problematic elements (the curse, the magic throne, the crystal ball, operation tears, Nohr and Hoshido being too black and white, everything Aqua does) going to be addressed? Many of these elements have been either adjusted or cut. For example, the magic throne and the curse have been retooled for other purposes, whereas the crystal ball and the romp through the void to get it have been removed entirely. "Operation Tears" has been heavily revised to give a tad more justification to its existence than just "let's make Kamui sad." The Nohr route in general has been heavily, heavily revamped. Nohr and Hoshido's "black and white" theme is being explored in cultural clashes rather than making one side the blatantly "correct" choice. Less "good Hoshidans", more kagura and Kamui's inability to understand it. Aqua's role is heavily modified and I will say no more. -Are there any themes to be communicated over each route? While each arc has its own separate "themes", elements of both routes' themes can be found in one another due to the Yin-Yang nature of the narrative. Hoshido's themes are isolation, love, and spirituality. Nohr's themes are communication, suffering, and secularism. IK's themes are unity, family, continuity, and mythology. The Void -What is the overall direction and "point" of each route? As mentioned above, each route takes its side to the logical extreme in an attempt to make the reader regret picking it. Much of this can only be experienced by actually reading it, so I will refrain from more details. What notable changes would you make to the characters? -What is Kamui all about (background, personality, abilities)? Corrin (or Kamui to her Hoshido brethren) is a character who is trapped between the masculine and the feminine, a half-dragon who suffers from memory alterations made on her by Garon to deter her from rebelling to Hoshido. She has dreams of a girl and a song that hearkens back to some long-forgotten past, but dwelling on it causes her pain. She is the only one with full mastery of Dragon's Vein, which makes her an invaluable tool for war. -What are the Hoshidan and Nohrian siblings all about (personalities, roles in the plot)? To note particular discrepancies, Hinoka is a Nobunaga figure in the making, testing Ryouma's patience by ignoring cultural norms. Her retainers are those that society would normally cast down and forget, and she is the first to unquestioningly accept Kamui back, Nohrian tendencies and all. Leon is a devastating tactician, and serves a role similar to August in the Nohr path. Camilla's incest/motherly disposition is skewed based on the route. To fix the issue of the sisters and their lack of importance to the plot, the Dragon's Vein ability has been split up into its four elements of the Wu Xing and distributed amongst the eight siblings. While the brothers hold domain over the weapons, most of the dragon's vein abilities belong to the sisters. Water: Marx Wood: Camilla Fire: Hinoka Metal: Sakura Takumi, Leon, and Ryouma do not have Dragon's Vein but are proficient in their weapons. Marx is the only one to hold both a Dragon's Vein and a weapon, and it is because of this that Garon cannot lose his trust. Elise does not have a Dragon's Vein, but is the only one with access to the Bifrost staff. -What changes will be made to minor characters? Many. While the majority of characters will be preserved as best they can, some changes have been implemented to serve the themes as well as define character interactions/establish lore. What notable changes would you make to the setting? -What ideas do you have for world building? What kind of history does this continent have? This will mostly be left up in the air, but the more one knows about music and culture the more they will be able to glean from it. -What is the balance of natural and supernaturual elements? Depends on the route. Most of the supernatural elements are often connected with human elements, but mythology and history plays an important role. -Are the Faceless and invisible enemies in your story? The Faceless have been removed completely. Invisible enemies only appear in certain contexts. Do any characters die? Yes, but whether they follow the game or not I'll leave up in the air. Do you introduce any new characters? Not a single character appears in this that isn't from a Fire Emblem game. Too many characters to begin with. Are any characters going to be cut? Children, primarily, though not all of them. As many characters have been kept as possible. [spoiler=Ebony] 1. What routes are you working on? Is it an amalgamation of all three? Is it an alternate universe style retelling?An amalgamation of all three leaning on Birthright. Hopefully better written. What is Kamui all about (background, personality, abilities)? Kamui is still related to Mikoto, just... no longer her kid. Rather, she's Shenmei's kid, so Azura's sister. So Mikoto's niece. She does have the ability to transform into a dragon, though she is no longer the only one. It's less of a bloodline thing and more a gift from Anakos/Hydra for being especially useful, granted to Shenmei's child. The more it's used to turn into a full out dragon, the more it kills her. What is Aqua all about (personality, role in the plot)? Dead. Though her songs are still remembered (barely) by Kamui. She can no longer remember the face who use to sing them or even the voice, but she can remember the words. What are the Hoshidan and Nohrian siblings all about (personalities, roles in the plot)? I'll say they're similar plotwise to how they're portrayed, though I hope to give the sisters a bigger role. And Ryouma? He's slightly more vain then he acts in canon. Damn you Thor. What is Garon, Mikoto, Lilith or any other important character all about? Garon is no longer a goo dude. Rather, he watched over Azura and Shenmei before they both perished due to a combination of stress, disease, and starvation. This gave him a grudge against not only Hoshido but also Kamui as a result. Mikoto is about the same. Lilith I can't say, but she's actually a character who I plan on making live. What changes will be made to minor characters Flora essentially takes the spot of Felicia. Crimson and Iago I hope to give a bigger role. The Awakening trio are the Awakening trio, but from the Future Past DLC. As far as children appearing, the ones who -do- appear are Foleo, Shinonome, Shigure (who is Kamui's child instead of Azura and Kanna, as much as I like Kanna), Eponine (I felt she was dealt a bad hand and I want her to do more), Ophelia, Soleil, Kinu, and Velour. Oh, and Nacht's gonna be in it, I can guarantee that. 5. Do any characters die? Of course. I'll say that at least one of the Royal Siblings don't make it and Azura's been dead for a long time. 7. Are any characters going to be cut? Possibly. I know Felicia is and a lot of children. Flora takes Felicia's place. I want to at least try and mention the characters I -don't- include fully. [spoiler=wvype] 1. What routes are you working on? Is it an amalgamation of all three? Is it an alternate universe style retelling? It's focused almost entirely on the Hoshido/Birthright route, though details for other routes may be included if they come up. But yeah, throughout the Hoshido route and after it. 2. What notable changes would you make to the plot? Not really any, but I will be exploring the consequences of all the events that canonically happen in the Hoshido route. Mostly in terms of characterization; worldbuilding isn't exactly on my agenda. I'm still uncertain on what to do with the Awakening trio. 3. What notable changes would you make to the characters? Kamui is the default male Kamui. A bit naive, a bit entitled, has not clue what he's doing. No children appear. I guess I'm changing the characters to make them more responsive to the things that actually happen around them- i.e. Saizou/Felicia actually reacting to their siblings' deaths. 5. Do any characters die? Yup. Lots of them. I'm going by a 'best worst-case scenario' where people who can die in-story do, and everyone else doesn't. So the people who end up dead by the end of the Hoshido route are: Suzukaze Flora Lilith Mikoto Marx Elise Pieri Lazwald Aqua Garon Here are my musings about age-swapped royals. Here's a fic that someone else did based on it! [spoiler=Taka-kun] 1. What routes are you working on? Is it an amalgamation of all three? Is it an alternate universe style retelling? Birthright and Conquest, trying to make it more into a story about war than lulz chosen ones. 2. What notable changes would you make to the plot? Probably not that much, except for le slime. I am not yet familiar with all the out-of-place elements so I am not 100% of what is going on, and have merely picked pieces here and there. Are problematic elements (the curse, the magic throne, the crystal ball, operation tears, Nohr and Hoshido being too black and white, everything Aqua does) going to be addressed? The black-and-white elements, greying it out. I want to attribute the questionable acts more to the playable characters than background villains, doing what they are doing because this is war. This is includes Ryoma lacking empathy for Nohrians and Marx being extreme in subjugating Hoshido. Are there any themes to be communicated over each route? Family plays the greater part, with both stories being about family are the ones you treasure, not the ones you wanted, no matter blood ties. What is the overall direction and "point" of each route? Birthright: "Selfish heroism". Conquest: "The greater good". 3. What notable changes would you make to the characters? What is Kamui all about (background, personality, abilities)? Kamui is going to be more selfish, with a misguided sense of heroism and judging of others who fight for the "greater good". His great powers will be a source of criticism against him, since he sits on it but doing nothing really but save few villagers here and there. Kamui will be defined more by innately tactical ability (which he supposedly has) rather than his skills with the sword and the dragonstone, to make him earn his place rather than given by gods or informed by his siblings. What is Aqua all about (personality, role in the plot)? For now, her role is to goad Kamui, the chosen one, against Touma (they stil exist) but he focuses more on his personal conflicts (like exacting revenge for Mikoto's and Gunther's deaths) rather than on what he should do and she will call him out on this. How their relationship evolve I am not entirely sure but they will be a couple. Aqua's songs keeps Kamui's eventual madness at bay, at the cost of her own life force yet says nothing to him, therefore he doesn't understand her urging him when "he's got all his life". What are the Hoshidan and Nohrian siblings all about (personalities, roles in the plot)? Marx is a stellar leader and commander but way too passive, not actively using his abilities for the people he love and has sworn to protect, a trait Kamui inherits (and grows frustrated with as the death count rises). Ryouma is a virtuous leader but lacks understanding of "evil" people, he too naively believing that good is good and evil is evil. Leon and Takumi will be Kamui's personal confidates in respective stories, growing genuine bonds rather, loving their sibling out of true love rather than familial duty. The rest I am not sure. What is Garon, Mikoto, Lilith or any other important character all about? Mikoto is a post-humous character and her death plays the largest role in Kamui's motivations, him masking his desire for revenge with perceived acts of justice. What is Hydra all about (role in the plot)? Not sure yet, though he will exist or have existed, if nothing to give a reason to Kamui's mental detoriation. 4. What notable changes would you make to the setting? Nothing concrete as of yet. The enemies of Touma will be present, being focused on by Kamui much more because he perceives them as the root and cause of the conflict rather than Nohr's and Hoshido's own selfish desires. 5. Do any characters die? Marx and Ryouma will die as in the canon story, that will not change. Aqua will as well though much earlier and Kamui will eventually follow her as his madness consumes him. 6. Do you introduce any new characters? No 7. Are any characters going to be cut? All the children characters in their grown form. They still exist but don't expect Shinonome wielding a lance. [spoiler=Pretty Handsome] 1. What routes are you working on? Is it an amalgamation of all three? Is it an alternate universe style retelling?--Alternate Universe Retelling of sorts. Some things remain the same like Corrin's kidnapping but circumstances are different and Nohr and Hoshido aren't so Black and White anymore. Will mainly deal with the Hoshido cast as allies for Corrin. 2. What notable changes would you make to the plot? --Listed the basics here, still have much to do. http://serenesforest...showtopic=58792 Basically I cut a lot of things out, changed the backstory a great deal and fleshed out the other factions. Nohr in particular is going through a ton of changes as they're just plain evil in the Original Fates version or outright incompetent. 3. What notable changes would you make to the characters? --Some of this is listed in the link I posted above. Basically all of them got revamps of sorts. Corrin is still kidnapped at a young age and brainwashed by Garon to believe that he's his son. However, he's no longer Half-Manakete and his father is Sumeragi. A bit naive and by far not a mary-sue like Fates version. He won't just suddenly be made Supreme Commander of Hoshido nor will he, a sheltered child who only knows war through books, will be super skilled at the start. Azura is now Garon's daughter from his favored wife Shenmei. While Garon always spoiled her she, taking after her mother, plots to end the bloodshed and due to her more assertive personality she'll drag her best friend Corrin with her to Hoshido. After all, at the start Hoshido is greatly losing the war so Azura's first action is to have Garon think Hoshido has her in captivity so that he'll order Xander's forces to cease their advances for the time being. Half of them are cut, the remaining ones... Xander - A Prodigy of War and extremely charismatic. He thrives off conflict, as a true Nohrian of old, and dreams of accomplishing great military conquests in his lifetime. It's because of him that Hoshido is in danger of total destruction when Corrin enters the picture with Azura. Tends to be arrogant at times but has a strong hence of honor. Leo - Sees the war as pointless, keeps to himself and has a strong lust for expanding his knowledge. This has caused many Nohrian's to see him as a traitor and only stay their hand because he's Garon's son. Very blunt, however he's very tender to those he actually likes. Hinoka - Eldest of the Hoshido Children, Hinoka believed the rumors that her brother Corrin died many years ago and has suffered through constant warfare while growing up. Her desire was to be like her mother but circumstance has forced her to take up the blade and to fill the void left by her deceased father. Extremely serious, secretly dismays that she never has any time to be anything but a warrior. Takumi - Youngest of the Hoshido Children, Takumi was promised to Rinkah at a young age through a political marriage. This has made Takumi very anti-social as he despises that the choice was made without his consent. Despite that he plans to go through with the marriage, as he understands the ramifications if it's called off, and has spent much of his life becoming a skilled Archer and Commander so that he could perhaps impress Rinkah, Daughter of the famous Flame Tribe, if only to protect his pride. Garon - Emperor of Nohr, desires a time where Nohr doesn't need war to survive but all his life he has only known conflict and he listens too deeply to has allies demands for bloodshed. Only something huge may open his eyes and remind him of his original desire. Mikoto - Once was a happy and very tender woman whom all of Hoshido loved. After the death of her husband she secluded herself from the public and is said to still be in mourning to this day. The Council of Seers rules in her place. Hydra is cut as is Lilith and the Third Kingdom. Too many to describe. 4. What notable changes would you make to the setting? http://serenesforest...showtopic=58792- World Building already handled there. The Supernatural isn't as prominent here, monsters are a thing of the past save rare occurrences. Magic is still a thing though. 5. Do any characters die? Yes, characters will die for all sides. War is a very unforgiving thing. 6. Do you introduce any new characters? I will in time as some factions are pretty empty at the moment such as Chevalier. 7. Are any characters going to be cut? Anankos Camilla Casita Charlotte Deere Elise Eponine Foleo Gurei Hana Hisame Ignis Kanna (M/F) Kinu Kisaragi Lala Lazward Lilith Luna Lutz Matoi Midoriko Mitama Oboro Odin Ophelia Rontao Ryoma Saizou Sakura Setsuna Shigure Shinonome Siegbert Soleil Sophie Syalla Velour Yukimura Zoura [spoiler=Loki Laufeyson] 1. What routes are you working on? Is it an amalgamation of all three? Is it an alternate universe style retelling? Mine is Nohr and not really AU. Im not sure if im gonna do Revelations with this MU or not but i might. 2. What notable changes would you make to the plot? This is where i cannot answer yet. Are problematic elements (the curse, the magic throne, the crystal ball, operation tears, Nohr and Hoshido being too black and white, everything Aqua does) going to be addressed?i do plan on dealing a bit more with the magic throne and the curse a bit. And the justification behind Aqua. But again, i must wait for international release. The Throne is going to operate the same as it does in canon, its just the actual reasoning behind using it is gonna be a little different. The curse, i need to really think about yet. Are there any themes to be communicated over each route?For my Conquest story (nicknamed Hveðrungr FE), the overarching theme is going to be identity and self reflection. What is the overall direction and "point" of each route?The point of this story will be the main character learning his place more or less. And how rash actions and selfishness can cause a great deal of harm. 3. What notable changes would you make to the characters? The ones facing a lot of changes or tweakings are probably Camilla, Odin, Pieri, and Elise. Camilla will still have the unhealthy relationship with the main character, but it doesnt quite consume her as much. Odin will be a bit more serious, and Pieri...im not too keen on her perpetually acting 9 years old. (hoping this changes in Localization) Elise is a little too little girlish right now, and needs modifying. What is Kamui all about (background, personality, abilities)?His name is Hveðrungr (although the Hoshidans call him Kamui) and hes really a piece of work. Garon made the mistake of sheltering him and telling him how he is really special due to his brand of Dragon's Vein and being able to shapeshift. This fueled a sense of entitlement in Hveðrungr that made him feel like he deserved a throne. He was also never informed of any action Hoshido may have made to get him back. While he always knew that the Nohr royals were not blood family, he never had any contact with Hoshido and resented them as a result. He is not aware of Aqua being taken as a means to try to get him back. He has studied magic along side Leon and is itching to try it out. He dotes on Elise like he would a blood sister, and is very protective over her. What is Aqua all about (personality, role in the plot)?Aqua doesnt quite understand Hveðrungr's anger, but is patient with him. She tries to tell him about Shenmei and being taken, but he seems to let it go in one ear and out the other. Once she tries telling him how gracious the Hoshidan siblings were to her, he is not hearing it. She holds the ridiculous burden of knowing too much of the truth and not being able to speak it. When she tells Hveðrungr the plan to put Garon on the throne in Hoshido, Hveðrungr is more than happy to oblige. For he relishes in the idea of razing Hoshido. Aqua feels rather concerned with that, and feels that once Hveðrungr sees the truth, he'll change his mind about subjugating Hoshido. What are the Hoshidan and Nohrian siblings all about (personalities, roles in the plot)?The Hoshidan siblings, im still trying to map out. The Nohr siblings are as follows (so far): Camilla dotes on Hveðrungr to an extent thats really unhealthy. She loves her other siblings and even mothers them quite a bit, but she focuses too much on Hveðrungr to the point where Leon even questions her about it. Her reasoning is that Hveðrungr reciprocates, and she isnt wrong about that at all. Marx believes in his father but often questions his father's latest actions. But still makes no real move. Hveðrungr is actually quite jealous of Marx because hes first in line for the Nohrian Throne. He even contemplates removing Marx from the equation (even pitches the idea to Camilla in the form of a riding accident, and she is horrified and chastises him for it repeatedly), but eventually cannot bring himself to act on it after many brotherly acts from Marx's direction. Part of Hveðrungr's character development revolves around Marx's role and actions. (the other half comes from Ryouma) Leon and Hveðrungr are pretty close. Leon studied magic with him, and they tend to geek out about stuff like that. Leon's more rational mind helps Hveðrungr listen more. While he looks up to Marx, he thinks of Leon more as an advisor. Elise is the little sister Hveðrungr always wanted. Fiercely protective over her, and will move mountains to get whatever she wants. (including suitors when the time comes.) Her role is almost a morality chain. If she naysays something, hes gonna pay attention. What is Garon, Mikoto, Lilith or any other important character all about?The original non-slime monster Hydra plant Garon was someone all the siblings and Hveðrungr looked up to. The current Garon, it is hard to tell the difference, but everyone's eyebrows raised when he ordered the execution of Hveðrungr. They all try to convince themselves theres nothing wrong, but its Leon who suspects something is wrong first. (before Aqua really enters the picture.) Still, Leon is having too much trouble convincing everyone else. What is Hydra all about (role in the plot)?Ehhhh not sure yet.... What changes will be made to minor charactersAgain, i dont know yet. 4. What notable changes would you make to the setting? I actually dont know enough yet to make too many changes. What ideas do you have for world building?I do have some ideas about Nohr culture but they are kinda half-formed at the moment due to not having enough info yet on my own. What kind of history does this continent have?Oh...now THAT is gonna be a bit darker than canon would suggest, i think. A history of war and bloodshed. Thats all i got right now. What is the balance of natural and supernaturual elements?Again, not sure. Are the Faceless and invisible enemies in your story?Likely, but i need more about them. 5. Do any characters die? Yes. Ryouma and Takumi's plotline deaths are going to happen. But im sure they are going to be rather different in context. 6. Do you introduce any new characters? Im really not planning on it. Other than very very minor OCs (like a goon friend of Pieri's or an actual named Adventurer that gets Captured). 7. Are any characters going to be cut? I think some characters might. Asurya might end up on the chopping block but who knows. I am going to mention all the first gen Nohr characters at least once. The only ones that are for sure likely to get cut is a good number of the second gens. I really only plan on having a couple exist. (Ignis, Foleo, and maybe Eponine and/or Velour. Shigure and Dia might exist too. Not sure yet.) Basically whats going on here, is a retelling of Conquest. Hence why im really banking on the international release. [spoiler=Sunwoo] FE Fates Fan Fiction Survey 1. What routes are you working on? Is it an amalgamation of all three? Is it an alternate universe style retelling?-- AU Hoshido and AU Nohr 2. What notable changes would you make to the plot? --Decline to answer the most important change to both. --IK doesn't exist except in legends and stories. --Nohr and Hoshido are more gray. Still working on exact details. 3. What notable changes would you make to the characters? --Kamui is a minor character in AU Hoshido and he's not a spineless crybaby idiot in AU Nohr. He is also the Hoshidans' full brother. --Aqua is a minor character in both AU Hoshido and AU Nohr. She is the half-sister of the Nohrian siblings and Garon's daughter. --Decline to answer about the other siblings. --Garon is not a slime monster. Decline to answer about Mikoto except that she's the mother of all the Hoshidan siblings, and I don't think Lilith exists anymore. --Hydra is the dark dragon that Nohr worships. That's it. He doesn't do anything else. --Daniela (Hoshido 14 boss) is the foil to Yuugiri. Iago is a foil to Yukimura and not a psychopathic coward. Ganz is … the same as in canon. (Give me a break, I can't develop EVERYONE.) The Awakening trio are not the Awakening kids, but three mercenaries who happen to look and act similar to the kids. Awakening connection is stupid. 4. What notable changes would you make to the setting? --Decline to answer. 5. Do any characters die? --No. 90% of the deaths in Fates were stupid and unnecessary. 6. Do you introduce any new characters? --No. 7. Are any characters going to be cut? --The children. Possibly Lilith if I can't fit her back in.
  25. Welcome to Fates Fanfiction Central Previously much of the story discussion and fanfiction writing conversations were being held in Yari's Fixing Fates Story Issues (Spoilers) thread. Unfortunately it has grown too bloated for individual author's ideas to be easily seen by curious viewers (or for disorganized writers like myself who forget where they wrote down all their ideas). So I've created a new thread where everyone's ideas can be discussed and included in an easy to access OP. Feel free to message me if you'd like your ideas to be included in the OP. Each writer will have their own spoiler section for their ideas. As the thread titles suggests, the posts and ideas discussed here will concern MAJOR SPOILERS so venture in at your own risk. Now, without further ado, I offer you a survey. You can always add more information if the questions don't cover all the ideas you'd like recorded. FE Fates Fan Fiction Survey 1. What routes are you working on? Is it an amalgamation of all three? Is it an alternate universe style retelling? 2. What notable changes would you make to the plot? Are problematic elements (the curse, the magic throne, the crystal ball, operation tears, Nohr and Hoshido being too black and white, everything Aqua does) going to be addressed? Are there any themes to be communicated over each route? What is the overall direction and "point" of each route? 3. What notable changes would you make to the characters? What is Kamui all about (background, personality, abilities)? What is Aqua all about (personality, role in the plot)? What are the Hoshidan and Nohrian siblings all about (personalities, roles in the plot)? What is Garon, Mikoto, Lilith or any other important character all about? What is Hydra all about (role in the plot)? What changes will be made to minor characters 4. What notable changes would you make to the setting? What ideas do you have for world building? What kind of history does this continent have? What is the balance of natural and supernaturual elements? Are the Faceless and invisible enemies in your story? 5. Do any characters die? 6. Do you introduce any new characters? 7. Are any characters going to be cut? If your ideas are posted elsewhere on the internet, you may also include links to those sources. Different authors and their ideas. [spoiler=NekoKnight] FE Fates Fan Fiction Survey 1. What routes are you working on? Is it an amalgamation of all three? Is it an alternate universe style retelling? Working on Nohr but will consider doing Hoshido as well. There will be no 3rd route. 2. What notable changes would you make to the plot? Are problematic elements (the curse, the magic throne, the crystal ball, operation tears, Nohr and Hoshido being too black and white, everything Aqua does) going to be addressed? All of these plot elements have been discarded and work is being done to make Nohr/Hoshido less black and white. Are there any themes to be communicated over each route? As each route is defined by the choice Kamui makes, there will be a different theme, based on the faction you choose. Nohr is about duty over justice. Hoshido is about doing the moral thing over what you want to do. What is the overall direction and "point" of each route? Nohr will transition into the invasion more quickly, the conquest of Hoshido completed earlier and the latter 1/3 of the story being devoted to the rebellion against Garon. I haven't given Hoshido has much thought, but I imagine it would be a combination of defending themselves from the invasion, solving internal issues and defeating Garon. 3. What notable changes would you make to the characters? What is Kamui all about (background, personality, abilities)? -Kamui is idealistic but not as naive (he was only locked up for the first 6 years after his abduction). Is passionate about defending the weak and prefers non-lethal solutions to problems. In spite of a Nohrian upbringing, he believes in the inherit goodness of people. Kamui was kidnapped and ransomed to force a trade agreement with Hoshido but they refused. Kamui's dragon powers are a result of recieving certain genes. What is Aqua all about (personality, role in the plot)? -Aqua is the daughter of the Water Tribe chieftain in western Nohr (that giant lake area). She is never taken to Hoshido and replaces Rinka and Suzukaze as the prisoners you fight in the second chapter, after Marx puts down her tribe's rebellion. She has a friendly, if not occasionally snarky, personality. Her magical singing is a special skill taught in her clan. What are the Hoshidan and Nohrian siblings all about (personalities, roles in the plot)? -Ryoma is a stubborn upholder of traditions and doesn't believe in the social mobility common in Nohr. He holds a grudge against Nohr for killing his father and taking Kamui. He's aloof in person but passionate in battle. -Hinoka is a more experienced battle commander and warrior, something she dedicated herself to since Kamui's kidnapping. She is bold and reckless, but a paragon of Hoshidan warrior culture, alongside Ryoma. -Similar to the canon characterization, Takumi suffers from serious middle-child syndrome and works the hardest to prove himself. He hates Kamui most of all for consuming his older sibling's attention and for betraying Hoshido. -Sakura is mature for her age but is concerned about her ability to contribute to the family. She is serene and determined, the most like her mother out of the five siblings. -Marx is strictly concerned with chivalry and upholding one's duties. Though he is dedicated to justice and protecting the common people, he's stubbornly loyal to Garon. He is the 3rd eldest and last surviving child (his two older brothers died in the last Hoshido/Nohr conflict) of the king and queen. -Camilla has PTSD from her participation in the Waifu Wars but hides it behind a motherly facade. She has attachment anxiety and clings onto Kamui with the belief that his status as a foreigner will make him safe from Nohr's deadly court politics. She's both a talented warrior and political strategist making her one of Garon's favorite children. -Leon is a prodigal mage and able battle commander. He is an only child and had the happiest childhood amongst his siblings. His ruthlessness is inline with Nohrian values but often puts him at ends with the more idealistic Kamui. -Elise is also an only child and was born at the end of the Waifu Wars. She's neglected by her mother (who is busy enjoying an extravagant lifestyle as one of Garon's mistresses.) She often feels lonely and unneeded but tries to maintain a cheerful personality to support her siblings who she feels have worse problems than she does. What is Garon, Mikoto, Lilith or any other important character all about? -Garon is a strict and brutal leader who isn't shy about using underhanded tactics to further the interests of his kingdom. He has a hatred of Hoshidans, and while he isn't unnecessarily cruel to Kamui, he is emotionally distant to them. His existence is to show what Marx would become if not for Kamui's influence. There is no Gooron. -Mikoto has the same personality and role as her canon portrayal. -Lilith has been cut. What is Hydra all about (role in the plot)? -Hydra has been cut. What changes will be made to minor characters? [spoiler=Characters] [spoiler=Shared] Joker: Kamui's snarky but reliable butler. He's the youngest child of a minor noble family so he didn't have many opportunities to advance until he came into Kamui's household. He apprenticed under Gunter who taught him how to be a proper vassal. Silas: Kamui's childhood friend and a yet to be ordained knight under the service of Lord Ackerman (new character). He has the best rapport with Kamui and is thought by many to have feelings for them, although Kamui hasn't noticed. Aqua: The daughter of the water tribe's chieftain in Nohr. After her tribe's failed rebellion, she is kept as a political hostage and left in Kamui's household. She has mystical singing powers and a calm and caring personality that makes her fast friends with Sakura and Elise. Mozume: A farm girl orphaned after her village (which resides in eastern Nohr, an area with a notable population of Hoshidans) was razed by bandits. She's quite shy because of her accent but has a surprisingly bold personality if you get to know her. Ashura: An ex-ninja from the now non-existent Kouga country, he has lived a rough life of banditry and mercenary work since. He's cynical and slow to trust but has incredible insight to the underworld of Hoshido and Nohr. Suzukaze: A ninja of Hoshido but doesn't serve a particular lord. He is the twin brother of Saizo and caretaker for Midoriko. His polite and approachable demeanor makes him popular in the army. He is not fond of violence and prefers to use his talents for collecting information. He'll side with Kamui in Nohr when Kamui announces their plans to defeat Garon. Midoriko: A war orphan from the last Hoshido/Nohr war. She makes and sells medicine to make ends meet but she was looked after by both Suzukaze and Saizo. Her cute mannerisms and hardworking nature made her something of an idol in the army. She is recruited by Suzukaze after he pledges himself to Kamui and the defeat of Garon. Crimson: A Wyvern Knight and the daughter of the late king of Chevalier. She is determined to restore her country's honor after a certain incident. She's a skilled and powerful warrior but has a passion for decorating things. She will ally with Ryoma in Hoshido to make up for the wrongdoings of her father. She will ally with Kamui in Nohr after they help liberate Chevalier from a Nohrian assault. Shigure: Another member of the Water Tribe. Well meaning but brash, he tried to impress Aqua with his leadership abilities and convinced her father to rebel against Nohr. When his plan backfired, he deeply regretted his foolhardiness and pledged to rescue Aqua, independent of his village. By the time he meets the party he has almost given up hope and is planning a dangerous attack on the capital. [spoiler=Nohr] Gunter: A seasoned knight who acted as the master of arms for Garon's children. He is stern but kind, acting as a surrogate father to Kamui. He meets his unfortunate end at the Infinite Chasm after a routine scouting mission goes awry. Elfie: A noble-born knight and guardian of Princess Elise. She is extremely devoted to training and Elise's protection that many find her unsociable. Her single-minded determination and overwhelming strength has earned her a number of fans, however. She has the appetite of a bear but always burns off any weight she gains. Harold: A low-born man with a deep passion for justice. Before he came into the service of Princess Elise, he wandered around Nohr protecting the weak from harm, asking for little in return. He has remarkably bad luck and is never far from danger, but somehow he has always survived his encounters. He's the unknowing father of Lutz. Ophelia: A mercenary mage and former lover to Soleil. An eccentric girl obsessed with fancy names and spellcraft, she stands in contrast to her more grounded partner, Zero. She believes she was chosen for a grand purpose in life but is still searching for what that may be. She's hired by Leon to assist Kamui in the subjugation of the Ice Tribe. Zero: An orphan who grew up in the slums of Nohr's capital, he made a living as a thief, street ear and child prostitute. He has little conception of personal space and his lewd comments often put people on edge. He has a sadism streak and has been known to deliberately cripple targets, rather than outright kill them. Currently he is a mercenary hired by Prince Leon and works alongside Ophelia. Flora: A maid in service to Kamui's household and unknown to them, the daughter of the Ice Tribe's chieftain. She has a playful personality but occasionally has bouts of depression. While affectionate towards Kamui and Joker, she places her own family first and takes part in her family's rebellion. She dreams of eventually starting a family one day and returning to her village. Flannel: The chieftain of the werewolves at Garou Peak and the fiance of Velour. He seeks Kamui's aid when dark magic starts making his people go feral. While the Garou are generally reclusive, he has a fondness for making trips to the city and is a snappy dresser. He loves picking up knickknacks, a passion shared by his fiance. Luna: The daughter of a noble family and a vassal to Princess Camilla. Her mother was an extremely talented fighter herself leading to Luna acquiring an inferiority complex. She's highly competitive and is often irked by Belka's indifferent attitude to her challenges. Luna has a passion for shopping and works hard to pay for her hobby. Belka: An emotionally distant, former child assassin now serving as a vassal to Princess Camilla. She kills freely and barely reacts to the death of comrades, which has led some to describe her as as cold blooded as the wyvern she rides. She is seemingly incapable of feeling affection but is secretly lonely and laments not knowing how to communicate with others. [spoiler=Character Ages] Joker: 20 Silas: 16 Aqua: 17 Mozume: 15 Ashura: 35 Suzukaze: 18 Midoriko: 12 Crimson: 23 Shigure: 20 Gunter: 62 Elfie: 20 Harold: 29 Ophelia: 16 Zero: 21 Flora: 19 Flannel: 25 Luna: 18 Belka: 17 Nyx: 125 (although she stopped aging at 13) Charlotte: 20 Benoit: 27 Lazwald: 21 Pieri: 20 Seigbert: 20 Velour: 23 Lutz: 14 Soeleil: 17 Ignis: 28 4. What notable changes would you make to the setting? What ideas do you have for world building? What kind of history does this continent have? What is the balance of natural and supernatural elements? -The main plot is mostly a political struggle (no world ending dragons) although the fantasy tropes prevalent in Fire Emblem are still there. There are lingering influences of the dragons from the past (the physical state of the continent, the royal's dragon blood, and dragon spirits that occasionally possess people. Are the Faceless and invisible enemies in your story? -Faceless are removed and replaced with bandit attacks, or possessed enemies. There are no invisible enemies. 5. Do any characters die? Many characters do (particularly recruitable characters from the opposite route). Some allied characters may die as well. 6. Do you introduce any new characters? A few Nohrian characters are introduced. Lord Fulmore, the Warden of the South. Lord Ackerman, the Warden of the East. Chieftain Aquarion, Aqua's father. Also mentioned is Crimson's father, the king of Chevalier. If I write Hoshido, they are also get an assortment of lords. 7. Are any characters going to be cut? Cut Characters: Odin, Eponine, Foleo, Sophie, Kanna, Deere, Tsukuyomi, Mitama, Grey, Felicia and Izana (no longer recruit-able) [spoiler=Alazen] [spoiler=Some Key Differences] Kamui's Parentage: Kamui is not Hydra's birth child. He is the 2nd child of Mikoto and Sumeragi. -Warrant: The reveal that Kamui isn't Sumeragi's birth child is blatantly an excuse to let Kamui marry from both sets of siblings. 2nd Gen: There is no 2nd Gen. Nor is there a Secluded Realm. -Warrant: Fates' 2nd Gen manages to be even less significant than Awakening's. It's embarrassingly obvious that Fates' 2nd Gen was shoehorned due to the presence of a 2nd Gen in Awakening. The Secluded Realm serves as an excuse for the children to all be of fighting age without including a timeskip or time travel. Awakening Returnees: ​None beyond cameos that are treated as such. -Warrant: The Invisible Kingdom has failed to address the presence of the Awakening characters in a way that doesn't drag down the setting. Character Consolidation: Ryoma and Hinoka have been merged into one elder Hoshidan sibling, Elise and Sakura into one possible younger Nohr sibling. Felicia and Flora are one servant from the Ice Tribe. -Warrant: Of all their problems, the royal sisters suffer from a lack of significance for how close they supposedly are to Kamui. In particular, Hinoka's crowning moments include seeing through a disguise and Kamui pretending to slay her. Flora is noticeably more significant with a certainly more rounded characterization than Felicia. Examples of Cross-path Changes -Aqua has been removed from Fates entirely. Elements linked to her such as the prophecy have been removed or reworked. -No returning Awakening characters beyond cameos that aren't acknowledged as actually there. -There is no 2nd Gen. There is no Secluded Realm. Any 2nd Gen characters that can be salvaged will be recruitable conventionally. Examples of Hoshido Changes -The heavenly children are Firstborn Daughter Hinoka, Kamui, and Takumi. Ryoma and Hinoka have been merged into the eldest heavenly child. Sakura has been cut out to trim down on siblings. -One opposing leader in Hoshido is a daimyo whose territory was forced to surrender to Sumeragi. He or she has both the resentment and resources to oppose Sumeragi's children. -Rinka's ethnicity has a history of conflict with other Easterners. Examples of Nohr Changes -One of the Nohr sisters is axed. -Fake Garon is gone. An alternative is for Hydra's faction to make contact with Garon and send assistance. The Maids and Joker -Flora and Felicia are now one character. Her backstory is that she's the daughter of the ruler of a land conquered by Nohr. She was taken as a hostage to Nohr, putting her in the position to meet Kamui and be in his inner circle. She's an ally if Kamui stays with Nohr, an enemy if she leaves it. -Joker is the son of a Nohrian noble who had the clout to have him study in the castle. He meets Kamui and the two hit it off. A dependable schemer, he follows Kamui in all routes. Suzukaze and Saizou -The shinobi brothers are the sons of a Fuuma jizamurai. Fuuma was invaded and conquered by Sumeragi's army with the brothers' father killed in the war. The two brothers were taken to Hoshido as hostages. -Suzukaze knows what happened to his homeland and father, planting the seeds for leaving Hoshido 1. What routes are you working on? Is it an amalgamation of all three? Is it an alternate universe style retelling? At least 2 Paths (Hoshido, The New Order). 2. What notable changes would you make to the plot? Are problematic elements (the curse, the magic throne, the crystal ball, operation tears, Nohr and Hoshido being too black and white, everything Aqua does) going to be addressed?No curse, magic throne is out, got rid of the crystal, don't even think about Operation Tears, Nohr might be ''evil'' but Hoshido surely isn't ''good'', Aqua has been axed entirely. Are there any themes to be communicated over each route?A. How far will you go for your dream? To get what you're owed? B. How should the world be ruled? What is the overall direction and "point" of each route?Hoshido-Kamui leaves Nohr to claim his birthright. He works within Hoshido to get the trust of his peers, fighting both inner and outer threats. Nohr-Kamui works for validation from Marx and Garon. He's not out for Hoshidan blood, so he'd be down with the power blocs coming to an agreement. Touma-Kamui ends up in Touma after an accident near the chasm. Kamui has to spend some time in Touma, being informed by Lilith of Hydra, Touma, their rising army, and what they stand for. After indoctrination and being told about his origins, Kamui agrees to fight for Hydra against all who oppose them. 3. What notable changes would you make to the characters? What is Kamui all about (background, personality, abilities)?Kamui is the 2nd child of Mikoto and Sumeragi. Born with the bloodlines of two dragon lines, Kamui has features marking his divine lineage. Sumeragi could tell his son was set for greatness, and so doted on him when he could. Taking Kamui with him on a trip to Chevalier, Sumeragi is slain in an ambush. Seeing the small child brought before him, Garon immediately had him taken. Ending up in the capital, it was arranged for Kamui to live within Garon's household but not as if he was one of Garon's actual children. Kamui would be kept within reach of Garon and his children, yet at a distance. She would be at least occasionally given access to tutors and trainers that even a wealthy Nohrian would want, yet be told to sit a separate table from Garon and his children. Rumors spread that Kamui was a bastard child of Garon, which worked for the Nohr King since a predecessor of his married a Eastern spouse. Kamui internalizes Nohr ideals and conduct. Nohr is a society with a focus on status, bloodlines, inheritance, what have you. He also grows a respect and perhaps jealousy for Marx. He looks for validation from Garon yet resents him. He hits it off with Joker and Flora, gets along with Leon and Nohr Sister well enough, and has actually made a name for himself among the castle's staff for going around and actually aiding in their tasks (and nicely, admittedly after some practice). You can trust him to get his hands dirty and look after his troops. Having bloodlines of two dragons has its perks. He was born with a more potent form of Dragon's Vein that unfortunately also is a heavy drain on her once it reaches a certain point, along with the greater athletic skill seen in other royals. The Touma route has able to Kamui transform into a dragon using a dragonstone embedded sword forged in Touma after some time being indoctrinated and magiced on. What is Aqua all about (personality, role in the plot)?Aqua has been cut. Elements of her have been given to to other characters like Flora. What is Garon, Mikoto, Lilith or any other important character all about?Garon is out to bring glory to his house. Lilith is Hydra's agent who intervenes around the world. Mikoto is the current heavenly sovereign of Hoshido who has worked to strengthen or secure Hoshido. What is Hydra all about (role in the plot)?Hydra is the ruler of Touma who commands a rising force. Having become a gestalt of souls, Hydra directs his troops around the world to sow discord until he can forge a new nation. 4. What notable changes would you make to the setting? What ideas do you have for world building? The succession to Sumeragi's conquests is now iffy thanks to having 3 dragon blooded children. Traditionally, the succession process would have whichever child shows they were marked as heavenly take the throne unless the none of the children show such, in which case the solutions have shifted. Hinoka is the firstborn child with Mikoto's blood pact inheritance, Takumi has Sumeragi's and Kamui has both. You should keep in mind that Hoshido isn't really a country in modern way. Sumeragi conquered around the East and married into the heavenly family, one could say that Takumi would be the heir to the conquered territories instead of Hinoka. And with his blood, maybe Kamui could press a claim to all of it. What kind of history does this continent have?One of blood, skulduggery, scheming. What is the balance of natural and supernaturual elements?Hydra's empire is a growing threat, but there is no Fake Garon. Are the Faceless and invisible enemies in your story?Hydra links to the dead, pulling their souls or whatever to the gestalt. He can direct bodies and has a sort of wide vision. However, while his empire grows the tide gets bigger and bigger. Unless something is done, Hydra will be swept away. He's looking for a vessel to merge with to form a new dragon god. 6. Do you introduce any new characters? At least a few figures to flesh out the world. 7. Are any characters going to be cut? Aqua, Sakura, at least one Nohr sister, and Shenmei are examples. [spoiler=warchiefwilliams] 1. What routes are you working on? Is it an amalgamation of all three? Is it an alternate universe style retelling? · Depending on how much time I am able to find to write with my schedule, I will work on the Invisible Kingdom route but with heavy alterations to many of the plots more… “questionable” elements and characters. Later, if I feel up to it, and I am not lynched for the idea, I might try an alternate universe IK route with a new faction. 2. What notable changes would you make to the plot? · I want to make the plot more about the characters themselves and how they drive events forward through their actions as opposed to poorly implemented concepts dictating the characters actions, even if they must act OOC. I will also be reworking questionable plot decisions like: · Are problematic elements (the curse, the magic throne, the crystal ball, operation tears, Nohr and Hoshido being too black and white, everything Aqua does) going to be addressed? Where to begin? I will obviously be trying to flesh out the world, Nohr and Hoshido far more than was in the game, which will (hopefully) make each one seem less “black and white”. As for most of the magical plot contrivances holes elements, the curse will be removed, as I personally feel that if someone were to run around saying that there an invasion from a realm hidden from reality was imminent, then they would be locked up in the nearest insane asylum or praised as some new cult leader. There doesn’t need to be a death cruse here. Because Garon will just be possessed and not a familiar, the Throne itself is little more than a glorified throne in a big castle meant to show the power of the King of Hoshido.· Are there any themes to be communicated over each route? Pretty much the themes that were originally stressed in the advertising for this game. Because I am pushing the “decision” chapter back a ways (I thought chapter 6 was too early for that and, after seeing it, I feel vindicated in that belief) this will give time for Kamui to be exposed to both ideologies and make a better choice rather than simply picking one family over the other.· What is the overall direction and "point" of each route? In my view, the point of the IK route is to combine the strengths of both nations and cultures together to fight an external entity that threatens to destroy everything that both sides hold dear. It should be a story of coming together, overcoming differences and saving the world. It should also stress that there is no such thing as a fairy tale ending and that victory comes with a cost (a “beating around the bush” way for saying that characters WILL die).3. What notable changes would you make to the characters? · A lot of the characters will be either more fleshed out or have tweaks made to their background and personality to help make them less of walking tropes and more, well, well-developed. Some, mainly child characters, will be outright cut, due to character saturation and to them not being very interesting (in my view). · What is Kamui all about (background, personality, abilities)? Kamui remains the child of Mikoto and Anankos. As such he retains many of his abilities that are found in the game, i.e his dragon form. This detail, however, will not be simply glossed over by the story and will play a significant role during both the initial invasion of Hoshido, splitting off from both nations and during the revelations about the world. Kamui was kidnapped when he was only three years old, and other than some hazy images that he only glimpses in nightmares, believes that he is a child of Garon and one of the many dead concubines, similar to his Nohrian siblings. Due to coddling by his adopted family, retainers and (when he returns to Hoshido) his actual family, Kamui is a narcissist at the start of the story, believing that he is the perfect sibling. His extreme naivety will help cement this belief. As the story develops, Kamui’s narcissistic streak will break as he discovers the true cost of his beliefs and will slowly become a more jaded, cynical individual, especially as his decisions gets people close to him killed. I am placing Kamui’s age at a young 19.· What is Aqua all about (personality, role in the plot)? Aqua remains the child of Shenmei and the former King of Touma (who I have yet to make a name for). Unlike Kamui, Aqua remembers what happened in both the Sundering of Touma, an event that lead to her banishment to the real world and the deaths of her parents, as well as her own kidnapping from Castle Krakenburg and the deaths caused by that. In addition, her status as an outsider of the Hoshidoan caste system makes her, at least in the eyes of the public, little better than a criminal. Any attempt that she makes to try to explain the threat that Anankos poses to the real world are typically laughed off as the ravings of a mad princess and even the two people who show her some affection, Sakura and Hinoka, do not believe her. These factors combined make her an incredibly isolated and jaded individual, as well as an alcoholic, needing a fair amount of sake (while in Hoshido) and wine (while in Nohr) to get through the day. It is only after Kamui returns to Hoshido that she begins to see some hope for the future. Aqua is only a few months older than Kamui, though she is still 19 years old.· What are the Hoshidan and Nohrian siblings all about (personalities, roles in the plot)? I copied some of this from my post in the Headcanons thread. Camilla dotes on all her younger siblings as a way to attempt to cope with her role during the Concubine Wars. She especially dotes on Kamui due to his status as an outsider to the cutthroat nature of Nohrian politics and sees him as someone who won't ever try to stab her in the back. She does have a bit of a drinking problem, needing at least one bottle of wine to get through the day. Her role in the plot is to both be a mother figure to the younger members of her family, but also to be the one who monitors the political situation in both Nohr and Hoshido, as her specialty, besides splitting skulls with her axe, is political intrigue. Camilla is 23 years old. Marx is painfully aware that the Concubine Wars were effectively triggered by his mother, Queen Ekatrina and harbors a deep sense of survivor’s guilt, knowing that the vast majority of his extended family died because of his mother's actions. He doesn't show it though, bottling up his emotions and revealing almost nothing about how he really feels, even to his own family. Marx places a high value on loyalty to his country and especially loyalty to his father. However, as Garon begins to make decisions that endanger Nohr, Marx will begin to find himself questioning his loyalties. Unlike his younger sister, Marx chose to specialize in martial training, both as a warrior and as a strategist, relying on Camilla to help him navigate the political minefield that is Nohrian society and foreign policy. Marx is 24 years old. Leon is the most stable mentally of his siblings, if only because he knows constructive ways to deal with his emotions as opposed to lashing out during training (Marx) or drinking (Camilla). Leon prides himself in effectively merging his two older siblings’ specialties of military and political strategy, though his physical abilities are nowhere near as refined. Leon sees himself as the most pragmatic voice in the family, and is adaptable enough to know when to change his priorities to reflect the situation at hand. As such, he often finds himself advising all of his siblings (especially Kamui) on what is the probable best course of action. Leon is 18 years old. Elise sometimes wishes her family wasn't so defensive of her, but she is aware that she is the linchpin holding the Plantagenets (Nohrian royal surname) together, so she keeps up the facade of being a happy, innocent child. Deep down, she is aware of her family's past and wishes that she could comfort her siblings more than by just being the happy little sister. As previously stated, Elise feels like her role is to be a pinnacle of stability in a turbulent world. She is 16 years old. Ryoma is a strong believer in Hoshidoan superiority, but has a change of heart during the war, especially after during the abortive Chevalier Campaign and sees just how the rest of the world operates, realizing that several of Hoshido's societal and military traditions could condemn his kingdom to the ashes of history unless they change. Ryoma spends a lot of his time meditating on the samurai code and training to be as good of a king, if not a better one, than his father. Ryoma is 24 years old. Hinoka spends the vast majority of her time in training, both martial and statecraft, to the point where she only really has a close relationship with Ryoma. As such, her relationship with her younger siblings is not as strong as it seems. Hinoka, thanks to her early training under ImagawaYuugiri, has developed a rather brash and direct approach to most events, which has led to several near foreign affairs disasters. Hinoka is 20 years old. Takumi suffers from an extreme case of middle-child syndrome. In addition, the vast majority of importnat events in his life, including his birth, were overshadowed by Nohrian aggression that demanded his family's attention, leaving him with a negative view of Nohr and its people. Takmui has been struggling for the past few years to find something to excel at that his older siblings do not, though he has yet to find one. These feelings of inadequacy are only enhanced after Kamui’s return to Hoshido, which helps to drive him to Anankos’s control (at least at first). He continues to rely on old trinkets from when he was a child to calm himself though his retainers do what they can to help. He is 19 years old. Sakura wants to believe that everyone in the world is good and kind. A view that her family and retainers encourage to help keep her innocence alive for as long as possible, though the assassination of Midkoto breaks that mold. Sakura, however, quickly adapted to the new reality. She doesn’t like causing suffering, but her training in the healing arts means that the sight of blood and bodies does not scare her. Sakura is one of the few individuals in Hoshido who was not immediately suspicious of Aqua and instead tried to form some kind of relationship with her. Sakura is 17 years old. · What is Garon, Mikoto, Lilith or any other important characters all about? Here we go, I will refine more of these ideas laterGaron never becomes Gooron. Rather than be killed by IK forces and replaced, Anankos instead possesses him. This change manifests in his desire to severely weaken Hoshido or destroy, one of the major powers on the continent that could threaten his return. In order to maintain his cover, Anankos tries to imitate Garon’s prior behaviors and habits, though as time goes on, he loses patience and begins to force Garon to act more and more out of character (implied by supports between the Nohrian siblings who state that the current Garon isn’t the same one they knew as father. By the time it is discovered that Garon is under the control of Anankos, it is too late to save him, though he is able to die as himself as opposed to being Anankos’s slave. Garon is 55 at the start of the story Mikoto is not Shenmei’s sister, rather she was her close confidant and friend who was also part of the Anankos cult (one of the many Dark Dragon cults in Nohr that worship the Dark Dragons as the liberators of mankind). This was before the two of them fled to the Invisible Kingdom after the then Tactician Ektrina usurped Shenmei’s position as Queen of Nohr. After the Sundering, Mikoto fled from the Invisible Kingdom and was found by King Sumeragi, who took her in and eventually married her. After Sumeragi’s assassination, using magic she learned in the Invisible Kingdom, erects a barrier to dull aggression towards her home, though this does have the side effect of suppressing all dissent within Hoshido towards the government, stifling any opposition to her and the royal family. She still dies as a result of the assassination attempt in the Fire Plaza and is turned into one of Anankos’s agents. Mikoto is 34 at the start of the story. Lilith is a dragonkin (manakete) from the Invisible Kingdom originally. She is the child of two Astral Dragons within that hidden realm. Lillith fled from the Invisible Kingdom during the Sundering and, in an attempt to stave off degradation, chose to spend most of her time in her dragon form. Near-feral and injured after a few years, she encountered a young Kamui, Cyrus and Sophie (see other characters) who healed her wounds. Newly restored, she followed Kamui back to the Northern Citadel and was able to work there as a stable hand. When Kamui fell into the Invisible Chasm, she saved him and continued to accompany him on his travels (there is no My Castle here). She will later die trying to protect Kamui. Lilith appears to 17 though she is around 1457 years old. Iago is the son of a major noble family within Nohr’s capitol of Karakenburg. Despite being quite devious and snakelike, his talents as a strategist and his ability to find solutions to even the impossible. Like finding out that it was Queen Ektrina who struck the final blow of Concubine Wars by blowing up the tower containing the remaining concubines and their families, who were negociating an end to the war with Queen Ikona of Hoshido moderating (she died in the blast, which triggered the 4th Hoshido-Nohr War). Iago is loyal to his master to a fault, and has no problem throwing others under the bus if it means that his master is pleased with him. Ganz is a reformed mass murderer from the Underground District in Krakenburg. Originally, a soldier in Nohr’s Imperial Army, he earned a reputation as a ruthless man, driven to obtain victory at any cost. It was after he massacred almost everyone in an auxiliary unit that angered him was Ganz finally discharged and thrown in prison. Possessed Garon, wanting to sow as much chaos as possible, chose to free Ganz and place him in a commanding position within the Imperial Army, which Ganz took to with gusto, as he was now in a position to do as he pleased with the endorsement of the king. Ganz harbors a deep resentment towards all non-Nohrians, and believes that the entire world should belong to Nohr and he will kill anyone who thinks otherwise. · What is Hydra all about (role in the plot)? I will be calling him by his Japanese name, Anankos. Anankos is one of the few remaining Dark Astral Dragons left after the Great War in the far past, which split the continent. For the longest time, the Astral Dragons ruled the world under their hierarchy, governing the world in what they saw as the perfect order. Anankos is effectively their version of Satan, an individual who thought things should be run differently (ideally under him) and rebelled against the order, corrupting the original creation magic used to create the world into dark magic. At the war’s end, the few remaining dragons, including Anankos, fled to the Invisible Realm, leaving humanity, which had been the thralls of the dragons, free. Many cults in Nohr worship Anankos as the savior of mankind, while Hoshido’s religion despises him as the one who disrupted the order of the Astral Dragons. In reality, Anankos sought power for himself over the Astral Dragons and control of all creation. His lasting mark ensured the eventual extinction of the dragonkin, as the corruption of magic into dark magic triggered the degradation of the minds of all dragons who it touched. The minds of dragons could be preserved through the use of dragon stones, but only if they limited their time as dragons. Anankos’s degredation was even more severe as he was the original creator of dark magic. His attempts to stop it only delayed the inevitable. Eventually he had a relationship with one of his worshipers (Mikoto) in order to form a new vessel for himself. After Mikoto found out, she fled from the Invisible Kingdom as Anankos conquered it from the few remaining Astral Dragons. Upon securing his victory, and growing desperate, Anankos was able to trick three warriors from another realm to enter the world of fates (the Awakening trio) on the condition that he would restore their world, which he did. Though, they were unable to fully interpret his orders, causing them to be lead astray and conniving Anankos that humans could no longer be trusted with free will. Anankos still seeks to control all of creation, and will do whatever it takes. His interest in Kamui stems from the fact that he is the escaped vessel, thus being required to reverse Anankos’s degredation. · What changes will be made to minor characters Minor characters, like the named bosses, will have more of a role in their respective battles. There will likely be a few temporary OCs meant to fill roles required by the plot, such as army commanders and peasants.4. What notable changes would you make to the setting? · What ideas do you have for world building? I will post an in-depth outline of the countries of Fates within the next little bit, expect to see a description of each country, how its society operates, and how it fits in with the greater Nohr-Hoshido-IK conflict.· What kind of history does this continent have? This continent (which I will be calling Ivron, a name I got from a continent name generator) has had a long history of conflict. Whether it is the Great War of legend, the Wars of Nohrian Expansion, the Unification of Hoshido, or the multiple Nohrian-Hoshido wars, conflict is simply the way of the land. The creation of the Infinite Chasm during the Great War led to the cultural drift between the lands in the west and the east. The land to the far west is uninhabitable due to the same conflict.· What is the balance of natural and supernaturual elements? While supernatural elements (the Astral Dragons, Dark and Creation Magic, the creation of the garou and fox spirits) played a huge role in shaping the world, by this point in time, their overall role is no longer as prominent as it was. The secret arts of Creation Magic have long been both lost and out of reach of mankind and mankind can only harness the tiniest fraction of Dark Magic’s potential without being corrupted by it. The supernatural elements are there, but they do not play a major role in the story, at least in the beginning. Religion plays a large role in shaping Hoshido’s society, while Nohr’s religion played a large role in the past, worship of the Dark Dragons is less common now. The Shapeshifters (Garou and Fox Spirits) have longer lives than humans. The life expectancy for everyone isHuman: up to 90 years with proper care Garou: up to 180 years Fox Spirits: up to 250 years Manaketes/Dragonkin: functionally immortal. Can still die to natural causes · Are the Faceless and invisible enemies in your story? Yes, though with a few changes to how they function. Faceless are the result of decades of research by Dark Mages trying to create thralls to serve them. While physically potent, Faceless have little intelligence beyond survival instincts and whatever sense of purpose their creator gives them. While this makes them ideal tools of war, they are little more than that, tools. In addition, they cannot be directly controlled, and it was not uncommon for faceless to turn on their creators and their allies due to simple bloodlust. Invisible Kingdom forces are comprised of both the human forms of Astral and Dark Dragons (dragons who sided with Anankos) that serve Anankos in addition to a mixture of human forces who reside in the Invisible Kingdom. These humans are the descendants of those who chose to continue to serve the Astral Dragons rather than choose independence. 4. Do any characters die? · Yes. As I continue to create the plot, I will decide who will die. If you have a few ideas after reading all of this, please feel free to make recommendations. This is the list as it is now: · Mikoto will be killed during the assassination attempt in the Fire Plaza, just like she does in game. She will later be reconstituted as one of Anankos’s agents along with Sumeragi and a few others, similar to the Deadlords. · Garon will die two thirds of the way in after the cast becomes aware that he is possessed. He will be able to die free of Anankos’s influence though, so he won’t come back. · Ganz will be killed by Kamui after Kamui, who has begun uniting the two forces, finds him executing a group of Hoshido prisoners, including Hinoka and her retainers, though Kamui will be able to save them. · Some of the retainers will fall at some point, though I do not know when yet. · I am debating killing off some of the royals if it helps to serve the plot. 5. Do you introduce any new characters? · Other than temporary characters meant to flesh out the militaries of both Nohr and Hoshido, as well as commoners of the land, I will not be making new characters. This game already has a large cast, no need to add more fuel to the fire. 6. Are any characters going to be cut? · Most of the 2nd generation characters will be cut. This is due to their shoe-horned nature. The few that I believe are redeemable as tweaked characters are listed here: · Sophie: Cyrus’s younger sister who, along with her brother, were friends with Kamui. She, at the start, harbors an Oboro sized crush on Kamui. Both Sophie and Cyrus join Kamui early on, before he even gets to the Invisible Chasm for the first time. Sophie is 16 years old. · Eponnie: A young thief who was adopted by Zero after she attempted to rob a caravan that Prince Leon was a part of. Seeing her potential, Zero was able to stop Leon from killing her and, upon finding out that she was an orphan trying to survive on the outskirts of Krakenburg, adopted the young girl. She acts as Zero’s apprentice and as his informer on the events occupying Nohr’s lower classes in Krakenburg. Eponnie is 18 years old. · Ophelia: A young dark mage, her skills at magic attracted the attention of Odin, who was seeking to pass along the secrets of the “spell hand”. Her urge to learn about the secrets of dark magic caused her to take Odin’s teachings a bit too seriously, and she believes that she is “the chosen one”. Ophelia is 17 years old. · Lutz: Arthur’s son. After his mother’s passing during the 4th Nohr-Hoshido War (the one prior to the game) Lutz chose to take up the axe so that no other child would bear witness to their parent’s death. It was during this time that he met Michel, and trained him. Lutz and his father share a relationship similar to what Garcia and Ross from the Sacred Stones shared. Lutz is 15 years old. · Deere: Joker’s younger brother. Determined to follow his brother’s example, Deere began training to be a butler. His brother, while he does not approve of this, still tries to tutor him, though Joker’s love is tough love. Deere is 20 years old. · Matoi is a young noble of the Samurai Caste who, due to her talents, was trained personally by both Imagawa Yuugiri and Yamoto Hinoka in the art of aerial warfare. She seeks to be (what she sees) the best Pegasus Warrior. Despite her seemingly perfect nature, she is very modest and humble and nurses a few insecurities, especially regarding her appearance. Matoi is 19 years old. · Both Kinu and Velour left their villages seeking adventure and fortune despite the warnings of their Chiefs, Nishiki and Flannel respectively. They encountered each other near the Infinite Chasm, and have been traveling together for two years, exploring the world and finding treasures. Both Kinu and Velour are 20 years old, still very young for their respective species. · Kisargari and Shinonome are two of the few remaining members of the Yamoto Branch Family, which was mostly wiped out during the Chevalier Incident, where Sumeragi met his end. The role of the Branch Family is to be the last line of defense for the Royal Family and their retainers, and this is a role that both Kisargari and Shinonome take very seriously. Kisargari is 17 years old while Shinonome is 22 years old. · Midoriko: a young traveling member of Hoshido’s merchant class. She was orphaned during the 4th Nohr-Hoshido War and raised by the Hattori ninja clan, though particularly by Hattori Saizou and Hattori Kaze. She left home early on, having both aged quickly and extensively studied economics, and is determined to be the wealthiest merchant in the world. She sees the Secret Shop chain, run by Anna, as a major challenge to her goals. Midoriko is 14 years old. 7. For fun, here are the character ages as well as their last names · Marx Plantagenet: 24 years old · Camilla: 23 years old · Leon: 18 years old · Elise: 15 years old · Ryoma Yamoto: 24 years old · Hinoka: 20 years old · Takmui: 19 years old · Sakura: 16 years old · Kamui: 19 years old · Aqua: 19 years old · Felecia Arendelle: 19 years old · Flora Arendelle: 19 years old · Joker Girard: 21 years old · Cyrus Bedivere: 18 years old · Sophie Bedivere: 16 years old · Hattori Kaze: 26 years old · Gunther Guesculin: 55 years old · Tsu-Sho Mozume: 16 years old · Kouga Asyura: 41 years old · Izumo Izana: 35 years old · Hattori Saizou: 28 years old · Chiyome Kagerou: 24 years old · Asama: 40 years old · Chosokabe Setsuna: 20 years old · Fujiwara Hinata: 18 years old · Goto Oboro: 18 years old · Tiari Hana: 17 years old · Ashikaga Tsubaki: 19 years old · Inaba Fuuga: 40 years old · Inaba Tsukuyomi: 13 years old · Nishiki: 95 years old · Moagami Orochi: 26 years old · Rinkah: 17 years old · Mori Yurikama: 39 years old · Imagawa Yuugiri: 38 years old · Crimson Pyrmont: 18 years old · Lazwald/Inigo Montoya: 22 years old · Pieri Ravenkroft: 18 years old · Arthur Pendragon: 27 years old · Effie Tarth: 17 years old · Zero: 24 years old · Odin/Owain Lowell: 21 years old · Nyx Tartarus: 255 years old (I like to think that her curse outright stops her aging, making her very old) · Luna/Severa Lear: 22 years old · Belka: 18 years old · Benoit Nielson: 23 years old · Charlotte Goldberg: 18 years old · Flannel Bigby: 80 years old · Yamoto Midkoto: 34 years old · Garon Plantagenet: 55 years old · Iago: 35 years old · Ganz: 28 years old · Lilith: 17 years old (human appearance) · Deere Girad: 20 years old · Kinu: 20 years old · Velour: 20 years old · Ophelia Hathaway: 17 years old · Hattori Midoriko: 14 years old · Yamoto Kisagari: 18 years old · Yamoto Shinonome: 22 years old · Shimazu Matoi: 19 years old · Eponnie: 18 years old · Lutz Pendragon: 15 years old [spoiler=Azz] FE Fates Fan Fiction Survey 1. What routes are you working on? Is it an amalgamation of all three? Is it an alternate universe style retelling? The route I am working on is a combination of all 3. Pretty much the focus is at first, ending the war, reforming Nohr and then Touma stuff. Basically a 3rd path but better (I hope) 2. What notable changes would you make to the plot? Well, everything is pretty much being re-written story wise. It starts kind of like Revelations with more Hoshido characters joining at first, then slowly characters from Nohr join and the remainder from Hoshido join. 3. What notable changes would you make to the characters? Well for main characters, they have pretty much the same personality bases but have been expanded upon to not be so Kamui-centric. Character roles have been changed, people have set relationships, the four Touma bosses (Shenmei, Sumeragi, Mikoto and Garon), have all been re-written. Kamui and Aqua had massive over hauls as well as Hydra. The FEA trio have been re-written to not be FEA characters. All the kids have been re-written to have roles in the story. 4. What notable changes would you make to the setting? The setting for the most part is the same with a few exceptions. I still have to finalize things. 5. Do any characters die? Yes, characters do die. 6. Do you introduce any new characters? Pretty much all the capturable bosses, specifically Draj and Nacht, have been given some form of role outside of time chamber shenanigans. 7. Are any characters going to be cut? Not really unless you count the FEA trio being completely re-written. [spoiler=Damosel] If you're interested in reading my FE14 AU series A Marriage Of States. I also have an update and feedback thread on this site for the series. 1. What routes are you working on? NONE, I'm going Alternate Universe! Is it an amalgamation of all three? Pretty much everything EXCEPT Touma stuff. Is it an alternate universe style retelling? YES! Biggest differences- no ambush, no Kamui. 2. What notable changes would you make to the plot? I've made a bunch of changes because there's no Touma characters. So it's all Nohr/Hoshido drama, with arranged marriages for an alliance thrown in. Mainly- it's looking at the trouble you can have outside the battlefield. Are problematic elements (the curse, the magic throne, the crystal ball, operation tears, Nohr and Hoshido being too black and white, everything Aqua does) going to be addressed? Likely won't be any magic items from Touma showing up (so Hoshido's throne is just a fancy throne). I'm definitely trying to grey up both Hoshido and Nohr without making them unrecognisable- LOTS of worldbuilding. Are there any themes to be communicated over each route? Since I'm not stick to a route N/A What is the overall direction and "point" of each route? Character driven world exploration with a side of plot. 3. What notable changes would you make to the characters? Sumeragi isn't dead, neither is Ektrina. Garon is not a goo-monster and actually brokered a peace treaty. Because there's no Kamui I've shuffled a lot of characters whose backstory was associated with him. Gunter, Joker, and Cyrus all work for Marx instead (and have known him for years). I've also changed Flora and Felicia's circumstance in Nohr, they're no longer servants but "fostered" and Krackenstein castle (hostages essentially). The FE13 expies have been replaced with Nyx serving Leo, Charolette serving Camilla, and Gunter+Joker+Cyrus serving Marx. What is Kamui all about (background, personality, abilities)? Absenteeism. What is Aqua all about (personality, role in the plot)? Not-appearing-in-this-fic What are the Hoshidan and Nohrian siblings all about (personalities, roles in the plot)? Pretty similar to their game selves. Ryouma meditative and serious, Marx reserved and stubborn, Camilla doting and ruthless, Hinoka caring and bold, Takumi insightful and hotheaded, Leo clever and ooportunistic, Sakura shy and nuturing, Elise cheerful and excitable. Main difference is that Nohr and Hoshido have been at peace for twelve years and the oldest daughters/sons got hitched- so different reactions in line with different circmstances. What is Garon, Mikoto, Lilith or any other important character all about? Garons about being an ACTUAL father and king, though he still has his terrible person moments. Same can be said for Sumeragi. No Touma characters. Iago's a pain in the neck but not a psyco, Ganz is a criminal not given a military position. What is Hydra all about (role in the plot)? Nope. Nooooooooooooooooope. What changes will be made to minor characters? Well I've already given Lala (the songstress from Muse) as speaking bit. And the Boldts mentioned in the Saizou/Belka supports will fairly present. Daniela, Draj, Senou and other faced units will all be getting a heavy injection of personality when they make their appearances (and it WON'T be in hyperbolic time chambers) 4. What notable changes would you make to the setting? No monsters, no Hydra, no Touma, no Kamui. Impacts a bunch of stuff. What ideas do you have for world building? A lot. I was the first to suggest Hoshido have an inflexiable cast system that cause them issues. Wrote up a historical blurb on why drak mages in Nohr would dress like strippers. More stuff than I care to sum-up. What kind of history does this continent have? A tirbulent one. Once it was ruled by a single empire, but a terrible earthquake ripped it's capital assunder and two large kingdoms eventually rose from it's ashes. To the west, one founded by a warlord and those loyal to her subjegated the surrounding territories until they were able to work together for a sustainable society. To the east, a priest was raised up to commune with the gods for all of the land and eventually founded the line of kings. (and plenty more but, this is a brief sum-up) In more recent history Garon emancipated Chevalier from being a tributary and there worked out an alliance with Sumeragi. What is the balance of natural and supernaturual elements? Well there's still plenty of magic and worship of the gods. Closer to Jugdral than Ylisse though- as in most of the drama is started by people. Are the Faceless and invisible enemies in your story? Nuh-uh. 5. Do any characters die? Yes. It'd be a spoiler to say who. 6. Do you introduce any new characters? Kinda. I've give all the Nohr sib's mothers faces and names, as well as doing so for mentioned families like the Boldts. Mostly it's fleshing in NPCs rather than wholesale OCs. 7. Are any characters going to be cut? All of Touma, and FE13 expies. See second post for more authors (Party Moth, Ebony, wvype, Taka-kun, Loki Laufeyson, Sunwoo). See third post for more authors (Mox, Phillius). See fourth post for more authors (Nintendoentersoft, Metal Flash, Skywolfe, Yari, dtmahanen101, MCProductions, RedRob, Dangerus, Sire, SaiSymbolic, Abvora). See fifth post for more authors (Blade_of_Light, NightStar) *New* Support Conversations (NekoKnight, Pretty_Handsome, Etern@lDawn, wvype, Thane).
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