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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. Some more miscellaneous head canon. -Hoshido has a much higher population density than Nohr, thanks to their high amounts of produce. While they could theoretically put up an army of similar size to Nohr, only the Samurai caste is allowed to carry weapons (although the spiritual caste can use batons and spells and ninja are not officially recognized). This means only a small percentage of the fighting men are trained fighters. -Kinu is vain and obsessed with fashion (she immediately becomes friends with Oboro). She loves playing tricks on and manipulating humans so she spends almost all of her time living amongst them. She likes to seduce men so they buy her expensive clothes, and then she disappears in a flurry of leaves. All spirit fox possess illusionary powers, and they use their magic to turn their mountain into a Lost Woods. If Kinu were just a copy of Holo instead of PLAY TIME, I'd marry her forty times. That's as many as four tens. And that would have been great. Mommamilla is the canon mother of the Mario brothers. I can imagine Oboro showing up at a barracks one day and having an encounter like: Samurai: Hey, who are you? You're not supposed to be here! Oboro: What do you mean I'm "not supposed to be here"? *Oboro face intensifies* Samurai: W-what I mean is that... uh, take this naginata. Is two enough? In fact, take them all!
  2. Did someone say headcanon...? Because I'm pretty sure I heard someone say headcanon. It just keeps pouring out! Someone make it stop! Even more ideas. -Marx had two older brothers but they both died in the war that began after Kamui was kidnapped. -Camilla had one older brother who died in a duel. Camilla killed several half-siblings in the Waifu Wars. -Leon was an only child and had a pampered and happy childhood. -Elise was used as a tool by her mother and never really cared about her as a person. Takumi is always trying to flirt with Camilla but whenever he gets close to her, udon starts flowing out of his pockets.
  3. Alazen pls If there is one point I've stressed over and over again, it's that I don't want a 3rd path or any of the plots/characters associated with it. I feel like it would be helpful if we had a new thread with an OP that had summaries of what everyone is working on. Would you guys like it if I made a new thread?
  4. I picked up Tactics Ogre and I'm already enjoying what they do with the characters. I mean, they can make me feel for extremely minor boss characters with a simple bio in the "library" feature of the game. Even nobodies you'll never see again are written as people you can sympathize with. IS, hire THESE people as writers! Anyway... Here are some short bio's for the non-royals. I'll start with Nohr and the shared characters but I'll get to Hoshido eventually. Incoming walls of text. In the order of their recruitment: [spoiler=Shared] Joker: Kamui's snarky but reliable butler. He's the youngest child of a minor royal family so he didn't have many opportunities to advance until he came into Kamui's household. He apprenticed under Gunter who taught him how to be a proper vassal. Silas: Kamui's childhood friend and a yet to be ordained knight under the service of.Lord Ackerman (new character). He has the best rapport with Kamui and is thought by many to have feelings for them, although Kamui hasn't noticed. Aqua: The daughter of the water tribe's chieftain in Nohr. After her tribe's failed rebellion, she is kept as a political hostage and left in Kamui's household. She has mystical singing powers and a calm and caring personality that makes her fast friends with Sakura and Elise. Mozume: A farm girl orphaned after her village (which resides in eastern Nohr, an area with a notable population of Hoshidans) was razed by bandits. She's quite shy because of her accent but has a surprisingly bold personality if you get to know her. Ashura: An ex-ninja from the now non-existent Kouga country, he has lived a rough life of banditry and mercenary work since. He's cynical and slow to trust but has incredible insight to the underworld of Hoshido and Nohr. Suzukaze: A ninja of Hoshido but doesn't serve a particular lord. He is the twin brother of Saizo and caretaker for Midoriko. His polite and approachable demeanor makes him popular in the army. He is not fond of violence and prefers to use his talents for collecting information. He'll side with Kamui in Nohr when Kamui announces their plans to defeat Garon. Midoriko: A war orphan from the last Hoshido/Nohr war. She makes and sells medicine to make ends meet but she was looked after by both Suzukaze and Saizo. Her cute mannerisms and hardworking nature made her something of an idol in the army. She is recruited by Suzukaze after he pledges himself to Kamui and the defeat of Garon. Crimson: A Wyvern Knight and the daughter of the late king of Chevalier. She is determined to restore her country's honor after a certain incident. She's a skilled and powerful warrior but has a passion for decorating things. She will ally with Ryoma in Hoshido to make up for the wrongdoings of her father. She will ally with Kamui in Nohr after they help liberate Chevalier from a Nohrian assault. Shigure: Another member of the Water Tribe. Well meaning but brash, he tried to impress Aqua with his leadership abilities and convinced her father to rebel against Nohr. When his plan backfired, he deeply regretted his foolhardiness and pledged to rescue Aqua, independent of his village. By the time he meets the party he has almost given up hope and is planning a dangerous attack on the capital. [spoiler=Nohr] Gunter: A seasoned knight who acted as the master of arms for Garon's children. He is stern but kind, acting as a surrogate father to Kamui. He meets his unfortunate end at the Infinite Chasm after a routine scouting mission goes awry. Elfie: A noble-born knight and guardian of Princess Elise. She is extremely devoted to training and Elise's protection that many find her unsociable. Her single-minded determination and overwhelming strength has earned her a number of fans, however. She has the appetite of a bear but always burns off any weight she gains. Harold: A low-born man with a deep passion for justice. Before he came into the service of Princess Elise, he wandered around Nohr protecting the weak from harm, asking for little in return. He has remarably bad luck and is never far from danger, but somehow he has always survived his encounters. He's the unknowing father of Lutz. Ophelia: A mercenary mage and former lover to Soleil. An eccentric girl obsessed with fancy names and spellcraft, she stands in contrast to her more grounded partner, Zero. She belives she was chosen for a grand purpose in life but is still searching for what that may be. She's hired by Leon to assist Kamui in the subjugation of the Ice Tribe. Zero: An orphan who grew up in the slums of Nohr's capital, he made a living as a thief, streetear and child prostitute. He has little conception of personal space and his lewd comments often put people on edge. He has a sadism streak and has been known to deliberately cripple targets, rather than outright kill them. Currently he is a mercenary hired by Prince Leon and works alongside Ophelia. Flora: A maid in service to Kamui's household and unknown to them, the daughter of the Ice Tribe's chieftain. She has a playful personality but occasionally has bouts of depression. While affectionate towards Kamui and Joker, she places her own family first and takes part in her family's rebellion. She dreams of eventually starting a family one day and returning to her village. Flannel: The chieftain of the werewolves at Garou Peak and the fiance of Velour. He seeks Kamui's aid when dark magic starts making his people go feral. While the Garou are generally reclusive, he has a fondness for making trips to the city and is a snappy dresser. He loves picking up knickknacks, a passion shared by his fiance. Luna: The daughter of a noble family and a vassal to Princess Camilla. Her mother was an extremely talented fighter herself leading to Luna acquiring an inferiority complex. She's highly competitive and is often irked by Belka's indifferent attitude to her challenges. Luna has a passion for shopping and works hard to pay for her hobby. Belka: An emotionally distant, former child assassin now serving as a vassal to Princess Camilla. She kills freely and barely reacts to the death of comrades, which has led some to describe her as as cold blooded as the wyvern she rides. She is seemingly incapable of feeling affection but is secretly lonely and laments not knowing how to communicate with others. [spoiler=Character Ages] Joker: 20 Silas: 16 Aqua: 17 Mozume: 15 Ashura: 35 Suzukaze: 18 Midoriko: 12 Crimson: 23 Shigure: 20 Gunter: 62 Elfie: 20 Harold: 29 Ophelia: 16 Zero: 21 Flora: 19 Flannel: 25 Luna: 18 Belka: 17 Nyx: 125 (although she stopped aging at 13) Charlotte: 20 Benoit: 27 Lazwald: 21 Pieri: 20 Seigbert: 20 Velour: 23 Lutz: 14 Soeleil: 17 Ignis: 28 Cut Characters: Odin, Eponine, Foleo, Sophie, Kanna, Deere, Tsukuyomi, Mitama, Grey, Felicia and Izana (no longer recruit-able) More Nohr bios later when I'm less tired.
  5. New confession: I almost don't want the localized version to be released because I don't like the story and it will be harder to maintain my headcanons if all people are talking about is the official localized version. I'm imagining Takumi saying this because of your profile picture and it's making me smile. Takumi pls
  6. Some more ideas. -Sumeragi and his family was invited to attend the independence ceremony of Chevalier from Nohr. The event was supposed to mark diplomatic progress between Nohr and its vassal states, as well as an effort to to ease tensions between Nohr and Hoshido. Sumeragi didn't trust Garon but he trusted the king of Chevalier, whom he had fought before and respected as a warrior. What Sumeragi didn't know was that Chevalier's independence was bought on the condition that they would betray Hoshido and allow Nohr to wipe out the Hoshidan royal family. Most of the Hoshidans there are slaughtered and Ryouma (age 13) witnesses the death of his father. Yuugiri was also present (age 23) and obtained her scar while protecting Mikoto. -Ryouma has had an intense hatred of Nohr and Chevalier in particular since that incident. Initially he doesn't care about the suffering of innocents in Nohr but can be convinced by Kamui to acknowledge the good people in Nohr and support them after the war. Crimson, who is the daughter of the now late king of Chevalier, is desperate in her attempts to regain her country's honor after their betrayal. When she first meets Ryouma, he nearly kills her but eventually they become close during the events of the war and after she rescues Sakura from a group of Nohrians. If Crimson survives the events of the Hoshido route, she and Ryouma marry. You should. Those are some solid ideas.
  7. I'm irked that Fates did so little with "the protagonist is a freaking dragon, man!" It's treated like an afterthought and will sadly mean we won't be getting another of his kind any time soon. What I'd like to see is a manakete raised amongst humans who has to come to grips with their identity and eventually rise over humanity. Maybe they'd evolve into a reluctant dictator of sorts. "If someone must shoulder the responsibility of ruling the world, it should be me."
  8. This is dipping into fanfiction because the changes are too great to fit into the main story but here we go.
  9. Add Elise's Staff and Leon's Chilling Sword to the list. A one use Psychic and magical sword that has only one range...yay? Some of the joke weapons can be pretty decent however. I gave a Broom to Elfie because she was strong enough to murder everything but greatly appreciated the extra hit.
  10. I'd say that they are equally bad for different reasons. The Taboo Curse of Touma is bad because, despite the limitations it presents, there are still ways to work around it. There were many characters who could have done something but didn't and that sets the whole plot in motion. The blood pacts are terrible because we aren't given a reason why anyone would sign a contract that says "Serve me without question or your entire country will die". What does the signer get out of it? How is the contract enforced? How does the contract work? The story doesn't care, it just wants you to believe that 3 leaders of nations signed one, reasons be damned.
  11. Seems like you're down-playing the crimes of the not Daein parties and ignoring Daein's better parts. If I recall correctly, Ludvec tried to seize power because he thought Elincia was weak, and he could pull it off, more so than being concerned about the threat of a resurgent Daein. The Serene's Massacre was committed by Begnions and then Begnion waged a world war on the Laguz. Racism against Laguz wasn't the exclusive realm of Daein. It seems like even in Crimea, it was only the most progressive of individuals who didn't have a problem with Laguz.
  12. While some in-fighting and political scheming would be appreciated, I think TOO much division will undermine their credibility vs a completely unified empire. Unless I'm mistaken, Hoshido's surplus is of the food variety, and otherwise, militarily speaking, they aren't a powerhouse. I'm thinking of Hoshido as being a (figurative) pot of gold that Nohr sees and saying "Oh, that's mine now" in the canon story. I think size will be sufficient for the reason why Nohr is a legitimate.
  13. Unless I'm mistaken, the invisible enemies are never really explained unless you play IK so you've got this whole faction of monsters that don't get any commentary. At least the Risen are stated to be monsters sent from the future by Grima. Hoshido and Nohr are bad endings whether you know about IK or not. If after playing or reading about IK, you'll know that Hoshido and Nohr were objectively worse endings. You'll know that everything you worked for was pointless, how the real villain will probably succeed, and how Aqua, Lilith and the Awakening trio fucked over the world. That's the complete story. Edit: Of course, you'll need ANOTHER DLC to know about how the latter 4 characters fucked up. lol
  14. That's actually a good question because Greil was implied to be able to use it and I don't think there is anything special about their bloodline to justify a genetic correlation. Um... Yune chose him? Or maybe it's just that it has a personal significance to Ike since his father was offered it before.
  15. There are a variety of weapons within a single weapon category (like Katanas and Broadswords) so I don't really buy "you need special training to use this weapon" when no other weapons require special training. For the non-magical Lord's Prf weapons, I'm just going to go with "You can't use it because it's mine." I mean, it's their personal weapon, why would they let anyone else use it? For the divine/magical weapons, I think "blade gets dull/too heavy to use if you try to swing it in combat" works. The Mani Katti couldn't even be drawn from its scabbard until it's chosen wielder turned up.
  16. I think the thing is, they wouldn't be Avatars anymore, they'd just be characters (as you stated yourself, this isn't their game so why would they be the self inserts anymore?). I mean, Robin appeared in Smash Bros but it's not like he got any special attention because he was an Avatar in his original game. I enjoy the concept behind them (Robin, the mage/swordfighter tactician deuteragonist and Kamui, the dragon child torn between two worlds) even if the execution left a lot to be desired. They'd be missed, at least by me. You're probably spot on about them creating a Fire Emblem Warriors original character and I'd hope to god they don't go the player worshiping route they did in Awakening and Fates. On your durability idea, I feel like an item with durability would have to be stronger than your main weapon to make up for it's lack of uses but in that case it wouldn't be much different than your standard power up (besides a time limit). Perhaps these weapons would be used for special enemies like a bow that is effective vs fliers or hammer for armored targets. Another Fire Emblem feature they ought to implement would be support ranks between characters.
  17. I'd email customer service with Gamestop and/or your credit card company. If it's a fraudulent charge/being charged for the wrong product, you will want to sort that out immediately.
  18. These sound pretty good. Some questions/comments: 1: Why Leon looks rather slim and less physically inclined, Marx also has a "pretty boy face" so the beauty standard seems a little informed. There are also a lot of male mages in Nohr so one would think that bookish wouldn't lose out to beefcake in terms of respected gender roles/images. Or maybe I'm reading too deep about a correlation to classes and physical appearance... 2. Does Elise know that Camilla killed her mom? Even if they weren't close, that's pretty significant for how their (Camilla and Elise) relationship would play out. 3. What is up with these poison potatoes? I feel like half the casualties in the story are caused by these. What exactly would you do with that?
  19. Two Avatars, each used twice for the opposite route. Name: Ren Gender: Male Route: Hoshido/Nohr Class: White Blood/Dread Fighter Secondary: Mercenary/Lancer Spouse: Oboro/Camilla Appearance Name: Illia Route: Nohr/Hoshido Class: Dark Blood/(Witch, Dark Flier or Revenant Knight) Secondary: Ninja/Dark Mage Spouse: Flannel/Suzukaze Appearance
  20. In that case, not only are Conquest and Birthright not the golden ending, they are specifically bad endings.
  21. My question is, is Hydra defeated/unable to come back after the events of Conquest or Birthright? Does Hydra just poof away and is never mentioned in the epilogue?
  22. Yes By the way, for spoilers type: [spoiler=Spoiler Title] Content [ /spoiler] but remove the space before the slash mark.
  23. Sounds good to me. As long as I have some dragons to ride (or become), all is well. What Fire Emblem features would people like to see? The Weapon Triangle should probably be represented in some way. I haven't played FE12 and Mark is pretty much a non-character but the absence of Robin and Kamui would be rather unusual. They are both major characters in their respective games. No matter how you feel about the implementation of Avatars, they are important to the series. Plus, they have unique classes so there is plenty to do with their movesets.
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