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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. My original question wasn't the intention of the writers, that much is obvious. I was questioning how their intention contrasts to what is delivered in game. The Black Knight was sinister, cruel and selfish... but Ike comes to respect him. This isn't a logical conclusion unless Ike is so emotionally detached that he isn't bothered by his father's murder and all the other shit Zelgius did. With a character like Snape, there are at least enough possible redeeming qualities and actions that his place on the morality scale is ambiguous, but an analysis of Zelgius' actions will reveal that he is overwhelmingly villainous (except to certain people like Micaiah who is obviously biased). This "ambivalence" you speak of only exists because the game tries to frame Zelgius as morally ambiguous when he actually isn't. It's not clever writing, it's contradictory. Would you feel the same way if Ike, for some reason, had respect for Ashnard despite everything he was?
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y-LzdZ2eBC4 [spoiler=Story stuff] I haven't played IK but since Kamui's heritage is apparently more of a central topic in that route, does Kamui learn she's not blood related to her Hoshido siblings there? In that case, for IK, it wouldn't (assuming you romance them after the plot revelation) be known incest to romance the "nephews" of Kamui.
  3. The game won't get rated higher than T. Nintendo won't allow any of it's mainstream (Fire Emblem isn't quite there but popular enough now to not be called 'niche') to be rated M.
  4. I guess I didn't feel any ambivalence, and Ike's seemingly forgiving attitude of the man who murdered his father was off-putting. During and after BK's fight with Greil, he's mocking and sinister. Here are his lines: "I wonder... Will watching your son's face grow pale, his eyes grow dim and his life bleeds away... And then your daughter...Oh the horrors I will visit upon her. Will that loosen your tongue?" Yikes, threatening the murder (and possibly implying rape) of children. I can see why Ike finds him so sympathetic. /endsarcasm
  5. It's unfortunate they didn't put a little more effort into it (although considering this is only relevant when they are naked, maybe it doesn't matter). Rinka has no abs as her growths prove and the dainty Foleo looks as well built as any other man.
  6. I think most of the edits will be text based and maybe alter the swimsuits to be more modest. Lewd lines and incestual undertones will be toned down. Underaged characters will claim to be 16 and/or be given more mature voices. They might make efforts to censor Camilla's DLC artwork. I don't think they will take out Fire Emblem Amie or sisterfucking. It's way too big a feature. [spoiler=IK Spoiler] The line revealing Aqua and Kamui to be cousins will be changed.
  7. Obviously the flower is a description of the mother but I can't help but remark on how unusual it is to be so fascinated and descriptive of a simple thing. Kanna's response: Mum...it's just a flower.
  8. He can already marry his sisters, why not a mother-figure?
  9. Seriously? He's not even credited as a writer? So much for hiring a good writer for the story. That's a serious misdirection. Garon for both Nohr and Hoshido.
  10. Don't play dumb, Ebony. We know you wrote My Immortal. Now, in an effort to get this thread back on track... Dualist Sword S Haven't thought about stats but they'd be similar to an Elite Ninja, relying on dodge tanking and criticals. First Blood: Reduce your critical evade to zero. Add the enemy critical hit to yours. To the Death: Use the Duel command to engage an enemy in combat until either this unit or the enemy is dead. Cannot be used on units unable to counter attack.
  11. Special note: Class outfit is constructed with Vantablack, the darkest material ever created (like my soul). New personal skill - It's not a phase, mom!: This unit can no longer reclass but all stats are increased by 10.
  12. Children can have up to 5 classes. Their default, the primary class of their parents (or their secondary class if they already have the primary), one through marriage and one through a buddy seal.
  13. Loyalty to the death is a fine trait but I feel it should have some contrast with their own opinions on the matter. Maybe the character knows their lord is in the wrong (Bryce to Ashnard) but continues to serve them out of honor, or maybe they don't want to fight the protagonists but their loyalty to their lord compels them to. In my opinion, it was Soren's ruthless pragmatism in combination to his devotion to Ike that made him likable. I liked Radiant Dawn's story to a point, and I may be in a smaller part of the fanbase that likes Micaiah. It would have been great had Micaiah's character not been derailed by the blood contract; the most contrived plot element in Fire Emblem history (although Fates "magic throne" deserves a dishonorable mention).
  14. What skills are "optimal" will depend on what build you are going for, so I can't really answer most of your questions. For your last question, any skill that doesn't belong to a DLC class (Witch, Shooter, Dark Flier, Dread Fighter, Vanguard, Grandmaster, Star Lord, Great Lord) can be passed down to children.
  15. Squire Lance B HP: 40 Str: 22 Mag: 15 Skl: 24 Spd: 22 Lck: 20 Def: 21 Res: 19 Bronze League: Weapons that say “Cannot critically hit or activate skills” can now critically hit and activate skills. Those weapons now have +10 to critical hit. Unexpected Hero: When your weapon has lower might than the enemy’s, deal +3 damage. Promotes to Sentinel and Templar: Sentinel Lance A, Bow B HP: 60 Str: 30 Mag: 25 Skl: 33 Spd: 28 Lck: 30 Def: 31 Res: 31 Quick-draw: This unit can counterattack at 1 range when equipped with a bow for 75% damage. Last Stand: Strength, Magic and Speed times 1.5 when health is under 30% Templar Lance A, Sword B HP: 60 Str: 32 Mag: 25 Skl: 32 Spd: 26 Lck: 32 Def: 30 Res: 35 Feedback: Damage increased by an amount equal to Enemy Magic/2 Tome Breaker: Hit rate and Avoid +50 when the enemy is equipped with a tome Special Notes: "Armored" unit, 5 move
  16. I'd say Archers are in a good place, as of Fates, although I wouldn't mind a "+1 to range on bow" skill for Snipers.
  17. He kills Ike's dad in PoR and then propagates a world war because his BFF Sephiran wants to end the world in Radiant Dawn. A character needs more than loyalty to be interesting.
  18. I don't know why some people liked Radiant Dawn!Black Knight so much. He kills the protagonists dad for petty reasons and then he serves the bad guys out of loyalty and nothing else. The game acts like we should feel sympathetic for him when he dies but ... why?
  19. As a general concept, a villain that has a utopian dream that requires horrible sacrifices or a villain trying to prevent the decline of humanity that similarly requires a lot of bloodshed would be appropriate. I think Awakening's assertion that Plegia and Valm were trying to invade to prepare against and even greater threat was...a decent idea, but it's only suggested in optional content, completely contrary to the villains' main story personalities (spiteful war-monger and power-hungry tyrant, respectively). Zephiel is another FE villain I'm fond of. His goals and methodology are brutal, but it's hard not to sympathize for him after learning of his past.
  20. Good luck with that writer's block. See you when you get back.
  21. If only there were a 70+ page thread dedicated to discussion of the story...
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