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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. Ryoma's level of responsibility/ableness as a ruler is an interesting topic. Did he take up the mantle after Sumeragi's death or Mikoto's? Is he a strong and confident leader or does he feel inadequate in handling Hoshido's problems? I'd like to see a story where Ryoma is a fairly confident leader but where he fails, Hinoka is there to back him up. As for your ideas for Hinoka, isn't Takumi supposed to be the anti-social member of the family?
  2. He can have a Nohrian name as his default and his Hoshidan siblings will (at first) call him Kamui. Kamui doesn't recognize the name anymore so if he joins Hoshido, he can insist on being called by his Nohrian name (or whatever the player chose). Not too hard to manage. I think the ears and eyes could give Kamui's identity away. Suzukaze would be like "Could that really be Prince Kamui...?" and Kamui will react in confusion to the name he's never heard.
  3. Those people presumably have bonds with the people they are touchy-feely with. Unless you think it's normal for your boss to start caressing your face uninvited.
  4. Although I like the name Kamui, I think it should be changed for story reasons. Why would Garon let Kamui keep his Hoshidan name after kidnapping him (and apparently wiping his memories)? .
  5. That's why I didn't care for the characters in Shadow Dragon and didn't mind getting them massacred to unlock the gaidens. Also, some of the deaths in Fates don't have much impact because the characters didn't get any attention until they die.
  6. Some of the 4koma strips are good but I can't help but feel that as a whole, they are unambitious. A number of them just point out a characters personality and don't make any humorous comments on it. Joker, Elise, Camilla... The 'joke' for one of the Ryoma strips is "He has long hair, like his dad" and the joke for a Hinoka strip is "she can't cook, because she's a tomboy". #unpopularopinions The .hack 4koma is an example of doing it right, with equal parts humorous interactions and character exaggeration. I laughed a lot at those.
  7. These features don't need to be on 2nd gen characters. They could have included characters from other regions (like another character from the fire tribe village) to help with world building.
  8. The Awakening trio don't need to be scrapped, just ignore their ties to Awakening (just like the actual game practically did). The Invisible History DLC is such an insult to the writing, it boggles the mind. It exists specifically to point out that the 3 characters are worthless cameos and that they could have affected the story but didn't.
  9. I wouldn't use S-supports as solid evidence for character ages when they are just cheap ways to inform the player that two characters are romantically interested in each other. It's been pointed out that in Awakening, some characters claim they've been in love with X character since the moment they met them, to multiple characters. It's a cheesy love at first sight trope, and probably there to make it seem the romantic feeling didn't just instantaneously develop. Camilla is the last character you should trust for reasonable attitudes on love.
  10. This would be great but I'd add on the ability to choose a personality, to define who the MU can support with, as suggested by this poster.
  11. You should just buy the skills if you don't want to micromanage the levels. If you just want to grind characters to infinity and beyond, then you will probably need that gold DLC.... Is the end goal PVP or single player?
  12. You get a "missed skill" every time you level up. For example, if I changed Kamui to a Ninja at level 10, he missed both of the ninja skills. When you get to level 11, he'll get the first missed skill, and then at level 12, he'd get the next one. This applies to promoted classes as well. If a promoted Kamui changed to a Wyvern Lord at level 14, he'd get the first Wyvern Rider skill at level 15, the next at level 16, the first Wyvern Lord skill at level 16 and the last one at level 17. In other words, it's a lot easier than awakening. Children get modifiers from their parents, just like Awakening. Edit: Saizo'd, but there you go.
  13. Or... don't include under-aged characters in a game that has marriage and implied sexual relationships?
  14. Kagerou is a noble? You'd think assassin work wouldn't be something nobles engage in in directly, especially if Hoshido is, on the surface, about fighting with honor. Here's a new idea. We already have Camilla for the motherly, protector of younger siblings. What if you made Hinoka closer to Ryoma than Takumi or Sakura? Not distant to the latter two, but having similar values and interests to Ryoma. It could compound Takumi's insecurities if he felt a rift between himself and his older siblings. This could make more sense if there is a larger age gap between her and Takumi than her and Ryoma.
  15. And now you know why she drinks. The theme of the Nohrian children (as an smaller sample of Nohrian society as a whole), is that only the strongest, smartest and most ruthless get ahead (this is encouraged to get the most elite soldiers and leaders possible). Elise is an anomoly because the timing of her birth allowed her to be soft in comparison to the other siblings who got where they are with their talents. It might be an interesting contrast if Nohr were a ruthless meritocracy (although being of noble birth helps) and Hoshido practiced a lot of nepotism which leads to corruption and some military incompetency. The other kids sound good. For Hinoka, I wanted to say that she is trying to be a warrior badass to challenge gender norms in Hoshido but considering there are a lot of female fighters, this probably doesn't make a lot of sense. I guess you could just play up that protector/avenger side. A woman determined to save Kamui at any cost, and to protect her younger siblings as well.
  16. In the story, Camilla has killed several half-siblings in the power struggles, so she has anxieties over bonding with people she might have to kill in the future. Kamui, not being entitled to anything, was the only person she felt she could grow attached to. That's why Camilla starts to have a mental breakdown when you choose Hoshido because her emotional crutch seemingly betrayed her. Marx is a legitimate child of Garon's wife, Leon was "officialized" for his magical talents and Elise was born near the end of the 'waifu wars' so Camilla isn't (as) concerned about the prospect of fighting them. Camilla is one of my favorite characters to work with (although all the siblings have interesting traits that play off each other) because her "player-pandering" traits are just a veil for her personal tragedies. Similar issues are alluded to in her canon supports, but I feel too much of her character is consumed by her Kamui obsession. I've also given her a talent in negotiations and espionage. With her wide range of abilities, in some ways she is even more talented than Marx.
  17. That's what I'm doing. In my story, Camilla's older brother died in a duel with another mistress' child, and by avenging him, Camilla caught the eye of Garon. Camilla is fond of her remaining siblings, especially Kamui, whom she feels is special because as an outsider, he doesn't need to get involved in the power struggles in Nohr.
  18. Maybe that would be considered "boring" by some, but wouldn't it be refreshing if at least one of the siblings had a pretty good life? It might be good for contrast if Aqua was overall a pretty satisfied individual compared to Kamui.
  19. Ah, that could make sense. I think they should have kept Restore staves in the game, with stat reductions and status effects being so critical at times.
  20. Camilla and Nyx don't look good as a witch?
  21. Why Midoriko? None of her skills are even Luck triggers so they don't get boosted by her personal skill.
  22. Unless I'm mistaken, the effects of Misfortune and Sin CAN'T be cured until the end of the chapter so having a healer won't help you anyway.
  23. Kamui is the 3rd born child and a foreigner (because of blood, in Nohr, and because of a Nohrian upbringing in Hoshido) to his respective nations so he's shouldn't be very important compared to characters like Marx and Ryoma. Compare this to Chrom who is the crown prince and leader of the armed forces of his nation. A lot of characters practically worship Kamui (several of the neutral characters and the siblings). It's disproportionate and detracts from their characterization. Being the protagonist doesn't or shouldn't automatically make you the center of the universe.
  24. Perhaps you could elaborate on what Hoshido did to deserve being invaded then. At any rate, a deeply unsympathetic (Kamui is betraying people who raised and loved him for the majority of his life, for personal gain) protagonist isn't fun to read. And least for villain protagonists like Light Yagami and Walter White, their struggles with the other elements in the series make them entertaining. It's your story, so I won't tell you you can't do it the way you want, but the premise you are suggesting doesn't seem very popular around here. To be honest, I think Aqua has a well defined personality and the only reason she's disliked is because of her forced mysteriousness (ie plot holes triggered by the 3rd route). I feel like making her cynical and secretly depressed would be taking away from other characters who deserve it more (Camilla, as you mentioned). Also, considering the pre-modern setting, they probably don't have strict limitations on what age you are able to drink.
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