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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. Found a screenshot of a Leon reclassed to Dark Flier
  2. Question: For skills that refer to "the lead unit" such as Soleil's Girl Lover (When user is the lead unit, if their support unit is female, damage +2 and damage received -2) does it refer to being in attack stance, guard stance or both? He can use a buddy seal to change into any class of characters he shares A ranks with. But no one can A+ rank him so they can't get his class.
  3. Here are Skills I found useful. Others' accounts may vary. Hoshido: Azura - Healing Voice: Every little bit of healing helps. Oboro - Nohr Hater: Obviously most useful on the Hoshido route, but a reliable +3 increase in damage. Rinka - Flame Blood: Being damaged is an extremely easy condition to meet in order to get +4 damage. Sakura - Little Cheer: -2 damage might not seem like much but it can make a difference when facing enemies that can one-shot you. Hinoka - Encouragement: Same principle as Sakura. Yuugiri - Victor's Delight: Great source of healing. Nishiki - Gratitude: Useful if you only use a single healer or are using healers that participate in battle. Midoriko - Lucky Charm: Lots of potential here. Give her Miracle, Easy Life and Smithy Skill. Matoi - Prodigy: Easy way to get +4 damage against any magic user and several physical units. Abilities that sound good but aren't really in practice Kazahana - Tomboy: Situations where you have adjacent enemies AFTER defeating your target are actually rather uncommon. Tsubaki - Perfectionist: The buff is nice when it's on but you're bound to get hit eventually. Bye bye bonus. Saizo - Explosive Flame: To physical attacks, ninja are made of paper so you don't want Saizo to be in a situation where he gets hit. Hinata - Desperate struggle: Same principle as Saizo. You don't want to be in a position where you are getting hit a lot. Kagerou - Ninja reversal: You don't fight THAT many hidden weapon users and ninja aren't the class you want to use to tank a hit.
  4. Okay, here is how A+ supports work. Any same gendered characters who share a A rank support can choose one other character with an A rank support and make them their A+ support buddy. The characters don't need to be mutual A+ support buddies. Once chosen, this bond can't be undone. Example: If Oboro has an A rank support with Kagerou and Rinka, she can choose between either of them to be her A+ rank support. Kagerou and Rinka can choose other people to A+ support with besides Oboro. Characters who have an A+ rank can use a Buddy Seal to change into that character's class. Kamui can't A+ rank with anyone but for any same gendered A rank support he can use a Buddy Seal to change their class. Important note: No one can use a Buddy Seal to change into Kamui's class, even if Kamui can change into their class. TL;DR: People can't A+ support with Kamui and you can't A+ support opposite gender characters.
  5. It only works for the first 7 turns and it doesn't always activate. You might get around 2 per deployment of that character and they are only worth 300g a piece (iron weapons cost 1000g).
  6. The resources you get are randomly generated and (I believe) faction specific so you'll need to interact with other players to get them all. There is a "I want to know one thing" thread for easily answered questions like this. No need to make a new thread for every question you have. :)
  7. False advertising indeed. There was no ambiguity in the video. They clearly showed exclusive weapons being available and even compared weapon shops. I'm starting to think they removed that feature to incentivize the 3rd route... Having access to twice as many characters doesn't mean you're going to outfit them all. The money and experience to go around isn't double. I'm not saying that you should get unlimited Killer and Brave weapons, I'm saying you should have the same limited stock that the 3rd route does. "Yes, but with limitations" is one of the poll options.
  8. Not to get your hopes up (because I don't know how they did it) but I've seen screenshots of a English patched Fire Emblem Fates on 4chan.
  9. Her supports with Aqua are adorable and she's very competent as a War Maiden (high magic growth and speed on a staff user, somebody pinch me), not to mention her unique model and color pallet. Fates has done good things for a lot of hybrid classes. Don't S-rank your imouto, folks. Imoutos are for loving, not doing lewd things.
  10. How can you cite "game balance" when the 3rd route has access to both weapon shops? You don't get these weapons for free you know. Unless you spend a lot of time grinding, you won't be able to afford buying all the weapons you want. I'm just advocating for options to suit the player's playstyle.
  11. As it stands, you are only able to purchase basic equipment from other players' My Castles, which is almost identical to what you can already purchase from your own shops. Do you think the game should be patched to allow players to access ALL the weapons and items from weapon/items shops in alternate routes? If so, should there be limitations (such as a higher price or less stock)? Some may argue that exclusive weapons is part of what makes the routes unique but that would make them the exception to the other sharable content. You can already get route exclusive characters, classes, skills and resources so why not weapons? The 3rd route already gets access to both weapon/item shops so shouldn't Nohr and Hoshido players have a method to get them too? Here are some weapon types that are mostly exclusive to their routes: Hoshido: Warrior Weapons (double might for enemy phase), Slayer Weapons (effective weapon damage against a certain type of weapon), Reverse Weapons (reverses weapon triangle) Nohr: Brave Weapons (attack twice on the player phase), Killer Weapons (high critical hit chance and more damage). The route that has a bunch of Swordmasters can't get a Killing Edge. Think about it.
  12. It would probably be too good otherwise. Think about it, give that skill to everyone in your army and you've doubled your forces with no risk at all.
  13. Sorry for the misinformation in the other thread, I don't know how I missed that. To add further information, the amount of weapon swings doesn't have an effect on the debuff. So if you kill the enemy in one attack or two, it will always reduce your strength and skill by 2 points after the battle.
  14. You can get support points in Nohr by doing My Castle battles, so if you'd like to get all the children for the sake of experiencing all the content, you probably can.
  15. I'm told that the full story can be told exclusively with information gained in the Hoshido and Invisible Kingdom routes, so storywise, Nohr is the only redundant game.
  16. Considering the shared assets, characters and chapters, it's incorrect to say that we got "3 new games". I think the pricing model is reasonable but not as generous as people claim. It's probably as much *new* content to be two games and that's the price you pay with the discount. I'm more concerned with the 3rd route being better than the other two. In Hoshido and Nohr, you pretty much can't get the other sides weapons beyond the basics. The 3rd route gets all the weapon/item shops. The 3rd route My Castle is better than Hoshido/Nohr in every way and that's just not fair to have to pay extra for the complete package.
  17. What children gaidens do you think should be done earlier rather than later? After chapter 18, I've found that there is a huge difficulty spike in the chapters (all enemies promoted and they all have silver weapons). On the Hoshido route, I'd say the hardest ones are Shinonome and Mitama (holy shit this one was a ballbuster). Sophie's paralogue is also a pain if you want to keep all those moronic villagers alive. Personally I hope they abandon the children mechanic. If it's just a matter of class/skill variety, there are other methods of giving the player options (such as the marriage and buddy seals introduced in this game). I'd much rather have characters who contribute to the story and the world rather than detract from it with absurd time manipulation.
  18. When those weapons land critical hits, it deals x4 damage compared to the usual x3. It's the damage you do, not the enemy.
  19. A better question is, how does the new pros and cons of weapons change the game, because that's what the lack of durability called for. I'd say the game changed dramatically because of this. Previously you could have several characters holding a special weapon type but now you'll only get one such weapon in the game. Some weapons are now extremely situational, so much that you'll just use Iron Weapons more often than not.
  20. Um, this is a thread to discuss the 3rd route having substantially more content than the other routes. I don't know why this is turning into a discussion of argument theory and bizarre comparisons to Nazi Germany....
  21. I guess that's a no for the other killer weapons. I was hoping you could purchase them from Nohr My Castles but it seems you can only buy the basic weapons. It's pretty pointless.
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