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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. I was just being facetious but he actually reminds me a little bit of a character from Magi: Labyrinth of Magic. This guy appeared to be an obstructive bureaucrat on the side of the antagonists but it's later revealed that secretly he was trying to stop the schemes of the evil ruler but was too weak to do it without the help of the protagonist. Naturally, IS won't put much effort into developing Iago outside of being a 1 dimensional villain but one can dream. Lyon was pretty and docile looking. For Radiant Dawn you had Zelgius, Sephiran and Lekain for not-obviously evil villains. As far as "subtle plots" go, I guess you don't need to bother when you have the biggest army on the continent.
  2. Because it contributes nothing. As for my feelings on the topic, I think S rank support should come back, not exclusively for romance, but primarily to be the decider of what makes a paired ending or not. If you can A level with several characters, you will need a "tie-breaker" to decide who gets the paired ending.
  3. Plot twist: Iago is a Hoshido sympathizer and is trying to undo Nohr from within. His first move is to have the prince who betrayed Hoshido get executed. He purposely puts up an "obviously evil" facade in order to fool Garon into thinking they are allies.
  4. I imagine Eliwood was teased mercilessly about it as a kid. Erik: Nice going, 'Eliwod'! Eliwood: ....Hector, break his arms. Hector: With pleasure!
  5. Not to rush our magnanimous translators but is anyone working on the new information in this week's Famitsu? Most of it looks like filler but I'm sure people would like to know more information about supports and stuff.
  6. Well, maybe. We don't know what the Japanese devs had in mind, only how they chose to localize it. That said, Japanese often have trouble romanizing names by themselves so they may have written it out as Silas even if they were thinking of the name Cyrus.
  7. He kind of reminds me of Father Balder from Bayonetta with his gold half mask and pale skin. Most definitely not evil guys.
  8. The question is "who could be influencing Garon to do dickish things that he wouldn't do otherwise". Aversa didn't really manipulate Gangrel or Validar and Izuka being up to no good was apparent to everyone besides Pellias, they just overruled him whenever he tried to do evil stuff.
  9. Not only is it too obvious, but by consulting the dragon-god and getting a "don't kill Kamui" verdict, he's already doing stuff Iago doesn't support.
  10. Gotta fill out your GeneriDex. But first, are you a boy or a girl?
  11. I suppose. To me, raising a child as your own for 10+ years only to use him as a one-use throw-away tool just seems pointless and spiteful. You'll get more cooperation out of your minions if you aren't so vocal about how you want them to suffer and die. It's not like Kamui is a real threat to Garon in the first place. He's the least experienced child after Elise and Kamui only has much support because people flocked to his side after Garon tried to have him executed. It would be more believable writing if Kamui were becoming more influential in Nohr and a legitimate threat to his rule. As it stands, it's like Garon sentencing the family dog to death because he didn't return home one day.
  12. Just like we had a thread to discuss Hoshido's possible moral greyness, here's one to talk about Nohr's possible redeeming qualities. So far we've seen Garon be a royal dick to Kamui and pretty much everyone from the get-go. Then we have his adviser Iago, who even Izuka would criticize for not being subtle enough. But is this all there is? Garon, as we've seen him, isn't just strict, he's practically insane. He tries to execute his son the moment he returns to Nohr (even though all his other children vouch for Kamui) and even when he gives Kamui ANOTHER chance to prove himself loyal, he sends him on a suicide mission and cackles about how Kamui will suffer. There are even suggestions that Garon intended Kamui to die BEFORE he made his choice. Why is this guy so dead-set on killing Kamui when he went through the trouble of kidnapping and raising him anyway? Do you think someone or something is pulling Garon's strings? Is the Nohr dragon a good or evil entity?
  13. Awakening: 27 Main story chapters, 23 optional chapters Hoshido/Nohr: 28 Main story chapters (6 shared) >>Same amount of content as Awakening I hope there is a shit-ton of paralogues.
  14. I'll probably have a few for cool looking generics or route exclusive classes. I will also do at least one all-generics run.
  15. Sigh... so many pages and so little new information learned... I'm calling it now, the Blue Maid is the true villain of both routes. That's why they refuse to reveal any information on her. I think people need to calm down about the Garon/Mikoto thing. The two most likely reasons for this are A. They are both playable in the pre-route split chapters, or B They are spotpass characters (shiver).
  16. I imagine preordering now will have no meaning at all. The games are likely going to be split and their real stock is undetermined. In other words, your pre-order will be canceled when the actual product is listed, instead of this placeholder.
  17. Now I'm wondering about what other non-exclusive characters we'll get to see what classes are available on both routes. So far for shared classes, we have: Maid/Butler, Cavalier/Paladin/Great Knight, Ninja/Jonin/Puppeteer, and Wyvern Rider/Wyvern Lord/Revenant Knight. As for confirmed reclasses we also have Strategist, Hero and Bow Knight via Felicia. We technically get a Hoshido Bow Knight y-yay!
  18. I'm absolutely in love with Oboro's character design...and her voice makes me want to kill myself. y u do dis, Japan?
  19. I don't want to pay $12+ for one new character.
  20. Christmas came early! Most of these class designs and animations are SEXUALLY GRATIFYING fantastic. I'm a bit disappointed we won't be getting Nomads though. No bow knights in Hoshido make NekoKnight something something... I'm still counting less than 60 classes. Going to miss Tactician, Assassin, Dread Fighters and Dark Fliers. I wonder how the animations will work for Hoshido spellcasters using tomes. Will it be possible at all?
  21. He's confirmed to be playable in both Hoshido and Nohr so you can probably assume he's a long runner. It would be interesting if the AI always prioritized the enemies to look for other targets if they either can't damage or hit the ones in range.
  22. "Join Kamui as he helps divert funds away from the bloated defense budget to support the education system and public parks in Nohr!"
  23. For what it's worth, the Japanese devs still call Kamui by his current name. Also, "Oni Savage". Ouch, that's a little insensitive, isn't it? Savages, savages! Barely even human!
  24. It might just be PR talk for "Kamui makes a choice in the game between Hoshido and Nohr. See? In the Conquest version, he always chooses Nohr. It's a choice!"
  25. The dub was half cringe, half okay. Holy shit Takumi, cut back on the cigarettes! Japanese Hitori Omou is infinitely better.
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