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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. This is my thought. While Elise knows Kamui well enough to use familiar titles like "oniichan", Sakura only knows Kamui by his position of "older brother" so she uses a respectful but more emotionally distant "Lord Brother". It's either that or she's just hitting the "imouto" tropes from a different angle. Elise is a type A, openly affectionate little sister. Sakura is a type B, worshiping her older brother but is too shy to openly display affection.
  2. I'd say they are closer to Yamabushi (mountain aesthetic monks) what with their reclusive habits. Their mask and weapon, however, reflects their namesake. I would like this. Maybe they could share it with Ninja.
  3. Inigo and Severa are also the only Mercenaries in the game (as far as we know) so you have to use them if you want that class.
  4. It was kind of the opposite for me. I was barely favoring Hoshido but the details released reaffirmed my choice. My first reaction was "The Japanese theme is refreshing for Fire Emblem but otherwise Nohr is better in every other way" But as the character information came out, most of the Nohrian characters didn't appeal to me. (Awakening characters, crazy people, etc.) I'm still bummed that Hoshido is so utterly unambitious with its plot and game mechanics (victory conditions) but I'll never enjoy a game without a likeable cast.
  5. I hope a lot of these base classes get at least one unique promotion. Thieves promoting to Bow Knights just feels so wrong. A promotion should share more than a weapon type, they should share a theme with their base class.
  6. I wonder how/if Roy will appear in FE14. The lord classes are piling up.
  7. Thanks for understanding. People can get pretty heated in these character debates.
  8. As I said to Cysx, I don't really care that much, but if there's an allocation of resources, I'd prefer they use them to make other characters.
  9. I didn't state "facts", I was making a case for him being irrelevant outside of his popularity he got from Smash. If Eliwood was in Smash, people would be clamoring for him instead. >>He doesn't like a character I like >>S-salt! Okay. All the clones have fans except for Pichu because fuck Pichu because it only takes a few differences for some fans to prefer using a clone to the original.
  10. I agree. Some of the screenshots of Kamui so far look like really poorly done "original character" color edits.
  11. Every character who has ever appeared in Smash, besides maybe Pichu, has received a lot of requests. When Lucina get's cut for Smash 5, their will be a swarm of fans demanding she be added as DLC. But yeah, like you said, it doesn't really matter. I'd rather see other characters in but whatareyagonnado?
  12. Characters Nohr: Crimson, the shapeshifter Hoshido: Setsuna, Mozume, 3rd Pegasus Warrior This. I can't wait to see a complete class tree/listing. Information on supports would be nice.
  13. Hoshido Normal Classic Resetting allowed Little to no grind Even as a child, I would reset if a character died and that won't change with this game. No soldier gets left behind in NekoKnight's army. Considering some recruits require specific characters in earlier games, losing one character might result in losing another.
  14. Roy doesn't deserve to be back in Smash, and that's not salt, it's an honest accounting of what he brought to both Smash and Fire Emblem. Marth, Ike and Robin all bring something unique to the table, but what is Roy besides a clone of Marth and an advertisement for a game that released only in Japan 13 years ago?
  15. I'd rather they give us interesting classes that make sense than commit to a minor theme for...reasons. Nohr can keep it's heavy cavalry, not!Japan Hoshido deserves some mounted archers.
  16. Mercenaries didn't have a unique promotion in Awakening either. Wouldn't it be weird if Bow Knight was a unique promotion but their "natural promotion" Hero, was shared? I do think Thieves should get something besides Bow Knight, however. I'm thinking that they made Thieves use bows so Nohr would have a basic bow using class to match Hoshido, but if they wanted to go that far, they should have just given Hoshido Nomads and Nohr Archers. Bow wielding Thieves make no sense, they should have just used hidden weapons like Ninja.
  17. I'd rather have a My Castle function to learn skills native to a class that you missed after reclassng. If there is no level resetting and no need to grind for skills, I'd call that an improvement.
  18. "The game will never be balanced so they shouldn't even try!" is a terrible attitude to have. Making forging not so easy to abuse is as simple as slapping a high gold cost to it. A game should challenge you to try a variety of techniques in order to win. A poorly designed game asks its players to set their own limits so they don't roflstomp the enemy.
  19. This has got to be one of the strangest dealbreaker conditions I've heard of yet. For most of the games you've been locked to a class and it's usually a sword user. Why is it suddenly a problem if you can't choose your class? And of all classes you want to reclass to, why a staff exclusive unit? The main character being unable to attack?
  20. The buff could be temporary. Like, capture a unit and get +3 magic/strength for the rest of the battle.
  21. They also have 2 skills at level 2 and 3 skills at level 9, which fits the pattern of promoted classes. The skills they have look the same as Troubadours (aka Rod Knights).
  22. They should have given those characters a stat boost for the number of characters you capture. Like, every 2 you capture, +1 magic or strength.
  23. I think there were some more stealthy ninja in Naruto, but they were always the weakest pushovers. Also, I don't think a ninja who is caught would get a funeral.
  24. I'm interested to see what they will do with her. She seems like a caring older sister and will be the one who takes it the hardest if you side with Hoshido. Because she is older, it might be possible she has feelings for Kamui beyond a sibling relationship. Besides her tits, she has lovely hair and head accessories. Cool class too. Too bad I'm waifu'ing Oboro with Mamui. I'll waifu Camilla with Femui.
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