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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. Name: Misha Class: Princess Likes: Dying her hair, cellphones, cute shoes and boys Dislikes: Curfew, broccoli and her parents Bio: Misha is super popular in the army and everyone loves her, especially Kamui and Marx <3. She is S ranked in all weapon types but she prefers to use the Yamatogami Sword that Marx gave her. Her main flaw is people think she's too pretty so they get jealous and say mean things. Original character, do not steal.
  2. Despite the lack of support conversations. I think you are the only person who wants less characterization.
  3. I'm liking the looks of the generic units so far. I for one, would love a FFTA or Advance Wars style Fire Emblem, just to have an army of generic units to use.
  4. Is Nohr not too much blonde? 8 characters so far and quite a few silver haired people.
  5. I don't think they'd make the children characters Nohr exclusive but then make the 1st gen characters shared. They could always make not!Tharja a spellcaster and give her Shadowgift as a personal skill. Then again, considering Hoshido doesn't have Dark Mages, they don't have a reason to own Dark magic. Unless she came pre-equiped with one, the only practical source of more Dark Magic would be from Nohr My Castle purchases. Eh, I'm not seeing it. We do have a Ricken lookalike with Tsukuyomi tho.
  6. Yeah, I could see Cordelia being renamed Ai or maybe Suki. Tharja getting Bow(wo)man would fit considering her daughter's default class. I'm at a loss for Gaius because the only class that really fits has more than enough characters already. Because the requirement of them being women was lifted, Pegasus Warriors are now all required to be red-heads. I'm okay with this.
  7. If people's predictions about the 3 most popular 1st gen Awakening character (Cordelia, Tharja and Gaius) showing up in Hoshido are true, what classes do you think they will be? not!Cordelia would obviously be the 3rd pegasus warrior We don't have a Dark Mage class so maybe not!Tharja would be a Spellcaster? Maybe switch to a melee class? We don't have Thieves either so maybe not!Gaius would be an Bowman or Samurai?
  8. I'm guessing they mean Kana even though it says Kanji,
  9. The remaining characters are said to be Zero, Charlotte, Benoit and Orochi. 3 Nohr and 1 Hoshido. I mean, I guess learning about their personal skill is nice but do we really need the bios of people who are on the OFFICIAL website? She's said to be willing to kill for Kamui so that's somewhat Yandere.
  10. 7 "new" characters and they're almost all from Nohr? Disappointing. Especially considering 3 of them were already revealed on the main site. Can we dispense with the charade and call Luna, Lazward and Odin by their "real" names, Severa, Inigo and Owain? Pieri design could do without the hair extensions. I mean, dual toned blue and pink hair? Really? Nohr is just filled with crazy women huh? Camilla, Charlotte and now Pieri. The prison might be fun, especially if you can get a lot of generics and use them as cannon fodder although I'll probably grow attached and love them as though they were my own children.
  11. A part of me hopes that romance options between characters will be very limited so we can go back to appreciating characters as people and not targets of the player's desire. We've had supports for a long time but it was only Awakening that made pairing up characters romantically such a big deal (I know it was in FE4 but Awakening made it popular). You make a self-insert Avatar, throw in breeding children as a game mechanic and suddenly Fire Emblem is a dating simulator that MUST cater to all tastes.
  12. I could see them having a point system where you can get points for defeating enemy units or structures. The structures are immobile so you'd have to decide where to put your troops to defend them or to focus on attacking the enemy.
  13. We've had eastern themed characters/classes like Swordmasters and Nomads before tho. Personally, I'm pretty satisfied with the cultural diversity that shows up in Fire Emblem.
  14. Is your idea of picking and choosing their sexuality not the same as everyone being bi?
  15. itt we Age of Empires now. I'm going to say "no thanks". I wouldn't mind some middle-eastern themed characters but stuff like camels, elephants and especially firearms doesn't sound like Fire Emblem at all.
  16. Ike promoting from Hero would make him a tier 3 character. Both Aether and Rightful King are class skills for Great Lord (Lucina) and Ignis is a class skill for Grandmaster.
  17. It's okay to have a character wielding exotic or high ranking weapons in their official art but isn't kind of, I don't know, sloppy to have them holding a non-basic weapon in their portrait? It's like, "BEHOLD! This magnificent, legendary weapon... that I don't actually possess."
  18. It will just be her personal weapon, the same as Kamui's Yatogami.
  19. It would be good but better if it were unique. If Ike is going to be a super limited edition DLC item (Amiibo shortage), I would hope he could do something Kamui cannot. I'm hoping Kamui's exotic heritage will mean he has a new super skill, different from Aether.
  20. Thanks for your input. I think it's important that we be mindful of not being selectively inclusive of what we find acceptable relationships. I don't find the people not in support of gay relationships in Fire Emblem to be very offensive because 1. there opinions won't change anything and they are just sharing their preferences (as invited by the OP) and 2. I have my own sets of things I want and don't want in the game. I think face-petting is a terrible inclusion but a lot of people will love it. Should I get the "anti-face-petting bigot" title thrown at me? Throwing around the word "homophobe" sure implies other people are bigots simply for expressing their preferences in a game. Good post Kwame. I'll just reply to the last paragraph to save some space. It's safe to say that the core argument to this topic is "What is the best balance of pandering to people's desires/giving them options and what do we sacrifice in characterization to accomplish this?" Having everyone be bisexual for the sake of the player's options would strip away characterization and remove uniqueness. Not giving people many options will leave certain groups disenfranchised and dissatisfied. If IS wants to include some LGBT characters/relationship options, I hope they write them well and make them proportional to the cast size.
  21. Maybe not but you'd think Amiibos would be getting the best DLC related to their character. I'd be pissed if they half-assed one of the few uses for Fire Emblem Amiibos.
  22. Allow me to play the devil's advocate (although technically I already am, since I don't have a problem with homosexuals). A lot of people are against incest on the grounds of "this goes against my personal beliefs" and "it's icky". That's it. It doesn't clash with the most important principle of dating, "a consensual relationship between two adults" and yet it is socially acceptable and widespread to scorn incest for the same reasons a lot of people scorn homosexuality.
  23. Thoron is more iconic and makes the Levin Sword redundant.
  24. You don't need to say much in regards to why you don't like it. It's either going to be "This is against my personal beliefs" or "It's icky". If someone doesn't like homosexuality, fine. But telling gay people to their face that you don't like it counts as being a dick about it.
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