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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. It's hard to say. What I'm doing right now is making the best judgements I can about a game that has yet to be released, based on statements made by game developers. I consider FE9 and FE10 to be complete and separate games but that's because I've played them. I'd have to be a dumdum to think a game as long as RD was not big enough though. The most important difference between the Tellius titles and FE14, however, is that "choice" is the major selling point for FEif. Radiant Dawn is the sequel to Path of Radiant. Hoshido/Nohr are the results of a important choice Kamui will have to make. The Hoshido/Nohr conflict is the basis of FE14. Kamui is the protagonist of FE14. I want to see all the way his story can play out, without paying $80.
  2. If they include all the routes on one cartridge for a fair price, I'll be the first one to give IS and Nintendo a hi-five. Personally, I prefer physical copies so I'm SoL if the game split makes it overseas. I was referring more to games where the route takes up a significant portion of the game, such as it often goes in visual novels. My point was, Hoshido and Nohr having a full story isn't any different than other games that have branching/exclusive stories. The route ends when you reach the characters' goals. But you aren't wrong either so 50 points to House L95!
  3. When I read the bolded here, I thought you were saying that it's contrary to the theme of the game to play multiple routes because you're supposed to pick a side and stick with it. My new understanding of your position (correct me if I'm wrong) is that you are saying that the game devs think each version is good enough to be a stand-alone game, which I don't disagree with. The interview quotes you give point to one thing: each route is a "complete" story. Yes, that's how routes work. That's how all routes in all games work. You make choices, different things happen, a story starts and resolves. The only difference between Fire Emblem and other route based games is that the routes are on separate cartridges. I don't see why each FE14 route counts as "stand-alone" when so many other games manage to include all routes in the base game. These interviews are to tell consumers that they are not being sold half a game (because that's what it obviously looks like at a glance). Will it be so? We shall see but this notion that Hoshido/Nohr are completely separate entities needs to be put down. The game developers embracing consumer choices over in-game choices is really sickening.
  4. You've said everything I would about that quote, but I'll throw in that Japanese doesn't really use plural nouns so if that's not an English original quote, it might just be a approximation of what he said. Either way, it could just be marketing because "you will make one big choice" is less enticing than a more openly interpreted "you will make big choices". First of all, comparing 25 exclusive story missions to a pure fanservice DLC map is just plain silly. In the bolded you suggest the other routes are available through DLC to allow people to explore alternative options and yet you also insist that playing more than one route undermines the experience the game developers wanted you to have. Which is it? Do they want you to play them or not? Do you think at some point they said "Gosh, I sure hope no one plays the other route, that would undermine the dilemma of only picking one side. I know, let's heavily discount the other routes as DLC to discourage people from buying it!" Why would they sell the special edition or DLC at all if they didn't want people to play it? If I developed two games worth of content, you bet I'd want people to play and enjoy both. What is the significance of a "what if" scenario if I'm only supposed to see the outcome of one choice? For other route based games, no one ever suggests that only one route should be played. Why would Fire Emblem be different? Because the routes are on different cartridges? THAT'S the distinction?
  5. Hm? Gaidens don't count as part of the game's content? That's like half of Awakening, man.
  6. They also said that each game would have as much content as Awakening but later revealed that the shared 5 chapters is the first 1/5 of the game so: Nohr/Hoshido = 30ish chapters Awakening = 50 chapters The unique portion of the game is actually half as much as content as Awakening had in total.
  7. Game devs don't make multiple routes with the expectation or desire that you only play one of them. "You can only choose one path" can't be the real intention of the developers because they offer the other routes as heavily discounted DLC. Are the people who bought the special edition not getting the "true FE14 experience" because they get all options from the get-go? The premise of the game apparently changes depending on how much money you paid for it.
  8. The premise is false because it's a consumer choice and not an in-game one. All the drama leading up to Kamui's choice is made irrelevant because the player was forced to pick a side before they even turned on the 3DS. The choice is supposed to be the biggest, most life altering choice Kamui will ever have to make, but to the player it's "yeah yeah, hurry up and betray your surrogate family/blood family already! I want to play chapter 7!"
  9. I doubt it's actually floating, because that would make an invasion more impractical. Hoshido really does resemble the air temples though.
  10. Fire Emblem: The Last Dragon Bender. Everything changed when the Nohr Kingdom attacked... Where do people keep getting this "Hoshido is in the sky" thing from anyway?
  11. How could there be a royal family in a communist regime? People have been waiting for official confirmations. Only Ryoma, Sakura and Drillz have stated their direct relation to Kamui, although Marx is a fairly obvious guess. Now we have Leon confirmed as a brother which still leaves Bow Bro, Camilla and Hinoka unconfirmed.
  12. Are you seriously using shitty sprites from the NES era to suggest there might be male pegasus knights? This is absurd. Maybe they were actually Elves riding pegasi. I mean, we don't have proof to the contrary. Wyverns (or dragons) are not pegasi. Dracoknights being tied to Pegasus Knights is a game mechanic. Michalis doesn't need to have ever touched a pegasus, according to lore. Unless he mentioned having ridden one, nothing supports him being a former pegasus knight. Thanks captain obvious. According to me, the guy pointing out that male pegasus knights have never had a significant presence in the series. I repeat: Male pegasus riders have appeared in only ONE title and only as generic, nameless enemies. That's why Tsubaki is contrary to Fire Emblem tradition. Is this a terrible thing? No, I don't hate it, but I liked the flavor added by certain classes being gender-locked. What a pointless conversation.
  13. Every game before and after FE3 had pegasus riders as female exclusives. So yes, I will dismiss it as being that weird exception. Pegasus riders have been female exclusive for the vast majority of the series and there has not been a single named male pegasus rider EVER. Generic, enemy male pegasus riders in one early title is completely irrelevant.
  14. It doesn't matter if different worlds don't share lore or if there is no explanation for why men can't ride pegasi. The point is, they don't. Except for an early title in the series, all pegasus riders have been female. It's a part of Fire Emblem tradition. Maybe FE14 will be breaking that tradition but it's been almost 100% solid before that.
  15. 1. Anima, Dark and Light magic with each school having distinct advantages. 2. Soldiers/Halberdiers 3. Make Second Seals rare until endgame and rework skill system so each is useful and each class is unique. 4. Shove for all non-mounted units, Canto for mounted units. 5. A diversity of victory conditions for more than just Nohr 6. Dynamic maps that make good use of terrain. 7. Diversity of weapons including Reaver weapons and Status Staves 8. Exclusive weapons for Snipers, Swordmasters, Berserkers and Halberdiers 9. Unlimited supports. Include plenty of platonic relationships. 10. Marriage for Kamui but paired endings for everyone else.
  16. It would still be incest but that's hardly been a deterrent for some real world royal families. Being able to court your Nohrian family could be possible if it's established they never thought of you as their real family. It's all a matter of perception. The word you are thinking of is 'Heteronormativity' and it refers to the belief that the two genders are complimentary and that non-heterosexual orientations are abnormal. It doesn't refer to platonic relations between opposite gender people. The more you know! *rainbows*
  17. I think people are making big assumptions on this whole "communist" theme. I'll grant you Marx but Leon is not an exclusive name. In a movement as large as communism, you're sure to find matching names for... anything. We have a pattern of one, so far.
  18. The signature elements of a Western dragon are 4 legs, a pair of wings and a broad chest. Long necks and tails are not exclusive to Eastern dragons. I'd still describe the majority of FE dragons to be primarily western based, including the ones you listed. Kamui has the 4 legs and wings covered but his lithe body, horns and tail are more reminiscent of the Kirin.
  19. Cheers. I'm not sure how I missed that news. I'm probably going to keep calling her Dancina until I hear a better sounding name tho. :P I hope they bring back GBA magic triangle and give Dark Knights dark magic :/ No more overpowered dark tomes, kthx
  20. Anyone have a link to this? Aqua is such a... Sonic fanfiction tier name... I hope that doesn't stick for localization. The Japanese fandom is just as in the dark on the details of FE14 as we are so I wouldn't take their conclusions as the gospel truth. The word they use for sibling could just be said to be the most conclusive. We know for a fact that you have an older brother and younger sister on both sides. Leon may be a younger brother and Hinoka an older sister, to complete the set.
  21. I think most people guessed that Blarth Leon was a sibling based on hair color. I'm not convinced by Camilla and Archer Bro yet. On the subject of officially confirmed names, is "Aqua" the official name for Dancina?
  22. Hoo boy, this thread really dipped into Tumblr. New Female only class, 'Social Justice Warrior'. Use Axes and Strong Language Like Rapier, I like having female characters but I don't think it's necessary to have equal representation for everything. Most Fire Emblem games have had a strong cast and I didn't even notice the uneven gender distribution until people brought it up. I'd like Hoshido-Queen to be a Yamato Nadeshiko in the truest sense of the term. She can be kind and gentle on the surface but have a will of iron when it comes to protecting her family and country. I'd also like to see a Brienne of Tarth style character. So... Vaida but with a more pleasant personality.
  23. Exactly. Besides, even in Elibe we have two half Manaketes (Ninian and Sophia) who appear to be teenagers.
  24. Severa is an allied NPC iirc. Even when recruitable characters are killed, the game treats their death the same as though they died on your side. There is no special dialogue to note who kills them or any after thought given by relevant characters, even if they killed their own daughter. Clearly these are not to be treated as canon choices. Unless they are going for Shakespearean levels of tragedy, no imoutos will die in this game.
  25. Do you seriously think a Fire Emblem game is going to have you murdering children?
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