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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. I guess this falls into the realm of having choices that matter/multiple chapter spanning consequences, but another cool thing to see would be enemy unit compositions changing depending on what you did in prior missions. Say for one map, there is an optional boss you can kill, and if you kill him, his friends will show up in a later mission to avenge him.
  2. I'd like to see maps that are about raiding an enemy base for resources, but you only have time to secure one kind of resource. Depending on what you choose, you'll have different resources available for future maps. Maybe one objective is raiding an armory for better weapons, a treasury for gold, or even a library to unlock special classes. Having the opposite (disrupting an enemy's supplies so they have less of something in future battles) would be neat as well. Starcraft had such a mission where you had to choose whether to disrupt the enemy's ability to build their strongest warship or to stop their nuke production. I don't know, I think stuff like AoE is more the realm of Final Fantasy Tactics. I wouldn't mind a few novelty spells and effects but I wouldn't want that to become a new core mechanic.
  3. Agreed. It would appear that there is already a western and eastern variant of the soldier class so I suspect that other classes will also get aesthetic differences based on their faction. It appears that there are 3 factions, western, eastern and the skull themed enemies from the opening scene.
  4. I think for the solo weapon users, they should have more ready access to unique weapons. Swordmasters should get exclusive high crit swords like the Shamshir and Wo Dao. I actually do think skills should be tied to the class, at least for the main game.
  5. The general rule of thumb for using foreign words is to use a singular form even in a plural context. Anime, not animes. Samurai, not samurais. Japanese doesn't really do plural nouns anyway. One thing I noted in the context of the Marx vs Lobster dual was that while Marx had a serious-business face, Lobster looked like he was having a good time and was looking forward to the fight. Perhaps it hints at a more affable personality in addition to a love for fighting.
  6. I have a feeling that Lobster is going to be xenophobic and unwilling to solve the conflict with the west on peaceful terms. He's going to a proud warrior who thinks diplomacy is for weaklings.
  7. Monsters have their own Valhalla that they return to after being slain and are then reborn to fight again... I like it. Get to work, writers! Perhaps the humans also have magic (Light magic!) that can prevent the reincarnation, which makes the monsters very angry.
  8. I could live without the magic triangle as long as Light, Dark and Anima was a thing and each family of spells had distinct qualities.
  9. I think a range buff for Snipers would be appropriate but Archers should just get better base stats. Javelins and handaxes have lower might and accuracy than melee lances and axes to compensate for breaking away from the range restriction. You could make weak bows that can be used at close range but you'll still have a lackluster EP.
  10. Fair enough. I liked the Tellius games as well but this is a thread to discuss the story of Fire Emblem so it's worth casting a critical eye on the games we enjoy.
  11. You have no idea how much I'd love having playable gargoyles. I don't think monsters need to be good or evil, just incompatible with traditional human values. The suggestion I made of dragons eating people (sentient creatures eating one another would be considered barbaric by human values but not usual for a monster race) would give a reason why the races generally don't intermingle, but not necessitate that the monsters are mindless or malicious. It might be interesting if some monster/divine race were manipulating the eastern and western factions in FE14, to fight each other while avoiding direct causalities, like you suggested. Why won't the game let me waifu a gorgon?
  12. Good ideas, especially the bolded. If two people are equal ranked, maybe the relationship that is more 'natural' would be selected. For example, Lyn was close friends with Florina so if Lyn had the same support level with Rath, Florina would be selected first.
  13. It will be a cold day in hell before Nintendo gets their head out of their butt and makes their consoles region-free...
  14. I have not. I admire the dedication of anyone who would commit that much time to picking apart one of the better Fire Emblem stories.
  15. This is important. Even a game with a 'typical' story can be entertaining as long as the characters and world building are well done. Dragon Age: Origins is the best example I can think of to demonstrate this. The core story was as generic as they come but the lore and characters were fantastic.
  16. I'm not sure how you can call Tellius fascinating and Blazing Sword bad. Most of the story for Path of Radiance wasn't even revealed until, Radiant Dawn. Before that it was just the standard "Evil country invades good country. Go to other countries to recruit allies and then liberate your home country" story. There were some decent world building but the story was nothing to write home about. Radiant Dawn greatly expanded on the story and it would have been really compelling if the story wasn't driven by those ridiculous Blood Pacts. Blazing Sword had multiple Lords who were well characterized, several story arcs, and a variety of villains.
  17. I doubt the next direct will contain much Fire Emblem unless it falls on an important date. What I expect to see for the next FE related news is some names including a few yet to be seen characters and the dancer girl. Kamui's role as a customizable character will likely be mentioned as well. I don't think they will go much into depth about what choices are in the game but they will probably announce what faction you play on (probably east). What I want to hear about next is the new classes.
  18. I'd like to see a variety of countries with different governance types. Some can be monarchies, others theocracies and others free city states run by merchants or what have you. A number of games have this but rarely is it a plot critical detail. For example, the player's army is recruiting military support from a country but there are two rival factions vying for control of the country. Depending on which side you choose, you'll get different characters and resources. On a character level, I want a story where the lords are heavily invested in the plot. Blazing Sword was about stopping Nergal but before that it was also Lyn trying to reunite with her grandfather, Eliwood trying to save his father, Hector trying to support his brother, and all of them to protect Ninian and Nils from the Black Fang. Trying to stop the dark god from blowing up the world as the only objective is a little cliche. As mentioned before, choices that really matter would be great. Choices that change what units you get, what weapons and items you have access to, and how the game ends (with an organic build up, not a yes or no question to decide the fate of the world). Maybe they could do a sacred stones type thing where most characters are recruitable in a single play through but the method and time of acquiring them changes depending on the choices you make.
  19. So what you're suggesting is that they can reclass while in first tier but after they promote to second tier, they should be unable to return to 1st tier? That's an interesting idea. Personally, for the main game I think reclassing should not be readily available. Each class should have its own set of skills that makes them unique and if people want to make optimized skill sets, it should be reserved for post-game content.
  20. That might be fun. I don't think we need Skeletons and Zombies chatting with each other but if there were a sentient but decidedly non-human race, the stark difference between the culture/morals of that race and humans could be interesting. By non-human, I'm not talking about something like Laguz who are basically humans who can shapeshift. I mean something with a completely inhuman body and ethics. Perhaps there is a race of dragons that largely consider humans to be prey animals but will cooperate with humans when it suits them.
  21. They had a similar system in Valkyrie Chronicles where you could rescue your characters within a number of turns to prevent them from dying after they lose all their health. If the enemy touched their body before you rescued them, they died immediately. That said, for VC, there were much higher chances of people getting killed than Fire Emblem so a 'dead for good' system wouldn't work at all in that game. As it stands, what you're suggesting is little different than casual mode. I think the system would need a stricter penalty, like being blocked from the next mission to give them time to recover.
  22. If a company makes a product, they aren't going to let other companies profit off of their ideas. That's a basic principle of business. Do you think this is some kind of conspiracy? I think it's just for diehard fans and not for your average player. I wouldn't worry about Amiibos becoming the primary or exclusive method of getting additional content. I'm not planning on buying many if any because the amount and quality of content you can get from them is unknown
  23. I think people shying away from the con system are presuming the weight of characters will be 'realistic' based on class or gender. The game devs can give whatever values to characters they want. The problems with the system were because how it was implemented, not the system itself.
  24. I voted no. More tiers just increases number inflation and doesn't really accomplish anything that can't be done in a two tier system. Radiant Dawn was, for all its praise, practically speaking two tiers with the majority of your army starting at Tier 2. Most Tier 3 classes couldn't do more than what Tier 2 did in Path of Radiance. Your guys looked cool but that's the only real benefit. Awakening's problem wasn't a lack of vertical scaling, it was too much freedom to reclass and grind.
  25. Gosh, I wish I understood the correlation between weapon weight and constitution when I was playing the GBA titles. I always though the lower the constitution the better because of Rescue. I guess that system sounds the most interesting to me. With the FE4 system the fast units will always be fast but if you add constitution to the mix, you can control which weapons each class uses the best.
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