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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. I ended up beating everything with Horse Emblem. Ursula with buffs and dance could easily solo everything but the greens, which I had Gunter tank. Feels kind of cheap at times but at 20+ stamina per attempt, there isn't a lot of room to experiment with other builds.
  2. My 15 minutes playing Gaiden has me confident that no one will wish they had played Gaiden before Echoes.
  3. Isn't that exactly the point? Silver hair is special relative to their world, not ours. No matter how exotic their hair color spectrum is to us, outside of silver, it's all naturally occurring.
  4. You might want to read this. You'll get no sympathy from Ike (or the mods).
  5. We have a thread for each GHB so why not for the World of Radiance quests? Is anyone having difficulty with these on Lunatic? I was able to beat 10-5 with a Marth + Horse Emblem team but the defense chapters are giving me trouble. Even using my A-team (Elise/Effie/Marth/Olivia) wasn't good enough to survive 10-1. Everything would be different if I had Hector. What teams are you running for each map?
  6. So is 10-5 on a timer or something? The game doesn't tell you it has one but the map just says Game Over after a number of turns.
  7. For a character as saintly as Corrin, I think any choice with a negative or positive outcome, the canon is going to be for the positive outcome. Shura and Kaze probably live in Conquest/Birthright. S-supports are obviously not canon although Azura gets enough attention in Revelation that I could see her has the canon Corrin ship. Hurray cousin incest! I don't think Corrin's gender matters but if the box art is anyway to go by, Femui for Conquest and Mamui for Birthright. I didn't play the children DLC so I don't know about their canon status. The main story doesn't mention them at all so I'm going with no.
  8. I also have a blonde haired, blue eyed sister. I was responding more to the part about the Heroes characters than the Hoshidans, but even in the latter case, we don't know what their mother looked like or what strange recessive genes exist in fantasy land. If their mother looked like Mikoto, I'd be calling shenanigans.
  9. I have orange hair and blue eyes. My brother has brown hair and brown eyes. Welcome to the exciting world of genetics.
  10. Can't think of many off the top of my head but: 1. None of the Nohrian siblings comment on Corrin's dragon form. No one questions his lineage. Ryoma never brings up his status as not being blood related to the Hoshidans in Birthright unless you S-support him. 2. The Awakening Trio never actually do anyway towards their mission. 3. Color palletes aren't customized even though enemy generics can have a separate color pallete. 4. No Scarlet x Ryoma support despite their shared story involvement. No support for Chrom/Lisa x Emmeryn. I don't know, I think it works for the same reason why it works in the hobbit. Laurent thinks Severa is asking him something he has no way of knowing just like Bilbo asked Gollum a "riddle" that he'd have no way of answering.
  11. I know they need a balanced cast but I'm a bit annoyed that all Wyverns must use axes. Probably won't happen but I'm hoping for a lance wyvern, maybe in Heath or Melady. Incidentily,I'm okay with canon Great Knights using axes, as the lance and sword are typical of virtually every other cavalier.
  12. The presentation is definitely top notch. Even little things like exploring towns and hearing the opinions of Alm and others on various things make the world feel much more alive. Base Conversations are an excellent way for characters to react to current events, which makes people feel connected to their world. One thing I disliked about Fates is that characters seemed to exist in a vacuum. I really hope IS can keep these elements in mind for FE Switch. World-building isn't a one-and-done gimmick!
  13. So how are people planning to use their extra F!Robins and Navarres? I'm sure I could find a use for B Tomebreaker but I'm disappointed that Navarre only has Desperation 2 at 4*. Maybe his Blazing Wind would be worth taking. You don't need to have F!Robin fight anyone in the GHB to win that quest. You can have her kill Navarre in Normal difficulty story mode. As for the GHB, several people in this thread have reported their winning strategies.
  14. Horse Emblem is effective on the F!Robin GHB quests. Get your Hone/Fortify buffs on your ranged horsey of choice and nuke the Axe guy in the top half. Two mages will hit you next but they will die on the counterattack. After that you can pull back to rebuff, snipe the Lance guy and then deal with F!Robin how you choose. For the F!Robin tag-along Navare GHB I used F!Robin/Olivia/Elise/Kagero. Kagero killed the first thief and then I moved her into position to attack the Hammer guy moving out of the forest enclosure. Kagero wasn't able to kill off the Hammer dude in a single turn so I moved Elise in front of her and attacked Navare with Gravity which prevented both the Hammer and Navare from attacking Kagero. F!Robin and Kagero finished off the Hammer and then it was easy pickings for Kagero to kill the remaining two with dance support. Gravity + Dance saves lives, folks. Edit: Somewhere in there I healed Kagero so she could kill the second thief. Wish I recorded the battle, it was epic and silly.
  15. Hm, maybe I'll try out that bowbreaker Lilina. The problem with her though is she would get doubled by a lot of common threats, including Reinhardt that always gives me trouble. Oh and TA M!Robin...I don't think the meta is in favor of non-Kagero dagger users. And at least half of the Hector's I encounter have Vantage too. I'm glad I have Marth, the perfect counter with his higher def and built in healing. But if Marth dies before Hector, that's a game over for me.
  16. Right? That's actually the first thing I look for when I check the enemy skills. Those enemies are always the first that need to die.
  17. By now, most people likely have an Arena team that can handle the bulk of what the game has to throw at you but do you ever encounter enemies that make you groan every time? My arena team is Effie, Marth, Jaffar and Olivia (substituted for a bonus character if I must). Effie murders any physical unit unless they are green, which is where Marth steps in. Jaffar exists to bait and kill ranged units and to weaken or enemies for my Marth and Effie to finish off. Olivia is there to help Jaffar 2 round an enemy and give Effie the much needed movement. So what really pisses on my parade? It's a collection of ranged characters. The one I despise the most is Reinhardt, because he can one round 3/4 of my characters if he attacks and I can't one round him with any of my characters. Even worse, he has vantage so my best bet is let Effie suffer a crippling hit and then let Jaffar take a crippling hit just to kill him. The other enemies that give me trouble are 34+ speed ranged units, that Jaffar can't double (although Marth's Spur Speed can help). Another annoyance is +Def Takumi who I can't one round with Jaffar AND will have a Retribution boosted Vantage the next time I attack him. The final hurdle is Setsuna and Kagero who hard counter Jaffar and require Effie to remove. What is your team and what characters give you the biggest headaches?
  18. -A flaw/asset reroll would be nice. Some flaws/assets can make or break a character so Ice Dragon's suggestion of 1000 feathers per reroll sounds reasonable. -an improved method of feather and SP grinding. Even with the improved Stamina limit, it's way too tedious to grind these. I think you should get 6 SP per kill after you hit Lv 40 on a 5* character. You can usually get enough SP to buy all of a character's native skills but if you want to equip anything else, you're in for a loooong grind. -A way to check the flaw/asset of characters. It's easy enough to check the Heroes wiki but I think this could be built into the game itself. Pokemon does this by shading the two growths affected by Natures. -A hero trading system. I don't know how much usage I'd get out of this because I don't have duplicates of valuable characters but I think the option would be nice. As it stands, the friend's list is a rather pointless part of the game. There isn't any meaningful interaction between players but there could be if a trading system was implemented. -More opportunities to gets skills. A number of skills are locked to 5* pulls, even if that skill isn't especially noteworthy. Most skills should be acquirable through a few 4* characters. Looking at the Skill thread here, many skills are only up to level 3 on one character. -A broader selection of 3* characters. The killer weapons might need a damage boost but not all regular weapons are bad. Brave, Silver, Blade, Raven and even the Ruby/Emerald/Sapphire weapons all have their usages. Armor slayers are pretty shit though, when having WTA (or strong magic) is often enough to overcome their defenses.
  19. Enhance Seal: Skills that trigger based on HP level now have +10% better activation rate. For example, Wary Fighter 3 would go from "active until this unit falls below 50% HP" to "active until this unit falls below 40% HP". Vantage 3 would go from "activates when unit's health drops below 70%" to "activates when unit's health drops below 80%" Restore Seal: Halves status drops. Endurance Seal: Halves post battle damage. As if we needed more of a reason to see Fury on everything. I think Move +1 would be fair as a B-slot skill, especially if it's restricted to Armors. Most armors need their B skill to Shine, either in Vantage, Wary Fighter or Wings of Mercy, so the offensive advantage of more move would offset the lost defensive potential. It would be interesting if IS could give characters temporary skills to test how they affect the meta before putting them on actual characters. Although if you wanted a weaker Seal version, you could make it "+1 move until this unit enters combat"
  20. Are supports limited like the GBA era or can you get an unlimited amount?
  21. That's a neat idea, honestly, but I don't think luck needs to play a part of it. It's already challenging enough to defeat enemies you have WTD against, let alone adding a luck factor on top of it.
  22. Didn't they send for the Greil Mercs? I thought Bastion or someone was sent out to find them. Anyway, I don't think a sad ending is required for Elincia's choice to be a significant moment of her character growth.
  23. As a concerned mother that knows nothing about Fire Emblem, I feel it's my duty to report to the media that Fire Emblem celebrates Fascism and "Lucina" is Hitler reborn.
  24. How about a FE x Advance Wars game? Your army would be generics and named characters would be the COs of the game, granting different strengths and weaknesses for your soldiers. SUPER CO POWER! I'm sure they'd have their own set of series characters, probably more with Amiibo, but I'd rather they give us a detailed character creator that would let you choose a variety of bases so you can make a unique cast of characters from scratch.
  25. What does you being an author have to do with your opinions on the story. Anyway, here's my feedback as an English teacher. Someone already addressed your bit on PoR, so I'll talk about RD. How was Elincia's character moment ruined by Ike? The climax of her character arc was the willingness to choose the many over the few. Yes, Ike does rescue Lucia but Elincia didn't know that he would. It was enough that Elincia made the choice, which leads to Lucia's badass speach.
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