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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. Pretty much what Phillius said. Awakening gave us the foundation for some positive game mechanics but they were unrefined. I don't see how people can argue that Awakening is a better game when most of its mechanics are done better in Fates. Better reclassing, better skills, better pair up, better map design (mostly Conquest), and then there is all the new things they added like personal skills and new classes.
  2. Awakening seems like a prototype for Fates for most gameplay mechanics. It's extremely entitled to dismiss Fates' improvements on the game by saying "Yeah, well, I EXPECT them to improve the gameplay so that doesn't count."
  3. It's feet shipping, they want to let the players know that Azura x Kamui is the only canon pairing in the game. You're welcome, Phillius. But then Azura would have to take her feet off when she enters a building... Sounds messy.
  4. UTC +9, land of the rising sun.
  5. I remember discussing the game before it came out "Wait, so Conquest gets the better gameplay AND better story? What's the incentive to play Birthright?" and "Revelation gets all the shops and characters... I guess I don't have a reason to play the other routes." And lo and behold, Conquest has the worst story in Fire Emblem and Revelations has some of the worst gameplay. Agreed here. And even for DLC, they are fairly generous. There are 3 free DLC and you can get the class items for Dark Flier and Dread Fighter just for buying the other routes. The only thing (besides Anna) that I think we were 'exploited' by was important story details only being told in DLC (Revelations as a whole and then the Invisible History maps).
  6. What bothers me about society isn't simply an incorrect use of words, but that by using "pedophilia" as a blanket term for anyone under the age of 18, they are equating interest in sexually mature teens to pre-pubescent children, when these are completely different. It doesn't take a genius to tell you a 17 year old and a 9 year old are at different places mentally and physically, but most people won't spare it a thought and get out their pitchforks and torches if the topic is broached. I think the question of the morality of teen x young adult relationships can bring up other questions. Should two consenting teens having sex be criminalized because neither is 'mature enough' to have a sexual relationship? Are exploitative relationships the exclusive realm of adult x teen, and if not, why do we assume they must be exploitative? Is it exclusive to adult x teen relationships where someone can feel regret after their choices? It's a morally grey topic and there is not generalized statement we can make about whether something evil is going on. For OP's case, I advocate caution, restraint and respect. If he cares about this girl enough to want to date her, he should be aware of how society will look at it (the majority of states have the age of consent at 16 and up, but that doesn't mean people won't try to crucify you if they don't personally approve of it) and be responsible. To me, it's not a question of if the younger one in the relationship is mature enough, it's if the elder is mature enough to respect the possible vulnerability of his partner and not push her to do things she doesn't want to do. Unfortunately, the way society views this topic is very relevant to your inquiry.
  7. By the name alone, probably Keaton's Collector. I have a habit of buying shiny trinkets while on my travels and if I get a item in a set, I have a compulsion to get the complete set. But I'm not a literal junk collector like he is. For the actual implied trait, probably Kamui's Supportive. I like helping people, which is probably a good trait to have as a teacher. I share a personal with Kamui... I ...think I need to sit down.... Just girls or is this equal opportunity retribution?
  8. "We're going to go on a conquest Cooooooorriiiin! Yeah, a conquest!" "Can we please not? I don't want to invade anyone..." You are now imagining Corrin with Charlie's voice, and it's glorious.
  9. 1% Dragon Spirit crit on my Kamui while playing Revelation. I cried big soppy tears.
  10. The correct word is Ephebophilia. The more you know~
  11. I guess I'll be the dissenting opinion here. I've dated with a similar age gap, and it has its own perils. If you do decide to pursue the relationship, and I wouldn't blame you if you did, be aware of the differences in maturity. A young girl may say she wants something just to get your approval and then regret it later. You're the adult here, know when to practice restraint and consider how your actions will affect her. Read up on your state's laws on consent. In many states 16 years old is old enough to be in an adult relationship.
  12. People should probably keep their definitions straight. "Unusable" is hyperbole for "difficult to use well". "Underated" means that something has a greater worth than percieved by the general community. I'd say Lowen is "underated" because he can still be a defensive beast, despite Kent and Sain being better choices all around. Fiona is just bad and is rated appropriately.
  13. These are all the choices: Kitsune Wolfskin Taguel Cat Laguz Tiger Laguz Lion Laguz Hawk Laguz Crow Laguz Wolf Laguz Heron Laguz Dragon (Black, Red, White) Laguz Manakete (Earth, Divine, Ice, Fire, Mage) Demonkind (many species) Human Most people would choose Manakete, me included. It would be cool if future Avatars let you select your race as well.
  14. Huh...I always cringed at that line because of the context of Conquest (Kamui's self-righteousness deflecting the gravity of the evil he's supporting) but it's even more hypocritical when you compare it to Birthright, which is the true "justice before personal feelings" route. Even in Birthright, Kamui is trying to avoid harming his Nohrian siblings, so you could argue he isn't even sacrificing his personal feelings here. I know Revelations is canon because "muh golden DLC route" but between Conquest and Birthright, the latter seems to be far more in line with Kamui's character. Conquest is bizzaro-world where the good guy makes all the wrong choices and gets a lot of innocent people killed.
  15. Don't get me wrong, revivals can be used dramatically, and I thought the "master of the dead" thing for Anankos had great story potential, but like most things in Fates, it's wasn't done very well. I think it would have been more interesting if we could learn about Anankos through his puppets instead of cheap "well done son" moments. Who would ship Kamui x Azura if it wasn't revealed they were cousins? Weirdos!
  16. I think the problem is that they wrote Kotaro to be too straight a villain in Birthright so even though it makes total sense for him to support you in Conquest, they can't have straight up bad guys on your team. Which makes Zola's case even weirder because not only is he allied to you in Conquest, he's shown to have some redeeming qualities in Birthright. And then you kill him... IS, sometimes I don't even....
  17. That's just because most people don't like using Odin, not that they like Nyx. Nyx is just an inferior version of Elise so there is little reason to use her after people hit level 20. Ophelia is also a better Dark Mage option.
  18. Niles is definitely a milder case, but considering Nohr regularly hires murderers and thieves, it's hard to see why Kotaro and Zola get shit on for "not being honorable". Serenes' Law is that threads will inevitably get derailed to discuss Fates' plot.
  19. Or maybe not pull a Naruto and let dead characters stay dead? If Sumeragi, Mikoto and Arete being revived couldn't make people more interested in their characters, I don't know why you'd want more.
  20. You're too sensitive, OP. It's one thing to seek validation for your opinions, but to let others' opinions affect your personal enjoyment of the game and series is foolish. Personally, I rank Fates' story as the worst in the series, and not just because the devs inflated our expectations. It's absolutely atrocious story-telling and there are many, MANY threads on Serenes to explain why it fails. The gameplay, however is some of the best the series has to offer, especially in Conquest. The music is good, many of the aesthetics are good and the battle system has truly evolved. The characters can be a bit hit or miss but there is a lot of them, so you'll find at least a few you really like. Play the rest of the series and you'll get a better appreciation for why people feel the way they do about Fates.
  21. Didn't watch the video (lol 30 min 'Top 10' video), but how could Tanith, Maiden of a Thousand Pegasus Knights, be underrated?
  22. At the risk of invoking Serenes' Law, the inability to recruit Kotaro was almost equally stupid. Apparently the Nohrian army needs to execute all of their morally sketchy allies, unless their names are Ganz, Iago, Pieri, Beruka or Niles. The Nohrian army has principles! Vaguely defined, often contradictory principles! RIP Kotarou and Zola, the heroes Nohr needed but didn't deserve.
  23. There are a lot of non-playable characters I like (the Black Fang, Leila, Lyon, etc) but I think the tragedy of their characters would be lost if they were recruitable, so no. For others, FE7: Fargus and maybe Uther for a chapter. FE9: Sigrun FE10: Levail FE14: Kotaro instead of Kaze (Conquest) and Zola (Birthright).
  24. Absolutely. Give me a defined and nuanced character over a bland everyman any day. Being able to adjust their growths and class options would be nice, however. Hm, I think that would be difficult to balance well. If the numbers are too low, it's too punishing. If the numbers are too high, the limits are meaningless. Rather than add game balance, it would constrict the player's play-style. What they could do is keep the Fates weapon system but make your staff and certain tomes (think siege tomes) have limited uses that recharge after battle. Permanent stat drops will probably just convince most people to never reset as they already do. I think "anyone can die" is an integral part of the franchise so I wouldn't want to see it go. Unlocking bonus levels/items/characters for casualty free-runs would be nice, however. Anna refuses to hang out with casual scrubs. I wouldn't mind weather back as long as it served a tactical purpose instead of a "make the chapter take longer" thing. A good example is the Conquest level where you fight Hinoka outside Shirasagi castle. The weather there made fliers have huge range and everyone else slower. It made the map interesting and challenging instead of just "slow". Give Armored units Wary Fighter as a natural skill. No, not really. Beating the chapter without casualties is enough acknowledgement for me. I like the Fates system of lowering (or boosting) attack speed better than past models of weapon weight. This is what I want. S ranks are just markers for paired endings. I don't think characters need to have the same amount of support partners, however. If a character is naturally asocial, they won't have as many people to talk to as say, the main lord. This goes back to personal avatars, but if marriage is actually applicable to the story in game (such as a political marriage), I wouldn't mind pre-epilogue marriage being a thing. It could actually be interesting for gameplay and story. That said, I'm going to put my foot down against 1st and 2nd gen co-existing.
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