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Everything posted by someonewhodied

  1. Nothing wrong with that. Some people may be virgins by their own choice. (I've thrown away 3 opportunities now.)
  2. Shall know I was actually just listening to that O_o
  3. *Sets rope down on center table* *Sits down* So what are we talkin about?
  4. Knows fanart is easy to find, but avvy worthy art isn't very common.
  5. Shall know thats only until I find a good nu avvy.
  6. Shall know that espeon, ferro, and ninjask together can troll ubers in pokemon so much.
  7. Shall know no one believes I never masturbate when I'm asked about it...until I explain that its because I want to avoid doing something that may kill myself.... (And then I explain that I'm maso)
  8. knows whenever I pop up here, ninja'ing happens.
  9. Does not want to be tied down on a small table. Hopefully.
  10. So spamming 5A is better? You only net so much damage from 5A.
  11. Shall know I feel noel is broken: "Because I was able to win a round once by rolling my face over the controller with her and somehow doing combos." - themagicpainman
  12. Shall know I'm sad that some people think I'm a FtM tranny.
  13. knows thats cuz I can Calamity sword him every time.
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