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Everything posted by Zasplach

  1. -_-. Sarcasm, for the win. I think you all have had plenty of internet for the day. Ha.
  2. Azel can have a thunder tomb in chapter 2, the only thing giving him trouble before that is the arena. And he already has pursuit.
  3. All you all who beat them all, impressive. Played 3-13, with the exception of 12. Still meaning to beat 3, and got to the last chapters of five, but got frustrated by the poor translation at the end and all the warping.
  4. I can't really see any situation where Faval isn't better than Amid, considering Amid is always a footy too and Ichival always pounds damage. And too GrySun, I always feel the same way about about Azel, especially since we always consider Azel!Arthur too at least be above average, but so many people who know Fire Emblem better than myself say he sucks. And obviously I like Azel so I'm a little biased. And rng-blessed is like potty talk in these parts, but for Azel, I do the same thing, especially in the arena, so I know how you feel.
  5. where are the spoiler tags when you need them :p? My eyes.
  6. Sounds like you have: Levin-Talito Azel-Lachesis Lex-Sylvia I'd do Midir-Adean, just to see a decent Lester vs. Delmud, but there's a request for Claude-Adean I'd say Claude-Fury, but it will slow you down, but we have her kids rated separately, so it probably need to be done. And Briggid/Arya don't really care, so something easy like, Holyn-Arya or Jamke-Arya, all the fun skills or Arya-Noishe And Briggid, who care, I think Beowulf is probably best for the skills and growths, but it doesn't really matter. No matter the pairing, it will slow you down, minus Midir.
  7. The day foretold about is here!!! And in terms of the already done chapters, it's obviously completely up to you; you're doing a ton of work for our enjoyment. If you want to go back and redo them, have at it, but I don't see anything wrong what's been done.
  8. Yeah, but when you're playing draft, the whole point is low turn count; I don't believe actually losing units or leveling them is of any importance. The game gives you the best ranking for 399 turns, which is obviously very generous, as opposed to the experience rating which is stingy. I think a standard of 270-300 turns is pretty fair, fast enough to give the cavalry the lead they deserve, but paced enough to allow for all pairings, allow you to recruit all units, not just blowing through Altenna and the lot, and allowing units to do their jobs, like Dew distributing money to the group ect.. Obviously the game can be beat in a lot fewer turns, hell Marty is proving you can beat it in a lot fewer with no level ups, kudos again by-the-way, but proving how much better the players are than the AI, doesn't really give an accurate representation of some charter's potential.
  9. Why is buttface better than Claude!Arthur? Arthur gets a horse and has better growths all the way across the board. Continue isn't that much better than wrath. Amid is a pretty lousy sub, stinky promotion, only continue. Linda is the only reason not to pair Talitio. But to your point I don't think emphasizing efficiency down the board does the second generation justice. 220 turns is a pretty fast play through.
  10. 220 turns definitely makes efficiency a lot more important. Rescue staff shenanigans and pairings that are efficient definitely more desirable. Don't think I could do 220 turns without trying. You definitely need to assume leg rings on Celice in that situation. Heck, can how viable are pairings like Levin-Talito very viable with that few turns? Don't they need to stand next to each other for like 45ish turns?
  11. Eh, he has to have the elite ring, has to have. How you distribute the swords is mostly preference. Giving him one high kill count sword is a necessity, after that, dealer's choice.
  12. If we're assuming that we finish in 270 turns, does Celice even need to have the leg ring? I make 270 without it and it's a lot more convenient on Leen anyway. You don't have to pound stuff on to Celice if you aren't going for super efficiency.
  13. And remember, Shadow Dragon was trying to give the feel of the original game where the weapon triangle didn't even exist. Shadow Dragon was meant to be very difficult on the higher difficulties. Your units aren't meant to dodge every attack.
  14. You don't assume they have anything and everything, just the standard requirements, ie elite ring on the Serlis. I always find that the stat rings are adjusted based on the pairings I've made. I can't imagine a Dew-Ferry pairing is very good, nobody gets silly sol sword, and bargain is pretty much completely wasted, considering they both clear the arena really easily. Like with everyone, Dew will give good overall growths, but nothing that really makes them super powerful. If you're gonna do a physical paring with Ferry, might as well make it Noish.
  15. Levin!Corple is still lots of fun, even if it's a waste of resources; good mix of holy blood at least, if only he wasn't stuck with that God awful 5 move the whole damned time.
  16. except for wrath + vantage= win. Plus elite makes it really good, no matter your magic. I like her with Azel too, but Lex is probably strictly better, especially in the mid game.
  17. About as much as they get now. Fire Emblem was always a niche series, at least until Awakening.
  18. But they are really easy to play everywhere. I'm not that technologically savvy, but it's not difficult to play the Japanese only titles.
  19. Eh, maybe Thracia, but Genealogy gets plenty of love on this site. And I agree with the general assessment that Shadow Dragon receives too much ire and that Thracia doesn't get enough love despite being the first modern entry of the series, with extras like fatigue.
  20. Eh, maybe that is homophobic in the modern use of the word, "times they are a changin.'" Like I said earlier, I don't prefer it, but if they are going to have pairings; it seems almost guaranteed, maybe homosexual pairings are the only fair way to do it. Granted, I come from a pretty conservative place where just accepting homosexuals for themselves is pretty progressive, but maybe with young people, the vast majority of game players, excluding homosexuals from a place where they could be included, ie romantic relationships, is close minded and maybe homophobic. *shrugs shoulders*
  21. Ashera is probably the most interesting of the final bosses due just to map design and the rather unique way of having to defeat her, though nihil and royals make it a lot easier, but I understand her appeal. I just don't feel the ultimate climatic release after killing her, yes she's made you climb this stupid tower with 5 damned levels, but you spend most of the game just ignoring her, she's some force out there. On the other hand, you've been pretty much been building up to killing Arvis since around chapter 2 when you find out he's connected to this whole evil plot being set in motion. And then chapter 5... I just felt so much satisfaction killing him that 1st time, even with the game trying to make him more sympathetic, so good.
  22. It is arguing in a vacuum, but in all honesty so is arguing which 2nd generation child character is better because you only have one Levin and you only have one Lex even if they might make the best father for arguably what like 5 of the mothers. Besides, it's been an interesting discussion of Fe4. I think we are sort of overstating how much better of a skill charge is than at least continue in generation 1 (I might leave critical out of the discussion just due to how few characters generally have critical) because lots of characters end up with continue in gen 1. In chapter 5 the characters who will have continue are Fury, Levin, Beowulf, Sylvia, Arya, and possibly Talito (who I like to promote quickly), that's a lot of continue on a lot of pretty high tier units. Continue enhances the ORKO ability of Levin, Arya, Beowulf, and Fury. I think it is probably better than charge just due to it's component as a class skill. And to answer Horace's question about Briggid-Holyn, I used to agree with the general idea that it was best for both, good skill growth for Faval, and b-swords and Luna for Patty, but after a few more pairings I never find Faval to be skill screwed and Patty gets lots of use from pursuit. She can get inheritance from Jacobo and that thunder sword.
  23. Beowulf has charge too, passing it to a larger number of children. And I agree that prayer is probably a middle tier skill for both gens. And I like the two varied tier systems. For the first generation, charisma probably belongs down down in the middle tier, Lachesis has it, but it's really only doing good after she promotes, sometime in chapter 3/ beginning of chapter 4. Otherwise, it looks pretty good.
  24. I've never done it myself, but if I'm recall what others have said correctly it goes like this. Male-male and female-female lovers does bub kiss, and the female-female lovers result in substitute children. The only 'status' that affects children is the relationship of the female in question. So it doesn't matter who Levin's lover reads as, it could 'Billy-Bob' or whatnot as long as Fury says Levin, that's what'll happen. Now men can have multiple lovers, every single one of his many children will possess that male's holy blood and his growths, but the first of his many sons to appear on screen will be the one to inherit the aforementioned father's items.
  25. Hmm, I was wrong about Midir, he was placed in the middle.
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