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Everything posted by Zasplach

  1. Pursuit seems like an extra add on, but it really is the difference between being an average unit into a good one and a crappy one into a usable one. Look at characters like Finn, Midir, Lester and Delmud. Finn is a lance unit in the first half of the 1st gen full of stinkin' ax units. Pursuit allows him to gaining the vital levels to get to promo for the 2nd gen. Midir is often considered to be one of the better first gen units, leastwise he was the last time the forum did a ranking list, despite the fact that he is locked into bows. Yes he has a horse, but pursuit is vital to his hit and run tactics, allowing him to ORKO some of the weaker units and allowing him to chip for those that need to be chipped for to build levels. Lester is a good example of a character where pursuit is essentially vital, he really sucks without it. Hell people prefer Midir as his father, despite the much worse stat makeup versus someone like Jamke who gives great strength and speed growths, but lacks pursuit. Delmud is another example of a character who needs pursuit to do any fighting. Hell, even with Azel's crappy growths, he can be a decent Daddy just due to passing down pursuit. Pursuit just makes the difference with the bread-and-butter units, not the great ones. Great units are great because they have the best weapons funneled at them due to their superior class or bases/growths.
  2. I see that logic too, to be honest.
  3. Slight disagreements, but I'm contrary, so I'll mention them anyhow. I still think dance belongs in the same super tier as pursuit, the refreshing of four units is just so overwhelmingly good. Still talking about the top tier, charisma should be just above steal, charisma is what makes Delmud and Nanna always good and its one of the major reasons that people don't pair Sylvia. As an aside, I've never understood the intense love of bargain. Obviously in a game with limited resources, halving items' costs is invaluable, but in practice it's just so messy. The only 1st gen character possessing it is Dew, thus it is a dicey proposition to pass on to any kids. It has uses on staff bots like Rana and Adean (the people I generally give the bargain ring to) and apparently people pass it on to Leif to get the elite ring quicker; it's a good idea, never thought of it. I feel like bargain belongs in the medium tier, somewhere just above charge, it's a great skill in practice, but it never feels like it gets to the right people. And back to an earlier point about critical vs continue, I still feel like continue is better. Critical has huge overkill potential, but continue just has way more availability than critical and excluding Levin and Ares, continue is on much better champions. And lastly, I think if you include weapons and rings, life is a better skill than Nihil, mostly due to its nice synergy with a skill like prayer, allowing prayer to be 'reset'.
  4. beauty of sport, there's always next year. Besides, you guys have a young coach from mike krzyzewski's tree, I wouldn't be worried .
  5. The problem is that the Big East went *boom* a few years ago and I would never have thought it, but the way the conference makeup has made the rich richer. Marquette'll have to get to the sweet 16 before they got talked about like they were 5 years ago.
  6. yeah, prayer is kind of finicky, but it's probably high tier. Edit: And I've seen Dew be used in relatively quick, efficient runs and Patty has lots of useful daddies really, magic swords on the thieves make for lots of easy money and decently strong thieves.
  7. basically this, I don't have much preference for them, but nor do I care if the game developers feel it augments the depth of the game, go for it. But if breeding comes back, we have some sticky situations.
  8. Marquette's big issue is that they are a non-football playing school in a football dominated nation, so there are a ton more Wisconsin fans to begin with and along with that Wisconsin is in the bigger tv conference, though Marquette is in the bigger market. Nice thing about being in the metro Phoenix area is that everyone ignores UA, ha. But yeah, life isn't fair in terms of coverage, and money is king.
  9. It's almost impossible to rank skills in Fe4 because they are all basically situation dependent, especially considering 2nd generation skills are completely 1st generation dependent. And trying to extract class skill usefulness from personal skills is out near impossible, especially considering characters like Arya and Briggid essentially pass down their pursuit and dance is only a class skill, Jamke and Holyn are the only 2 who really get screwed by them. And then there are skills like critical, with fe4 being essentially the best iteration in the whole series, doubling might before accounting for defense, my goodness. But, when taking out weapon critical, should I exclude Mistolin, it really limits its usefulness. Only Noish and Levin possess it, but Noish is rarely used champ with a couple of viable pairings and critical is Levin's second best skill behind continue/adept. And continue is a high level skill for certain, Quan, Jamke, Levin, Sylvia (blah), and that's not even considering its huge usefulness as a class skill for Arya, Beowulf, Talito, and FUry. My general thoughts is Highest tier, Pursuit and dance, the fact it refreshes 4 units is WAY TOO GOOD. High tier is probably charisma, continue, and maybe critical, but definitely below continue. Mid tier is charge, lots of availability and makes archers considerably better, astra, lots of overkill offense, great for the arena, steal next, money is your friend, especially for doing what you want easily, next is ambush, lots of 1st generation usefulness and it's the only thing that makes wrath usable on Talito's children, wrath is hard to call good, ensured critical but leaves Talito in the big danger zone, really only good for the arena and really only good for her kids with Lex as their daddy. Low tier is Luna, only better than sol due to being on Holyn vs Dew, Sol, Dew (ew), and Life, but only because the rings and Yewfelle. Wood tier (bottom tier) is Nihil, useful for killing Julius, that's really it, and then great shield, mostly used as an AI roadblock tool.
  10. Yeah, my school is the king of the little brothers in basketball. Arizona State versus University of Arizona. Yep, lots of salt.
  11. Gonna be a rough year to watch; I can't stand UK and John Calapari, but they seem like odds on favorites to go undefeated and win the whole thing. Not many great year for my Pac-12 or Sun Devils either. Tough year.
  12. Some people can be very sarcastic with their loved ones, I'm one of them, you can always hope that is was a large amount of joshing.
  13. I would play it straight normally, the way the developers intended. Not being able to deploy units is an annoyance, but it doesn't make the game unbeatable. I used save states in my play through of the game, but it's doable without. And in Thracia, due to scrolls and low caps, pretty much every character is usable. Use whomever you prefer.
  14. I never felt like the conversation between Claude and Sylvia ever felt that odd. Sylvia: “Hello, Reverend Claude!” Claude: “Hm? And who might you be?” Sylvia: “I’m Sylvia.” Claude: “Miss Sylvia? What seems to be the problem? Did you run across some bandits, perhaps?” Sylvia: “…What?” Claude: “Well, it’s just that… I hate to be the one to tell you this, but you’re in your underwear.” Sylvia: “Huh!? Don’t tell me you’ve never seen a dancer before! This is my dancin’ outfit. It’s jus’ like you wearin’ a robe.” Claude: “Is that so? But, you must be awfully cold.” Sylvia: “Not at all. I’m burnin’ up in this. You see, my heart is on fire!” Claude: “Dancing is that enjoyable, is it?” Sylvia: “Yes! I want to do it for the rest of my life!!” Claude: “Really? How do your parents feel about that?” Sylvia: “I’m an orphan. This man took me in when I was real little, an’ raised me to be a dancer. But he was really mean! He would hit me when I didn’t even do anythin’. Anyway, I had enough, and I left him last year for good!” Claude: “That’s horrible! I feel for you. You see, I have a younger sister. If she’s still alive, she’d be around your age.” Sylvia: “You have a sister?” Claude: “Yes. But she was abducted when she was just a baby. I’ve been searching for her all these years, but still no sign of her.” Sylvia: “Ohhh! I bet your sister is real elegant an’ beautiful an’ all. Nothin’ like me.” Claude: “That’s not true! I find you very attractive, and you have a grace all of your own.” Sylvia: “Really!?” Claude: “Of course. I’d never tell a lie.” Sylvia: “Wow! No one’s ever said anythin’ so nice to me! Er.. I feel funny inside… You are… so kind!” It just feels more like he's building trust. Yeah she would be about your age, but it's more building a support, basically I feel for your rough life and I imagine my sister would have had that kind of problems too.
  15. I'd be alright if they took a five or six game hiatus from children as well, I just don't see IS not coming back with something that was so popular in Awakening. So, if it's coming back; let's please do it right.
  16. The game throws lots of stuff at you, like those villages that are very difficult to safe on a blind run, Fury going straight for castle Evans, those suicide paladins following Lachesis, and that stupid bottleneck at Mackily castle with the sleep staff that can royally screw you over. I like it too, but I admit to cursing under my breath at it the first time.
  17. It's pretty long and painful and you backtrack. The first time you play it you just keep screaming obscenities at the screen.
  18. My question is, why is everyone either white or Emperor Palpatine? I think the game is as cool as the trailer and Beowulf and Lachesis are probably good guesses for the identity of the two fighters. I can't imagine trailers coming out for games like that almost a whopping 20 years ago. Blast from the past.
  19. So it's chronic, I empathize. The medication just seems like a necessary part of your life, if your physician insists you take it, I wouldn't get off of it without consulting him/her. I seems like taking a break would be in your best interest; if you're feeling this much stress any condition you possess will be exasperated, a sick mind makes a sick body even sicker. Maybe in a semester or two after you've made some money or gone to community college you can go back to university, the same place or somewhere else. Being well will make everything easier, school and life in general.
  20. I mean, a 3.2 isn't a bad gpa at all, it's good, but if you fell like you aren't doing as well as you should academically there is zero shame in taking a break and trying to collect yourself and getting well. It sounds like you have handled the situation as well as you can. I know exactly how you feel, I got sick at school and was just miserable and tried to tough it out, but I couldn't. I kept it all bottled up and was depressed, it isn't worth trying 'tough it out' just for the sake of toughing it out. I don't know if your problem is chronic, or short term, but if the medicine makes you feel off, try to get off it, talk to your doctor, there are generally different options for different people. Lastly, don't lose hope, it isn't the end of the world. The fact that you've talked with your family and friends is a sign of maturity.
  21. ^His speed is pretty awful in the beginning. I always let him have elite and a speed ring in the beginning, at least.
  22. ^yes, but then Delmud is all but unusable. Azel!Delmud, will on average still cap strength and skill can be tided over with a skill ring until his whopping +9 at promotion. It's a flex pairing, it's not her best, but if Beowulf is occupied, it's not bad and makes Nanna have her best magic growth. Serlis, in a ranked run, is in theory king of all the rings at the beginning, but I like to distribute them to whatever characters are going to come in particularly lacking in.
  23. He's in the 2nd generation because he is the only one who can rally all of the children of the allies of the 1st gen and besides he's your tactician who really ushers in Serlis as emperor. And I wouldn't advise trying to finish a whole chapter in one sit down. Treat each individual castle as a single chapter, excluding the prologue. The game is supposed to be hard when played blind, this was made back in the day when Nintendo made difficult games. And about Lex, he's very good. Playing the game blind is good, but the secret events are kind of a must have, pursuit ring and brave ax being pretty important. Don't let the game frustrate you, it's hard the first time, but it's really worth playing and replaying, it get a ton easier.
  24. Huzzah *tossing of hat*. Much thanks and best wishes. Good luck with it all.
  25. ^ha that was good. Haven't laughed like that in a while.
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