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Everything posted by Zasplach

  1. Name of the game: Figure out the erratic tendencies of one's fellow SF posters. Good luck.
  2. Hardin 14 Arvis 17 Julius 11 Zephiel 18 Idoun 10 Nergal 6 Sephiran 4
  3. yeah, the game always waits for the next turn before the plot is moved forward.
  4. Only reason to do the pairing. *spoiler* totally worth it.
  5. Hardin 19 Arvis 21 Julius 9 Raydrik 4 Zephiel 14 Idoun 19 Nergal 16 Black Knight/Zelgius 8 Sephiran 13 Ashera 4
  6. Medeus 8 Hardin 16 Duma 6 Arvis 17 Julius 10 Raydrik 8 Jahn 9 Zephiel 12 Idoun 18 Nergal 14 Lyon 5 Black Knight/Zelgius 7 Sephiran 13 Ashera 9
  7. Yes, as long as the character is alive, characters accumulate lovers points.
  8. This is going to be fun. I voted Fin because everyone loves him, though it seems that everyone wants you to lose mounted healer and powerful chip damage. Losing a unit for every castle may be a bit extreme, maybe cap the number of deaths per level at like 3, to limit the pain in Agustria.
  9. He does say if the son inherits the power of Naga, but if the gender was unimportant, wouldn't he have just said child? I was always under the opinion that most of Grandbells duchies had agnatic-cognatic, or male priority, succession. I think that even if everything doesn't go to pot and Julius just inherits Fala's power over Naga's, he would have still been emperor. The Seliph versus Julia question is definitely more interesting one. Seliph becomes king because he is the liberation army's leader and he pretty much marches into the Bahara and takes the throne, but it would seem Julia has a pretty hefty claim to it versus Seliph. First off, she is a legitimate child of Deidre's official marriage, recognized by the prior king and the nation as a whole, while Seliph is all but an illegitimate product of a relationship conceived without consent from Deidre's male caretakers. Secondly, Julia does have major Naga blood, not the end all be all, but certainly helpful for restoring the bloodlines to their proper location, while Seliph really only has a strong claim on Chaply, give to Oifyae because Seliph, the new emperor, wishes it. Thirdly, a Chaply as king still brings up a lot of bad blood between the varying houses, a wound only begun to heal by this war.
  10. I agree. Characters that get lots of screen time can be interesting, though it isn't a guarantee. The point is that Tellius characters really aren't that much better or worse than other characters in the series.
  11. He loses all of his promotional gains, from mount to lance proficiency to stats.
  12. If you think too hard about them, most Fire Emblem games have pretty shallow, basic characters. Pretty much any video game for that matter. The games are pretty fun in all actuality.
  13. I wouldn't mind any Fire Emblem game having a female only lead, but I'm wary of the actual execution of the idea. I haven't found our current set of them to be that interesting: rather more stereotypical, though perhaps Michiah and Luciana have been less trope like. I just fear how bad a really bad female lord could be, compared to a bad male lord who is just the classic good guy who does good guy stuff, boring, but not wretched.
  14. I was under the opinion that Lopt had considerable control over his host, thus why each of the past emperors of the Lopt empire would change their name to Galle and they would become the evil emperor. Why else pass along an ancient tomb if you didn't get a ton of control over your host? That's why they need to have major holy blood. And to answer the original question, if Julia banished Julius like what happened vice versa in the actual game, not much would change, but if Julius would be allowed to thrive, then Narga's descendant rather than Lopt's would become emperor. Obviously being male is more important than holy blood in terms of inheritance, thus why Andrei inherits over Briggid.
  15. Leaf 11 Celice 4 Edit: someone jumped in before I did. Had to change the math.
  16. I like politics, but don't understand the British system very well. Is Mr. Cameron likely to stay as the Prime Minister?
  17. My bad. I'll remove my negative for Leaf and my positive for Celice so they should be at Leaf (19) Celice (18)
  18. Sorry about that. You'll figure it out eventually. Should of thought of the spoiler tag. And yes, the paladin trio is borderline suicidal, but the more you play, at least for me, I find it gets easier.
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