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Everything posted by Zasplach

  1. she's a dancer in a game where dancers are literally the best they've ever been, obviously very good.
  2. Frey isn't actually part of the original story in FE1 or FE3. I basically always kill him.
  3. I don't recall anything in terms of supplemental material explaining the logistics, but in terms of my own personal logic, I just always assumed Leonster's ability to stave off Thracia was mostly due to superior equipment, training and good defensive strategies. The whole point of the attempt to invade the lowlands by the dragon knights is because Leonster is so much richer so I also assume that Quan and his family would have the assets to pay for mercenaries from places like Jungby where bow knights are pretty common.
  4. It's just a different era of game. I remember having a hell of a time with SNES games when I was a young kid, they had tons of secrets that you would have to read guides for. Guides were a big part of the video game business before the internet. And you'll get that brave ax later in the game. The game can be a little tough on first time players, my advice is bear through it, it's a good story; and I found that game play eventually came to my liking.
  5. For ranked runs, it's a little more complicated. Due to being pretty lax on turns, you only have to get 399 turns for A rank, and people get less than that in drafts, people focus on levels. So in the fist generation the key to getting the level threshold is clearing the arena with the weaker units, which requires lots of RN burns and often times for the weaker sword units, Dew, Alec, Noish, Ardan, a slim sword with over 50 kills and passing that sword around for completing the arena. There are also several places where some of your weaker units can boss abuse and reinforcement abuse; Gandolf at Marpha castle being one and the choke point at the bridge just north of Madino with the pirates is a good place to abuse some reinforcements. Gen 2 is easy for levels, make super power offensive kids and then pace the elite ring around for the arenas.
  6. You have to learn the quick lesson that one roll RN's are scary scary and that roads are a bad place to keep units when enemies are nearby.
  7. eh, you get more healers and staves that make Aideen more useful; besides canto makes it so your cavaliers can run back towards her if they need healing.
  8. Canto for a majority of your units makes the game considerably more player turn centric than your average FE game and self healing items are mostly used for games that are enemy phase centric. Besides, with so few units on your team per generation, the games gives you plenty of tools to heal your team basically at the start of both generations. And then throughout you can have at least 6 units who can use healing staves after promotion.
  9. In Fe4, you don't get any personal healing items, so you either need to heal in your castle, on churches or with staves, so be wary of that. And you quickly noticed something about the AI, they are programmed to move in formation and pretty much will do so with little regard for life and limb, so you can use it to your advantage, but it can also make them tougher. More shenanigans on the way, but you'll soon see.
  10. Indeed, it's the whole risk-reward dilemma
  11. No trick, but when she runs out of uses for her dragonstone, she becomes useless.
  12. When people talk about the 2 worst Lords, they generally refer to Leaf and Roy, so I assume he means Leaf.
  13. Some places could use the stabilizing effects of a constitutional monarchy as seen in countries like Great Britain with Queen Elizabeth II, but some places will never have a monarch, the United States being one of them. I believe my country would except any form of government before monarchy, ranging from anarchy to brutal military dictatorship. We hate kings with a passion, many of our ancestors were willing to be killed to get rid of King George III But to the topic at hand, the true issue with constitutional monarchies where the monarch actually plays the role of head of state and chief executive is that the reliance and protection of the state is placed in the hands of a small group of people rather than an institution. Say what you will about the American President, no single president has ever been indispensable, in fact arguably two of the better presidents died while in office, but if you place the great weight of the state's safety in the hands of one or a few family members, the state is only as strong as the health and well being of those people. It's the thing that has killed every last monarchy, either they've gone extinct, look at arguably the greatest early medieval king in Charlemagne, he had at least three legitimate sons, maybe more who each had many sons, but their line went extinct in terms of male succession before the year 1050, only 200 years after the great kings death and his empire basically went to pot, look at the Holy Roman Empire, ug. When you place the heavy burden of rule on a family, it strains them, often exposing the worst of their human frailty, so while in a republican system with the head of state changing when necessitated by whatever, in a monarchy, because they are insulated from change, they will often have the worst exposed about them after they become ruler because something is almost certainly keeping them in power, most likely military prowess, least wise that is the historical precedent. And lastly about monarchs, they just find inconvenient times to die and because they are so vital to the state's strength, it breaks the system. People are just frail and whether it be body or mind, people falter. I'm not against the concept of monarchy in theory, though in my country; I would take up arms before a damned Windsor reigned over me as king, it just doesn't work in most places in theory.
  14. First off, your Serlis has two defense rings, only one of them is giving him a bonus. Secondly, you are missing two of the holy weapons, Ichivial and Holstey, the bow is only all right, but Holstey makes the second half of generation two a ton easier, especially if Ced is the one using it, or Arthur for that matter. None-the-less, it is a great enemy phase weapon. Just glancing over your characters stats, they look fine, stats really aren't all that important as long as they aren't wretched. The second half of the game is all about abusing your overpowered characters with super strong holy weapons, and then you dance your four best fighters and continue to plunge onward. I don't even see Aless on your list of characters, he is a top five character in gen 2. Your rings don't look super well optimized, I almost always have leg and knight ring on Leen by the end of gen 2, and stat rings in Gen 2 should be more used to push past your low stat caps and the barrier rings should go on characters with resistance between 12-15 to ensure that more characters have resistance high enough to not be put to sleep by the dark mages.
  15. Jeorge 12 Ryan 14 Paison 4 Leo 5 Jamka 2 Briggid 13 Faval 12 Tanya 11 Wolt 9 Klein 10 Igrene 10 Rebecca 14 Wil 17 Louise 10 Innes 15 Rolf 6 Leonardo 12 Norne 6 Takumi 4 edit:fixed
  16. Jeorge 11 Tomas 0 Ryan 14 Paison 8 Leo 10 Jamka 6 Briggid 9 Faval 11 Tanya 10 Wolt 6 Dorothy 6 Klein 10 Igrene 10 Rebecca 15 Wil 14 Louise 12 Neimi 9 Innes 13 Rolf 5 Shinon 6 Leonardo 11 Norne 10 Virion 6 Noire 6 Takumi 8
  17. Gordin 4 Jeorge 10 Tomas 6 Ryan 11 Paison 8 Leo 10 Jamka 8 Briggid 9 Faval 11 Tanya 10 Ronan 6 Wolt 9 Dorothy 8 Klein 10 Igrene 10 Rebecca 13 Wil 12 Louise 10 Neimi 10 Innes 12 Rolf 9 Shinon 8 Leonardo 10 Norne 10 Virion 8 Noire 8 Takumi 10
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