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Everything posted by Zasplach

  1. Yeah, it's like what they did in putting Roy and Marth in SSBM, though the magazine is on a smaller scale. But back before the days of mass internet use, I remember owning some game's guides and also sometimes buying magazines like Nintendo power, though I don't remember ever buying Nintendo Power itself.
  2. It was a different time; lots of games weren't being localized, but Nintendo still wanted to create potential interest in their long running series (four games for Fire Emblem put it in that range) in case they eventually decided to localize later iterations of the series, which Fire Emblem eventually did.
  3. Well, let's think who is on that list of bow knights, is it just Astrid, Rath, Midir, and Lester, if that's all I can't see the harm in adding them to the list.
  4. You can always vandalize without changing the pictures.
  5. I think vandalizing is always the right option. Leastwise that's what I always say :p.
  6. Definitely a good first chapter, the only downside is having to wait for the next chapters, guess I will have to be patient; curse those virtues. Really appreciative of your guys' work. Guess I will just have to get my fill by reading the story from the beginning :p.
  7. Barst 16 Havan 10 Othin 16 Dagda 6 Ross 1 Boyd 10 Nolan 16
  8. yep you're right should look like Barst 14 Havan 11 Othin 16 Dagda 11 Dart 2 Geitz 12 Ross 9 Boyd 8 Nolan 14 Jake 2
  9. Barst 14 Havan 11 Othin 16 Dagda 11 Dart 4 Geitz 11 Ross 11 Boyd 8 Nolan 14 Jake 2
  10. He doesn't really much to any of he magic kids; yeah he had the highest magic growth of any of they physical fathers, but it's still a measly 10%, so it's not like he's a world beater in that regard. He's a decent father for Corple because all around decent growths and bargain is much appreciated to let Corple spam staves. And I suppose he won't screw over Sety because Sety can't be screwed up. Arthur and Tinny either need some sort of gimmick to abuse wrath, Finn or Lex, or some magical father with offensive skills (Levin or Azel or Claude with the pursuit ring). I suppose Lana wouldn't hate Dew as a dad, but if you're going to screw Lester up, you might as well breed her with Azel for high magic growths and pursuit or Claude to give her a staves from the beginning. And Nanna would like pursuit, granted Dew isn't the worst for her either. I've actually done the last one, mostly for that racy conversation between Dew and Lachesis.
  11. Barst 13 Havan 11 Othin 14 Dagda 14 Dart 7 Geitz 10 Garcia 1 Ross 14 Boyd 7 Nolan 14 Dice 6 Jake 7 Basilio 2
  12. Definitely this. Levin is obviously the best dad for all of the male magic users because Holstey from join time is extremely broken, but in terms of the female mages in gen 2, Nanna, Tinny, and Lana all appreciate the assets that Azel provides: pursuit, a 35% percent magic growth for female children (30% percent for minor Fala blood and 5% for half of his base growth) and the 25% speed growth he gives female children too. The reason why Lex!Tinny is so beloved is because of the awesome elite skill, which helps get her past her slow start due to her low level, but Azel!Tinny is a much greater asset past the mid-game where Lex!Tinny begins to have trouble ORKOing generics and Azel!Tinny can expect to reach 30 magic basically at promotion.
  13. Barst 14 Havan 11 Othin 14 Dagda 13 Geese 4 Dart 8 Geitz 12 Hawkeye 2 Garcia 6 Ross 10 Boyd 7 Nolan 14 Dice 8 Jake 9 Basilio 8
  14. Barst 15 Havan 11 Othin 15 Dagda 14 Lott 2 Geese 8 Garrett 0 Bartre 4 Dart 9 Geitz 12 Hawkeye 6 Garcia 8 Ross 6 Boyd 6 Nolan 15 Dice 8 Jake 9 Basilio 10
  15. So excited to hear this!!! And don't feel hurried, we all know you're doing a tough job and we appreciate that. The first group did a great job and I'm sure you guys will do just as well or better. Best of luck, really looking forward to your guy's work.
  16. The AI is really obsessed with doing it to you and if you don't know it's coming, well it can be the worst. I can't say I've ever done the triangle attack myself, it just is so impractical I could never overcome the inertia to do it.
  17. Barst 15 Darros 4 Havan 10 Othin 13 Dagda 15 Lott 6 Geese 8 Garrett 5 Bartre 7 Dart 9 Geitz 10 Hawkeye 10 Garcia 10 Ross 7 Boyd 6 Nolan 15 Ymir 6 Dice 8 Jake 8 Basilio 10
  18. Cord 4 Barst 15 Darros 8 Johalva 3 Havan 10 Othin 11 Dagda 14 Lott 8 Geese 8 Gonzales 2 Garrett 7 Bartre 7 Dart 10 Geitz 11 Hawkeye 10 Garcia 12 Ross 7 Boyd 8 Nolan 14 Ymir 6 Dice 8 Jake 8 Basilio 10
  19. Non-damaged villages give 5000 gold and the knight ring costs 40000 gold. The reason it's so much easier to put on Leen is because Sylvia had a lover who cuold probably make money in the arena and give her money for the knight ring, leg ring combo which costs 60000 gold.
  20. Cord 6 Barst 14 Darros 10 Johalva 5 Havan 10 Othin 10 Marty 5 Dagda 13 Ward 4 Lott 8 Geese 10 Gonzales 7 Garrett 9 Bartre 5 Dorcas 4 Dart 11 Geitz 10 Hawkeye 10 Garcia 10 Ross 8 Boyd 8 Largo 3 Nolan 13 Ymir 6 Dice 8 Jake 8 Basilio 10
  21. She doesn't care about her father, though objectively her best is probably Lex just so she can level up quicker and higher defenses in case she actually does get hit. And I generally think that Leen is better because of inheritance of both skills and items; that knight and leg ring combo is really good, plus the only thing Laylea has going for her is Charisma, which requires her squishy butt to get close to combat, which is a dangerous endeavor.
  22. Bord 6 Cord 8 Barst 14 Darros 10 Johalva 6 Havan 9 Othin 10 Marty 8 Dagda 12 Ward 8 Lott 10 Geese 12 Gonzales 8 Garrett 9 Bartre 7 Dorcas 6 Dart 10 Geitz 12 Hawkeye 10 Garcia 10 Ross 6 Dozla 4 Boyd 6 Largo 4 Nolan 10 Ymir 8 Dice 8 Jake 10 Vaike 4 Basilio 10
  23. Bord 10 Cord 10 Barst 11 Darros 10 Johalva 9 Havan 10 Othin 12 Marty 10 Dagda 10 Ward 10 Lott 10 Geese 10 Gonzales 8 Garrett 8 Bartre 11 Dorcas 8 Dart 9 Geitz 12 Hawkeye 10 Garcia 10 Ross 8 Dozla 8 Boyd 8 Largo 8 Nolan 10 Ymir 10 Dice 10 Jake 11 Vaike 8 Basilio 10 By the way, the Wikia calls Alm a fighter, even though he doesn't really fit the normal bill.
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