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Everything posted by Zasplach

  1. You're right. 5 sacks for 38 dropbacks is a pretty respectable average, but anecdotal evidence doesn't make empirical evidence.
  2. They get so many sacks per game because teams pass more than ever. Per attempt, the sack rate has been the lowest in the last 5 years in NFL history. If the other team passes 50 times in a game and you get 5 sacks, that really isn't very many sacks.
  3. Objectively a fair point, but have you ever tried to push through big bodies and then find the quarterback and then only hit him in a small window? It isn't easy.
  4. Yeah, we're basically saying the same thing now. I just can't call it a golden age and with quarterbacks being so important really, bad ones in the league remove what the NFL loves, parity. You need a good quarterback to win, one of those bad recycles from the nineties Trent Dilfer won a Superbowl, if Cassel or Fitzpatrick win a Superbowl, I think I would laugh so hard that I would spit blood. It just makes the game a ton harder to watch for teams with bad quarterbacks, I'm not complaining now because my team has one right now, but 5 years ago when the Cards were fielding Peter Paul and Mary, ugh. They had a decent team, but wretched quarterback play, so all they could do was win 6 games. I just feel it's a position that has become too emphasized
  5. We'll just have to disagree about the rules, the changing of emphasis in the last 10 years has dramatically changed the way cornerbacks defend on the outside because any little contact after 5 yards is a flag, that just wasn't true even 10 years ago. And not being able to hit the quarterbacks below the knees or above the should pads makes sacking them considerably harder. And I feel like a low turnover for quarterbacks is more a product of poor play than great play, teams are willing to recycle guys like Matt Cassel and Fitzpatrick because very little talent exists outside the very best. Quarterback play may be better than when teams have huge turnover, but I still feel the rules on the outside turn okay quarterbacks into decent ones because every receiver and his brother can get some sort of separation on the outside. I agree that the very best are probably more dynamic and fun to watch than they were before, I just feel like the NFL really needs to develop some sort of 'minor league' to develop pro style quarterbacks or play will deteriorate as the league tries to adjust (see how poorly those Manziel, Griffin, and Kapernick experiments are going.)
  6. I mean, not to make my point, but you just listed 20 guys, there are 32 NFL teams. I will grant that we have the greatest group of great quarterbacks, Manning, Brady, Rodgers, oh my. But a lot of guys on the list are on the way out, Palmer, Manning, Brees, hell even Brady is old, guys just play forever because so many rules say you can't even touch quarterbacks anymore, the NFL knows where the money is. I just don't find the list that impressive, Stafford isn't a franchise guy, he can't lead an okay team to be good, Russell Wilson is so dependent on schemes and running the football, when was the last time Matt Ryan made the playoffs and Sam Bradford has spent his whole career injured. I think this 'greatness' is mostly a product of new rules and very good offensive coaching.
  7. I don't mean playing games, i mean practicing in pads, hitting each other in workouts, pushing your limits outside of games, they can't do that in the NFL anymore, everyone basically practices in shorts (no hitting at all) 4 days a week during the season and int the offseason they are severely limited in what they are allowed to do. The offseason is basically a zero-contact time.
  8. Injuries are to be expected, Mark Shlereth has been talking about how the collective bargaining agreement has basically negotiated more injuries in the game. Now that teams basically can't work out and do football stuff in the offseason, more guys are going to get hurt. If you aren't playing football, your body isn't going to withstand the torture that is NFL football.
  9. Do you? I just don't see it. Cam Newton is a good quarterback, but he is pretty emblematic of how the quarterback position, at least in my mind is pretty weak. In terms of quantifying his abilities I'd say he has an 'A' arm, 'A+" feet, 'B' touch and a 'C' in terms of field breakdown. He's got great skills, but he just does enough stuff to hurt his team. I don't watch him every weak, but last year, against a pretty depleted Cardinal defense he was 18/32 with two touchdowns, and an interception, hardly a good game against a team minus Mattheiu and Buchannon and a depleted Patrick Peterson(he apparently suffered a bout of type 2 diabetes). But the overall point is despite his questionable quarterback decision making, he is arguably a top ten quarterback and I feel like there are 10 teams in the league who don't even have permanent quarterbacks, or at least questionable starters. We are definitely in the golden age of great quarterbacks, Manning, Brady, Rodgers, Rothlesberger, but a lot of those great quarterbacks are nearing the end of their carrier and colleges aren't producing NFL ready quarterbacks. Hell the Goff kid from Cal is Mel Kipper's highest ranked prospect in the draft. I honestly think quarterback play is pretty sub par in modern football, numbers can be inflated by great schemes, coaches are definitely smart guys, but I feel like there are only about 20 guys in the whole world who can play quarterback in the NFL. Hell, with Rothelesberger down Micheal Vick is a starting quarterback, that's scary. Great offensive weapons make the game more offensively exciting, I just don't see great quarterbacks, mostly just great schemes.
  10. Sounds like tonight was brutal, too bad I couldn't watch. I'm gonna take a shot in the dark and say the AFC representative to the Superbowl is not coming out of the East.
  11. Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil. My damned Sun Devils suck, so the Cardinals is all we have.
  12. As long as it's everyone else's quarterback and not the Cardinals, I can joke about it. If it's Palmer next it won't be so funny.
  13. Look them up if it makes you more comfortable, but looking them up can put you at risk for spoiling the story, and if you read the talk conversations the game points you towards at least decent pairings. Speaking personally, I had limited knowledge of the mechanic the first go around and some of my pairings were really bad, which gave me some experience for later playthroughs. If you'd like suggestions, you're welcome to ask, I'm sure there will be plenty of suggestions. And yeah, the game has several really important talk conversations, but if you're paying attention to the narrative, you should be pointed towards the pot at the end of the rainbow.
  14. The game has a very good plot, don't spoil yourself to it, if you can help it. But this is an snes game, so there are a few secret events: the website has a page for them. http://serenesforest.net/genealogy-of-the-holy-war/miscellaneous/secret-events/ There is a lover system, but I think the best way to do your first time is blind, you really can't mess up the second generation anyway, so just do all the talk events that the game has and you will decide which pairings you like best. The poster above is right, the game is mount emblem because it is so huge. In terms of gameplay, there is a skill called pursuit which is required to double units, which is based on attack speed. If the character has pursuit and their attack speed (speed - weapon weight) is higher, they will double. The game does take a little getting used to and it does through a few curveballs at you, but I found it pretty enjoyable when I got into it.
  15. Noish has charge not continue, not much difference, but a small distinction.
  16. Arya's best pairing is very dependent on your play style. Considering her children are mostly used for filler, horses being the best way to beat Mount Emblem. Basically depending on how I'm going to play the 2nd generation affects the choice. My preferred pairing is Lex, I kind of feel like it is cannon and I really don't get a ton of use out of the twins, minus the arena and some chipping, so getting them to 30 easily is nice. Holyn, always feels like a Larcei centered pairing, she likes the extra hp and she actually has the caps for the obnoxiously high skill growth and throw the Balmung on her and let her go to town. Noish seems to balance out the twins pretty well, crazy good skills, though Larcei gets continue to herself and the growths are alright, minor holy blood from fathers mostly help the daughters out. And a fun wildcard pairing, Jamke, I feel like this is the most Ulster oriented pairing, it gives him continue, which unlike Larcei, he won't gain upon promotion and that wonderfully high strength and defense growth augments well with his Odo holy blood.
  17. We appreciate all of the groups hard work, I'm sure we can all learn a little patience, and I think you can leave it to the people who are following the topic to convey to people that quality takes time.
  18. It's hard to call the pairing cannon, it's just very popular among the modern fanbase because it gives Patty 'b' swords and Luna and gives Faval a good skill growth. The game gives no inclination that they really belong together in terms of the story, in fact it doesn't really even give any inclination that she belongs with Dew other than the fact that Patty is a thief. Briggid's three Phinora lover conversations are with Midir, Alec, and Jamke and she has an additional conversation with Midir in Chapter 3. To answer the original question, it really depends on the playthrough, but in general it's for shipping I suppose, the 2nd generation is pretty easy as is. I really like the men whose sons inherit land to be paired, generally speaking I make sure Azel, Lex, Claude, Levin, and Jamke are paired.
  19. The only way the trainees are comparable to units of similar base classes is either if you baby them, which is tedious to do on higher difficulties, or you can tower grind, which is lots of time investment and makes the game tons easier and SS is already pretty easy. Ross is the only character with enough chapter availability to be viable, but he still starts out weak and Garcia can basically do his job better for the first 5 or so chapters, even if you are using both equally and then I never found the motivation to deploy either of them when I started to have a choice about deployment. Carmine is right, the trainees aren't very good; they are very usable if you baby them or tower grind, but why invest a ton of time in units who are only a little better than their counterparts? Use them if you feel the urge, but they aren't viable on higher difficulties with no grind.
  20. I don't know why you would use just one in Fe4, but if that's the parameters; as long as you are using one of the higher damage characters, Aless, Levin!Sety or Serlis, I would say go ahead and use Lester. Lester has better availability and a horse, always helpful. In terms of who should father him, Midir is the standard choice due to good skills, pursuit and charge, and instant inheritance of both good non-Yewfelle bows, killer and brave. Personally, I prefer to make Jamke his father, mostly for story reasons, it just feels wrong to me to leave poor Lester landless, but Lester is pretty scary with the pursuit ring, who else uses it other than Leif, a skill ring and the killer bow. That's a pretty scary skill combo, pursuit, continue, charge, and critical. If you are willing to let him use an iron bow in chapter 6, and a steel bow in chapter 7 (as long as Briggid's steel bow isn't inherited), any physical father with pursuit can be a decent father for Lester. Fin is probably the best alternative, Lana will max magic with her Fin conversation, and Lester will have good skills, pursuit and prayer and a good spectrum of growths.
  21. Even with the 0% magic dads: Beowulf and Jamke, he is still going to have 15 magic. Just using lightning, which has a might of 14 giving him 29 effective damage and he will always have pursuit and continue, pretty much guaranteeing he will do 58 damage and giving him a little less than 40% chance to proc continue. Giving him any other offensive skills: charge or critical and the likelihood that he ORKO's most 2nd gen mooks becomes greater than 50%
  22. It's because Sety is basically unscrewable,as long as he exists, he's pretty much a monster (though Hawk isn't bad either). Even with physical fathers, Sety will contribute a ton to your team just with his above average skills (pursuit and continue no matter who his Daddy is, too good) and his high base stats. Claude!Sety is mostly good because of the 'a' rank staves (really good fortitude spammer) and his high resistance allows him to navigate through damn sleep staff bishops. Noish!Sety is frightening because of that awesome skill set (pursuit, continue, charge, and critical WOW!) and Lex/Ardan!Sety has a great defense growth and the quiet useful vantage, which always helps mages.
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