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Emblem Lugh

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Everything posted by Emblem Lugh

  1. The one with Roy, I assume. It had to be unlocked in Japan.
  2. 2nd gen is more like "You may have over-powered characters, but so do we!" *sends three mage sisters and Ishtar with Thor Hammer running after you before you finish off the troubadours*
  3. Is there an FE5 window/menu translation page? I can't tell what anything on the second page of the status window is at all.
  4. Likes the female charcters in persona 4.
  5. I disagree with that part myself. Methinks the author should try being an atheist homosexual for a day. Believe me, it's hard. :)
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HcQRXZUfIoE
  7. Perhaps if they were defeated the chapter you use it, it brings them back? It may just be replaced by a vulnerary lol.
  8. It took lots of inbreeding to achieve. My son shall be beautiful. @Ronan: Why did IS bother putting you in FE5?/Why do you suck so bad EDIT: If that is really the answer, it explains EVERYTHING. Especially growths. He needs to be hacked into a mage lol.
  9. Sure thing. (Bad idea for which one of us? lol)
  10. Leaf's Mov increased during the first chapter. F*** yeah! >:)
  11. "This is a message from Lord Nergal, I shall await you on the Dread Isle." To Marth: Can you take your pants back off?
  12. Avatar's shirt doesn't hurt my eyes at all. @ Eric The Mercenary: Hates FE3?
  13. Bodies of water the size of my bathtub and larger. Y halo thar. akwaphobya hurr. jus passun thrue.
  14. What bothers me even more is when people that do this talk about how it bothers them when people go the speed limit. It ticks me off so much. <_<
  15. I don't know.... There's just something about him. He's not the nicest guy in the world, but I still fall for him. @Trabant: Why couldn't you and Hannibal f***ing switch castles?
  16. Wanna do a FE10 Rolf(me) vs Soren(you)?
  17. Sure did. http://www.feplanet.net/media/sprites/11/character/sheets/ally/marthold.png
  18. Thanks, guys. Finally got past that. It was hell. I don't know where I would be without Aless and his Mistoltin.
  19. I highly doubt that after bringing the series overseas that they would not bring any of the games over. That would be stupid. Not really. They just wanna get more sales. I can't see any IS businessmen going, "Stupid American. Give you casual mode cause you not Japan. I fart in your general direction." Besides, the mode (let alone the game) hasn't been announced here, yet, and Japan also gets that mode. They won't just get more sales in America/Europe/elsewhere. They'll most likely get more sales in Japan, too. Also, analyzing your quote, would it not be an insult to Europe as well? No you're right; they can't strategize their way out of a paper bag. Kidding, of course. :P
  20. I haven't played for a while, so... Can anyone give me any strategies on the start of chapter 8? The enemy seems to go way too fast for me. And while I'm still taking care of the first wave of units at Lenster (since the goddamn troubadours won't attack w/o being attacked), the three sage sisters(?) come over to murder me. I'll even give all my stats. Name|Lv|HP|Str|Mgc|Skl|Spd|Lck|Def|Res Celice|15|49|12|3|15|12+5|11|12|2 Shanan|17|44|22|0|25|23|12|16|4 Lex!Skasaha|17|49|19|2|25|18|11|18|3 Lex!Lakche|26|57|27+5|1|30+5|29|20|22|5 Julia|6|29|0|16|8|12|7|4|16 Oifaye|19|44|17|9|19|17|11|19|9 Claude!Lana|8|34|2|15|9|14|18|3|10 Claude!Lester|1|26|7|3|7|9|8|7|3 Alec!Delmud|3|26|9|0|8|7|10|7|0 Alec!Nanna|7|28|7|3|7|8|5|7|3 Leaf|7|34|13|3|11|13|3|12+5|4 Fin|27|48|26|1|22|21|19|20|5 Levin!Fee|8|31|9|1|10|19|6|6|9 Azel!Arthur|10|34|2|13|12|15|13|1|5+5 Azel!Tinny|5|29|0|11|8|9|12|1|6 Jamka!Patty|1|30|7|0|6|10|12|4|1 Dew!Leen|3|25|3|0|2|9|13|1|3 Johan|12|40|15|0|10|12|5|12|1 Aless|10|43|16|4|13|14|8|12|4 This chapter is so irksome. >_<
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