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Emblem Lugh

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Everything posted by Emblem Lugh

  1. Downloadable content including characters from previous games was announced a while ago. I'd suggest talking about it in this topic so this one can stay relevant to Donny.
  2. Don't believe the time period was revealed yet, but it was predicted by several members on the board to be in the future. Or is there a source I may be forgetting?
  3. It's really not important enough an issue. There were possible reasons talked about and it could be left at that. Why do you care so much? -_-
  4. Chill. He may be busy, but those were all legit reasons to lay off VAs. How are we supposed to know if he is busy?
  5. Most of us think he will be a trainee or something. Most likely americanized name is Donny.
  6. So he hasn't been Marth in about 11 years. That would explain a lot. There's no evidence to support what you seem to be so sure of...
  7. Maybe because his original VA is getting older? He was 27 in the OVA and 39 in Brawl and is 43 now. Not saying there's no possibility he could still be Marth's VA. Just giving a possible reason.
  8. I don't see how you came to the conclusion that he isn't Marth.
  9. Remember in PoR when the on-map pegasi would bend their legs backwards at the knees? :P
  10. He looks like the black version of him, yes. I hope the villain isn't the only dark-skinned character other than Vake in this game. -_- Maybe he is an important person from another nation? He appears in the trailer when "Threat of neighboring countries" is written on the bottom right.
  11. The trailer didn't really tell us anything new about Marth to warrant a repeat poll... Here are some of my thoughts from another post: >Looking at what they give us with this "dual tag" online option, what do you perceive it actually is? It isn't too clear to me. >That dragon's gate looking thing that we have all been wondering about for a while doesn't appear to have story relevance. I doubt it is a "Dragon's Gate" now. >What do you think is going on with this "Sel" (セル)kid? >Dancers 100% confirmed! >I didn't see the person in from of Krom on the pegasus. :( My night is ruined. lol DUAL TAG: Okay, about "dual tag"... Above the name of the character at the bottom, there is a small red box with white text that says "you". I think it is safe to assume that "dual tag" is where you and the person you are playing with online chose a character from each of your rosters and use them to dual attack the "enemy" whose information is on the right. ADDITIONAL CONTENT: The only options are "play", "quit", and something about maps (kanji wasn't clear enough). Think there will be more?
  12. Blue Haired Male Archer @2:05- (ヴィオール|Viooru)- Viole? Blonde Haired Guy/Woman @2:17 -(リペラ|Ripera)- Repella? Black Hair Girl @2:25- (サーリャ|Saarya)- Saria? Red Hair Pegasus Knight @3:24- (ティアモ|Tiamo)- Tiamo? Female Swordfighter @4:39- (サイリ|Sairi)- Sairi?
  13. Here is a compilation of all the text that appeared in the video that wasn't in-game, if anyone is interested: ファイアーエムブレム Fire Emblem 5年ぶりの完全新作 Completely new for the first time in 5 years 22年間の集大成 The capstone of 22 years 物語の舞台 The story's setting 2人の主人公 Two heroes なくした記憶 A lost memory 人ならざる存在屍兵 Corpse soldiers exist (?) 謎の剣士 The mysterious swordsman 隣国の脅威 Threat of neighboring countries 仲間を指揮し、勝利を目指す Lead your companions to victory 選択 Selection 移動 Move 予想ダメージを確認 Confirm expected damage 戦閾 Battle 仲間を集め、育てる Gather and develop friends 兵種は40種類以上 More than 40 classes フリーマップシステム Free map system 仲間同士の絆を深める Deepen the bonds of fellowship デュアルシステム Dual system デュアルアタック Dual attack デュアルガード Dual guard 通信要素で広がる世界 Play via online communications デュアルタッグ Dual tag すれちがい通信 Pass each other during online communications いつの間に通信 When between online communications (?) 追加コンテンツ Additional content For the text I didn't quite understand enough to translate, I put a (?) next to my attempt. Some thoughts: >Looking at what they give us with this "dual tag" online option, what do you perceive it actually is? It isn't too clear to me. >That dragon's gate looking thing that we have all been wondering about for a while doesn't appear to have story relevance. I doubt it is a "Dragon's Gate" now. >What do you think is going on with this "Sel" (セル)kid? >Dancers 100% confirmed! >I didn't see the person in from of Krom on the pegasus. :( My night is ruined. lol DUAL TAG: Okay, about "dual tag"... Above the name of the character at the bottom, there is a small red box with white text that says "you". I think it is safe to assume that "dual tag" is where you and the person you are playing with online chose a character from each of your rosters and use them to dual attack the "enemy" whose information is on the right. ADDITIONAL CONTENT: The only options are "play", "quit", and something about maps (kanji wasn't clear enough). Think there will be more?
  14. Then that is one woman I won't mess with. Could be the same deal with the class names. They might be using monk as a more gender-neutral term.
  15. No it wasn't. That person is way to bulky to be female. Just having long hair means nothing. It's safe to say that Battle Monk and Sister are the same class except for different genders.
  16. Please oh please mean Krom gets a pegasus upon promotion.
  17. Marth having his mask off during the main story as DLC. :x
  18. ”謎の大陸” (nazo no tairiku)- Continent of Mystery I have a feeling the conclusion of the story is in Valencia.
  19. He is not talking about a patch. He is talking about the change ("transition") the series made from FE5 to FE6.
  20. He can. It just happens to be locked to Elincia. And that makes sense because she is the queen of Crimean and Amiti is the Crimeans royal sword. Renning no longer exists as far as Crimea is concerned.
  21. You keep using that word... I don't think it means what you think it means.
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