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Everything posted by Tables

  1. Each parent passes the last skill currently equipped*. You can use the Skills menu to change this, even if you've already entered the child's side story (just change the skills, save and reload the mission). Children also inherit both parents sets of classes, where possible. "Where possible" meaning that males don't inherit female only classes and vice versa - there are some class substitutions in this case. See http://serenesforest.net/awakening/characters/children for a list. Finally, Chrom and some Robin marriage only characters always pass specific skills. Chrom passes Aether to daughters and Rightful King to sons. [spoiler=Spotpass character spoilers]Aversa always passes Shadowgift to Morgan, and Walhart always passes Conquest. These skills are passed even if they haven't been learned yet. *If the child would already have the last skill, e.g. both parents have the same last skill or it's one the child starts with due to their class, the game goes up the list until it finds a skill they don't have. If you don't have one equipped you can pass on, you don't pass one.
  2. You call that an outrage? THIS is an Outrage. ... Why am I even posting in FftF anyway?
  3. My recommendations would be: Hyrule Warriors if you're a Zelda/DW fan Mario Kart 8 Pikmin 3 Super Mario 3D World Maybe Donkey Kong: Tropical Freeze Bayonetta 2 has very good reviews, but I haven't played it myself.
  4. The numbers on the site aren't wrong, but they aren't necessarily what most people would immediately see as being 'right' either. They need a little interpreting to understand properly. I've done a fair bit of testing both in the past and recently, and all the numbers match up to what I expect, once I know how to read them. In short: Start by subtracting 1 from every number, per support level, to get the amount of support points you need to grow. So for example with standard romantic supports (e.g. Robin x opposite gender) you need 5/10/16/22 according to the site. Subtracting 1 per support level gives 4/8/13/18 as a total. That's absolute support points needed, you can interpret it as the difference per support level easily by subtracting the previous support number (so giving 4/4/5/5). That matches up to both what you can test in game - either by using seeds or trust or any other way you want to test it - and also what we expect from old site content, which might have been listed as 36/36/45/45 as the support numbers as they were multiplied by 9. You can show him this post if you like. Hopefully with this explanation he'll be able to see how the numbers match up to his own (I'll assume for now his numbers are also correct).
  5. Yep, this is all correct. Also note that although Donnel's caps are low, his class bases are also low, meaning he's actually gaining slightly more than it looks like (comparable to an unpromoted units caps, which isn't much less than most gen 1's end up with on average in terms of personal stats. Obviously this assumes we're caring about using character averages not RNG. If we can get LB on him the entire issue disappears though.
  6. I believe through ROM checking we're now fairly confident in them, asides from a few here and there that are odd. Anyway doing this as a theoretical excercise, using character averages is likely the most sensible - with all the normally available statboosters available. We should probably disallow Anna Shops in general though - there's not really a lot they offer that you can't get elsewhere anyway, except for statboosters. We'd still have Spotpass teams for things like Fortify Staves, Celica's Gale and so on. If we go down this route, I would agree that Donnel as Morgan's granddad is likely the best route. Who he should sire specifically is a little trickier to work out, but I would except Severa as Alastor says for the purpose of getting Galeforce. Other options could be Laurent for a magic based Donnel, but I don't think that's worth losing Galeforce for.
  7. I've thought about this one before (I was initially considering trying Apotheosis with my no SS Lunatic team), and I think that if you allow shop bought stat boosters, reseting for level ups and so on then it's theoretially fairly easy because your stats end up so good (even if your skills are suboptimal). If you don't, it should be a bit trickier, but it also becomes a lot more down to the whims of the RNG (if you get low stats, you're in a much worse position just by chance).
  8. Okay, thanks. I'll go back and edit that one. I think Siblings are identical.
  9. I've been doing a little work with the supports list on the site, mostly checking it all fits together properly and matches data from in game, and so here's my description of how fast supports build in Awakening: It seems there's 5 categories of support type: Superfast: 2/4/4/4 (e.g. Chrom x Sumia, Lissa x Vaike) Fast: 3/4/4/5 (e.g. Chrom x Sully, Lissa x Frederick) Normal or Romantic: 4/4/5/5 (e.g. Chrom x Robin, Lissa x Stahl) Friendship: 3/5/7/- (e.g. Lissa x Chrom, most non-romantic supports) Family or Relatives: 0/4/9/- (e.g. Parent x Child, Sibling x Sibling) Note I'm not 100% sure on the numbers for the Family category - at least for the B support. I'm fairly sure the other two are correct) You might be wondering to yourself where these numbers came from compared to the ones on the site, well, the numbers on the site have two properties to bear in mind: 1) They're all absolute totals, while my numbers are relative to the previous ones and 2) The data in the game adds 1 at each support. This is presumably as a way to track whether you've viewed a particular support or if you're just at the point you could view it. So yeah, that gives you the numbers I have. You'll also notice I have comparisons to the traditional support format in multiples of 9 if you hover over them, which should make the numbers easier to comprehend. Now anyway, these numbers being very much not multiples of 9 makes me feel like our current explanation is... kinda incorrect. I'm not going to say everyone should switch to a different way of thinking about things, but now we have data from the game to suggest it's at least processed differently internally, so I'd like to propose back to everyone the way I think about supports and how they work. You might be pleased to know this one has less rounding to multiples of 9. Supports build up in support points. Once you reach a certain number of support points, you can view the next conversation (and cannot earn more support points. Some things give you support points directly. These are: Pair up and trigger an event tile (random chance): +1 Converse in the Barracks (random chance): +1 Use a Seed of Trust item when paired up: +1 The other main way of earning support points is battling together. Battling together earns you battle points (BP - although this could probably use a better name but whatever). At the end of each battle, your earned BP is converted into support points. The following actions give BP: Damage or kill an enemy with a Support Unit present (e.g. while paired up): +3 Damage or kill an enemy while adjacent to an ally (not the Support Unit): +1 Use a staff on or dance for an ally: +1 Activate a Dual Strike or a Dual Guard (random chance): +1 At the end of the chapter (and if both people survived if playing on Casual) you earn 1/2/3 support points if you earned at least 3/7/12 BP respectively. You cannot earn more than 3 support points from battle points, per chapter. That's it. The 3/7/12 BP numbers should check out if you compare them to the current method (3 BP would be the same as 6 SP, which rounds to 9 SP etc). I think this way is simpler: There's no more rounding to the nearest 9 points, it separates out the battle limited points and 'unlimited' ones, and simplifies the numbers somewhat by dividing through by 2. Anyway, this isn't the first time I've suggested this method of considering supports, but I think now it's actually not just another way of thinking of things but the correct way compared to how the game processes it (those rounding to multiples of 9 always bugged me). So TL;DR: There are 5 support speeds. The faster ones take 7 chapters/battles at minimum to build supports, slower ones take 8. The game doesn't use a multiple of 9 support system.
  10. Oh, of course. Viewing the support gives one support point, which takes you from being able to get a support to actually having it.
  11. Hm, well my immediate guess is that means support points for C/B/A/S in total (not just from the previous support level). So, for same genders, it's 4/6/8 and for opposite genders, it's 5/5/6/6. Kinda odd, since it should be 4/4/5/5 from our best understanding of supports (36/36/45/45). For same sex pairings, I'm not entirely sure how the supports line up to begin with (I think they're 36/36/45 but I'm not certain) so this is kinda weird numbers to have.
  12. What data is there regarding supports? Vincent mentioned some in passing here, but I'm curious if there's more. In particular, I'm looking for the gen 1 pairings which are faster than normal. Typically, they take 36/36/45/45 support points while faster ones are 27/36/45/45 and some are even faster than that. As examples of fast ones to try and locate, there's Kellam x Miriel, Stahl x Sully, Nowi x Gregor, Virion x Cherche. Also I'm curious, what numbers are supports listed in? I've believed for a while the game might not have them in multiples of 9 (i.e. the 36/36/45/45 as above) but just in terms of smaller numbers, 4/4/5/5. I think that the way supports are shown on the main site overcomplicates things and this system is more likely what the game is saving... but we can finally (hopefully) get my theory debunked or confirmed now.
  13. Agree with Czar here. Honestly, if you get past chapter 3 and haven't been playing Frederick Emblem, then you're probably not going to ever need to grind. Enemy stats increase so slowly compared to yours (seriously, just go compare chapter 2 Soldiers to chapter 10 ones - they're around 4 STR/SKL/SPD/LUK/DEF better and 9 HP/2 RES - that's like around 7 levels of growth for 12 chapters later into the game), that you just end up overpowering them pretty quickly. Yes, the enemy quantity and weapons improve, but that doesn't tend to matter as much when your stats exceed theirs and the gap is increasing.
  14. Potentially very helpful. With clever management of support gains, it cuts a whole chapter off of building a C or B support of your choice, and that earlier support level can make a big difference in the earlygame.
  15. No, Auras don't stack. Most skills don't stack, in fact, although there's not that many asides from Auras which conceivably even could (the Dual Skills is about it...) Yes, you always get the full support stat bonuses from all adjacent characters plus your pair up partner, up to the maximum of +20 hit/avo/crit/dge. For your dual partner in battle, the priority always goes to a pair up partner first. If you don't have one, then the person with highest support level is next, and I'm not sure how priority is chosen after that.
  16. I've got a bit of programming knowledge and talent, so yeah, I likely could figure out a lot of things if I really wanted. The question is time and fun, but perhaps in the future I'll have a look into it. But thanks for the advice.
  17. Normally I'm fairly on the ball with them, but for some reason getting its and it's right still catches me out. Well, more that I always end up using it's. I feel like "its" should have an apostrophe in it, though, since it's referring to something (the it) in the possessive, which normally takes an apostrophe. Ah well.
  18. Okay, great. If I need to edit more hex stuff then I'll look into that (what I've been working on is just a difficulty hack, so it probably won't be necessary).
  19. This wasn't in a streetpass or spotpass team match, right? EXP gain is always 1 EXP and WEXP gain is disabled during those on Lunatic. If you confirm it wasn't, I'll do some testing on my (PAL) copy to verify.
  20. You are the pure, liquid awesome that flows through this forum. Works like a treat. Incidentally, what would be the sensible way of editing specific hex addresses? I did it by writing a nightmare module, which is probably a dumb way (especially as that's something I've never done before, fortunately it only took about 5 minutes because the format of an nmm looked obvious once I opened it in nightmare) but it was the simplest thing I could think of that I knew would work.
  21. So recently I learned that FE8 has a mode coefficient in it's EXP formula from the Prologue until Chapter 8, which is something I'd like to disable. The fact it disappears after chapter 8 gives me some hope this could be done without ASM or other complex stuff, or even that someone might have already done it, by somehow tricking the game into disabling it because it thinks it's later in the game, but I can't work out a way of doing it in Nightmare of events. Any suggestions?
  22. Hey, Ewan using Eclipse is the reason I could actually kill Formotiis on my no promoted units playthrough - that has to count for something, right? ...Right? Nah, it's kinda an irrelevant fact. He gets the potshot, and that's nice, but as long as you still have a few unbroken sacred twins, Formotiis goes down without ever getting an enemy phase attack on you anyway.
  23. Hm, the way I tend to play (Lunatic, no grinding, DLC, spotpass etc.), giving it to kids is definitely a better option. Getting them good quickly makes training them far easier, after which they easily become better units in your team. The gen 1 characters are usually already good enough, so it's not usually worth using on them. If you're planning to grind, then yeah, probably best not to use it on a kid, they have that low internal level to let them gain levels quickly and lots of class choice for growth.
  24. It always varies. Lucina or Morgan generally gets Naga's Tear, so they can get great a little quicker, but otherwise, it's situational.
  25. Ross, no contest. He's not great, but he also doesn't take too much investment to get going, and then will end up becoming a solid, slightly above average unit from the midgame onwards. The other two remain awful, even with babying they never really get great.
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