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Everything posted by Tables

  1. Great, glad that's finally up :). Now you need to update the (75%) by Calculations on the FE13 home page
  2. HP: 85% STR: 10% MAG: 35% SKL: 25% SPD: 30% LUK: 70% DEF: 40% RES: 50% I'm pretty much the best Priest in my game, I suppose.
  3. A balance patch which makes arguably the best character in all Fire Emblem games ever even stronger. TC is definitely demonstrating Poe's Law here, I feel.
  4. Oh my gosh my eyes. This is literally difficult to read because of the garish colours and oversized text. Still this is at least a nerf - except in HP, he isn't much better than Franz at first, and his growths aren't good enough to catch him up in most stats for a while. I don't really get why you've given him a 0% RES growth, nobody in any GBA FE has a 0% growth in anything (except Athos who comes at capped level, obv). And his HP growth is stupid high. Also the reason Wolf and Sedgar worked so well in FE11 was because the EXP formula means they still get like 13 EXP per kill. Seth is getting 2 EXP per kill. His growths just aren't going to matter, because he's no longer able to be a dominant force for very long. He's just a standard earlygame Jeigan now, basically.
  5. But isn't Dragon Knight also a promoted class, in FE10? You have Dragon Rider, Dragon Knight, Dragon Lord, right?
  6. Great, thanks for confirming.
  7. Number of battles. More precisely I think it's the number of times you get EXP from hitting.
  8. I tried to follow Crystal, but found it less interesting than the original, since that one was already beaten. I'd say most of the hype died in the 24 hours following beating Red.
  9. I assume you're only partway through the game? Most of these questions are answered around chapters 21 to 23.
  10. Yes, you're right. It should be 3-T, not T-3. Editing that in now. Erm... I'm not 100% sure any more. I think it's for killing a boss, so it should be in the overall formula, I suppose.
  11. I don't really like bumping this up again, but is there any chance of this getting added to the site? I've found (especially recently) people are asking about the Awakening EXP formula, and having to link to here rather than to the site is slightly annoying. I'm not really so interested in being credited for the work, I just want it more visible.
  12. The endgame of Days of Ruin gets pretty tough. I guess part of it is due to the game not having any difficulty settings, but some of those last few maps are really challenging. Not as bad as a few of the Trial Maps and some AW1+2 Advanced/Hard Campaign maps, but still very tough for beginners.
  13. I've been playing Maniac for the first time, recently. Sadly my Laptop can barely emulate it - I get framerates of ~15-20 FPS regularly, even with frame skip at max, and it's frozen once or twice. But the gameplay itself is WAY more fun than English - even Maniac isn't really that hard (Of what I played, up to it crashing in chapter 11), but it puts English to shame for sure.
  14. Yes, I think that's a very different thing to say. I once made an FE8 hack in about one hour which was amusing and gimmicky, mostly as a result of people knowing how quickly it was made (that and being a parody - but that's part of the reason I did it so quickly). But if you compared it to Elibian Knights or any hack of even half the quality with no explanation of why it changed so little, it's utter garbage.
  15. I'm fairly confident I heard just the opposite, he said he was rushed to short deadlines (to take maximum advantage of the movie's popularity) and so didn't have time to test properly or generally make the game good. That's what I think I read.
  16. I own all the Advance Wars and while I'm not a pro, I've gotten fairly good at them. I've S ranked every mission (trial and campaign) in Dark Conflict, and... that's about where the achievements end actually. I've beaten every game's campaign on the highest difficulty as well, I suppose. They make for a really nice game to just pick up and play if you have a long journey, since you can often just start on some War Room or Trial Map and try and beat your old high score, or the like. Low turning Advance Wars is, for the most part, quite similar to doing the same in Fire Emblem. It requires meticulous planning, lots of RNG (and/or RNG manipulation), abusing AI quirks and generally spending far more time on each map than it can possibly remain fun for. In other words, don't do it. I remember spending about an hour trying to follow a low turn guide for a single map in AW2 (I don't even remember why I wanted to now...) and eventually gave up because I had to reset a dozen or so times every turn because I didn't get a necessary kill or the AI moved in a bad way. Sadly, Advance Wars speedrunning never took off. I tried to make it do so, briefly, once, but people shot it down for requiring too much planning, being the same thing of manipulating AIs again and again and the like. Pretty dumb reasons overall but that's people for you. (Also, inb4backlash from 'denigrating' LTC in AW and FE)
  17. Play Maniac on a Japanese copy. It's at least an option, and a fair bit more interesting than Hard.
  18. http://www.serenesforest.net/fe9/script/script_2.html Post chapter, after Shinon shoots the bandit under the "If Boyd is dead" section, Boyd apparently speaks a few lines. I dunno exactly what the script is meant to be there (presumably Oscar says something similar), but I'm fairly sure Boyd doesn't get involved in it. [spoiler=Transcript from site] Mist Rolf! Can you hear me? Oscar Mist! Is Rolf-- Is he... Mist He's fine. He just fainted is all. There's not a scratch on him. Oscar ...Really? That's...good...After Boyd...The idea of losing Rolf, too...Thank goodness. Oh, thank you... Mist Oscar... Ike This guy's dead. This arrow--who shot it? Shinon A single arrow, right between the eyes? Who else could make a shot like that? No one, that's who! Ike That voice! Mist Rolf! Can you hear me? Boyd Mist! Is Rolf-- Is he... Mist He's fine. He just fainted is all. There's not a scratch on him. Boyd Whew...Don't do that to me. If I failed to protect him...I'd never be able to face Oscar... Mist Boyd... Ike This guy's dead. This arrow--who shot it? Shinon A single arrow, right between the eyes? Who else could make a shot like that? No one, that's who! Ike That voice! Conversation continues
  19. Could you please not use pet names in the main tier list? Especially as this list has a bunch of characters who are Trial Map unique, I found it a little confusing to look though and expect I'm probably not alone.
  20. I haven't tried the combo, but I can't say I'm really very convinced by it. At best it's useful for a short while to boost her growths up, at worst you're slowing down her levelling more than you gain from Blossom. The reality is probably somewhere in between, but I kinda suspect it's closer to the latter. While she will grow a lot thanks to Blossom level ups, she's also going to be levelling significantly slower for a while, and two normal level ups will on average always beat out one Blossom level up. Blossom also delays hitting tier 3 for those sexy promotion boosts, Sol, and Lance use, all of which are pretty great for Astrid to have sooner rather than later. And while Blossom can promote early to emulate this, that kinda defeats the point - you end up in a position of no benefit over flat levelling, probably with lower stats if anything (at best stats which are marginally better), have used a Master Crown and been gimping yourself with 15 CAP of skills used up by default. So Blossom into early promotion seems like a no-go. And finally, note that with roughly average luck and optimal BEXP usage Astrid is likely to cap everything as a Silver Knight - now optimal BEXP is pretty unlikely due to having like 4 chapters between joining the GMs and Endgame, but that just means realistically she's able to get close to her caps at max level. Astrid likely isn't realistically maxing her level, either, even without blossom, which leads me to think the following: The best way to benefit from Blossom on Astrid is likely to put it on her for a few chapters while she's catching up, but then remove it likely at the start of part 4. Your levelling will be slower, lowering your stats somewhat in the short term, and promotion to tier 3 a bit later (I'd expect it to occur in 4-P/1/2, rather than 3-E which I'd expect with just Paragon) but in exchange you get slightly better stats for your level and due to having a lower level, will gain EXP slightly quicker, giving eventually a small stat lead in Endgame. I expect this lead to be fairly small, so it probably isn't worth it (then again if you're using Astrid, you probably don't care if a strat is optimal...) but it's something. And really this same thing could be done for any characters. I expect it'd work best for ones who typically finish furthest away from their caps and perhaps whose caps are actually worthwhile to try and attain - e.g. Ike, Shinon, Boyd. Edit: What I'm trying to say I suppose is that Astrid's innate Paragon doesn't really combo with Blossom, this is more just Blossom's usefulness itself. Paragon means the EXP gain looks way better, yes, but I don't think having both together is any better than having a Paragon on one person and Blossom on another. Average is actually 5.31 stats per level. Fortunately as Mist is a long way from any caps, it'll stay at something like that rate for quite a while (probably until she caps speed at somewhere around level 13, give or take)
  21. I've not heard of (or at least can't work out) what the EPL is...
  22. The sooner England (my nation) gets knocked out the better. Then perhaps people will pay less attention and more interesting things will be happening again, like watching paint dry.
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