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Infinite Dreams

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Everything posted by Infinite Dreams

  1. Girls: -Azura -Felicia -Sakura -Soleil -Hana -Nina -Anna Guys: -Laslow -Subaki -Leo -Kaden -Shiro -Xander
  2. Oh my gosh, yes, I cry at happy endings all the time. Every time I re-watch a show and get to the last few episodes, I just stop there because I can't watch it end... again. (I do this with games that I replay too.)
  3. I reaaaally didn't like that I couldn't save before the endgame of Birthright/Conquest. I had to redo the endgame of Conquest somewhere between 5-10 times because someone kept dying, grrrr! Hahah. At least the chapter before it was somewhat fast/easy, I guess... I also hated the Hexing Rod... so annoying. So are the lunge chains, ew. ; [ Also, fighting ninjas in general. Especially those dudes in Conquest Chapter 25 (?) that take away a large chunk of your health after attacking you. I gave up on the right side of that map and just had Corrin defeat the boss himself after clearing the left side.
  4. 85 hours, oh dear... I've played through Birthright, and I'm currently on Chapter 21 of Conquest. I looove this game!
  5. Yessss, I definitely felt like the game got a LOT harder towards the end! Especially on Lunatic mode, ouchie. I wanted to get through Birthright in a few days because I was excited to start Conquest, so I wasn't really grinding or getting the kids besides my own and Ryoma's. I found the Lava level (which took me forever, omg I would have screamed if someone died at the end) and everything after it quite challenging. By the time I got to Chapter 25, I was getting frustrated (and wanted to beat the game that night), so I said screw it and just paired up Ryoma with his wife (Hana) and Corrin with her hubby (Subaki) & didn't use any of the other units for the rest of the game. Ryoma is a god.
  6. My Fates SE/New XL *finally* shipped from amazon.ca today around 6:30pm. I'm so relieved now... I have Prime and they usually ship things to me the day before & I always get it the next day. Can't wait to play it tomorrow, augh, work is gonna go by so slow. I am soooo freaking excited.
  7. Name: Kristelle. I like that name. : ] Route: I'm going to use the same chick for all three routes Asset/Flaw: Maybe +Speed/-Luck? Seemed to work fine for me in Awakening. Secondary Class: Mmmm, I can't decide right now... just gonna choose what my heart tells me to when I get to that part, hahah. Spouse: Subaki for Birthright, Laslow for Conquest/Revelation
  8. Oooohhhh, I'm so excited now! The game looks awesome. I'm very happy with the end result of the whole skinship thing! I like pretty much all of the voices. Even Felicia's! She just sounds like a normal (maybe kinda awkward) girl to me. Even the "we've got trouble" line doesn't really bother me. The only line that kiiiiiinda made me cringe was Corrin's "I did it!" Hahaha.
  9. It was a nightmare, sort of? I was on vacation at a nice resort, but I somehow missed all of the trip and it was the last day all of a sudden. I was confused and upset because it was over before it even started. I feel like I have that dream a lot.
  10. I'm 26 & I'd say my mid-20s have been the best years of my life so far. Life is comfortable and pretty routine right now, which I like. I actually get along with my parents now that I only see them once a week or so. Err, I kind of freaked out on my last birthday though because I am now closer to 30 than 20... ohmygod. I still feel really young at heart, but I definitely have moments where I feel like an adult. I would probably be annoyed by my teenage self. When I was younger, I always imagined that I would eventually grow out of all my insecurities & be this confident and independent person once I hit adulthood. Turns out that just didn't happen and I had to fake it 'til I made it. I also still experience "impostor syndrome" on a daily basis. However, I do feel a lot more comfortable with myself as a person now. For example, in my teens, most people would just describe me as "really nice". It got to me. I felt like, oh is that all I am? I've come to embrace it now.
  11. I don't like male Corrin's design. Something about it just bothers me... I think it's the way the collar looks on him? Or maybe just his whole skintight outfit? It's just very bleh to me. I think female Corrin looks totally cute, though. I'm also kinda irked out by the "battle panties", haha.
  12. I don't even own a real jacket right now, hahah. I just wear a hoodie when I go outside because I don't get cold very easily. Also, the last few winters haven't gotten below freezing often enough for me to want to buy a real coat.
  13. I think I'll probably do Lunatic/Classic for Birthright, Hard/Classic for Conquest, and Lunatic/Classic for Revelation.
  14. I don't like that they removed it. Personally, I find the face petting thing to be pretty weird, but I liked the extra dialogue/voice acting that came with it. I really hope they at least kept that in somehow! I'll be a little disappointed if that's all gone.
  15. I won't be home from work until 8pm-ish and unfortunately can't get the day off. I'm hoping that my boyfriend will be off so he can be here when it gets delivered. If he isn't, then I'm gonna ask a friend or family member to come over to my place and wait for it so it doesn't get sent to the post office for pick up the next day, haha... can't have that. ; ]
  16. Birthright: Subaki Conquest/Revelation: Laslow
  17. Yes! It's 4:21am & my friends left my place a little while ago. I'm still kinda tipsy and a little freaked out cause there was red wine spilled on my carpet and oh god how do I get that out.
  18. Too lazy to list it all, but I bought a lot of stuff cause I LOVE giving presents. I probably spent around $1000. I got a lot back too, though! ; ]
  19. I do think it's a little weird when people call chocolate bars "candy bars". It doesn't annoy me, though.
  20. Wow... tough one. I would sacrifice him to save the world because I know that's what he would want me to do.
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