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Infinite Dreams

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Everything posted by Infinite Dreams

  1. Man, I've done several full pulls on the mage girl banner with no shiny 5 stars to show for it *sigh*. I'm up to 4.75% on that banner now. Hopefully I don't get all the way up to 5.75% again like on the PoR banner, haha. At least I got 2 new characters? Pulled a Maria and Beruka (×2) for the first time...
  2. Since I was up to 5.75% (11.5% combined) from pulling only reds for Ike, I finally gave up on him and decided to go for a full pull since I want to move on from that banner. Got a Hector (yay!) and Priscilla (already have her, but another 5* is always welcome I suppose!). Both are +Atk/-HP. No PoR peeps, but I'll survive. Now I'm going to go for the mage girls on my next pull since my only two 5* mages are Reinhardt and Olwen. Need some reds and greens!
  3. 4754 (deathless) is currently rank 5285 in Tier 15. I feel like I lucked out with my matches this week. The only one that gave me trouble was a Vantage+Ignis Hector that killed my Ryoma. Tbh, I didn't really pay attention to the new terrain at all, so maybe that made a difference there. Oh well. Team: Azura, Ryoma, Reinhardt, 4* Clarine.
  4. I'm now at a 5.75%/5.75% on the Path of Radiance banner... Maybe trying for Ike was a bad idea. (Seems like all I get is 3* Lon'Qu and Hinata, haha.)
  5. Tellius: Mia, Jill, Elincia, Tibarn, Micaiah, Sothe, Edward Elibe: Sain Magvel: Tana, Joshua Ylisse: Sumia, Inigo, Owain Fates: Kaden, Shigure, Shiro, Nina, Ophelia, Soleil
  6. Got a lower score than the last two seasons, but I'm still happy with it because it was deathless. Offense score of 4744. I don't have a 5* bonus unit this time, so my 4* Clarine tagged along. I like having a healer. I'm probably going to be kicked out of the top 10k in a few hours. I should be able to stay in 10k-30k, which is good enough for me! No defense wins yet, boo. I figured my shiny new Reinhardt + Azura combo would mess at least one person up, but I guess not. I kind of feel like a jerk for putting Reinhardt in my defense team since he's so annoying, so if I get a win, I'll remove him.
  7. In the 3-4* pool, the only character I haven't pulled yet is Beruka. In the 4-5* pool: Caeda, Sheena, Klein, Rebecca, and Maria. 5* Only: A lot.
  8. I am a huge fan of Laslow too, so I five starred mine and fed him a bunch of skills. I gave him Brave Sword+, Death Blow 3, and Swordbreaker 2 (grinding the SP for 3). He is so much fun to use with these skills! His attack is 46 with the Brave Sword+ equipped and the DB3 makes it even better. I just have to be careful where I leave him because he is la-slow. --- My 4* Cecilia is trained up to level 40, and I didn't find her too bad. She can get killed pretty easily, but a lot of characters can. The 2-colour weapon advantage is pretty sweet if she has Triangle Adept.
  9. I've made a bunch of small orb purchases over the last few months. I don't know the exact number, but I think it's probably a bit over 200$ CAD, which isn't really that much in the grand scheme of things. I usually buy the 23 orb pack (17.99) or the 35 pack (27.99) when I have a craving to summon. It's quite addicting sometimes, heh. Only a few (4-5?) of my 5 star units were from these purchased orbs. I don't regret any of it. I had fun. Money spent on something I enjoy is money well spent as far as I'm concerned!
  10. Heroes Name: Kassie ID: 5247267905 Lead character is usually Laslow. He has a Brave Sword+.
  11. After going through ~150ish orbs without a 5 star, I finally got 2 in one pull! I feel so happy right now, hehehe. I wanted Azura really bad, and I got her! She is +HP/-Res. I debated whether or not I should pull the red orb too since I already got who I wanted, and I'm glad I did because it was Ryoma (+Atk/-Def). Yay, yay, yay! It would be nice to get a Hector too since he's good, but I'll be fine without him. My future pulls will go back to the PoR banner in an attempt to get Ike and Mist.
  12. I am very close to my next 5 star promotion now, and I've decided to promote Reinhardt when I reach 20k feathers. I have a +Atk/-HP one, and just pulled a second 4* one last night who is +Atk/-Spd. (Both +Atk, lucky!) I believe I've seen it posted before that -Spd is the best bane for him? If someone could confirm this for me, that would be great. (Is it because his speed is so low that a few extra points are useless?)
  13. If it's of any consolation to anyone, I spent some money this past week on orbs (and went a little nuts with it, oops), and I didn't get a 5 star in any of my pulls. I think I bought around 120 orbs or something & also spent all the free ones. I'm cutting myself off for now! No regrets, it's always kinda fun to see who I'm gonna get. I feel slightly disappointed after seeing all these lucky peeps in this thread, but I keep telling myself that the people not pulling anything good are probably not posting as much as the people who are. Fingers crossed I can pull something nice with my free orbs before the banners end! I reeeeeaaaallly want an Azura! Hehehe.
  14. I had a lot of fun with these new maps and quests. I hope we see more like these in the future. I found part 4 the most difficult to do with no deaths. Took me a few tries, but it was fun.
  15. Nice to finally see some Path of Radiance characters! I'm hoping to pull Ike or Mist. (I know healers are bad in this game, but I like Mist.)
  16. I made it into the top 10k with my score of 4762 last season, yay! I was rank 9896 at the end, so it was close, hehe! Just blew through a bunch of dueling crests and got a deathless run for the new season. Offense score of 4774. Better than last time! Maybe I'll make top 10k again. I still think I prefer the old arena... It's harder now, heh. I think I need to chill out a bit next season and just do the 3 swords a day cause I'm down to like 9 crests now. The perfectionist in me hates getting a death now, so it's hard not to keep going. Something kinda funny happened tonight. I ran into a team of armours and thought it would be an easy win. They had some pretty good skills, though. For example, the Effie had like, Distant Counter and Bonfire or something. Yikes! Team: Alm, Olivia, Olwen, Takumi
  17. Yesyesyes! *Finally* got my defense win. I was worried that I wouldn't get one this week. I'm so happy that I think I'll surrender all my swords for today and tomorrow in hopes of helping out some other poor soul without a win. My score of 4762 is currently at rank 8582. Hmm, maybe the <10k reward will be within my reach for the first time ever! Hehe.
  18. Cleared it on Lunatic with Nowi, Olwen, Olivia, and Laslow. It wasn't so bad. Uh oh, does Reinhardt being in this banner mean I'll see him more in the arena? He's such a jerk. I don't really feel like pulling from this banner since I have no orbs and don't want to spend any more money at the moment. I have a 4* Reinhardt who is +Atk/-HP, which I assume is pretty good? Maybe I'll promote him when I have enough feathers. I dunno why I never thought to do that before.
  19. I burned through 4-5 crests and got a deathless run after some failed attempts. My score is higher than last week's: 4762! I'm very happy with that. Rank is currently 636 but is obviously going to drop big time. I will probably end up in my usual 10k-30k bracket. Whether I get a deathless run or not seems to almost entirely depend on whether I run into Reinhardt, haha. I can deal with most teams without him as long as the skills aren't too crazy. I used: Alm, Takumi, Olwen, and Olivia.
  20. Not great because I hate getting up early for work. In my case, early is 9am. (I work 11-7.) I usually mess up my sleep schedule on long weekends, haha.
  21. I think a lot of this comes down to luck. On the other hand, you do need to "put yourself out there". I'm an introvert as well, and unfortunately I can't really offer any good advice on where to meet new people. My single friends seem to use online dating sites a lot. I've seen some people suggest clubs where people share your interests, and I think that's a great idea too. I think you will meet someone faster if you keep putting yourself into situations where you meet new people (as intimidating as that might be). Personally, I don't really find myself attracted to someone until I know more about them. I agree with one of the posters above who said that women notice it when men are kind and respectful to others. I'll tell my story of how I met my SO, but I wouldn't recommend doing what he did. We were both really young and things were different at that age. I started dating him over 9 years ago. We were both 18, and we met the summer after high school at a party. I had absolutely 0 experience with guys. He just kind of went for it. He made it NO secret he had a thing for me & hit on me all the time. I found it rather off-putting, but to be honest, I kind of liked the attention too. He added me to MSN messenger, and I felt obligated to reply to him because it would have been rude to ignore him, haha. After a while, I started to get more comfortable talking to him on there, even liking our conversations. Eventually, we started to hang out at his parents' place. It was really fun, and he taught me how to play Guitar Hero. After hanging out twice, I started to develop feelings for him. We started dating one week after our first hang out sesh. It's kind of a funny story because I started out thinking he was annoying, but I grew to like him once I knew him better. Also, I don't find it weird at all when people don't want to drink at the bar/pub. I think it's pretty normal, so no worries there. You seem like an awesome guy with a great attitude, and I'm sure things will work out for you.
  22. So, I never expected this to happen to me... I just pulled my second 5* Alm today. I'm not really sure what to do with him. Should I just merge him? Or is there a character in the game that would really appreciate his Windsweep skill?
  23. In order of acquisition: Lucina (+SPD/-DEF) Cordelia (+RES/-ATK) Raven (+DEF/-ATK) Male Corrin (+DEF/-ATK) Takumi (+ATK/-RES) Lachesis (+DEF/-ATK) Sakura (+SPD/-HP) Minerva (+DEF/-RES) Eirika (+RES/-DEF) Priscilla (Neutral) Lucius (+SPD/-DEF) Olwen (+RES/-HP) Spring Xander (+ATK/-HP) Nowi (+DEF/-SPD) Abel (+ATK/-DEF) Alm (+SPD/-RES) I believe 3 of these were from orbs I purchased. Promoted: Sharena (Neutral) Laslow (+ATK/-DEF). Favouritism. Olivia (+HP/-DEF). Doubt that's an ideal +/- combo, but I wanted to promote her since I use her a lot, and I that's what I had *shrug*. I mostly use her to dance, anyway. I think I'll promote a mage to 5 stars next, since I only have 1.
  24. My score of 4734 is currently at rank 12,646. I did very, very poorly the first night. I was using the same team that I used last season (Lucina, Takumi, Sharena, and 4* Palla), and blew through like, 10+ dueling crests trying to get minimal deaths. On average, I just couldn't win a match without at least 1 or 2 deaths and kept running into a lot of mage teams, especially Reinhardt+Ninian, which destroys me, haha. I was so mad at the game that night. My boyfriend convinced me to stop playing for the night because I was so salty. The next day, I changed my team around to Lucina, Olivia, Olwen, and Carrot Xander (who I had just finished leveling to 40 to replace Palla). Carrot Xander was so much more useful for me than my 4* Palla, who could hardly lay a scratch on anything, aha. I got a deathless streak on almost my first try! I suspect I may have been lucky because I didn't run into a single Reinhardt+Dancer team that time. I dunno if it was the team change or luck that helped me. I'm a pretty casual player, usually just aiming for the 10k-30k bracket, which I'm in now, so I'm happy. Last season I had a score slightly above 4500, which put me in the same bracket I'm in now with this score of 4734. Honestly, I'm not really a fan of the arena changes so far. Running into characters like Reinhardt and Kagero more often is such a pain in the butt! I've also noticed more +1/+2 units are popping up for me, and I'm not really sure why because I don't have any merged ones? Oh well, just gonna have to get used to it!
  25. I pulled Alm last night. Pretty happy about that. He is +Speed/-Resistance.
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