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Infinite Dreams

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Everything posted by Infinite Dreams

  1. Didn't end up raising my score because I was away at a music festival for a good chunk of this week, but my score of 4836 is getting me back into Tier 20 anyway. I'm at rank 1058 out of 10,105 in Tier 19. I got a lot of defense wins this week with my Team of Hector, Olivia, Reinhardt, and Anna. I don't know the exact number because it deletes the old names after 10, but I think I had close to 20 defense wins!
  2. Flats. I'd much rather wear something comfy like runners, but that would look weird since I pretty much only wear dresses.
  3. Yay! You can do it! I've been lurking this thread, and I'm totally rooting for you! 50k is near!
  4. Oh my, I ran into a horse emblem team for the second (or third?) time ever! I'm actually quite proud of myself for not losing anyone in the fight, ahaha. Ummm, I kinda had a mini heart attack at first, though. This season has been rough for me so far. I think I blew through 4-5 Dueling Crests just to get a deathless run. Definitely the toughest time I've had in a while! I feel like I hardly ever ran into any teams without a dancer + Reinhardt this time. I guess that's my payback for having that combo on my own defense team, eh? (Speaking of that, I already have 2 defense wins!) I'm at 4836 in Tier 19 right now. I wonder if that'll be enough to get back to Tier 20 again? I'm going to try to raise it later in the week if possible. Team: Hector, Olivia, Reinhardt (+2), Anna
  5. Just pulled another 5* Priscilla on the Vantage banner... That's my third 5* Priscilla. I like her and all, but c'mon. Healers love me. She will be my highest 5* merge now.
  6. I think it's because when the system first changed to tiers, some high scoring people jumped up 2 ranks from Tier 16 to 18, and then dropped down from 18 to 17 because of the tough competition with the whales. I only moved up 1 rank to 17 (instead of 2 to 18), and I steadily increased each week, never having to compete with those people who originally jumped up 2 ranks and then dropped, because they were still 1 rank behind. Those guys are in Tier 19 now, which is why it's harder there now than last week.
  7. Yuppers, I got into Tier 20 last week with a score of 4832. I was a few hundred ranks above the cut-off. --- I didn't even try this week cause I'm headed down to 19 anyway, which is fine cause I'm happy enough I made it here in the first place! I have 4820 deathless (didn't waste my swords fishing for better scores this time). I'm at rank 1271/2057 in Tier 20. 617 people get to stay. Team was my usual Ryoma, Hector, Reinhardt (+1 now!), and Olivia. Sad that Olivia is not a bonus hero anymore next week. Also, congrats on #1, Ice Dragon! That's awesome!
  8. My Reinhardt has over 5000 SP... I've been slowing down on this now. Just over 70k at the moment. Started switching up my teams a bit to give other people SP and HM too. I don't get 705 points when I do that, but oh well, it's making things less boring.
  9. That was the most fun I've ever had on a GHB. Took several tries (no potion though, mwaha!). Beat Infernal with 5* Lucina, Nino, Reinhardt, and Olivia.
  10. Got my first deathless run fairly easily with the free swords. Doesn't really matter, though, since I will definitely be demoting to Tier 19. I finally ran into a horsie team! Luckily, it was a team of Titania, Leo, Cecilia, and Olwen. Super easy. Just threw Ryoma into range of Titania and Leo. Both killed themselves on him. Then Cecilia did. Rein took out Olwen.
  11. I have a +Spd/-HP Bride Cordelia, and I noticed a lot of people saying she's good. What are some good skills to put on her? (I do know that Brave Bow+ is often recommended. Might do that eventually, but I don't have access to it at the moment.) Are there any skills inheritable from 4* units that she does pretty well with? Doesn't have to be totally optimal, just decent. I'm kiiiinda stingy and don't like to five star a unit just to feed them to someone. Also, I just recently five starred Anna and Alphonse. What about these guys? Any cheap (inheritable from 4*) recommendations?
  12. I'm at 62k and I have to admit I'm getting pretty bored with it now. Gonna stick with it so I can get the 8000 feather reward. Staying under rank 5000 seems pretty doable since I'm at rank 2729 right now.
  13. Did 3 full summons on the new banner cause I like to try for new characters. Got Athena (weird eyes) and Luke (looks like Draug with a stretched face). Ahaha. I definitely would have preferred to get Katarina cause she's pretty, but I really can't complain. I think I'm done summoning for a bit until a new banner comes out. I usually just try to get 1 of the focus characters before I stop, and I got 2. Athena: +HP/-Def Luke: +Atk/-Res
  14. At 47k right now. Should get to 50 tonight when my stamina refills. I seem to get 705 points ~75% of the time now. My play style includes a lot of enemy phase baiting, so sometimes WoM catches me off guard.
  15. Team was Ryoma, Hector, Reinhardt, and Olivia (All 5* with full skills). My score was 4832. I was matched up with teams in the 686 to 694 range.
  16. Got my 6400 feathers! I made the cut for 20! Won't be staying there. I barely made it in with my mergeless team. (Actually just boosted Reinhardt to +1 last night, but obvs that isn't going to do much to raise my score.) Next season is gonna be chill cause I'm going to be demoted no matter what, so I don't have to worry about getting deathless, eheheh.
  17. Just did a few pulls on the Vantage banner. Quite satisfied because I got a duplicate 5* Reinhardt! (Just called him my MVP in the Tempest Trials MVP thread. Guess I made him happy, mwahaha.) He will be my first 5* merge that I use in my arena team! Yay! (I have a duplicate Hector, but I still can't make up my mind on what to do with him...)
  18. Reinhardt, as expected. Kills like 90% of the things. He's gonna have soooo much unnecessary SP at the end of this. Magic is everything!
  19. My score of 4832 is currently at rank 1363/1894 to promote to Tier 20. I haven't been dropping more than ~200 ranks per day, so I should be safe, but who knows... Fingers crossed. The 3000 feathers would be nice! (I know I definitely won't stay in 20, but it'd be nice to reach it at least, hehe.) Team: Ryoma, Hector, Olivia, Reinhardt (All 5*, no merges) 8 defense wins for the above team. Highest is 580.
  20. Gotten 10 ish 705-point runs now (I assume that's the max since I had As), and I noticed that you don't lose a point if someone dies on the last map. This thread is super long, and I dunno if anyone's mentioned that yet. It's happened to me a few times. I screw up majorly sometimes if I'm playing really fast and not carefully (like when I was sneaking in some Heroes time at work today, eheheh). Not really focusing that much on getting the max points. If it happens, it happens? Just trying to get through these as fast as I can. Sometimes I luck out with the enemy selection/skills... Sometimes not! Overall, liking this event! Team: Lucina, Celica, Azura, Reinhardt (All 5*, no merges) I've had Daggerbreaker on Rein for a while now (Kagero used to piss me off in the arena, so Reinhardt ate her). It's been quite handy for me on these maps! I like to use him as bait sometimes. Just taught Celica Green Tomebreaker to help her defeat Veronica in one go. Although, if I recall correctly, I think my Lucina needs to be beside her or Veronica survives with like 2 (?) health... (Unless Celica's special skill is going to activate.) Anyway, this team is working together quite nicely. Reinhardt is hogging a lot of the kills, though! Edit: Celica just killed Veronica in one go this time without any help or special skill activating. Not sure why she didn't without Lucina's Spur Attack before. Maybe another unit was buffing Veronica's Res or something? Oh well.
  21. My Celica needs some SP, so I tried switching to a team without a healer. Got a score of 705! Team: Lucina, Celica, Azura, Reinhardt My Lucina has Renewal 3 and Reciprocal Aid, so she can (sorta) be a healer!
  22. I love that we get so many rewards! To be honest, this feels preeeeetty grindy, but getting the rewards makes it feel worth it. My team of Lucina, Priscilla, Olivia, and Reinhardt is doing pretty well on the 7-battle stage. Although, I've only gotten over 700 points (705, I think?) once so far cause I'm a bit of a turtle, hehe! I usually get deathless now, so I mainly just lose points on my speed. I have had a few "oh shit, Wings of Mercy!" moments, though.
  23. Ahh, okay! I thought it was probably a long shot. Well then, I'm glad I'm not the jerk responsible for ending your first streak! Haha. --- Currently my score of 4832 is rank 290/4910 in Tier 19. 4 defense wins already!
  24. Heya, what's your username on Heroes? I have a defense win from someone named Arc, and I was curious if it might be you. (It probably isn't, but that'd be neat if it is! And, uh, if it is you, I'm very sorry, haha! )
  25. Looking forward to the new Tempest Trials thing! Looks fun and different. The game always kinda feels dry to me during the Grand Hero Battles. The battle itself is over with rather quickly, and then there's no new stuff for several days. Ah, well. I guess I can continue to work on the June quests.
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