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Infinite Dreams

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Everything posted by Infinite Dreams

  1. Thanks guys! I think I'll just settle for the 8000 feathers then.
  2. Could someone in the top 1k tell me what their score is? I currently have a score of 105k, which is at rank 2929. Wondering if I should try for the 10,000 feathers.
  3. Wow, you're awesome. Thank you very much for posting this! Watching your first step was so helpful for me. I was having trouble picking a suitable team for Infernal and choosing their starting places. I used Nino, Azura, Gray, and Sharena and started out using your strategy with Nino and Azura up top and Gray and Sharena at the bottom. Berkut went up instead of down (maybe to avoid Gray's Zanbato?), but it still worked out for me in the end!
  4. Yay, I actually stayed in Tier 20 last season! Barely made it with my score of 4860. I got my deathless streak in for this season. Offense score of 4874, no fishing! I bumped up my score a bit by giving a couple characters some skills that are worth more points. Gray also happens to be +1 as well. Team: Reinhardt +2, Hector +1, Olivia +1, and Gray +1. I really hate the map with the two teams facing each other with defense tiles/breakable walls in the middle.
  5. Using Reinhardt. I'm also guilty of using the auto-battle feature to grind the Tempest Trials while at work.
  6. Omg. I'm currently 1883/1995 (to stay in Tier 20) with 5 hours to go. Is it going to actually happen? I'm soooo close! Offense score is 4860.
  7. Very true! I totally have a love/hate relationship with the pull topic. I like to go in there and see what other people are getting, but sometimes it makes me feel really bad when my luck is lacking. Like that time I got up to 5.75% trying to get Ike... And never got him. I was so salty seeing people get more than one of him! Hahaha.
  8. Ahah, well according to this chart I'm still a Clown Fish right now then. Hmm, or possibly a Turtle if I have underestimated my spending... which I frequently do. If the game keeps going strong, I'll get up there... It's kinda funny. When they announced a mobile Fire Emblem game a while back, I wasn't really hyped up about it. I figured it wouldn't be very interesting. Who knew it would be so awesome?
  9. No. I have never actually seen someone with one in real life, but I know what they look like from hearing about them on the internet.
  10. Ahah, well, I take it to mean someone in between the free-to-play people and the whales. I've seen the word used a lot on these forums, and I feel like I fit into that category. I have spent a few hundred (not sure on the exact number).
  11. My opinion on the whole buying orbs thing: I strongly believe that money spent on something you enjoy is not wasted. It is often said that buying orbs is like gambling. The way I see it, most things in life are a gamble anyway. You gamble when you spend money on a movie you don't know you'll like. You gamble when you try something new at a restaurant. You gamble when you spend a small fortune on a wedding for a marriage that may not last. Just because something is a gamble, doesn't mean it's not worth doing. Sometimes, things that we gamble on don't give us the result we want. However, it can be fun to take the risk anyway. Some people blow $100+ in one night at a bar on drinks. (Yes, I did this a few times when I was younger.) All you have to show for it the next day is a hangover and maybe some nice memories. Fancy restaurants can rack up a big bill too, and all you have after that is a full stomach. Those are just a couple of examples of spending money and having nothing to show for it. To me, buying orbs is no different. I have spent money on the game (I'm a dolphin) and I don't regret it. I have been playing this game every day since launch, and it has brought me a lot of enjoyment. When the game dies eventually, the money will not have been a waste for me. It was fun. (Again, that's just my opinion. )
  12. My opinion on the whole buying orbs thing: I strongly believe that money spent on something you enjoy is not wasted. It is often said that buying orbs is like gambling. The way I see it, most things in life are a gamble anyway. You gamble when you spend money on a movie you don't know you'll like. You gamble when you try something new at a restaurant. You gamble when you spend a small fortune on a wedding for a marriage that may not last. Just because something is a gamble, doesn't mean it's not worth doing. Sometimes, things that we gamble on don't give us the result we want. However, it can be fun to take the risk anyway. Some people blow $100+ in one night at a bar on drinks. (Yes, I did this a few times when I was younger.) All you have to show for it the next day is a hangover and maybe some nice memories. Fancy restaurants can rack up a big bill too, and all you have after that is a full stomach. Those are just a couple of examples of spending money and having nothing to show for it. To me, buying orbs is no different. I have spent money on the game (I'm a dolphin) and I don't regret it. I have been playing this game every day since launch, and it has brought me a lot of enjoyment. When the game dies eventually, the money will not have been a waste for me. It was fun. (Again, that's just my opinion. )
  13. I'm *so* close to staying in 20! (With my highest score yet, I might add.) I don't think I'm gonna make it, though. Still a day and a half to go. Oh well, I tried!
  14. I learned earlier today that the Gray I pulled was actually -Atk. I checked the stats when they first went up and thought that he wasn't, so maybe they changed since then or I just misread them. Soooo, that means that BOTH of the characters I pulled on the Alm's Army banner were -Atk. I decided to try pulling off that banner again today in hopes of getting a Gray or Delthea that isn't -Atk. It worked! I was blessed with a +Atk/-Res Gray. Merged +1, yay! I like his Heroes art, so I think I'll use him a lot.
  15. I've been so lazy with the trials this time around. I think I burned myself out last time because I always played Lunatic 7. I'm reeeeally feeling the grind this time, so I have started doing the ultimate lazy thing. I put the game on auto-battle on Hard 5 (the AI wipes my 4 teams on Lunatic 5). On hard, the AI usually only wipes the team once or twice, so I get over 400 points per run. It's not very stamina efficient, but I have over 50 potions and nothing else to do with them. I have to make myself look away from the screen when the AI is doing its' thing cause it makes me cringe big time. (Like rushing Azura in to attack an axe user instead of dancing.) It's nice doing it this way, though! I get to watch Netflix and crochet while the game grinds the trials for me, hehehe. I'm at 53k right now, so if I spend more stamina potions, I should have no problem making it to the top 5k by the end. Last time I made it in the top 5k with 110k points, but I think the cut off will be higher this time.
  16. Seems a lot of people here got a -Atk Delthea. I feel a little better now. Mine is +Res/-Atk, so maybe I'll give her Iceberg or Glacies.
  17. Got Gray and Delthea! I wonder what their boons and banes are. Doesn't matter too much to me since I just want them for collection purposes, but I am curious. Delthea: 16 23 8 3 8 Gray: 17 20 6 7 3 Think I'll move on to Celica's Army banner when I have more orbs. I would like to get Leon or Saber. Edit: Seems like Delthea is +Res/-Atk. Oh well. She's so adorable! Gray seems to be +Def/-Res. Edit 2: I seem to have misread the wiki stats or they changed since the first night, but my Gray is ALSO -Atk. Oh boy.
  18. Well, I'm happy about the new banners coming out, buuut Cancel Affinity looks awful. No no no no! It's going to be so annoying in the arena.
  19. Oh maaaan, I just beat Echoes 2 days ago (yeah, I took my sweet time). I'm all hyped for this now. I used all of those characters except Sonia... Because I fought her. Now I really wish I didn't blow all my orbs a few days ago! Oh well. I can just buy some, I suppose. I only have 21 right now.
  20. My first thought was that the art style for Berkut reminds me of Eirika's. So, if Ephraim was drawn by the same artist as her, I agree with the person above! Looks good.
  21. Got 4844 this time. Usually I get some variety with my point match ups, but I think all the teams I fought in my deathless run were 692 this time. Don't think I'll try to fish for higher points unless the cutoff to stay is within reach. This is my 3rd time in Tier 20, and it seems to be my destiny to forever bounce between 19 and 20, hehe.
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