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Infinite Dreams

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Everything posted by Infinite Dreams

  1. Ahaha, yeah I guess I should have just quoted the first one. Oh well.
  2. I've been stung several times, but they were probably wasps because wasps are assholes.
  3. Ahh, I see, thanks for your response. Hmm, I do actually like setting my first AA team around the 690s. (I set my score around there for the last 2 AA seasons because I was failing to get a deathless run with 700+ scores.) Maybe there are indeed less Bow Lyns in that range for some reason, hehe.
  4. Out of curiosity, what point range is that? I feel like I run into her in almost every fight in the 700-712 range. Yucky. She always tag teams with Reinhardt too.
  5. Regular arena streak done... --- I hate Bow Lyn. Disgusting. I still managed to win that fight. Rein was only able to 1RKO that Lyn with the help of his support partner, Ike. Ike had to move forward 1 space to be beside him. Whew. I'll tackle Arena Assault tomorrow or the next day. I've had enough Horse Emblem for one night...
  6. Here we go. 99 orbs spent on the TT banner. Did I finally get Ike? Let's see... 4* Lachesis (No reds) 4* Fir 3* Niles (No reds) 3* Laslow 4* Seth (New!) 4* Male Corrin 4* Eirika 3* Hana 4* Sophia 3* Lon'qu 4* Marth 4* Eliwood 4* Roy 3* Lon'qu 4* Seliph 3* Draug 4* Draug 4* Stahl 3* Palla 4* Lon'qu 3* Lon'qu 5* Ike (+Atk/-HP) YESSSSSS YES YES! Finally. I had 7 orbs left and decided to open one more colourless orb in case Mist was hiding under it... 5* Mist (Neutral) Seems she wanted to join her brother! Neat. Well... I am now down from 102 ---> 3 orbs, but I am a happy girl.
  7. I am a big fan of Fates and Awakening. A lot of the things I like are the same things that people hate. Seems the fanbase is pretty split on this topic. It doesn't really upset me when people hate on these games as long as they aren't dicks about it. We like what we like... My reasons for liking Fates and Awakening more than the other games: -The large amount of supports. I didn't feel like the quality was any worse than the older games. -The cast really stood out to me compared to the older games. I didn't find them too "gimmicky". -The marriage and kids. I had a lot of fun planning out all of the marriages. (Although, I must admit it feels like the kids were thrown into Fates without a good reason, haha.) -Story was easy to follow. Cheesy at times, yes, but I personally don't play FE for the quality of the story. -Pair-Up. -The skills system. -The art style and pretty cut-scenes. -Replayability. -The quality of the voice acting (English). I would have preferred the games to be fully voiced like Echoes, but ah well, the parts that were voiced were good. -Elimination of weapon durability (Fates only). -MyCastle (or whatever it's called) added some extra entertainment for me (Fates only). -Conquest's maps. So much fun! (Fates only). (I have completed Fire Emblem 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, and 15.)
  8. When Skill Inheritance was first released I was giving everyone skills without much thought. Here's the mistake: I gave Anna Defiant Resistance and spent the SP to learn it... What a waste.
  9. Lucina (+Spd/-Def). I still use her a lot to this day.
  10. 7) Male: Eliwood Female: Ninian 8) Male: Joshua Female: Eirika 9) Male: Ike Female: Mia 10) Same as above 13) Male: Inigo Female: Lissa 14) Male: Laslow Female: Sakura 15) Male: Gray Female: Celica
  11. That mirror image one in Conquest. Chapter 15, I think? That was neat.
  12. I think Awakening and Fates had the best characters and support system. I like Corrin.
  13. Knights/Generals. I think they're mostly kinda ugly and too slow. I bench most of them because they get left behind. Lukas was an exception. He was so cool that I just couldn't bench him.
  14. Nope. I played Megaman 6 (a lot) on the Nintendo back when I was a little kiddo. I just sucked.
  15. I don't think they will ever implement a way to transfer SP from one character to another. It would be nice, though... Reinhardt is hogging so much SP & he needs to learn to share! He doesn't need any more! Greedy, greedy. Do all your SP grinding on Friday/Saturday! It really helps.
  16. It's so funny when that happens. For the hell of it, my SO asked me to do his free pull on the SS banner and it was a 5* Innes, ahah.
  17. Interesting topic! Well, to put it kind of bluntly, I think if a kid is given access to their parents' credit card and uses it on Heroes, then that's the parents' fault. Anyway, I kinda just skimmed the videos. I agree with the first guy for sure. Obviously the company wants our money... So does every other company looking to make a sale. I don't think there's anything wrong with it. Trying to avoid temptation is just a part of life. Not all whales are addicts, though. I'm sure a lot of them aren't! People who choose to splurge on this game are paying for entertainment. Life is short. If spending thousands of dollars on this game makes some people happy, then what's wrong with that? Of course, if someone does that and then regrets it, it'll be a lesson learned & they should take precautions to prevent it from happening again. I like to put my money into this game. $1000 doesn't really seem like a lot of money in the grand scheme of things, and I'm definitely not rich. I've put more than that into this game since February, and I don't regret it. (I don't even consider myself a whale, haha.) It's my leisure money. The game is entertaining. I actually think it's better than wasting it on overpriced drinks at the bar like I used to do... But then, the things in life that are "worth" spending money on are all a matter of personal opinion.
  18. -Regular Ike -Katarina -Leo -Ephraim -Tana -Hinoka -Linde
  19. I laughed my ass off when I saw him say that for the first time. Definitely one of my favourite level-up quotes.
  20. 84 orbs spent tonight. 4* Henry 3* Tiki 3* Henry 4* Stahl 4* Hana 4* Henry 4* Chrom 4* Lachesis (No reds in that session and I need some Bowbreaker.) 4* Stahl 3* Eliwood 3* Hana 3* Gaius 5* Eldigan (-Atk/+Spd. I didn't have him yet. Neat.) 3* Olivia 4* Olivia 5* Elincia (16 9 10 4 8 are her stats. I think she may be +Atk/-Def! Dunno if it's too soon to count the Fire Emblem Wiki as reliable. I hope it's right! ) 4* Jagen (Opened the rest of the 4 orbs because why not? I'm done.) 4* Est 3* Niles 4* Wrys Happy with these results. Wish I could have pulled a Laslow, though. I need more to promote and merge!
  21. Haha, I have to admit you make a good point there. --- I actually like Elincia's art. She looks cute, but she's not too cutesy like FEH Mae is (in my opinion).
  22. I too am slightly disappointed that the banner is only 3 new characters. Oh well. I'm excited for Elincia and her super awesome brave weapon. I'll be sniping reds for sure. Hopefully I can get her. While Wrath looks like a cool skill, I'm going to pass on the blues this time because I never took much of a liking to Nephenee and Oscar. I benched them in my PoR game, haha. I am hoping to see Mia, Jill, Boyd, and Kieran in the future.
  23. Did one last yolo pull on the Brave banner in hopes of another Brave Ike to make mine +2 since he's a part of my main arena team now. 3* Cecilia 3* Beruka 5* Brave Ike Yay! Lucky. Now I have 138 orbs left for Elincia tonight.
  24. Oooh, I really hope we get a trailer tonight. I'm excited for a new banner cause I have 150 orbs saved up! (Watch me get no 5*s with all those orbs, haha...) I'm also trying to resist the urge to pull for another Brave Ike, haha.
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