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Infinite Dreams

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Everything posted by Infinite Dreams

  1. I am not really a fan of the SS characters (except Tana), but I get cravings to pull for new characters, so I have been opening everything blue/green/colourless with my free orbs. I was avoiding red because I have too many swordies. SS Banner Pulls: 3* Florina 4* Frederick 3* Serra 4* Sheena 4* Saizo 4* Donnel 5* Innes (+Atk/-HP) A 5* in only 31 orbs? Hell yeah, that's pretty lucky! I haven't been lucky in a while. I guess I'm done with this banner! I'll start saving for the next one.
  2. I stayed in 20! Got my regular arena streak finished already. I like to get it done early... Score: 4894 Team: Alfonse, Rein +2, Olivia +1, and Hector +1. I'll work on Arena Assault later. I usually find it a bit more difficult (in a good way).
  3. Yay, new personal record! 4898! Team: Alfie, Rein +2, Olivia +1, and Hector +1.
  4. Why, thank you! Grats to you as well! Just in time for the double SP! Can't wait to start leveling her up when the server resets tonight.
  5. OMGOMGOMG! Sorry, I'm pretty excited. After spending like 200 orbs on the Hero Fest banner, I finally got Julia! I am soooooo happy right now! She is +Atk/-HP, which sounds pretty good to me!
  6. Just a heads up, I read on reddit that Amelia's points value is currently bugged for some people. Apparently she is giving less points than Tharja? Might be worth it to switch her out and see if it's happening to you too!
  7. Yay, got a deathless AA run. It was hard! I was against Olwen/Rein/Cecilia/Eldigan on the 7th map without any dancers left (and most of my good dudes were used already too). I used 4* Female Robin, Genny, Abel, and Summer Leo to win. Current Rank: Arena Assault: 4882 - Rank 769. Regular Arena: 4880 - Rank 838 in Tier 20. One of my defense wins was worth 588. That's the highest I've ever had!
  8. Grinded Chain Challenges to get a full pull on the Hero Fest banner. Trying to use my pity percentage up before it ends. 4* Beruka 4* Titania 3* Azama 4* Henry 4* Hinata Still nothing good.
  9. I'm playing Fates again and figured I'd post in here in case anyone is looking to visit an active player. I'll visit anyone who visits me. I started this new Revelation file not too long ago, so I'm still building up skills and recruiting the kids. My Castle Code: 17440-26720-03216-57082 Chosen affinity: Revelation Avatar Name: Kristelle Castle Name: TURTLES? Region (NA/JP/etc): NA Food Resource: Cabbage & Beans Mineral Resource: Amber & Ruby Battle Level: Easy - Empty Throne, units on hold
  10. Today's Hero Fest pulls: 3* Beruka 3* Bartre Aaannnndd... 4* Bartre FML. I give up on getting Julia. Green sniping clearly isn't working for me. There's 2 days left on the banner, so I'm going to just do a full pull when I get to 20 orbs. Hopefully I get a 5* so I don't waste my pity percentage... My boyfriend did his free SS banner pull this morning. 5* Innes. What a jerk.
  11. Ahah, I wish. I still haven't pulled a focus character off the Hero Fest banner! I think I've spent almost 200 orbs on it.
  12. I get all the Hinatas. - 9 of my characters have Fury 3. - I have a +10 3* Hinata. - 7 spare ones currently. - I have probably sent about 10 of him home. I'm not a whale. He just really likes me.
  13. Yup. I think Hector boosts the score. I was in Tier 19 last week, so I'm not sure what the cutoff was.
  14. Nice thread idea! I love personality quizzes. So entertaining. Quiz #1: Mage.
  15. Mmmmm, loving all these extra feathers. I love you, Arena Assault. Got a pretty good score for the regular arena already. 4880. Maybe that'll be enough to stay in Tier 20 this time? *Fingers crossed!* I didn't even go fishing. Team: Alfie, Olivia +1, Hector +1, Rein +2. I'll work on AA tomorrow.
  16. Still no luck getting Julia. Today's Pulls: 3* Frederick 4* Merric 4* Sheena Free Sacred Stones banner pull: 4* Catria
  17. Ah, looks like I'll be using Alfonse again. He's actually not that bad... Current Arena Standing: Regular: 4872 - Rank 418 in Tier 19. 11 Defense wins, I think. Assault: 4850 - Rank 1695
  18. That would indeed be amazing! That's another reason I'm not sure if I want to try pulling a better Corrin. I'm holding on to the hope that they will eventually give us a way to neutralize/change a unit's nature.
  19. Your summer Corrin has the exact same nature as mine. I actually pulled 2 (spent way too much money), and the other one was +HP/-Spd. I merged her and kept the -Atk one. I hope that was the right choice... If it's any consolation, mine has Blarblade+ and is doing very well for me, even with -Atk. I still have the urge to try for a better one, but I am starting to love using her despite her bad nature. --- Two pulls again today. The hunt for Julia continues. Unfortunately, the game denied me a green orb in both sessions... 4* Tiki 4* Hinata. Really sick of this guy, but I guess a 4* one is good fodder. He's definitely my most frequently pulled character.
  20. I'm at 49k, which is rank 1832. Wow, I wonder what the people in the top 1k have right now.
  21. Today's summons: 3* Raigh (no greens to pick that time) and 4* Boey. I want Julia.
  22. Omg! Someone else who knows about Shining Force! I was SO obsessed with Shining Force 1 and 2 in the mid 90s. I remember inviting my friends over for my 7th (?) birthday party and trying to get them to play it, haha. (They got bored of it fast, unfortunately.) --- I voted for Final Fantasy, another series very close to my heart.
  23. Not just you. While the Heroes voice actor isn't bad at all, it's just not the same... Especially if you tap on him and make him talk. He sounds quite different. Liam O'Brien's voice is totally hot, so in my opinion nothing can compare, haha. I would still whale for Inigo if they brought another version of him into the game, though. No matter what voice he has. Dancer Inigo, plz.
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