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Infinite Dreams

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Everything posted by Infinite Dreams

  1. Hey, if it's any consolation, I've never heard of this "Calvinism" thing either. --- Thanks for answering my questions, Sully! That was my first time posting in this thread. It's pretty entertaining. Kinda neat learning more about the lives of other Fire Emblem fans, hehe.
  2. 1. Is that Zidane in your profile picture? If so, is FF9 your favourite Final Fantasy? (It's mine!) 2. How do you think success should be measured? 3. What scares you? Do you have any irrational fears? 4. What do you do to de-stress at the end of a long day? 5. What three words best describe you? 6. Are there any unspoken social rules that you dislike? 7. What do you value the most: free time, recognition, or money? 8. What's something you've tried that you'll never try again? 9. Would you consider yourself an introvert or an extrovert? 10. What are you most grateful for right now? 11. Do you enjoy overcoming challenges or do you prefer things to be easy? Why? 12. If you could time travel, where would you go? 13. What are your pet peeves? 14. What movie/book/show do you secretly love? 15. What's been the most significant or best year of your life so far?
  3. Already done both of my runs. Arena: 4946. New record! I didn't have to fish either. Currently rank 665 in Tier 20. Team: Laslow +4, Reinhardt +3, Olivia +2, and Brave Ike +1. Defense: 592 - 7 wins already! (Team is almost the same as above, except it's Hector instead of Laslow cause I doubt the AI can properly use a low-speed infantry Brave Sword user.) Arena Assault: 4864. Currently rank 828. I lowered my AA points to the 690s so I could get an easy deathless run. I won't try to get a higher score unless I'm at risk of falling out of the top 5k. I don't feel like playing against Horse Emblem on steroids in Arena Assault. The 690s seem to have a lot less of that BS. Seeing more and more bow Lyns with Cancel Affinity... Ew. (Although, her default skill is pretty annoying too.)
  4. ... That's... uhhh... Disgusting. I really hope I never run into your team in Arena Assault. Good job, though. That's terrifying! Haha.
  5. Competition seems to be tougher this week. I heard 4890 fell out of the cutoff to stay in Tier 20 like 24 hours ago. I wonder if the cutoff will be higher than 4900 this week? Rooough. --- I upped my score a bit with the daily swords. Team: Brave Ike +1, Olivia +2, Reinhardt +3, and Laslow +3. Arena: 4930 - Rank 2418/3879 to stay in Tier 20. Defense: 590 Arena Assault: 4894 - Rank 1634
  6. Quiz 2: Hau Quiz 3: Dragon of Light Quiz 4: Agitha Quiz 5: Water
  7. Yay, congrats! Is it your first time breaking the 4800+ mark? Tier 20 awaits you! Glad to see the defense wins are piling in for you now!
  8. Whoa, 4 5-stars in 50 orbs? That's some awesome luck. Congrats!
  9. Wowza, what a beautiful team. I'm working on my Laslow now that I have done most of my desired 5* promotions. He's at +3 now. --- Finally got my deathless AA streak. Took me long enough... There were many failed attempts. I had a really tough time this week. 700+ seems to be when the teams start getting really annoying (mostly highly-merged horse emblem hell). I had to lower the points of my first match a bit to do a successful run. Defense wins are piling in this week for some reason. I'm definitely somewhere over the 20-win mark already and there's still a few days left. Current Results: Arena: 4920 - Rank 2026 in Tier 20 Defense: 590 Arena Assault: 4894 - Rank 1036
  10. I am having the toughest time getting a deathless Arena Assault run this week! I might have to lower the points to the 690s for AA because my other guys just can't handle these fights like my regular arena team can. I'm ready to pull my hair out. The 700-712 range feels like it's mostly Horse Emblem on steroids. CYL Lyn is more of a pain in the butt than Reinhardt now cause she can't be safely baited my anyone on my team.
  11. I switched around my arena team and added a merge to Rein and Olivia, so I've been getting more points per match. I replaced Hector with Brave Ike, and he's doing well filling Hectors roll! The downside is that the teams in the 700-712 range are tooooough! (Or I'm just sucking tonight, I dunno.) I definitely feel like there's a jump in difficulty from the upper 690s. The teams at this level seem more... built to be a huge pain in the ass? Haha. I wasted like 10 crests and gave out a ton of surrenders... Finally got a deathless run worth 4920 points, which will almost certainly be good to stay in Tier 20. Offense Team: Brave Ike +1, Olivia +2, Reinhardt +3, and Laslow +3.
  12. Barely stayed on Tier 20 this week. I was rank 3545/3650 to stay (10 minutes before it closed) with a score of 4890. The cut off must have been in the upper 4880s.
  13. Holy crap, did Camilla actually win? Must be because of the multiplier? I was so sure Lyn would win! Looks like I'll be joining Team Ike, then! (As much as I love Fates, I do not like Camilla. )
  14. Awesome, thanks! Nice to see more 5* Laslows. I already have the colour quests done, so no need to switch. I just finished leveling up my bow Lyn, so I think I'll set her as my rep soon and keep her on as my rep when I go to team Lyn in the finals. Aww, shoot, I missed the Hector multiplier cause I was at the grocery store. I'll have to pay attention to the next ones. I only have 800 flags left to use, so if there's 1 or 2 more that'll be perfect!
  15. Meanwhile... On Team Hector, I only seem to get another Hector as my friend ally for all of my fights... I must not have any other friends on Hector's Team. It's been painful, especially since he's an armour and can only move 1 space. It especially hurts to have another green as my random ally since a lot of enemy teams have Ikes and stuff. I had to use a light's blessing during one of the multipliers. I've changed my mind and decided to go with Lyn in the finals when Hector loses.
  16. Well, since Lucina lost, it looks like I will be moving on to Team Hector for Round 2. After that, I'm kind of torn. I don't have Ike or Lyn... Hmmmm. Leaning towards Ike.
  17. Bought some orbs last night so I could do some more pulls! Brave Heroes Banner (49 orbs spent this time): 3* Subaki 4* Cordelia 3* Sully 3* Odin 4* Jagen 4* Frederick 4* Female Corrin 5* Brave Lucina (+Atk/-Spd) - Yay! I got who I wanted! Also, I did a full summon after getting her and got another 5*! 5* Mathilda (+Atk/-Res) 4* Lilina 3* Draug 4* Priscilla Annnnd, I'm done with the banner! I got Ike and Lucina in just over 100 orbs (and Lyn as my freebie), so I'm a happy camper! Not bad, not bad at all. I don't even care that Ike is -Atk and Lucina is -Spd.
  18. My Recent Pulls: Gauntlet Boys Banner: 5* Roy (+Res/-Def)! First 5* free pull! I would have preferred Ike, but still, awesome! Gauntlet Girls Banner: 4* Female Corrin. There were no red or green orbs. CYL Banner (59 orbs spent, I think): Free 5* focus hero of my choice: CYL Lyn 3* Frederick 4* Peri 4* Est 4* Bartre 3* Shanna 3* Cecilia 4* Merric 4* Gunter 4* Mathilda 3* Oboro 4* Camilla 3* Arthur 5* CYL Ike (+HP/-Atk). Not that upset about the bad nature. I just wanted him. 4* Cain That's it for now! Aiming for CYL Lucina next!
  19. Finally finished my Arena Assault run. AA makes me happy that I have a healthy supply of green units... It seems rare to encounter a team without Quickened Pulse Moonbow Reinhardt. Current Results: Regular Arena: 4890 - Rank 1541 in Tier 20 Defense: 588 Arena Assault: 4882 - Rank 1082 Main Team: Alfonse, Olivia +1, Reinhardt +2, and Hector +1. Also, to the person who asked about items - I usually use 1 or 2 of them on a successful run. They're fun. And they've saved my ass a few times!
  20. Ahaha, wow, I pulled those exact 2 natures you guys are talking about. (+Def/-Atk and +HP/-Spd.) I spent way too much money just to get those, so I had to stop pulling and choose one of them... I decided to keep the -Atk one as my main one, and I'm glad I did. I think the lack of speed would have hurt her more. Plus her extra tankiness is actually kinda nice. She recently survived a double hit from Cordelia in Arena Assault, haha. I was really sad about her bad nature at first, but I love using her now! She has Blarblade+ and still destroys many things.
  21. It was a tough decision for me. I always go with a character that I have. Have: Hector, Chrom, Roy, Lucina, Tharja, and Camilla. Don't Have: Ike and Lyn. (It's a shame because I would have liked to support Ike or Lyn.) Anyway, I'm going with Lucina! I supported her during the first gauntlet, and she was my very first 5* character. Out of the characters I have, it was between Lucina, Hector, and Chrom.
  22. I've been old enough to drive for over ten years, but I never have. I'd say 75% of my friends don't drive either. We all walk and take public transit. As much as people in my area like to complain about it, it's usually quite reliable. I live ~20km away from my work and transit gets me there no problem. I like that I can rest my eyes, listen to music, or play Heroes on my way to and from work. It just feels like free time. Grocery shopping can be a pain if it's a biiiig shop. The nearest grocery store is a 10 minute walk away, and I have to work my muscles a lot on the way home...
  23. Done with AA now too. I lucked out big time and got a perfect run on my first attempt. Arena: 4894 - Rank 732 in Tier 20. Should be enough to stay. Arena Assault: 4876 - Rank 693. Should be enough to stay in the top 5000. 3 defense wins so far. Highest is 586.
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