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Infinite Dreams

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Everything posted by Infinite Dreams

  1. I think I struggle the most fighting horse emblem teams with a few Firesweep weapons (like that one) because I can't bait them out. They stick together (usually they all have reposition) and close in on me...
  2. Why? Arena Assault is pissing me off right now. Think I need to put down my phone for a bit.
  3. My arena is glitchy! I can't access Arena Assault without getting an error and the tier rank thingy isn't loading. Anyway, I got my regular arena run done with a new personal high... 4964! It took some getting used to (several surrenders) cause I didn't bring along my DC Olivia, so I had no good way to bait the green mages. Inigo was very helpful against Bow Lyn, and I didn't mind that she was in most of the fights this time! Merges: Laslow+4, Brave Ike+3, Reinhardt+5, and Inigo+3. Also, this is the error I'm getting...
  4. Yeah, same. I always just go for the 5k rank reward. Going for 1k is not worth the extra 2000 feathers.
  5. My score of 112,672 is currently rank 3225. Kinda feels like people are slowing down more after the 100k mark this time.
  6. Ranks right before the season ended: Arena: 4950 - Rank 2266/4330 to stay in Tier 20. Arena Assault: 4910 - Rank 2164.
  7. Quiz 10) I don't know anything about D&D, but the quiz was long and fun, so I liked it. Here's my result:
  8. I'm like you, I don't care about being spoiled, and I just can't resist looking spoilers up myself! Okay, I love spoilers. When I used to read books, I would always go look at the last few pages to make sure the story had a happy ending and was worth finishing. People get reaaally serious about spoilers. Pretty much all of my friends hate spoilers. And... some of them know that I'm very loose lipped about spoilers. I've been scolded so many times about spoiling things that I've gotten much better about holding it in (I think). It's really hard, though! Holding in all the juicy plot stuff is so stressful. If we're watching a show together and it looks like a character is dead or something, I just want to say "don't worry they're not dead!" That's just one example, and I've learned (through the scoldings, heh) that even tiny spoilers can piss people off. I don't get it & I don't think I ever will, but I've learned to respect it. Sort of. Also, I was one of the people who was not spoiled about Aeris dying. I kind of wish I was... I was ten years old at the time & didn't have the internet yet. I was shocked and upset about it for weeks... Aeris was my favourite!
  9. Huh. So I switched my defense team to something more fair and fun (characters I like & no dancer/cavalry) and I have gotten 8 defense wins with it so far... I wasn't even expecting any, really. Odd. The team is Laslow, Sharena, Summer Corrin (-Atk!), and Brave Ike. Pretty easy team to beat! Maybe some of my wins are from zoned out people or people who ran out of good characters to use in AA.
  10. Mine for a decade Beautiful inside and out Really likes my boobs
  11. Thank you for sharing. I've been there too: feeling unmotivated, worthless, incompetent, drained, and just tired of life... I take anti-depressants, which help, but they're not a band-aid for everything. I feel like they make me more aware of my depression/anxiety (instead of my thoughts being clouded by it). They help me get the push I need pull myself up from it. I'm in a pretty good place now. I actually tried going off the pills a couple years ago because they were kinda killing my sex drive, but my boyfriend/close friend urged me to go back on them because they were concerned about me. I tried a different one, and now my drive has returned, so I guess the other one just wasn't a good fit. My close friends are aware that I take them, but I'm not comfortable just telling anyone. (This is the internet where no one knows me, so whatever, haha.) I told some acquaintances once and they were like "oh, so that's why you're so happy all the time." I know they didn't mean that in a bad way, but it kind of stung. It takes me a great deal of mental energy to seem "so happy" and it's something that is important to me. I don't give the pills credit for that. Oddly enough, the thing that has helped my mood the most in the past few years has been taking up the hobby of crocheting. I found it a little difficult at first (as with most new things I'm unfamiliar with), but I stuck with it and I'm so glad that I did. (I have the problem of giving up and getting discouraged early if I'm not good at something.) Anyway, I would highly recommend taking up a crafty hobby like this. Once you get the hang of a new craft, it can be so therapeutic, and you feel productive because you have something to show for it at the end! Also, it's easier to motivate yourself to do something like this since you can do it on the couch in the comfort of your own home. You mentioned that working 40 hours a week feels like it doesn't leave you with enough time, and I have to say I agree. I have a full time job, which I am thankful for, but I really wish work weeks were more like ~32 hours. 40 just feels like a lot... And, it bothers me that people are always trying to one-up each other! If someone complains about being tired after working a long day, others will comment that they work like 60 hours a week and that 40 is "nothing". This kind of attitude is toxic in my opinion, and working ourselves to death is not something that we should be proud of. I'll stop there, though, since that's kind of a different topic I'm getting into. Okay, I know this sounds cheesy, but never forget that you matter. Your feelings matter, and your life matters. You seem like a good person who is trying to get his life on the right path. I'm rooting for you and have faith that you'll find your happiness.
  12. I support abortion but not the death penalty. I'm okay with abortion because I view the fetus as a parasite during the stages of pregnancy that women usually have abortions. I myself would not be able to have one, but I would never judge another woman for doing it. (I'm the type of person who would go crazy over the "what ifs".) I don't view it as murder, but as eliminating a potential human. I don't think anyone really likes the idea of abortion, but it is a necessary evil. Sometimes it's a better choice for a woman to not go through with her pregnancy, and making it illegal would just force those women to resort to less safe methods to eliminate their pregnancy. As for the death penalty... I find it a little difficult to put the reasons why I oppose it into words. It just makes me really uncomfortable to think about. Sentencing someone to die just seems really... I don't know, barbaric? Just my feelings... A more logical reason I oppose it is that innocent people can and have been wrongfully convicted and killed.
  13. Oh, great news. I can stop sacrificing Narcian now... Definitely agree with you there. It's getting stale.
  14. Aw, I'm so sorry. I hope you get her soon. Best wishes to you.
  15. And Canadian! Ours is in October, though. But yeah, expecting a Thanksgiving banner is pretty silly. --- I'm not even big on Halloween myself (crazy Christmas lady over here!) so I won't be disappointed if they skip a Halloween banner. I do think they will do one, though. It'll probably come the last week of October. This dancer banner is so awesome and unexpected.
  16. I just pulled another Innes, and I'm not sure which one to keep! My first one was +Atk/-HP, and the new one is +Spd/-HP. Which one should I merge into?
  17. Kinda funny that this banner happened... At midnight last night when the trailer hit, my boyfriend came out of the bedroom and said "Dancer Inigo." Luckily, I did pretty well tonight! Total orbs spent: 266. I started with 191 saved orbs and didn't get Inigo with those. No biggie, I was expecting as much, knowing my luck. I got 2 of him after buying a $54.99 orb pack. I was sniping greens at first to get Inigo, and my priority was green -> colourless -> blue. After getting him, I pulled other colours (except red). I have to admit, I was a little frustrated that I didn't get a single green orb in like 10-15 (?) sessions. That was pretty ridiculous. Anyway, here are my results: 3-4* Pulls: 3* Cherche x2 4* Cherche x2 3* Frederick x3 4* Frederick 4* Bartre 4* Jeorge 4* Saizo x3 3* Gordin 4* Gordin 3* Cecilia x2 4* Cecilia 4* Lissa x2 4* Shanna 3* Niles 4* Niles x2 3* Gunter x2 4* Hawkeye x3 4* Lucius 4* Leon (New!) 4* Sully x2 3* Barst 3* Felicia 3* Beruka x2 4* Beruka x2 3* Arthur 4* Nino 4* Gaius 3* Matthew 4* Matthew 3* Virion x2 4* Mathilda 3* Setsuna (Yay, Bowbreaker for Inigo) 4* Titania 4* Florina 4* Priscilla See, check out all those colourless dudes I pulled. Most of those (except a few I pulled at the end) were from sessions without any green orbs! 5* Pulls: 5* Azura (+Atk/-Res) 5* Titania (+Spd/-Res) 5* Amelia (+HP/-Spd) 5* Innes (+Spd/-HP) 5* Inigo (+Def/-Spd) 5* Shigure (+Def/-Spd) 5* Inigo (+Spd/-Res) 7 5* characters in 266 orbs. Good! Now I'm just missing Olivia. I have all month, so I'm not worried! Hopefully I can get her with free orbs before the banner ends.
  18. I just realized... 4 dancer bonus units. The arena is going to be scary next week. '
  19. Mmhmm, my thoughts exactly. I'm so in love with this banner, but I'm not liking how a lot of the banners are seasonal lately! I would like more characters to get added to the main pool to have another chance to get them later...
  20. Hmmm... I guess I'll be opening everything except red since I want them all. All of these dancers will be super helpful for Arena Assault. I'm a little nervous about two characters sharing green, but I like both Inigo and Azura, so worst case scenario I may give one of them a few merges before getting the other... Thank god the banner is available for a month. Here's hoping I get Inigo in my first set of orbs so I don't feel tempted to spend money... I have 168 orbs right now thanks to some saving up and a gift card I got for my birthday.
  21. Ooooooomgomgomg I want them all. Damn you FEH, I was just starting to learn about this "self control" thing.
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