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Infinite Dreams

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Everything posted by Infinite Dreams

  1. I feel you. A -Atk 5* Clair is one of the many jerks who ruined my pity rate on the Nohrian Summer banner.
  2. I'm at 27k. Bed time now. Thank god for auto-battle. I'm going to try to get to the max reward asap so I can throw more orbs at the Hero Fest banner before it disappears. I need a Julia! Ike would be welcome too, hehe. Celica is almost maxed on her hero merit again. I'll have to switch her with Delthea or Gray soon.
  3. I'm green sniping on the Hero Fest banner now. I'm averaging 1-2 summons a day using free orbs. Today's pulls: 3* Beruka annnndddd... 4* Beruka. Meh...
  4. I enjoy pretty much everything else about the game, but after doing the first Tempest Trials, I got really bored of the grind. I was slacking off on the second one at first because I didn't want to do it, but then I discovered auto-battle. Now I can set it to do that, get all the rewards, and crochet at the same time! I don't really use auto-battle for anything else. The trials are just too repetitive for my liking, but the rewards and hero merit are sweeeet.
  5. You're totally right. It's funny, I think I've told that exact advice to someone else before, but when the bad luck happened to me this time, I just acted mopey & didn't think straight. It helped to hear this. Thanks! (My luck wasn't even thaaat bad either. I saw someone on reddit yesterday with a 9+% focus pity rate! Now that's unlucky.) Edit: I just noticed that the person who posted above me got to a 10+% focus pity rate... Oh my goodness. My condolences.
  6. My plan is to play the two bonus rounds on Lunatic-7 myself, then I'll auto-battle the rest. I noticed that the Hard-5 set is only level 30 now instead of 35 like before. My first team can usually get through to the end (auto-battle) on Hard-5 no problem now without switching to another team. I think the AI has been updated... I dunno, something has changed. I've been watching a few of my auto-battle runs, and the AI is being smarter than before. It still rushes more than I would, but it stays out of the enemy range sometimes. Also, it doesn't spam reciprocal aid anymore. I saw it use it only a few times. Current Tempest Team: Celica, Azura, Laslow, and Reinhardt. I'll switch them when they max their hero merit.
  7. I now have all of the 3-4* characters except Leon and Rebecca.
  8. Damn, and I thought my luck was bad. I spent 106 orbs on Hero Fest and was disappointed about getting only a -Speed Soren. I really want Ike and Julia. Hugs for you. The pull thread is so depressing right now, seeing all the people get what they want in <100 orbs... (And, ummmm, I'm really drunk right now, actually, haha. I haven't gone to bed yet. It's 5am for me. But, I'm on vacation, so I don't have to get up for work... )
  9. Well... 106 orbs down on Hero Fest, and all I have to show for it is a +HP/-Spd 5* Soren. I hate Soren. Like, a lot. Boooo. (No, Ike isn't here!) Ike and Julia continue to avoid me. I've tried really hard to get them in the past too... I'm not optimistic that I'll get them at this point, but I guess there's still a week. I promised my boyfriend that I wouldn't spend any money on orbs this month, so I'll have to throw more free orbs at the banner later in the week. (I went a little overboard trying to get Summer Corrin.) Feeling pretty bummed... I've had such bad luck lately.
  10. Upped my AA score to 4850. I am very satisfied with this. Here's hoping I can stay in the top 5k. I think that'll be my goal each week. Arena Assault is awesome. It's tough but unlimited and fun, so I like it. Took me a lot of getting used to at first! It definitely feels harder to get a deathless streak. I tried out 2 of the items! Lightning Charm and Fear Charm. They were neat. I love getting to use all my other dudes.
  11. Quite good, I think... For example: I've dropped and caught my coffee (in the paper cup with a lid) mid-air a few times. Without spilling anything. People were very impressed, heh. My morning coffee is very precious to me. I am a creature of the night and would not survive mornings without it.
  12. Yay, I actually got a deathless streak on advanced Arena Assault! I put a weaker team in the first fight to make my scores lower. I had a much easier time. My score was 4788! As for the regular Arena, I'm back in Tier 19. I'm gonna take it easy and use the daily swords since it will be easy to get back to 20.
  13. Arena Assault is kicking my ass and I kind of love it. I like that I can just keep at it without spending anything! I need to work on getting used to using my other teams. My current 7-streak score is 4645 from doing beginner battles. I feel so naked without a dancer in 4/7 fights! Hopefully I can get a decent score on advanced by the time the week ends. I'm a bit slow at getting used to new things, so who knows. Very impressed that some people on here managed to get a deathless 7-streak on advanced so soon! You guys are amazing.
  14. Took me a few tries, but I beat Infernal. My team was Nino, Reinhardt, Olivia, and Azura. Yeah, 2 dancers... Broke the top right wall and sent Nino (Hone Speed-ed) north to ORKO the lance peg. Danced her with Azura and Nino drew her back. My dudes were in a square formation out of range of everything now. The enemies come closer. Nino ORKOs Cecilia, and Azura dances her. Nino draws her back again. Olivia dances Nino out of the range of the red mage. Reinhardt ORKOs the lance cav. Now only Rein and Azura are in range of Lilina, and Azura is in the range of the red mage, if I recall correctly. On the enemy phase, Lilina attacks Rein and leaves him with several HP. I can't remember how much the red mage hurt Azura, but it must not have been much, After this, it was pretty much Reinhardt cleaning everything up with the help of the dancers. He's too good... Skill Inheritance: -Reinhardt had DB/Lancebreaker/Hone Speed. -Nino had Fury/Desperation.
  15. I just checked my Gunter from the free summon and he's neutral too.
  16. My first free summon was a 4* Gunter. Not bad. Someone will get Hone Cavalry.
  17. Yay, finished Squad Assault 2 on my first try. To be fair, I have a large amount of level 40 5-stars to choose from. I thought the map with Matthew was the most annoying one.
  18. If anyone's curious, 4872 just got bumped out of Tier 20 (I'm now rank 2854 and the cut off was 2851). I'm guessing something around 4880+ would be enough to stay since the season ends tomorrow afternoon.
  19. Oooh, your +10 characters would be a lot of fun to use. If you have any space left on your list, may I add you? (If so, what is your ID?)
  20. I've been on team Corrin the entire time and my army rank for this round is currently 3008 with a score of 231,000. I have 810 flags left to spend. Cumulative score is currently 889,730 and rank 21,691.
  21. Daaaaaaamn it, I was SO close to finishing a higher streak (had a few 700+ wins in it) and I lost a person on the last fight. I was fishing for battles over 696 too, so I pretty much just wasted 5-10 (?) crests... Feeling pretty bummed right now, but I think I'm going to call it quits. Just not meant to be this time. Offense score still at 4872. Almost certainly going to be demoted back to Tier 19. (I'm rank 2509/9376 and 2812 get to stay.) Team: Reinhardt +2, Hector +1, Olivia +1, and Summer Corrin +1. 15+ defense wins? I lost count after 10.
  22. Wow, so much Corrin hatin'. I actually really like Corrin and don't think he/she is a terrible character. Robin was kinda meh to me, haha. As for Camillia, I didn't like her at all. Seems that my opinion is a rare one on these forums. I don't enjoy debating, so I'll leave it at that. --- Sorry to see that Leo lost to Gaius! We'll wipe the floor with him in the final round.
  23. Luckily, I don't feel too tempted by the LaD banner. I have 54 orbs saved up for Hero Fest so far, which isn't much... I normally would spend some money on that kind of banner, but I promised my SO that I would not spend any money on Heroes in August. Let's just say I went a littleeeee crazy trying to get Summer Corrin. Her outfit is just too cute! When I finally did get her (after hundreds of orbs), I got 2 (the second was only a couple pulls after the first). They were -Atk and -Spd! Also, I would like to add that I was "sniping blues" and happened to have my pity rate ruined several times by off-banner blues and 2 summer Xanders, 2 summer Leos, and 1 summer Elise. I swear, almost every time I had to pick a non-blue orb, it was a 5*! That's some weird luck. The game really doesn't want me to have a good Corrin! I'll just put whatever I have into Hero Fest for its duration. I just got a Ninian while trying to get Summer Corrin, and I have a Genny, so I'll be aiming for Ike and Julia. After that, I'll try again to get a non -Atk Summer Corrin. Damn, it's gonna be tempting not to spend anything, but I gotta keep my promise. I swear, I have no self control sometimes! Haha... I'm hoping that the next new banner will be Sacred Stones because I won't be very tempted to blow a lot of orbs on that one. I already have my favourite SS character (Eirika) and the others weren't very memorable to me. (There are a few I like, but the characters/supports just weren't my thing, I suppose.) I will probably do a few pulls anyway, though, knowing me.
  24. Xander is doing well for me. I've had him a couple of times so far. Still haven't had Astellius's Cherche, but I'm sure I'll get her eventually. The colourless ally quest is always the one I finish last since they seem to be pretty rare. I actually forgot about it last round and missed out on 100 flags! So far I'm 3/5 for this round. I'll just do 1 or 2 battles without Corrin if I still don't have the quest completed near the end. I could switch my rep to a 5* colourless unit if requested. Their skills aren't 100% finished yet, though.
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