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Infinite Dreams

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Everything posted by Infinite Dreams

  1. My offense score of 4872 is currently rank 1668 in Tier 20. Time will tell if that'll be enough to stay this time. I won't fish for higher unless I get really close to the cut off on the weekend. Team: Reinhardt +2, Olivia +1, Hector +1, Summer Corrin +1.
  2. If anyone on team Corrin would like to add me, my ID is 5247267905. Lead is Laslow (Brave Sword+, of course).
  3. I only spent 500 flags this round and ranked in the top 5k in the army! 400 was spent during Corrin's only (?) multiplier, and an extra 100 was spent to secure my spot. Not bad! I'm a dummy who missed a quest, though! (Win 5 battles with a colourless ally on the team.) I kept telling myself that I would do the battles with my own colourless unit later, but I totally forgot about it until the last 30 minutes of round 1. Damn. I know that's just 100 flags, but the perfectionist in me is very upset about that.
  4. I don't ever want to see 6* units. I think it would be neat if the sacred coins were used for upgrading Sharena/Alfonse/Anna!
  5. Camus is a great choice. I was unsure at first, but he is sooo worth it. Distant Counter, decent attack, defense, and alright speed. I really like using him!
  6. Soooo... I caved and bought more orbs. I really spent too much money this time, but that's okay, I guess. I'll survive. Man, I had some bad luck tonight. I had my pity rate ruined 3 times by non-blue orbs that I didn't even want to open! I was pretty frustrated about that. I'm feeling quite happy now because I finally got Corrin! Two, actually. Seems they are -Atk/+Def and -Spd/+HP. Both natures seem pretty bad, but I just gave her Blarblade+, so I'm going to use the -Atk one since I can probably give her some buffs to make up for the lower Atk. I might try for a better nature later since the banner lasts for a month (and I think her outfit is super cute).
  7. Aww man, I've had some bad luck tonight. I only really want Corrin, so I was going for the blues. I even got up to 5%, only to have my pity percentage broken by Xander when there were no blue orbs. I tried some more, and had it broken AGAIN by Leo when there were no blue orbs. Sucks... I spent a decent amount of money tonight, too. Oh well, I have a whole month, I guess!
  8. I really hope this is going to be the banner! I would be happy to get ANY of those characters! I tried to get Ike, Julia, and Ninian in the past with no luck, so this banner would be awesome for me. I do already have a Genny, but I want more to give Wrathful Staff to my other healers.
  9. I'm gonna just go for the blues this time. I really like Corrin and she looks sooooo adorable with her swim skirt and the flowers. Plus it will be cool to finally have a flying mage! Crossing my fingers I can get her tonight! I have 66 orbs saved up. I can just buy more if needed.
  10. No contest for me. Corrin! I actually like her character (I'm one of the rare few) and I love her design. Maybe I'll actually be on the winning team this time! Haha.
  11. YES! Omg, Gunther! My SO introduced me to Gunther almost a decade ago. Soooooo funny. And admittedly, kinda catchy... I'm excited for the update video tonight! Haha. I get home from work around 8, so it'll be perfect timing!
  12. So, I ran into this guy in the arena. Such dedication! Also, I got a new personal best! Aww man, if I had this score last week I would have actually stayed in 20!
  13. Yesssss, totally. I feel like such a nerd getting all excited about it, but whatever! Life is good when you can get excited about the little things, right?
  14. Wow, 5 defense wins already and it hasn't even been 24 hours. I feel like a bit of a jerk. But, I go against a lot of jerks so it's okay I guess?
  15. I was demoted to Tier 19 as expected. Anyway, I just got my deathless streak done. 4870 this time. I had one streak ruined by a horsey team on the breakable walls map. Yuck. I skipped over cavalry leads after that...
  16. Omg, you don't have contracts there? (Canada just banned the 3 year contracts a few years ago, so they are all 2 years now.) How does that work, then? Do you need to pay the full price up front? I got the Galaxy S8 for $290 up front because of the 2 year contract, otherwise it would be like $1000 or whatever new smartphones cost nowadays... I also got a really good plan this time because I just found out that I could get a discounted plan through my work. I'm saving like $30 a month for more data than before! The curved screen makes it feel like it pops out a bit. It's neat. I feel like it could have more of a risk of breaking than flat screened phones, though.
  17. Does school start in August in the states? If so, that's interesting. August is still in the peak of summer, so that seems strange to me. I think of September as the back to school month since school here starts the day after Labour Day. Hehe. --- I predict that the next banner will be Sacred Stones. People have been begging for it for ages. I would definitely pull on a SS banner, even though it is one of my least favourite Fire Emblems. The other games need their time to shine, after all. I think my favourite SS character was Tana, so it would be nice if she were on the banner.
  18. I don't think you sound like you are whining. That is some truly bad luck. 7 Fredericks when all you want is another Gaius! Wow. I want to give you a big hug! I wish you luck in your journey to find another Summer Gaius.
  19. Sure! I should note, I usually don't get this many. My average is something like 10-15. Under 10 on a slow week. My bonus hero is Gray this week, so maybe he is giving the cavalry teams some trouble? Olivia (5*+1): Ruby Sword+, Distant Counter, Green Tomebreaker 3, Hone Attack 3, Dance, Moonbow. Reinhardt (5*+2): Dire Thunder, Death Blow 3, Daggerbreaker 3, Spur Attack 3, Reposition, Moonbow. Hector (5*+1): Armads, Distant Counter, Vantage 3, Spur Attack 3, Pivot, Ignis. Bonus character of the week - Gray (5*+1): Zanbato+, Wind Boost 3, Swordbreaker 2, Spur Def 3, Swap, Bonfire. Yeah, I have dropped to rank 2216/2281 now. I'll be out in a few hours, I think. Damn, with just 1 day to go, I almost made the cut off! On the previous page, Kuroi Tsubasa Tenshi said he was at 4886. He might just make it!
  20. Haha, I have a couple extra 4* ones, but if I promoted them, I would prefer to just merge them to my main +2 one to make him better. But wow, the idea of a triple Reinhardt defense team is quite terrifying! (I ran into a quad-Hector team a few weeks ago, but luckily I had Ruby Sword Olivia and Alfonse with me.)
  21. Maaaan, Tier 20 is rough this week. My 4874 score is now at 2028/2265. I am almost certain I won't stay now. I tried to fish for higher scores (above 696), but I kept making dumb mistakes and ruining my deathless streaks. I even lost a really good one on the 7th fight. That's the worst! I just wasted 10+ dueling crests. I still have 30 of them, but I'm done. Sooooo done with this. Tier 19 it is... The perfectionist in me is very displeased with my decision to give up, but I'm starting to feel really salty, and I think it's affecting my ability to play properly... On the bright side, I probably made some people happy with those defense wins I just handed out like candy due to my incompetence tonight. Hopefully I gave one to someone who needed it. *Sigh.* I think I may have almost 20 defense wins myself this week. Wow. Maybe my bad luck tonight is payback.
  22. (Edit: I tried to put each image in its own spoiler tag box since they are so large, but they all went in the same box! I can't figure out how to fix it... boo.) Hmmm, based on what I read on r/FireEmblemHeroes, it seemed like a lot of people spent all their orbs trying to get Ike, and then spent money on the Hero Fest banner cause they were out of orbs. --- I have a lot of level 40 5* dudes with full skills, so I'll just post a few that I use a lot.
  23. Whoa, my score of 4874 is dropping down quite fast too. Much faster than last week, I think, when I stayed in Tier 20 with a score of only 4860. I'm not sure if I'll make it or not, but if it starts looking like I won't, I might fish a bit if I feel up to it. Currently at rank 1694 in Tier 20. 2213 to stay.
  24. I like Android. I actually just got my new Samsung Galaxy S8 yesterday! It's pretty cool. The screen is funky cause it's curved on the sides. I like that. This is my 3rd Galaxy phone. I previously had the S4 and the S6. I get a new phone every two years when my contract expires.
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