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Infinite Dreams

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Everything posted by Infinite Dreams

  1. I've been saving up my orbs since the summer banner came out (got 2 focus characters in only 80 orbs on that banner). I had an itch, so I decided to pull on the Tempest Trials banner until I got Mae, Boey, or Faye since I don't have them. I avoided reds cause I have 2 Alms already. I also purchased some orbs too. I think I used 180ish orbs in total or something. Anyway, I got three 5* peeps. -Hector (+HP/-Res) My third Hector! None were pulled during Hero Fest, I might add. Maybe he is rewarding me for hauling his slow ass around my arena team, hehe. I'm gonna hang on to him for a bit. I fed my last Hector to my Ruby Sword+ Olivia cause I like using her to bait green mages. -Elise (+Atk/-Res) Normally I hate getting 5* healers, but I wanted her. I love her Heroes art. -Boey (+Atk/-Res) Annnnd, I'm done! Wow, all 3 of my 5 stars today were -Res. Boey is gonna have 14 Res at level 40. Hahahaha, oh my.
  2. Boosted my score a little bit on my latest deathless run. 4856 is currently rank 206/13,832 in Tier 19. At this point, 4841 people will be advancing to Tier 20 next week. Team: Reinhardt +2, Olivia +1, Hector, and Alfonse.
  3. I think this was the toughest GHB for me so far. Hmm, or maybe tied with Ursula's? I recall that one being quite difficult. It took me more tries than I care to admit. I played around with the team several times and beat Infernal with Olivia, Nino, Bride Cordelia, and Reinhardt.
  4. I have a Brave Sword+/Deathblow 3 Laslow, so that gets my vote. I think he's fun to use. I put Swordbreaker 3 on mine too.
  5. Just wanted to share this funny team I ran into last night. Alfonse and Olivia were very happy to meet these guys.
  6. Dropped back to 19 as expected. Got my deathless streak. Score of 4848 without fishing. I'm guessing that will be enough to get back to 20. Alfonse is doing well! Team: Olivia +1, Reinhardt +2, Hector, Alfonse
  7. Ahah, yes, good point! Hinata really seems to like me, though. I've never had a lack of Hinatas for Fury inheritance, and when I needed to clear up room, I had so many Hinatas that I thought it'd be funny to make a 3* Hinata + 10. I still have a few left over right now waiting for anyone who wants Fury. I think he is my most pulled unit. I pulled a lot of him when I was trying to get Ike on the Path of Radiance banner. (Sadly, I never got Ike.)
  8. -A way to add +1 to the main trio. -More characters in the 3* pool. -Display natures in the game so we don't have to look them up.
  9. I think I liked the 3x multiplier better too. Mainly because with the current one, I was unsure about spending flags on the multiplier early on (I ended up doing it, and it was a good choice). It's nice to just be able to go all out and not second guess it... Less uncertainty, haha. I personally don't want to go back to the system without a multiplier, though. I think it makes things more interesting. I don't see Priscilla winning this. She put up a good fight, though! I'm glad I sided with her because it was probably easier to get a good rank. My current army rank is 1381 and my overall rank is 4216. I have a score of 1,052,920 right now and 225 flags left to spend. Mmm, feathers.
  10. Team Elise got the multiplier! I'm happy for them, they probably haven't had many chances to boost their score. Maybe they'll give it back to us again after, hehe.
  11. Yay, good thing I haven't gone to bed yet. I wonder if we'll get another one?
  12. I really like power metal. My favourite band is probably Stratovarius right now. I enjoy some of the classics too, like Iron Maiden and Judas Priest.
  13. Pretty sure my first pull was a 4* Lissa. She helped me out a lot in the early days of the game!
  14. Congrats, that's awesome. What a relief that your last fight was an armour team. I always get soooo nervous on that 7th fight when I have a really good streak going. My score of 4850 *just* fell out of the top 30% of Tier 20. I'm surprised I lasted this long, haha. Back to 19 I go.
  15. I did 4 full (20 orb) summons and got 2 of the banner characters. Tiki and Frederick! Seems that Tiki is +Res/-Spd and Frederick is +Spd/-Atk, so neither of them are a good nature, but that's okay cause 2 5-stars in 80 orbs is pretty good! I wanted 2 of the banner characters for my collection. Not sure if I will try pulling on this banner again. We shall see.
  16. Itching to do some pulls, but none of the banners appeal to me right now. I have 34 orbs saved up and will probably buy some more as well once a new banner hits. Do you guys think the new one is likely coming on Friday?
  17. I boosted my score up to 4850, but I'm still only rank 1029/4349 in Tier 20. 1304 is the cut off for staying right now, but I think I will drop down past that later in the week. Oh well, this is my best score ever, so I'm happy anyway! Team: Hector, Anna, Reinhardt (+2), Olivia (+1)
  18. Yay, Priscilla wins. I think the multipliers kinda make things a bit more interesting. Though, if I'm being perfectly honest, I don't really care who wins. I just want those sweet, sweet feathers.
  19. Beat Infernal with a team of Olivia, Priscilla, Hector, and Reinhardt. Hector did most of the heavy lifting, Reinhardt deleted both of the reds, Olivia danced, and Priscilla kept Hector healed up. Took me a few tries, but I did not need to use a stamina potion to beat all 3 maps, so it wasn't too bad for me I guess.
  20. It's weird, but ever since I put Hector on my team, I've been getting a lot of defense wins. I used to get hardly any, but now I consider a week with less than 8-10 wins a slow week. He's pretty much a free kill when I'm playing in the arena, but I guess some teams struggle against him. Mine has Vantage and Ignis.
  21. Whoa, mind = blown. I swear they taught us in school not to use an extra s for names like Chris. This is the first time I've ever heard this! I'm 27.
  22. Got my streak in! 4842, my highest yet! Already got a defense win too. Team: Hector, Olivia (+1), Reinhardt (+2), Anna I keep running into full horse teams all of a sudden. Guess my luck in avoiding those teams is finally running out. I ran into a few full flier teams as well, but I don't have trouble with those.
  23. Neat, I wouldn't mind pulling any of these! It's nice to see Frederick included. I'm hoping to pull at least 2 of the 4 characters if possible.
  24. Tough choice for me because I like a lot of the healer girls (Lissa and Mist are my favourites), but I have a 5* +2 Priscilla, so I think she will be my choice for this event. It's just meant to be, hehe! I really liked using Priscilla on my team in FE7, and I mostly liked her as a character too, except maybe the whole brother obsession thing. My ID is 5247267905, if anyone on team Priscilla wants to add me.
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