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Everything posted by Blademaster!

  1. It's the second line of the first post right where it says "Newest demo found here."

    Newest Demo found here: http://www.sendspace.com/file/ve4fbs

  2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Reimer I don't know if that was the particular case that Anouleth had in mind or if there is more than one occurrence of such an event.
  3. First Awakening, now ToX? Sweet.
  4. Well, they can be fatal it seems: http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/Health/story?id=2143091&page=1 And then there is this one: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_jumper_ant "Although 3% may seem small, jack jumper ants cause more deaths in Tasmania than spiders, snakes, wasps, and sharks combined."
  5. What's there to discuss? Everyone's just going to go "Oh god, this is terrible blah blah blah" unless someone chooses to play devils advocate and go "serves them right for not keeping their purity blah blah blah" at which point everyone will just ridicule said person for being something along the lines of a horrible monster or just not take them seriously. Actually, I'd be pretty interested in seeing someone trying to defend why "honor killings" aren't a problem, or at least not a problem under certain situations.
  6. Considering I just learned a new word today, I'd say no. Unless you live in a country with Fire ants (army ants? The ones that kill people when enough of them gather) or something like that.
  7. It's a comedy by Xebec. Of course it has fanservice. In fact, the basis of the entire story is fanserivce by definition.
  8. Watching something in it's original language with subtitles is generally preferred to dubbing I would imagine? The real reason is likely more to do with the fact that most anime fans are just so used to watching anime in japanese by now and learning about all the japanese voice actors. Maybe general interest in Japan and weeaboo stuff too.
  9. Wow, that's pretty... annoying. I guess more people care about whether America is a country than whether the Berserk movie comes to their country
  10. Having only read that second post, what said poster pointed out is indeed correct since North America is not a country. Regardless... Going to go with what Anouleth, Reojew, Esau of Isaac, and Balcerzak said and also add the USSR as another example of how we take the name of a (former) country and shorten it to something like the soviet union for simplicities sake. Also: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/America http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Americas "In the English language, the Americas refers to the landmasses of North America and South America with their associated islands and regions, whereas America, in current usage, usually refers to the United States of America." Additionally, the USA seems to be the only country in the world that uses the word "America" in its countries name anyway. I think if I meet someone in real life who said that you can't refer to the USA as America I would just laugh at them and tell them to look up what the word means in a dictionary or something like that. I mean really, of all the things that you're getting pissed off about you're going to pick something like this?
  11. Yeah, I think that sounds about right. I thought I might have been confusing it with some kind of art related thing like how... FE9(?) was almost in a museum once or something like that? Ah well...
  12. I believe that there is some kind of in general E3 like thing for hacking, though perhaps I am thinking of something else...
  13. Yeah, there's no way this isn't true. http://www.ign.com/articles/2012/06/07/e3-2012-fire-emblem-3ds-is-headed-west http://thegamershub.net/2012/06/fire-emblem-awakening-coming-to-north-america/ Looking at that ign article, I never knew FE13 was such a hit. Really, Nintendo would have to be retarded not to release this.
  14. Spoke a few minutes too soon it seems. But it's really neat you guys are doing this again.
  15. Twitter account is of an executive editor for IGN, so chances are this is legit.
  16. Blademaster!


    Compared to everything else at this years E3, I'd say no. Compared to other E3's, I'd say yes. EDIT so no double post: @Astra's post: If that is true, bless you IGN.
  17. Blademaster!


    Wow, that was really pointless. They showed nothing new, and talked about PKMN B&W2, and although I am excited for those games, it's not for the 3DS. There was really no point to that conference.
  18. Blademaster!


    It's called Generic FPS #109101:Angry Birds addition
  19. Blademaster!


    Nintendo is having their live blog conference right now. It started late, and they're only talking about Nintendo land atm. Haha, oh wow CNN http://edition.cnn.com/2012/06/05/tech/gaming-gadgets/wii-u-demo-e3/ "Hard to say at this point, but the Wii U is a solid accessory that will bring a fresh element to Nintendo gaming."
  20. Blademaster!


    "Below is a partial list of upcoming games" Only reason I haven't given up hope yet, but most of my hope is currently bleeding and crying on the floor. If FE13 isn't announced for the US soon, guess I'll just by a european 3DS and import all my games from there, which would really suck...
  21. Blademaster!


    Nintendo started strong, and ended up blowing it as the conference went on. Maybe next year will be better, but if FE13 isn't announced tomorrow, shits gonna suck.
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