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Everything posted by Blademaster!

  1. Blademaster!


    From the time I am making this post, it starts in 20 minutes. Apparently my account's clock on SF is off by an hour... @Agro: That's not illegal to do? A friend of mine who is trying to become a rapper does that alot too, and I was kinda worried for him since I thought that might be considered plagiarism (though he also apparently plagiarized an album cover he made, but when another friend of mine told him that, he didn't get it...)
  2. Blademaster!


    I guess Florida isn't a very good live singer, as that was the second time I have heard him live and he wasn't very good...
  3. Blademaster!


    Oh, no it doesn't seem like it. http://www.digitalspy.com/gaming/news/a385384/e3-2012-just-dance-4-announced-by-ubisoft-and-flo-rida.html "The game features songs such as 'Good Feeling' by Flo Rida" That's what he sang I believe (I don't know anything about music).
  4. Blademaster!


    Define handle (he kinda butchered a song that I like that I hope wasn't one of his own...), but even with his performance being good or bad Ubisoft has still had the best showcase so far it seems.
  5. Blademaster!


    Well, they are already using third party characters(Big Daddy) it seems. PC mastahrace XD Well, you have that name for a reason lol I'm starting to feel guilty from pirating so many games, since all the games I've pirated lately have just been so fantastic, and now I feel bad for not supporting the industry... But it's so much fun to laugh at everything like non specific action hero and how mad everyone gets when there are no games... But yeah, Nintendo is usually the only company to actually show things of interest. They better have games for tomorrow.
  6. An anime is a cartoon made in Japan. If it satisfies those two conditions, then it is anime. Both avatar series are cartoons made in the U.S., thus they are not anime since they are not made in Japan. I would suggest you watch one or more of the following: any gundam anime (I would go for G Gundam or Gundam Seed, but avoid Seed Destiny. I've heard Gundam Wing is very good, but I didn't like it and stopped watching it), Mawaru Penguindrum (same director as Utena IIRC), Yokohama Kaidashi Kikō (people who like Aria generally really enjoy this two episode OVA series, though I only read the manga for it), and Spice and Wolf.
  7. Blademaster!


    Damn, I was just about to post the SSB tag thing and someone beat me to it. That's just too funny.
  8. Blademaster!


    I really hope that there is more too Playstation All Stars, because right now it just looks like a bad Smash Bros. Kinda wish I sat through all of Ubisoft's conference now since I stopped watching it as soon as Florida came out (god his singing is awful). Nintendo better own tomorrow and on Wednesday. My Body is as read as it will get.
  9. In the Nintendo pre-conference that was shown yesterday, the President of Nintendo Satoru Iwata stated that the Nintendo press conference tomorrow will mostly focus on the Wii U, and now we know why: http://www.nintendoworldreport.com/news/30434 "Nintendo 3DS will be the focus of an upcoming E3 presentation on Wednesday, June 6. The presentation will be hosted by Scott Moffitt, the Nintendo of America Executive Vice President of Sales and Marketing, and will focus exclusively on 3DS software. The presentation itself is taking place at 6-7 p.m. PT/9-10 p.m. ET at the Los Angeles Convention Center, and is going to be live-streamed by Nintendo. Although 3DS wasn't totally discounted from Nintendo's E3 presentation tomorrow, this new development suggests that Wii U will likely be taking the entirety of the spotlight." Awakening could still be announced tomorrow, but if it isn't, then it would be because it would be potentially announced during this conference instead. If it isn't announced there then... yeah.
  10. To bad it's still correct in some cases, but hey, places like England consider Chinese people to be different from Asians. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racism_in_South_Korea (Article about the Hussain case mentioned http://www.nytimes.com/2009/11/02/world/asia/02race.html?pagewanted=all) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racism_in_Asia#Korea We had a thread about how racist South Korea is awhile back having to do with someone saying all Japanese people should die, and most of my experiences with South Korean's follows the same pattern. But given all the border disputes, complete lack of racial diversity, and history of the country, it isn't that surprising. Other people I've meet and studies I've seen usually put/rate it as a one of the most racist countries in the world, but of course you'll get all kinds of opinions on the matter, with the actually answer varying from person to person, place to place, and study to study, and if someone were to ask me that question, South Korea would be my answer. Also, there are 183 countries recognized by the UN.
  11. This way of phrasing diverse still bugs me when used in context with Asians... To an extent, I would disagree. A country made up of mostly the same group of people is by definition not diverse. I'll just give a small summaries then since we are going off topic (If you think I missed any, let me know). Also, did most of these really half-assed tried not to do any middle eastern countries: India: Can't say much since India's government (census) doesn't even keep track of how diverse the people in their country really are, and I don't know much about it other than it has a lot of it's own cultures. Indonesia: Among it's own people, it is very diverse, but they have lots of anti-Chinese sentiments among the people. Japan: This one should be obvious. Xenophobic as fuck, 98% ethnic Japanese, tons of racial issues regardless. Government places really low priority on non-Japanese. I imagine this will change someday due to their declining population. Laos: Again, diverse among its own people, little to no outside diversity. Government was accused of committing genocide among it's own people. Malaysia: Very diverse. Burma: Average diversity. Mongolia: Not diverse. Philippines: Again, diverse amongst its own people. Sri Lanka: Again, diverse amongst its own people. Thailand: Diverse. East Timor: Not diverse. Vietnam: Below Average diversity. Cambodia: Below Average diversity. China: Diverse among its own people, otherwise not diverse. North Korea: Not diverse at all, but that should be a given. South Korea: Probably one of the least diverse countries in the world, and from what I've seen and heard, it's probably the most racist county in the world. Essentially, the main reason I don't view most Asian countries as diverse is because the majority of the diversity the countries have are self contained (i.e. lack of immigrants and thus lack of outside influence). I would say the same of most other countries in the world too, it's just that the main difference is that countries like Japan, the Koreas, and China are all notorious for their xenophobia and obviously they have the most influence in the region. Honestly, the only countries in the world I would call diverse are America, Canada, Australia, England, France, and maybe a couple other European countries, though I don't know much about South America and don't really care much about them either (except for Brazil). Africa on the other hand is the "most diverse continent" in the world from what I hear, but if it has the same problem as most Asian countries (which I believe it does), I wouldn't call that diverse either really. I mean, at the end of the day, regardless of what state you come from (New York, New Jersey), you're still "American", you know what I mean? Also, as someone who grew up with close ties to the United Nations, I imagine my concept of diversity is much different than the average person.
  12. Xenophobic countries lack diversity because they refuse to allow other cultures to really mesh into their populations. Also, I suggest you take a look at population sizes of Asian countries, as the vast majority of them lack diversity. Asian is a term that has no set definition (it actually has multiple) and is just most commonly used as a generalized concept meant to refer to a group (or groups) of people descended from a specific area of the continent of Asia, which Pakistan generally doesn't fall under btw. No shit groups of people from an entire continent are diverse. What bothered me about your post is that when you actually look at all those groups one by one, as in the groups of Asians that make up the term Asian, they all completely lack diversity, and I'm sure there are people out there who could argue that Asians still lack cultural diversity based on how you tried to define the term, given how broad the terms involved can be.
  13. Uh... No. Asian's are extraordinarily xenophobic, especially in Japan, China, and South Korea. They're one of the last "groups of people" I would call "diverse."
  14. How old was she? I think if she was 18 or older, he might actually be legally allowed to kick her out of his house. That happened to my neighbor when he was a senior in High School.
  15. You don't want to. No, it's a harem anime based on an LN I believe.
  16. People don't die when they are killed: The Anime. It's an interesting school life story about some kids stuck in limbo and are trying to fight the system of said limbo. To be honest, I think the anime gets more praise than it deserves, but it's still pretty good.
  17. I did say "words" Have can mean anything, as I think you are trying to imply. A person can view a series like Shingeki No Kyojin to have horror and be a fantasy series, or be horror and have fantasy (I got into this argument with my roommate a lot...). All I know is that when I ran the numbers of shounen series based on genre on manga updates, I got (spoiled for size) If you do a query excluding action but keeping comedy, and then do action excluding comedy, there is still more comedy than action from that result too. Of course you could still argue that something like Naruto is a battle manga that has comedy, One Piece has a good balance of both, and Medaka Box is a comedy with battles, but the fact still remains that comedy is more prevalent, and thus more typical. When you really think about it though, it isn't as surprising as it may sound.
  18. He said "typical shounen" series, the majority of which are comedies
  19. Common sense is an objective quality by nature when defined as actions a being takes to preserve its life, along with the lives of its future generations.
  20. DO NOT POST FE13 SPOILERS PLEASE! REMEMBER THAT THIS IS THE GENERAL FE BOARD! http://www.nintendo.co.jp/ir/en/library/events/120427/03.html I apologize if this is old news and not something worth worrying over, but I am taking... extreme measures to make sure I don't spoil FE13 for myself, and as such, I am avoiding that board like the plague, so I don't know if this has been posted on that board. This is also why I posted this in the general board so that people do not post spoilers. Also, looks like those main stream anime designs did the trick amirite? Thoughts?
  21. Blademaster!


    Obama already said he will veto it. It won't pass through Congress. Just stop worrying about it until after it has passed Congress.
  22. I made that mug back on FEU for the VERY first hack I did, which was an FE8 re-skin... link: www.youtube.com/watch?annotation_id=annotation_187660&src_vid=8xGFwM4GJ4s&feature=iv&v=xe821OoYPUY If that is too intense, then forget about using it, and enjoy using your own creativity to the fullest.
  23. Sounds like you have the character based on me already planned out, so you're welcome to do whatever you want. If I were to make a request, I would ask that "All Evils of the world" plays whenever I talk if possible (I don't know if FEXP has music limitations or whatever), that I be a member of the church of brom, and that I NTR Seph. Also, that mug technically isn't a splice I think. Oh, and what class am I?
  24. So what "bugs" does this actually fix? And is this problem really only being "solved" because we add in more free space and write new data to that point in the ROM? Because that would feel like a really anticlimactic way to solve a problem that has existed for so long...
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