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Everything posted by Raven

  1. I cannot think of a worse way for the United Kingdoms of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to start their 2018. KFC joints up and down the lands have had to close down due to a shortage of chicken for them to fry and sell. There's complete uproar over it; everything from villages to cities are locked down. And it won't be letting up for at least a week. We've even had people saying that they've "had to go to Burger King" instead. How has the Great British KFC chicken shortage affected you so far? What are your plans for the coming week to prepare for ongoing shortages?
  2. Can you imagine it: Required weapon training to become a fucking teacher? If someone wanted to take up arms as part of a living, they'd join the goddamn police force or whatever? They are there to teach, not bare the responsibility and expectation to kill people should the situation arise. Sure there will be a fraction of teachers who will be like "i'll kill anyone who tries it in my school" - but that will definitely not be the case for the majority of teachers. Seriously, people who think this is a genuine solution are fucking insane. Literally, mentally fucked in the head. You have my sympathy, USA.
  3. Well, just have to wait and see for the results, now. As for myself:
  4. That's understandable, however, there are more birth control methods than "the pill." I'm talking physical methods - male/female condoms, insertions such as femcaps and diaphragms - to name but a few that don't release hormones.
  5. People keep disregarding Axura like she's some trash unit compared to the other three. If I didn't already have her, she'd be my second choice behind Tharja. Her +3 to all stats after a dance is so damn good - particularly in infantry teams who don't get insane buffs like armour, cavalry and flier teams do. Of course, she's a perfect partner for Bladetomes, too. Honestly just waiting for that "A Hero Rises" banner, where these 4 units will be on focus. If it doesn't happen at some point, IS is missing out on a really big opportunity to line their pockets even more.
  6. If the cost of a gift is outside your comfort zone for whatever reason, someone who loves you will understand and not push for such things. You shouldn't feel obligated to buy expensive shit just because she says she wants or likes something. Unless of course she's also buying expensive shit for you, then you can both work something else out between you - and stop showing how much you love them through the gesture of giving such expensive gifts - like responsible adults should.
  7. Personally hoping it's the last VG, and it's replaced with something actually interesting and more engaging.
  8. I'll confidently say that there are many more non-whales without a Tharja than there are non-whales with a Tharja. True if people already have a Tharja, then using spare copies for inheriting her skills to others may well be worth it to them. I'm a part of the majority who do not own her, but would really like a copy for more armour team options. Whichever of these do win, this is what I'd do with them, in order of preference: WTharja: Replace Black Knight in my core armour team. Also provides more team options for future armour team quests. Hector: Extra Distant Counter for someone. Probably Ayra or Sigurd. Sigurd would replace Xander in my core cavalry team if he obtains DC. VIke: Use as the new base and merge my -Atk VIke into him. May also merge my second untrained -Atk VIke into it for +2 merge. Axura: Merge her into my current Axura, for 5*+2.
  9. Try to sign out of everything, then sign back in, if you haven't tried already.
  10. Read the first post here: https://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?/topic/70702-official-serenes-forest-discord-new-members-read-op/ And make sure you've followed the instructions, step by step. There shouldn't be any problems.
  11. On that note, I'm genuinely surprised VIke didn't get some sort of Ragnell variant of his own, like "Imbued Ragnell" or something similar.
  12. There are several types of birth control out there. There's no reason to not have sex, unless you don't want to for whatever reason. Just do what you want to do, as long as you don't hurt anyone with careless actions.
  13. Not sure why so many want to fodder off a free Tharja, should she be the one to win. Her inclusion in an armour team alone is worth more than having one of her skills foddered off to another armour. Unless they're a whale.
  14. I admire your bank account dedication. First post is updated.
  15. I'm listening through Vices and Virtues right now, and I must say I'm enjoying it for the most part. I even recognised one track despite not knowing of the album - The Ballad of Mona Lisa - because it was a pretty big hit in Britain at the time.
  16. I really liked (the first half of) A Fever You Can't Sweat Out, but I can't say I really liked the style of their second album. I haven't really bothered to listen to them since, but that was years ago, wasn't it. Maybe they have since released music I will enjoy.
  17. The obvious have already been mentioned, but here's my list: Askr trio - Weak as shit on varying levels, and hardly anybody uses them seriously, even outside of arena - unless they're masochistic and like doing GHB/BHB, etc. with the three and Fjorm (where Fjorm does 90% of the work), for theme's sake. Eirika - Was the queen of buffs, but has since been overtaken in this role by so many buff kings and queens, such as Ephraim, Axura, and even Marth after his Falchion upgrade. She isn't even a good duelist in the first place. Roy - Why does this young man not have built-in Distant Counter on his Binding Blade yet? Such a weapon upgrade would easily lift him out of his current tier. His mixed bulk is perfect for Distant Counter shenanigans. Odin - Probably the most pathetic unit in the game. Not even Bladetome helps redeem him. I wasn't going to even mention him because he's so god damn shit. Rebecca - Raven got Basilikos. It makes sense for Rebecca to get Rienfleche. Not Wil. Wil gets Brave Bow+. Give this weapon LaD3 like Basilikos has, and Rebecca will be A+/S-tier overnight. Priscilla - Fortify staff. Heal all a lot of HP to all nearby allies (adjacent/within 2 spaces?). Florina - The only FE7 lance user so far, so, Rex Hasta? Would prefer Oswin to have it, though. Should he even turn up. Nino - She doesn't need buffs per se because she's a fantastic Bladetome user. But you can potentially drive her away from a life of constant hurt and Desperation by giving her an alternate choice with Excalibur. It may even make her weaker overall since Bladetome is so damn strong on her, but thematically it would be fucking great - and even better for arena scores.
  18. If it's one thing I've noticed, it's that this forum and its memberbase are not nearly as pro-gun as when gun control came up in a topic many years ago. I'd like to think that this is also a reflection of how the general US populace is reacting. It's just sad that it's taken years and hundreds of deaths to get to this point where more people are thinking, "we should probably try to do something about this."
  19. That's probably the case, but the salt produced from Christmas Tharja haters will be ten times tastier than the salt of VIke haters. I for one don't mind which of the two win - it would be nice to have a neutral VIke instead of my -Atk variant. But it would be even niicer to own a red armoured mage, just to mix up my armoured team's damage a bit.
  20. My team of Vanguard Ike, Brave Lucina, Bride Cordelia, and green Azura barely managed to win out vs Infernal. Ike and Lucina on the right, Ike tanks and kills the green flier on turn 1. Turn 2, Lucina swaps with ike, ready with Close Def to tank and kill that damn Corrin. Ike's also got Spur Def 3 to help her live. Corrin will survive the first round, but will get danced and suicide on her. Looking back, putting Vantage on Lucina here would've been perfect. Anyway, now I'm here: I send in Lucina to attack Azura, and use Wings of Mercy on Axura to get below Lucina, dancing her and killing Azura, then killing the flier with Bridelia, then moving Ike next to Lucina and Repositioning her out to the right, lest she be killed by the blue mage. On enemy phase, the bow attacks but can't kill Axura. The mage goes for Bridelia, and she barely survives no thanks to LaD3. Now we're here. From here, it's easy-peasy cleanup time. Took a few attempts with different comps, but I finally found this one that worked for me. Definitely not as bad as the Tana/Amelia one we had a while back.
  21. I changed my mind - I want Winter Tharja, for several reasons. 1. She's a damn fine unit, and just as rare as - if not rarer than - Vanguard Ike. 2. There's gonna be some salty-ass motherfuckers crying about getting a slutty little THOT for free, polluting their innocent little Japanese gacha game. I hope she does win. It will be glorious.
  22. I agree. It's nice to know that US law enforcement has such blind faith in its well-armed population.
  23. Yes, they were tipped off about the guy months ago, apparently. But hey, he probably didn't have any mental illnesses (that anybody knew of) so he definitely wouldn't have shot up a school with this rifle he'd so easily obtained. Definitely not.
  24. About this: You should realise it's simply a TV show. If every upcoming mass shooting were to have such obvious trails left behind, you can bet they would be tracked and apprehended in real life. There are more than likely thousands of incidents every year where people are apprehended and stopped from carrying out such crimes before they happen, but they never make it into the news because, well, who cares if nobody dies? You can bet that the vast majority of successful mass killings were well calculated and thought out, leaving little to no trail for anyone to suspect a thing. And this is because such heavy firearms are so easy to get a hold of. It's moronic.
  25. I edited my post to include the link - it didn't show up at first for some reason, but it's fixed now. You mentioned the internet, saying N.Koreans aren't allowed internet.
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