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Everything posted by Raven

  1. I can show you, but first we need to make pastry. Also I never deleted you from Heroes so it's all good. young lady, you need to get your mind out of the gutter
  2. i, for one, think so. with each passing gauntlet, i've seen the notion of "supporting the least popular unit for more feathers" go out the window - especially after the multiplier threshold was lowered from 10% to 1%.
  3. personally i don't care about the size of the breasts. as long as she's got nice proportions, that's great. even if the breasts are too big/too small, i'm all about the rear end. i appreciate a hearty rear-end on a woman.
  4. i won't be partaking in this discussion
  5. Kagero will probably get a bonus in 1 hour and 30 minutes from now, after Lucina's bonus in 30 minutes.
  6. I do like them. When I saw that the latest one was that dark purple infernal colour, i knew it was going to be rough. I luckily beat it first time only because my Nino somehow survived an engagement from Katarina. I just wish it was one new map for each element per week, instead of just one map for one element per week. That would genuinely satisfy me.
  7. I can't be the only one who is not satisfied with the Blessed Gardens and Rival Domains masquerading around as "new content" for this long, can I? Blessed Gardens doesn't quite cut it for me. And Rival Domains is nothing more than an autobattle snoozefest. I want something interesting, engaging and rewarding. Not just rewarding.
  8. Chapter 4 completed for the SHSL Stragglers:
  9. It was a helluvun album. I also love Love Island. I actually first heard Fatboy Slim's music when Love Island and Soul Surfing were a part of the Rollcage (a PS1 futuristic racing game) soundtrack. I just didn't know at the time.
  10. > Plans to ironman chapters > Has Phantom Ship Yep, this'll go well.
  11. I too still have all my flags. I tend to wait til the last day for bigger multipliers, however that can backfire in situations where there seems to be a stalemate after the initial seesawing of bonus hours.
  12. Most the day I've had @VincentASM's NY Azura as an ally.
  13. bad jokes die old jokes just become forgotten
  14. The only thing there is that each one lasts pretty much a whole month, which means that special banners are what we see more than any other banner type. It's pretty riddick, if you ask me.
  15. Or a Strawpoll so all FEH communities can vote.
  16. This is only 50 because of the speed boost from Earth blessing she is earning from female Grima. But yeah, her base speed with Fury 3, Spd +3 seal, and +spd boon, is 45 at zero merges.
  17. And I run the problem of having the most generic username out there, and "VanguardRaven" is 13 characters.
  18. I actually had no idea you'd like a PM or something, even though I've also requested the same thing in my own post in the FC thread. I added you from the first post of the friends list. Maybe @Elieson could add a "notes" column where people can add a requested custom note - e.g., "PM or @ if added"
  19. Oh yeah - @Glaceon Mage, @Vaximillian, @Wen Yang, @Rezzy - I have friend invites sent out to you guys sitting idly for well over a week. Will you be accepting?
  20. Aren't we friends? I guess it's because you didn't post in the friends list or something. I usually run competent bonus units each week, so feel free to add me. Just reply and tell me your IGN because I don't accept random friend requests outside of places I give out my FC, such as here on SF and select Discord servers I am a part of. Same goes for anyone else who would like to add me - just quote me, mention me, PM me, whatever. 78 32 46 00 48 Edit: Oh - you're Zenelle, then. So I already have you added.
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